☆ ㅤheroics class


this class teaches you Combat, analytical and teamwork skills. assessment is based on how you're able to use your quirk in dire situations that calls for a hero's help!
coded by yxgurt
☆ gangrim [A] 5 years ago
@★ kim seokwoo [+5 point for participation]

excellent deductive skill, seokwoo. eraser head's advantage is that he's extremely sharp with his movements, and he knows how to make use of his quirk to ultimately bring his enemy down to the ground.

why hasn't anyone thought of blinding his eyes, in whatever way possible? it is his obvious weakness, students. if we choose fight, always know your opponent's weak points, or else you would be running around in circles with no clear destination.
★ kim seokwoo 5 years ago
@☆ all might Seokwoo raised his hand after the two females and waited for the teacher to give him the acknowledgment, before starting. "Obviously him taking my quirk or not in this situation will not make any difference at all. Because of this, beforehand, I will plan my attack. I think the others have forgotten to realize that Eraser Head is actually talented in close hand combat. After all, he figured that his quirk won't do much if he can't protect himself. Because of this, even if you are fighting him and are experienced in martial arts or fighting, he will still give you a run for your money. Instead, I would plan on staying out of his line of sight before the battle, and if he does nullify my quirk, I would continue to stay out of his sight until he can no longer nullify my quirk. I can either tire him out when he would have to eventually rest because his eyes wouldn't be able to handle such a succession of use. Then that's when I can use my quirk to either get by him or decide to fight him from there."
★ song yuqi 5 years ago
@☆ all might she nods at the teacher's words, and she beams brightly, raising a hand to give the man a salute. "i'll keep that in mind, sir!"
☆ gangrim [A] 5 years ago
@★ song yuqi [+5 point for participation]

good, yuqi. you should always know your own strength, but your every limit is also just as important. work your way into sharpening up your observation as well as analytical skills. i'd also advice you to have quick planning on how to disable your enemy and turn the situation around to be the one controlling it, like stealing the show from a puppeteer.
★ song yuqi 5 years ago
@☆ all might yuqi's hand shot up once the other student had finished reciting her answer. standing up once she was called, she opened to answer, her aura quite confident. "if i were faced with someone who's able to cancel my quirk, i'd quickly get myself together and buy myself time to observe my enemy's movements - their strengths and weaknesses. once i find his weaknesses, that's when i'll fight him in hand-to-hand combat. the sooner i finish the fight, the better. it'll be even better if i'm able to find away to disable their erasing ability. for example in eraser head's case, as his ability is limited by his sight, i would hide my body, since i can rely on my other senses." she was speaking as she visualized in her head how the fight would go down if she were to have her way. "studying your enemy as quick as you can is very important since determining their weaknesses gives you a huge advantage in a fight. i would use any means necessary to win, but if i see it's impossible, i will withdraw," she said, finishing her answer. she found no honor in continuing to fight when one was about to lose. it would make much more sense to withdraw for now, and challenge them once more when they met again. she bowed her head before she took her seat, awaiting the teacher's reply to her answer.
☆ gangrim [A] 5 years ago
@★ mint phonpawiworakun [+5 point for participation]

excellent, mint! always remember not to panic when you are caught in a disadvantage, as there is always a way to break free from the situation if you use your brain and make use of your knowledge.
★ mint phonpawiworakun 5 years ago
@☆ all might From the start of the prompt, Mint already had a pretty good idea of what she'd do. If she couldn't use her strength, she'd use her natural abilities and learned skills. She raised her hand once Gangrim was done talking and stood from her seat to speak once prompted. "Strength isn't everything in a fight, I know that. You have to be thoughtful about your moves and anticipate your opponent's as well. I'm small - we all know this haha - but it's useful! In the event that someone, Eraser Head or not, disabled my quirk, I would use that to slip away and stand back long enough to come up with a plan of action. Once I know what I need to do, or where to strike from, I would get back into the fight using my Muay Thai training. Since it's a fast, striking-based martial art I don't think an opponent would see it coming from someone with a typically brutish quirk. Even with our quirks, I think you always need a fall back or a plan B and Muay Thai is mine." Once she was done speaking, she gave a short bow and reclaimed her seat.
☆ gangrim [A] 5 years ago
hello students. in today's lesson, we'll ponder on what'd you do if you're caught in a situation where you are at odds with your quirk. take this situation as an example: your quirk is held back by your opponent who apparently has a quirk to temporarily erase yours. read up on eraser head, a japanese pro hero, whose quirk is erasing his opponents' quirks, which puts him at an advantage to take them down to the ground. those with close range combat skills may have a bigger advantage than those who are not as gifted in it, however, your analytical skills and how you use your brain can possibly get you out of this unfortunate situation as well.

i want someone to step up and tell me your decision making process when you are in this scenario. would your combat skills will be enough? will it ultimately be either fight, or flight?


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BASELINE 5 years ago
felix has left, thanks for the fun!! uwu
grandemint 5 years ago
ty for having me uwu
scammer 5 years ago
yuqi and yoona gtg bubs!! thank you for the time!!
c4a45c15a32d6fba7637 5 years ago
yongsun left, thank you.
glizzy_mcguire 5 years ago
Hyuna gtg babes
inhales 5 years ago
kim taehyung has left. thank you for everything o/
weishen 5 years ago
thank you for everything
but yukhei will be taking his leave
i apologize to all of those i didn't get around to rping with
bamstastic 5 years ago
seokwoo has left, thanks
azurrys 5 years ago
Hello! Could Linong get a semi-hiatus, please? Thought I'd be able to juggle more characters but adulting is hard hhhhh
rorororo 5 years ago
sorry for the short stay loves taeyeon is out ;;
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