
love's little locket






let me in




basic information



huang renjun



date of birth

march 20



relationship status


spouse/current partner

No one yet

writing style

Script, Para, Multipara, Novella

pov preference

3rd if script, 1st or 3rd if para/multipara/novella


I am currently have a busy and highly Changeable Schedule so bare with me on replies and . Like, I'll probably take forever to, like, actually send you your pending reply/starter, Also I'm more adaptive so i hope its okay if you start first. Thank you and have a nice day!


in character


Coming from a family of actors in China, Renjun started young in the industry. Raised to be prim and proper to support his career,  Renjun wanted to explore more on life and he felt his surroundings in China is far too suffocating. Journeying to Korea alone and starting over his career, Renjun wanted to feel the youth he felt he had missed during his years in China.

history / about

personality junk Lowkey flirt, bright, happu.

Likes Older guys, kinks.

Dislikes s, .

Hobbies Loves drinking indoors, 

Secrets very and likes to experiment ually

Fears scandals and the public learning about his kinks

The Quirks Fun Facts About Them.
— Quirk here.
— Quirk here.
— Quirk here.
— Quirk here.
— Quirk here.
— Quirk here.

personality / quirks

out of character


ONE. I'm on when possible and not always on when it says I am.

TWO. Detailed writer who loves to both plot and improvise, but prefers the latter. Plotting along the way is also a choice.

THREE. I normally ignore my wall, especially if I'm talking in rooms. If you send me a message, eight times out of ten, I'm responding late.

FOUR. I reply late to everything and hardly check my alerts. Don't rp/talk with me if you can't deal with that.

FIVE. I tend to make a lot of typos and leave out words. Probably because I type too fast, and probably because I don't notice. Bear with me.

SIX. You don't need to remind me I owe you a reply. I definitely know and will update you on why I haven't responded yet.

SEVEN. I am not my character. In the chat, I do get lazy and will talk ooc about things, but when it comes to actual roleplaying, me and my character are two different people. Don't get us mixed up.

out of character

Esse quam videri.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Information here.

Vestis virum reddit.

genre, rating, status, etc.

Information here.







date: here.

status: here.

Terms of our Contract

Vestibulum dictum leo massa, eget dictum mauris porta id. Quisque lectus lacus, porta sit amet lobortis et, venenatis et lectus. Integer eleifend augue at tortor mollis porttitor. Curabitur malesuada auctor dolor, quis consectetur arcu cursus et. Cras sagittis fermentum sagittis. Integer imperdiet sapien eu libero lobortis, sit amet finibus massa sagittis. Proin volutpat, ligula quis dignissim rhoncus, est est molestie libero, id laoreet urna diam vitae justo. Donec tempus congue eros, eleifend aliquet nisl blandit a. Vivamus sed diam at lorem convallis porta. Aliquam non lobortis sapien, non faucibus dolor.