angry rant ahead, read at your own disclosure.

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i'm not gonna bother with putting this under friends only so yeah. warning beforehand, it's going to be an extremely angry rant so read at your own disclosure, aight . also, disclaimer. i'm not pointing fingers at anybody. there's a saying that goes "he who eats the chilli would feel the heat." which means if you feel offended by it, then maybe it's directed at you because you'd have to be doing those things to feel attacked. logic, bro. 

over the entire duration since i've gotten back, i've noticed... quite a few- well, toxic behaviour and i'm just. well, i've had enough so here's a rant. take it as you will, comment section's open. 


first of all, people who act like a faceclaim belongs to them. aight, i admit, i do have my own favourites too and i'm sure most of y'all have fcs that you're more comfortable being but these people. LOL. WHAT THE ACTUAL . they're on a whole other level, mate. i'm sure with most of you, even when you see people taking your usual muses before you would probably go "oh, aite, aite man. i'll just see if i can be another person" or you'd wait till either a) that muse opens up or b) not join or c) if your muse for that au was high, you'd probably find another muse to be. the kpop world isn't all that tiny. there ARE similar types of faceclaims if you just look hard enough. but these people?? yo, they either a) ignore you or b) shade you like shady ers. like seriously?? first world problems much?? there are bigger things to be worried about like coughscapitalismcoughs but these people decide that fighting over muses are more important. lol, aite folks. have fun being your childish self. 

second of all, overualizing your idols. aight, so ual jokes. that's cool, do what you wanna do. but yo, going on a whole other level and literally ONLY talking about how your muse is going to slam someone against the in wall and someone's brains out. yo. YO. especially if it's not a rp? what the actual is wrong with you?? do you need help with controlling your hormones or something?? aite, if it's a rp, understandable. but when the rp isn't even rated? AND IT'S IN THE OOC CHAT??? LIKE ? ?? ? ? BRO ?? ? ? IT'S THE OOC ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? TREAT IT LIKE IT'S THE OOC ?  ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? i've been seeing some people say extremely ual stuff that they'll do to another person in the ooc room of non- rps and honestly? that's just.. so disturbing, quite honestly. idk about y'all but the uncomfortable level of that goes up high. maybe once or twice by accident's ok but these people do it every single in day. it's just. god, please send them some holy water, amen. 

third of all, treating your characters as if they're babies. right, mate. so. imagine this you decided to go for a character who's probably an '03, '04 liner who's probably 16-17 years old right now. how would you play them? more importantly, how were you at 16-17? were you still babytalking? were you still gurgling like you're a 1 year old? no. you most likely weren't. but these people, holy good god. they treat them like they're newborn babies and go around calling everyone who's really only 2-3 years older than them ic things like oh aunty, oh uncle. PLEASE. GROW. THE UP. DON'T TREAT THE IDOLS LIKE THEY'RE BABIES, GOD. it's not even cute, it's just in cringy. 

aite, that's probably it for now. y'all take what you want from it. like i said, i'm not pointing fingers at anyone so if you feel attacked, then. you might want to reflect on yourself. 

on a side note, i love you all. take care during this extremely dire situation -- covid19, and remember to drink lots of water, wash your hands. take care, folks. thanks for coming to my tedtalk. 


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e8ef70a262b6335f9a11 4 years ago
the ualizing part oh my god yes agree 100%. that has happened to me on so many occasions, someone saying the nasty they wanna do to me ugh. THANK you for saying this
ba5b0925483a8590f1c8 4 years ago
god bless this post.
artisan 4 years ago
scampi 4 years ago
o H i didn't know people were watching
adomnania 4 years ago
lol for the people out there who overualize idols in ooc chats that aren't even rps: you're not cool or edgy or special because 'wow you're talking about such a taboo topic so openly and it's #Revolutionary'; you're just an for making people uncomfortable.

get that out of non rated ooc rooms. keep it to pms. all you're doing is ruining other people's rp experience.
12cf7f90d15ff7da4ebb 4 years ago
fr i'm over the making idols literal babies like it's so much i'll give up a thread if it's like that
cereza 4 years ago
the one thing I found offensive about your blog
fight mE

[ bts voice ] how you dare chrome chAN >:/ okno I'm kidding don't hurt me ilu
joke aside, there were some very good points you brought up in this!
orbitinsomnia 4 years ago
abbacchio 4 years ago
erigom 4 years ago
i agree with all of these amen esp 2 & 3
as someone who isn't very ual in public, i find it disturbing hfjkd and honestly i don't see any reason to be offended by this because you all are probably the kinds of people who hate it when you see couples with their tongues down each other's throats in public. the only difference here in rpr is ー we can hear all the nasty shiz they are whispering to each other icb
scammer 4 years ago
amen to this!
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