— cafe


kim jongin ( sh ) 10 years ago
@ryu hye ju Jongin cringed at how painful it was to watch Hye Ju, trying so hard to hide the fact that she must have been embarrassed from his reaction. Great, now he felt even worse than before. As he was fixing to say something back to her, she had already gotten up and boarded onto the bus. He watched as Hye Ju took a step on the bus, telling him she'd see him around. But would she really? Nodding to Hye Ju as he watched her take a seat through an empty window, Jongin slightly frowned. There she goes again. This time, he'd let her go.

Jongin dragged his feet walking back to the cafe, trudging as he entered the small building. Flashing his customers a forced smile as the door bell rang, Jongin put his charm back into place, but for the rest of the day his mind was somewhere else. He still thought of the Hye Ju, worried that he might have done something bad, hurt her feelings even. Out of everywhere on this Earth, they had to meet here; at this time. It was terrible.

Now, his shift over, Jongin changed out of his work clothes back into his pair of fitted jeans and a black v-neck. Throwing his backpack over his shoulder, Jongin waved goodbye to his co-workers. It was getting late now, and the sun was just beginning to set. The moon slowly began to peak over the gray clouds. "Hm? Guess it's gonna rain." Jongin said to himself. Rushing to the bus stop, Jongin awaited for the vehicle's arrival. He had been living alone since he left home, just the way he liked it. Alone.
ryu hye ju 10 years ago
@kim jongin Hyeju let out a small gasp as the other pulled away, making her realize what she's been touching, where she was touching and when she was touching. She wasn't his anymore and he wasn't hers, her heart felt so heavy the second she couldn't feel his touch anymore. Why? Why was it like this? Why did it have to turn into this? Why couldn't she be with him forever? Right, she didn't deserve him... she didn't deserve the single bit of him... even this small touch, it wasn't a prize she should have had.

The way he mocked her, she could see she had hit him, she could see he hated her for it... so badly. Oh dear god, why... She wanted him back so badly. She then nodded and laughed, "Right... I-It's really funny.. ha" She tried to say brightly, nodding continually while gulping her watering saliva, as if she could puke of nervousness at any second. She couldn't take this pain... she couldn't live like this. How was she going to survive? The girl couldn't even imagine herself ever getting over him. How was she going to have a family? How could she ever fall for someone else and be happy with her kids? No... she had always dreamed of Jongin as the father of her kids. Tears formed into her eyes just at the impossible thought.

She then noticed a bus coming from far. She quickly stood up and breathed silently yet quickly, trying to control her emotions as best as she could. It was hard and painful, oh so painful. Did he even know how hard it had been for her as well? To leave the one you love so dearly because you have to sail apart from him by the obligation of your parents? Leaving him so harshly made it even worst... It took her so long to stop crying at night, so long. Now, how was she not going to cry tonight and every night that are coming her way? If she even survive. Well, alcohol wasn't such a bad idea anyways. She then gave him a bow by the head with the /fakest/ smile, "I-I'll see you around" She said quietly before stepping in and taking her seat, never leaving her eyes off of him as she looked at him out the window, gripping onto her chest and finally crying freely.
kim jongin ( sh ) 10 years ago
@ryu hye ju At the touch of the two hands, Jongin felt as if everything for a moment didn't matter. A slight pulsation ripped through him, a familiar aura around him. This was the way it had been when the two had been dating. Jongin had forgotten so easily how their relationship made him feel; that he was surprised once he noticed that he was still able to feel this, even with her. But even with that same flame between them, Jongin no longer wanted to pursue this. He did, however, come to terms with his emotions; he still did care for Hye Ju and his feelings; stronger than ever.

Quickly pulling his hand away, he left her's still gripping onto the ten. He tried his best to muffle a chuckle coming out, but failed miserably as he laughed at Hye Ju's question. "A dream? Yeah sure, that's real funny." Jongin replied, mustering his laugh with his hand. Once he was finished, Jongin recollected himself, facing her once again. "Don't get the wrong idea. I just came to drop this off." he reassured her. Jongin didn't want this girl to ever feel as if there was a possibility of them reuniting; because there wasn't. At least, that was according to Jongin.

There had been plenty of other girls, various girls, who all wanted Jongin as well. But he had turned them down; facing the reality that Hye Ju had ruined him for other women. He imagined there were plenty of guys for Hye Jun to pick from; but he no longer cared. He just wanted to rid these feelings as soon as possible. But how?
ryu hye ju 10 years ago
@kim jongin Hyeju gasped as she saw him stand right in front of her once more. Why was it happening so much today? She blinked and scooted in the seat to the left. She then saw the ten dollar bill, was it hers? She then quickly rubbed her eyes and put on her sunglasses. "Ah.. allergies" she said with a fake laugh. She hoped he didn't remember that she wasn't allergic to anything, oh she hoped so much. She then tried to smile, the opposite of what she really wanted to do... cry.

She stood up and scratched the back of her head, not knowing what to do, run once again? Or... or just walk away? No. Not again. She sat down once more, looking more stupid than ever. "S-So..." She mumbled quietly, rubbing her hands nervously on her thighs. She could feel as if her heart was about to explode, it was horrible. Oh... those lips, she really wanted to kiss those lips at the moment. Those arms... she wanted them around her, wrapped tightly without ever letting go. She missed him so much... Looking into his eyes as long as she wanted, cooking for him at times... Walking hand in hand, Sharing earplugs while humming the song together. Why did it have to all stop? Why did it have to turn into this? A cold wall in between them... Oh, her parents, right.

She then gently reached for the ten dorllar bill, her fingers brushing his, making her feel the spark she always would feel when she used to touch him casually. She didn't move, just looked up into his eyes, holding the bill while their fingers were touching. "Is this a dream?" She mumbled very quietly to herself as she felt as if she was floating. She was out of reality, only because of this simple touch. She wasn't aware of anything else, only his presence, and the small warmth the touch was sending her. She couldn't move away from it, she only wanted more. She missed him so much... so much
kim jongin ( sh ) 10 years ago
@ryu hye ju Jongin picked his pace up once he realized Hye Ju could have easily been miles away from the cafe by now. If he returned to his job with the ten dollar bill, how would he play it off with his boss? He was annoyed now. All exes brought was trouble. Clothed in his work uniform, Jongin wasn't surprised with the mixed looks he was receiving from the pedestrians, in fact in made him stand out. Sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck as he moved forward, hiding his face, Jongin caught sight of the person he was looking for. The bus stop. He hadn't noticed how far he had gotten.

Approaching with great caution, Jongin stood beside Hye Ju, forcing himself to face her directly. Pulling the money out of his pocket, Jongin held it in front of her. He was pondering on whether he should say something, or let the situation speak for itself. He was waiting now, for some sort of reaction to occur. Anything. Jongin wouldn't be surprised even if she was rude to him; he was the cause of this whole situation.

However, his eyes caught sight of hers. They were red, swollen. Was she crying? 'Oh great.' he commented to himself. Maintaining a straight face, Jongin couldn't help but feel even more guilt than before. Hye Ju was crying. And in some way, deep inside him, Jongin wanted to cry too. But he had done his fair share before.
ryu hye ju 10 years ago
@kim jongin Hyeju wiped her tears after 10 minutes, trying to get over the fact that he was oh so over her. If only she could go back to where she could see him smile as she looked at her. She felt so much pain over such simple act. She then stood up from the bricked wall she was sitting against and sighed heavily. She took out her mirror and only found her eyes red and swollen. She whined a bit to herself, giving a small kick against the wall. "Why do I have to be so weak for him?" She asked to herself as she pressed her forehead against the wall. She cried a bit more before pulling out her sunglasses and putting them on.

She then walked out of the alley and decided she might as well go home instead of spending the rest of her day with that pain in her heart. While she was walking, she stopped when her phone rang. "Hello?" She answered quietly as she gulped. "Yes mom, I was walking around town..." She said in a soft voice. "No, I'm fine. I'll come back home when I want" She said before hanging up on her. She had always been cold towards her mom and dad, ever since they had sent her to America. Her life had changed in such a depressing way, she wasn't happy anymore, she didn't have Jongin anymore...

She then walked over to the closest bus stop and sat on the bench. "What should I do now? Get drunk to piss my parents?" She asked to herself, even though she wasn't someone who would usually party... maybe now was the right time. Why not? She was depressed, heartbroken all over again and in need of space from everyone she knew. She needed to free herself.. to relax herself... She sighed heavily and closed her eyes, waiting for the bus to come already, so she could start relieving herself just like she had planned to... but that was such a stupid decision to do... alcohol was just not fitting her.. at all.
kim jongin ( sh ) 10 years ago
@ryu hye ju She was gone now. Jongin was unaware of what she was doing behind him, he was just focused on making this drink, handing it to her, and never seeing her again. But once he had turned, a wash of guilt overtook him. The bell of the cafe door rang as she left, a ten dollar bill sitting on the counter. The drink was only $2.35. Jongin frowned, holding the white hot chocolate with whip cream. The scent wafted to his nose, reminding him of her. Sighing deeply, Jongin set the drink on the back counter near the kitchen's sink.

"What was that about?" his co-worker asking, who had witnessed the scene Jongin hadn't. Looking over at Jongin, the co-worker questioned, "Do you know her?". Looking down at the bill she had left, than back at his friend, Jongin shook his head almost automatically. "Never seen her before." he answered.

"Well you better go find her. That drink cost $2.35, she paid with a $10.00 and didn't even wait for it. Return the money." the manager of the cafe had said. Jongin was well aware of the manager's sleazy eavesdropping, always sticking his nose in place it shouldn't be. "It's her fault. What sort of logic is she going on?" Jongin rudely replied, to the surprise of his regular customers; who had only ever seen the polite side of him. Jongin's manager, a man in mid-40's, walked over and tightly gripped Jongin's shoulder, causing him to bend over in pain. "Listen kid, this cafe is more than a money maker. It's a gift to the community, now go. Or you're fired." the manager threatened. 'There she goes, ruining everything again.' Jongin exclaimed silently.

Hesitantly, Jongin grabbed the ten dollar bill from the counter, shoved it in his pocket, and headed out the front door. He had no idea where to go, all he knew was the direction she had walked in. Shaking his head, Jongin moved, doing the one thing he had promised to never do two years ago; follow her.
ryu hye ju 10 years ago
@kim jongin Hyeju's heart felt like it had exploded as he had completely ignored her question, as if he had no idea of who she was of he hadn't heard her a single bit. It was really as if he had forgotten about her, as if he had no single clue of who she was. Did he get into a car accident? Get amnesia? She shook her head at those ridiculous thoughts and lightly hit her head. Of course, of course he had ignored her question because of what she had done to him. Oh if she could just apologize, explain herself and at least be friends with him... She didn't even know how she was still standing there at the other side of the counter.

Seeing his back, even his back... it looked like him, it was him and she knew it perfectly well. He was upset with her, he didn't want to know anything about her nor even talk for something other than him being an employee and her being the client who orders a beverage. She then played with her fingers like she usually would when she would be nervous. At this point, she was crying behind his back, hurrying up as much as she could to find her wallet. She sobbed quietly, other customers looking at her weirdly. She then left a 10 dollar bill, not knowing the price of the drink.

Once the bill deposed, she quickly walked out of the cafe and ran once outside, ran to the closest alley. Finally, she could cry all she wanted. She could cry as strongly as she could. Tears falling down her cheek as if there was some kind of waterfall in her eyes. She gripped onto her chest, tears even falling out from her nostrils while she wiped them off with her sleeve. "W-Why" She mumbled to herself, her whole body shaking. "Why did I even have to run away?" She asked to herself. He must hate her even more... he must have so much hate for her.
kim jongin ( sh ) 10 years ago
@ryu hye ju She was still there, and so was he. Jongin felt as if his feet were glued to the floor, placed there by fate and guarded by the universe; not allowing him to leave so easily. This girl. This was the same girl who had broke his heart; and yet she stood there so innocently. She had changed. Her hair was longer, lighter. That was about it. Maybe a few inches taller; but Jongin couldn't admit to himself that he had actually memorized very detail of her before their break up. Every hour spent, every laugh, tear, and moments together was all wasted. Jongin no longer cared. And yet here he stood, completely vulnerable to this girl. He felt his palms shaking, trying his best to hide it. Looking down at the her, Jongin felt no remorse. How could he ever forgive someone who pained him this deeply?

"H-How have you been?". The words slipped from her lips in the voice he had once come to love, but now despised the most. 'Is she really asking me this?' he thought. 'How have you been? Two years. Two goddamn years and this is all I get?' he angrily said in his mind. But his face showed none of these signs. Reducing down to an expressionless state, Jongin knew better than to react in such a manor during work. He wasn't about to let this girl ruin his job. Instead he continued with his professionalism, making as little eye contact as possible. Jongin ignored her question.

"Your drink will be out in a few minutes ma'am." he politely, but with no tone of enjoyment nor anger, said. Turning so his back faced her, Jongin walked straight to the machine and began stirring and mixing; just like his emotions. He didn't know what to do at this point. Right now, Jongin was just hoping Hye Ju had a good look at his back; the same view he had gotten the day she left him.
ryu hye ju 10 years ago
@kim jongin Hyeju then decided it was too late to change her order, and she was pretty happy with the choice she had took. She then smiled and looked down to the employee that would be serving her, but her smile completely disappeared, same goes for her heartbeat. "J-J-Jongin" she mumbled in shock as she blinked. She then quickly shook her head and rubbed her eyes a bit, wanting to make sure this was absolutely a dream. Once she finished doing so, he was still clearly there, with the same expression she had. 'Oh, he must hate me' she thought as she gulped. She tried hard not to water her eyes, her heart... it was hurting so much. She was ashamed of showing her face to him, ashamed that she had left such precious thing in a way that no one could really explain. She then tried to smile, laughing lightly but so "fakely". "H-How have you been?" She asked brightly although it was so hard.. she just want to cry her tears away... to hold him, to be in his arms.

Should I just run at this point? Should I just give a tip and leave? No... those ideas are absolutely ridiculous. Should I just get my beverage and do like nothing? But that would hurt me so much... All these thoughts were running through her mind, her heart, could he hear it beat this fast? She hoped not. Were they going to start a conversation now? Something that will last only 5 minutes or less? After that conversation, will they leave each other apart once more? She didn't want that... but that's what she deserved the most... she didn't deserve him. He must have forgotten about her, He must hate her... or does he really not care at all?

She looked down to her feet, sniffling as secretly as she could while taking her long hair to hide herself as she tried to rub her eyes not to cry. It was all oh so awkward, weird, painful and scary... What if he would speak rudely to her? What if he's changed? She could only think of the negative at the moment, because that's all she's got ever since she had left his side. She looked up after a few seconds, placing her hair behind her ear before holding herself against the counter not to fall, but could he see her shaking?

She bit her lip and tried to smile once more at him, gulping and nodding for absolutely no particular reasons.
kim jongin ( sh ) 10 years ago
@ryu hye ju Spatters of coffee stained the white apron as the pot clattered to the floor. Looking at his feet, the remaining coffee had somehow managed to dampen his shoes as well. Jongin stared at his ruined Converse for a moment, than followed the hand that had dropped the coffee up to the face of the cafe's newest employee, a high school student still in training. Jongin had been working here for a little over two years now, allowing him to grow patience for the trainees, even when they soiled his freshly bought new shoes with a completely hard to wash out stain. Jongin sighed, closing his eyes before he had a mental break down.

"Jongin, I-I'm so sorry!" the trainee frantically apologized. Tolerating the accident just for now, Jongin nodded, opened his eyes; and forced a calming smile. "Everything happens for a reason." he replied. Turning to head to the men's restroom, Jongin tuned out the endless apologies spurting from the trainee's mouth. Once inside, Jongin locked the door. Walking over to the mirror, he took a good look at himself, his reflection a clear reminder of who he was.

It had been 2 years. Nothing had change. His hair was still black, just longer. His eyes were still big, wide, and warm. His skin, tanner than your average. Even his fringe still lay nested right on his forehead, clear of his eyes. Jongin's feelings hadn't changed either. For that girl that broke his heart so many years ago. Snapping himself out before his thoughts could go any deeper, Jongin quickly whipped off the, now, brown apron and slung on a new one. Removing his Conserve, Jongin tossed them in his bag and put on a pair of white Vans, lent to him by a fellow co-worker. Grabbing a white linen towel to hang over his shoulder, Jongin headed back to the front of the counter to serve the next customer, but he froze.

Widening his eyes, Jongin felt his heart choked up in his throat. His blood began to rush, as his pulse went faster and faster. There she stood, ordering something, here. In this cafe. And there he stood, behind the counter. Jongin was speechless. 'Hye...Ju?', he thought. It had been 2 years.
ryu hye ju 10 years ago
It's been 2 years since she's been in Korea. What's changed with her? Her hair went from short black to long and light brown, She got taller, her face seems more petite and she seems slimmer than before. The only thing that hasn't changed is her heart... 'oh Kim Jongin, he never leaves my heart, no matter how hard I try.' His lips... His eyes... the warmth that he sent through his touch... Why did life have to do this to her? Why did her parents have to do this to her? Whether or not she still had feelings for him.... Whether or not she was temporarily back from studying abroad, did /he/ still have feelings for her? The thought of him living the happy life with another one... It made her heart ache so strongly. Her parents has been in talks on if she would be living her life here or back in America, she wished it would be here if it was for Jongin still having feelings for her... Oh but she wished it was in America if he had found a new love... She wouldn't blame him, she wouldn't judge him... She left him so harshly, at least it was for his own good. Sunny day, light wind, she had decided to go take a walk around town, see if it was still the same.

That cafe... it wasn't there before, was it? She remembers usually wanting to try different beverage when she was younger but never having the allowance from her parents to do so. Now, she could... she was a more grown up person, still young but now she had her own money. She walked in, stepped in line and looked around with her usual soft smile. This place was nice, warm and quite clean. She then glued her eyes to the menu board. "What to try?" She mubmled to herself as she poked . There were so many choices, she couldn't decide... she couldn't even realize who was working here. She then moved in like as it was her turn, nervously choosing something. "I-I'll get a-a... W-White hot chocolate!" She decided as she kept on looking at the board. "W-With whipped cream!" She chimed, nodding to herself, still looking at the board to see if she had done the right choice.

[okay sorry I'm just really bad with grammar ; n ;]


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AmongTheTrees 10 years ago
Jiho has gone. I'm not as active as I wanted to be, and that probably won't change.
_xoxo_ 10 years ago
yoon so hee leaving
-aloistrancy 10 years ago
yura has left
attractive 10 years ago
Sehun left
gonna busy now
otl sorry
Losingmymind 10 years ago
kang sora left.
Q____Q 10 years ago
Kris left sorry
xingtuo 10 years ago
jimin's leaving.
temptation 10 years ago
kai is leaving due to inactivity.
insomniac_ 10 years ago
seohyun left
calhoun 10 years ago
myungsoo is leaving.
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