— library


do kyungsoo 10 years ago
@byun baekhyun Kyungsoo had marked with his best friend Baekhyun go to the library and was already walking, almost there. Kyungsoo knew that his friend would be calling him this time and being impatient. He was like a member of his family and he had Baekhyun like a brother, was definitely Baekhyun everything in your life. And he could not imagine how life would be without the boy impatiently and fluffy. Kyungsoo was almost in the library and still could not forget the problems of your house that had happened lately. The boy's parents didn't like the fact that he is homo_____ and just treated him with great contempt. Kyungsoo so had to lean on Baekhyun and him that was always there to help in whatever comes, with good or bads things. He sighed softly and repeated to himself. "Kyungsoo not be weak, Kyungsoo not be weak."

Arriving at the library, entered and looked around searching for his best friend but failed sees it. The library was really great and Baekhyun never told him where was just telling him to come and spend time with the boy with pale skin. He walked a little inside the library always paying attention to all the people around to see if he could catch sight Baekhyun. Snorted highly making the people around looked at him, and he thought to himself. "Where is that boy?! AISH!"

Kyungsoo thought some more and then decided he would go in the back of the library, where had fewer people and where Baekhyun liked to draw being alone and quiet there. He walked over and faced a lazy Baekhyun that had not even begun to draw. He smirked and bent down slowly, blowing the back of the neck of his friend. "Baekkie ~" He said whispering but could not hold on and then laughed highly, sitting in front of the boy.

( it's okay ; u ;
the same with me e.e' )
byun baekhyun 10 years ago
@do kyungsoo Baekhyun was sitting all by himself in the library, a pencil in his hand. He was staring at a blank page in front of him, wondering what he could be drawing since he was bored, and the only he loved about being bored, was that he had time to draw whatever came to his mind. Unfortunately, right now, he had no ideas at all and he just kept staring at the lifeless sheet of paper on the table in front of him. He sighed quietly to himself before placing his elbow on the table and putting his cheek in his palm, leaning against it. He knew that his best friend, Kyungsoo, was probably going to arrive in a few minutes from now, which made him smile to himself. This boy had always been one of Baekhyun's favourite, since they were both young. He was always there to listen to the boy's problems, and he was also pretty kind hearted. Which is only two of the reasons why the pale haired boy liked him. He could definitely not see his life without Kyungsoo, now that he had him.

''Yaahh~'' he whispered to himself as he let the pencil fall on the table. He hid his face in his hands, sighing loudly this time. He hated when this happened, when he had no ideas on what to draw. He hated seeing a blank page, staying blank. 'Come on Kyungsoo, get here already..' he said to himself before letting his head fall against the table and closing his eyes.

[omg, sorry that's so boring.
i can't fhdjkf /slapped/ i
with starters, but i'll do better
once we get started <3]
choi jinri 10 years ago
@kim jongin Jinri scanned through piles of different books, accumulating different ideas and some motivation for the manga that she was writing with her closest friend and 'co-worker'. "I don't like mystery novels..." She quietly mumbled to her self as she set the book aside and stood up to return it to it's place and to possibly find another.

Jinri had been at the library for a few hours, going through books and reading just what ever she felt like. She wandered into a different room and put back the book from where it came from. She let her curiosity get the best of her as she began to stray from the isles she was most familiar with and came to a shelf that faced the rest of the open room. He flipping of pages caught her attention and she turned around, only to be met with the sight of an old friend of hers. To be honest, she was quite startled, having not seen him for about a month or two. The shock made her grasp for the first thing she could, a book. The jerky movement sent a few books tumbling off of the shelf.

Mentally cursing herself she turned around as fast as she could to hide the blush forming on her cheeks as she scrambled to get the books.
kim jongin ( sh ) 10 years ago
Jongin pushed his reading glasses from the tip of his nose back to it's proper position; clearing the lines of blurs into words. He was perched with his back against the wall; head first in a book about inner city kids; rather inspirational. He was indulged in the book, and a big fan when it came to reading. Noticing the time, Jongin felt it was getting a bit late. Then again, it was never too late to find out what happened in the next chapter of these things.

Maneuvering over to an empty table, Jongin sat comfortably in the wooden chair. Opening to the new chapter, he read the first line and slowly began to blush. '_____? In the book?' Jongin thought to himself. 'What?'. Coughing slightly to hide his embarrassment, Jongin set the book down, still wandering on the subject of _____. Tapping his lip, he looked down at the book, noticing it was a a love novel.

When was the last time he had feelings for anyone? Jongin then remembered his crush, and that was that.

( but whatevs. )


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AmongTheTrees 10 years ago
Jiho has gone. I'm not as active as I wanted to be, and that probably won't change.
_xoxo_ 10 years ago
yoon so hee leaving
-aloistrancy 10 years ago
yura has left
attractive 10 years ago
Sehun left
gonna busy now
otl sorry
Losingmymind 10 years ago
kang sora left.
Q____Q 10 years ago
Kris left sorry
xingtuo 10 years ago
jimin's leaving.
temptation 10 years ago
kai is leaving due to inactivity.
insomniac_ 10 years ago
seohyun left
calhoun 10 years ago
myungsoo is leaving.
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