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A whole new world, a new fantastic point of view.

Teaser Gist & Schedule

❪ 001 ❫ ⦂ Generation to Generation
❪ 002 ❫ ⦂ A Whole New World
❪ 003 ❫ ⦂ Leaders of the Pack/Raffle
❪ 004 ❫ ⦂ Soft Opening/Raffle Winners
❪ 005 ❫ ⦂ A New Era, A New Generation
❪ 006 ❫ ⦂ Official Opening

Table of Contents:

— The World of Galini: Roleplay IC Setting
— Galini's Goals: An Explanation of What We Wish to Achieve
— Closing Notes: Final Statements


Galini (the roleplay) takes place in a world very similar to our own with a few changes here and there. As stated in yesterday's blog, the characters in this roleplay are a Thalassan (sea person) or a Terran (land person), and they don't like each other much. Because of this, a lot of territories have been run down, damaged, and destroyed from things like war and places to live, though not limited, are often heavily divided in a social and sometimes religious/politcial sense. For simplicity reasons, we'll run through the roleplay's two main type of enviornments: an island and an undersea village.

THE ISLAND (PARADISI): Terrans will live on an island called Paradisi. It is a slightly futuristic, man-made island comprised of five sectors or districts that joined together to make one whole island almost in the middle of Santorini and Crete, but just a little closer to the former. It was made from broken off pieces of land and exists as a refuge from all the warring and chaos that was once prevalent in the world. Because it is made up of five different sectors, it has seams and connecting ports that stick out if you aren't used to seeing them, but otherwise looks like a regular island. Technologically, it's slightly more advanced than real life with actual hoverboards, moving pavements and land and such, but it's just barely more high tech than the world us roleplayers currently live in, and a lot of this is limited to Paradisi itself.

THE UNDERWATER VILLAGE (GALINI): Technically adjacent to Paradisi's northeast corner rests Galini, a large village named after the goddess Galene and serving as refuge for thalassans afflicted by war and poverty. Galini is considered to be a "sunken city" that was rumored to have once been part of Santorini but later got levelled and taken over by thalassans. It's not too far below the surface and looks like this as well as the picture on the right. Over time it has grown and expanded to slightly lower parts of the ocean, made up of different cities and territories to accomodate the influx of people entering, but its main hub is closest to the beach. Galini also isn't all that technologically advanced. They make use of what they have in the ocean and what they can get from the land, but given their environment, it's safe to say they don't have as many options as Terrans do. Galini will be the main place where our sea breathing Thalassans in the roleplay live.

These two places will be where everything is based. Other places exist in the roleplay, and you can have your characters originate from them, but those will be discussed more in the actual roleplay. For now, just keep in mind the above locations and joy what we have planned. Speaking of, onto that part of this blog.

GALINI'S GOALS (with pixels)

The purpose of Galini both IC and OOC is to provide a nice little spot for people to chill and rest whenever they feel the need to, and to ensure that we all can keep that the case, we've put in place different rules and goals in this roleplay that we think would help roleplayers not only be able to take a break and creatively express themselves, but also last long enough to ensure that things stay that way. Below is a list of our goals that we want to hone in on, and ones we think are important in making this safe haven an actuality.

GOAL #01 — Personal Success: I know I've spent a lot of time admining, over the years, and I did enjoy each and every roleplay I've done that for to varying degrees, but I noticed during the past year that I didn't entirely do what I wanted. I wasn't focused on making what I wanted to make, and focused on doing what I wanted to do because I was more concerned over pleasing other people. And I knew I wasn't the only one.

It's pretty common to get caught up in the rush of roleplaying, adminning, and doing all this and that just to seem some kind of appealing to the public, but with this roleplay, we're hoping to provide some sort of solace. As ironic as this may sound, I wanted to make this roleplay for people to be some kind of pleased and at ease. I wanted to make somewhere we can kind of get away from all the heavy burdens some of us feel on RPR whether it be with our characters or our roleplays, layouts, etc. I wanted a place where we can all be happy with what we make and do, but not because other people validated it. Just because we want to be happy with our things for ourselves, y'know?

With this roleplay, Galini, us admins aren't expecting to make some big splash on RPR (pun half-intended), we just want to have fun. And if we can make a place for you to do the same while doing it, then even better. The number one goal and theme behind the roleplay is everyone's personal success and enjoyment, and we will actively work to ensure that we're achieving that.

GOAL #02 — Creativity: Another one of our more important goals in the roleplay will be to excerise our creative muscles. We have a multitude of features and facets to the roleplay that will support you with this, and just to name a few of the big ones, we have the following:

  • OC System: If you aren't familiar, OC stands for Original Character. Essentially, all this means is that you'll be changing your faceclaim's name in addition to making them backgrounds and personalities and the like. We put this in place in hopes it helps roleplayers remember that they're supposed to play the characters they choose to create. With this, we're also hoping there is a better distinction between IC and OOC, and that roleplayers feel they have more of a creative liberty to make their character more like one of their creation. We'll have a list of taken faceclaims publicly available in the roleplay for your reference.
  • Premade Characters & Plots: This is a side feature of the roleplay, but one we're putting in place for those who struggle to come up with things for their characters. With these premade characters and plots we want to provide the basics to at least you started and let you build off of them from there.
  • Character Driven Events: A lot of the events we have planned, will be driven by our character base in the roleplay. This means that we'll all have to work together to make the events work, yes, but we're wanting these events to aid in character development and progression.

As mentioned, there will be more to help you in the creative department, but with these alone, it's possible to really start up and keep up some IC interaction. When and if you join this roleplay, we want you to feel that this is something you can easily have and slide into.

GOAL #03 — Longevity: Like previously mentioned, we want to be a roleplay that lasts beyond however long it remains publicly relevant. We know it's not an easy task, and we're not asking for people to flock here and stay, but we want to be open and around for people as long as they want or need us to be. This in mind, we're not really going to push people and ask for more than they can give. We know a lot of roleplays follow the trend of saying self and slow paced, but in all honesty, that's what we're aiming for in this roleplay.

As of now, there will be a two thread monthly requirement, and a weekly activity requirement, but you'll be able to meet those when you can and take your time with things. You won't be pressured to do anything you don't want to do, and we won't pressure you to be active outside of those two requirements and maybe activity checks, so you'll have plenty of time to think over things and let your creative muse flow.

CLOSING NOTES (with pixels)

That was probabaly a lot to read and process, but hopefully you guys have no real difficulties understanding everything presented. If you do, leave any questions and concerns below, but thank you all for reading and showing enough interest to click in and read this so far. Stay tuned for more and look forward to tomorrow's blog! We'll be holding a raffle so be prepared for that as well.

Up next ⦂ "Leaders of the Pack" on the tomorrow, soft opening on the 30th, "A New Era, A New Generation" on the 4th, and opening day on the 5th.


We also apologize for this being posted late. Pixels fell behind and fell asleep. :"D


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bd24cd8d46d59cc04f4b 4 years ago
sparklygayassglitter 4 years ago
lmao jk.
pinkopal 4 years ago
This-- seema very interesting *^*
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