☣ dragons hq

Dragon's HQ!
Home to the Dragons, run by their leader Chanyeol, these individuals focus on more brutish and powerful attacks. The Dragons can often be located due to their enjoyment of tagging places they've been, just to let others know they're always nearby.
k. jongin [A] 1 year ago
@b. baekhyun looks can be deceiving
/points out quietly before i continue to the dog on his head, seeing the way he looks back at you and i miss the look he gives but i'm curious of course
/looking from the animal to you when you come even closer i give you a guarded look, one that suggests leaving even just a breath between us for now is advised
/are you surprised when i don't hurt the animal? i'm known for being a loose canon and cruel but not unless its deserved and has a point
cazimi... like... the centre of the sun?
/asks as i tilt my head while admiring the soft ball of fur now sprawled on my lap quite happily, smiling as i rub under its chin some more
/but that smile falters when you ask about my teleporting, rolling my eyes up to the darkness for a moment but not looking at you again, not now
/mutters before you add on your last comment and then i do look at you, dishevelled sure but there's still a good looking man there beneath it all, broken but present
bite me
/your comments bring me back to the reason i'm here though, the nightmare, the horror, the need to escape, the trauma and how its making me up even in what few moments of sleep i do get
/no doubt my team are worried for me, taemin the most as he's taken to becoming a guardian and possess a terrifying hatred for chanyeol and his part in creating the monster i am
/still that wound trickles with crimson, irritating me as i hold my arm to it longer this time, sighing before i give your pet another pat before sending it your way
boss man not home then?
boo, i missed out
/getting up as i speak i dust myself off properly, revealing a few more scrapes and i wince again for my ribs, curling my arm around myself
/asks when you just look at me, straightening up and pushing my shoulders back, trying to appear better than i feel right now
b. baekhyun 1 year ago
@k. jongin turn into a monster, this cute little thing…
/hums as i look between you and the fluffy little creature in front, brushing my hands together as if to rid them of any dirt i might have obtained from the crate, tipping my head to the side in a curious way
now, where’s the fun in me telling you if he did?
/the dog briefly sends a look my way, as if he understands the language perfectly and doesn’t like being talked about behind his back, to which i give a mere shrug of the shoulder
/in silence i watch the dog climb onto your lap and settle there, and for a moment i watch you intently, as if to gauge whether you’d attempt to hurt him or not
/my gaze then shift from your hands to your temple and the cut from which crimson liquid is running down to your neck, before you attempt to wipe at it and create an even bigger mess of yourself
oh, his name is cazimi
/says as i tear my gaze away and take another couple of steps closer to you, feet light where they touch the ground, an almost feline smoothness to my ever motion
did you just teleport in your sleep?
/asks with a curious lilt to my voice as i regard you and your generally pretty tattered appearance, lips slowly stretching into a grin, ever as devil-may-care and yet there is no actual malice behind my words when i continue;
so this is the leader of the tigers huh?
not very graceful
k. jongin [A] 1 year ago
@b. baekhyun /looking at the dog i let it sniff at me as it comes closer, my fingertips twitching with a want to touch it but i don't, stopping myself for now
/murmurs as it offers me its paw, smiling before i give it a small pet on its head at last, watching how it just seems to be happy around me
/but then i hear you moving and i look in your direction, seeing you come out of the showers looking very smug and impressed
so there's the owner
/muses as i look up at you, looking into your eyes before i glance back at the dog just in case it turns on me or the like, it could be a trap after all
/but that doesn't happen and instead i see you smiling like that, sighing as i sit on my instead of being on my knees
yeah no
/mutters a little grumpily, fairly too considering i just woke up from my sleep in such a horrible way, rubbing at my ribs because they still ache
he's not going to like, turn into some monster or something?
/asks as i under his chin, giving him more rubs and when he seems to enjoy it i do it even more, eventually finding him on my lap
/when i realise i'm bleeding from my head, a superficial cut really, i wipe it away with my sleeve, sniffing before i look back down at your dog
what's his name?
/asks as its probably not the question you were expecting but i ask it anyway, letting him sit on my lap and ask for more pets, pawing at me whenever i stop
b. baekhyun 2 years ago
@k. jongin /this little guy has been my companion in quiet moments and those blossomings of hilarity that dogs bring, he has that look about him when he’s puzzled, or excited, or serious, all those emotions that are so similar to ours; to my own
/the dog is my hot-water bottle in the middle of the night and the welcome wagon when i come back, and i didn’t even need to manipulate him in order to have him stick around
/we both watch as you come crashing down onto the ground, disoriented and so clearly put off when you raise slowly to your knees
/but you are trespassing, after all, and that has me pausing nimble fingers from running through the thick russet fur, cold eyes meeting black marble ones
why don’t you greet our guest, eh?
/while he approaches you on short little legs i retreat further back into the shadows, quietly pulling myself up to sit on a crate from where i can observe the interaction without being seen by you
/i know about you, not only because we were locked away at the same time, or because you're the leader of the tigers, but because of chanyeol, not that he had been talking much about you, i just had a way of finding things out
/but you don’t seem like much of a threat, not right now at least, rather it seems like you ended up here on accident, that, or your subconscious led you here
/either way i don’t care, my dog stops before you, planting his bum onto the ground while he waves one of his paws in the air between you, likely asking you for pats
/with my lips pressed together and cold stare dancing over your form, i hear you speak into the eerie silence of the alley, lips only briefly twitching into a simper
/the dog too has his doggy eyes fixed on you, ears twitching from side to side in that way they do when he’s trying to figure something out, until i give him the clear and he strolls up closer to you, sniffing for your scent and it fills my own nostrils too
/it’s not like it’s rocket science for you to figure out who this dog belongs to, such a cute creature didn’t belong in such a trashy place if i hadn’t been the one to bring it there
/with a soft sigh i slip down from the crate, moving forward and out of the shadows, the moonlight catching my white hair like a deceptive halo around my head, a stark contrast to petal red lips curling into the devil’s smile
a little lost, are we?
k. jongin [A] 2 years ago
@b. baekhyun /phasing and teleporting while one sleeps can be particularly bothersome, one of the many reasons i've simply given up on trying to sleep regularly
/whether i was trying to sleep or my body betrayed me i can't remember, having knocked out within my groups' current headquarters
/seemingly chaotic and with no order, i'm not as in control of my gift when i'm asleep and it shows as i'm dotting about the place
/one minute i'm in no man's land, the next i'm in the middle of a field, and sometimes like right now i get a rude awakening
/the wind rushing past my face wakes me up and with a fright as well, gasping as i snap my eyes open and find myself plummeting to the ground at alarming speed
/despite myself and the history i have with him, i find myself thinking of your leader - chanyeol in those last moments, causing me to land in your own headquarters
/crashing and making a mess as i land i gasp as the wind is knocked out of my lungs, curling my arm around myself and glancing around in a daze, my fingers curling around my ribs
/pushing myself up i rest on my knees and glance around, realising where i am before i just sigh and tip my head back, breathing being painful right now
/sighs the word out before a series of cracking noises come from my body as i begin to heal, shuddering at the uncomfortable feeling
/as i'm rolling my head on my shoulders i notice movement out the corner of my eye, the first since landing here and i wonder if its one of you guys
/instead i find an animal, alert because i know it shouldn't be out here and yet here it is, friendly enough as it comes up to me and sniffs me
/i used to love such things when i was a child, before this, before any of it, its the only reason i haven't touched it but i don't push it away either, instead i only say;
where's your master?


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_tatakae_ 2 years ago
darumdarimda 2 years ago
h hi besties- i know i reserved jayoon (yoon) but but but can i instead swap her for a choi soobin? :twiddles: thank you very kamsa <33333
melozennie 2 years ago
hi, i have a question !
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