• future roleplay update

the verdict is sorta in!
so it looks like saorsa is going to be making a roleplay after all! i'm very appreciative of each and every single person who took a few seconds to make their votes on my previous blog. thank you so much if you were one of them!
the voting is still open and will be for until the 12th of may aest(which will be the 11th for the majority of you) so if you'd like to have your say, please do so asap!
you can find the blog here
if your chosen roleplay does not come out as the most requested
fear not. this is not a situation where i will be picking the winner and dumping all other roleplay ideas in the rubbish. this was simply a way for me to decide what to do first as per rpr current trends. every idea listed will be made in due time.
what if somebody takes your idea before you make it?
i'll sue them. i have 50 lawyers on standby and the president of the united states on speed dial. ka-chow.
when can we expect the next update?
not for a couple more weeks. i have no intention of even beginning advertising before i'm finished with my semester which ends in roughly a month. other factors to this include: i am in a roleplay that i like(for reference: the roleplay is pendray) which i would like to put 85% of my attention on(10% goes to simping over twitch streamers, 5% goes to uni lol) and the other reason being i am moving house(for the third time in 3 years, woo) over the next couple of weeks.
thanks for reading!


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-lait- 3 years ago
I'm so tempted i
turnips 3 years ago
the fact that i wanna go be active and even admin with y'all or anything makes me sad, i'm literally drowning in work load rn :(
yxgurt 3 years ago
fairys 3 years ago
a958b6ef268dd914bcee 3 years ago
lowkey wants to help you out but i got to make sure you enjoy your stay in pendray very very much first. what i can confirm now is that i'll be there when you guys open the place and support and shower you all with love and extensively advertise it.

ps also i love you, thank you so much for the numerous mentions and advertisements for pendray. please take my heart
linguuini 3 years ago
Lowkey want to admin but highkey always get nervous and stay in the sidelinessss... buttt.. it’s summer.. I’m practically half laid off.. why the not~
If you’re still looking for someone who knows bare minimum but wuvs to help I’m here
nekojita 3 years ago
oh hey there c. ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Nyx_Dragneel 3 years ago
Hey hun I can help out a bit if ya find yourself stuck for your fourth. I'm not good with photoshop but I am gonna be around and I'm in the GMT timezone so that might be helpful. Also I like that each admin gets a specific job it makes it easier to keep up with the amount that needs to be done.
pixels 3 years ago
i'd like to say i offer my assistance, but i'd like to know what i'm getting into before i commit. would it be okay to discuss things in pms or something? if not, that's fine, but i'm willing to help if i have more information about what i'm potentially signing up for, ya feel?
6f86d2a681200aeea6d0 3 years ago
u should've put that if they steal ur ideas ill simply shoot them 4 you !!!
quarter-life 3 years ago
when you wanna help out but nervous
i shall stand by and support
saorsa [A] 3 years ago
The lawyer thing is just a joke FYI I genuinely don’t care that much lmao
chikookiehope 3 years ago
Twerks here not to admin hut to annoy you
vanitas 3 years ago
50 lawyers,,,
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