⫶ classroom

general room
In addition to their designated uses, classrooms can also be used as private study areas for homework and (appropriate) spellwork. As per roleplay rules, no ual / intimate content is allowed in these rooms.
❛ 𝐇 » sirona lee ó braináin。⁰⁷ 3 months ago
@❛ ? » evelyn corbyn。⁰⁶ Sirona nodded her head happily. “Name yer price, my dear, I will make sure I have it ready for next time I meet ye,” she assured her, happily to have secured herself a potential bag much like her new friend had. It would certainly make her life a whole lot easier. No more dragging around heavy books. No more dropping her papers all about as she tumbled down the stairs. Perhaps she could even be able to store a few extra snacks for when the time was needed.

“Eh, least I could do, ye know,” the Ire replied with a shrug of her shoulders. She always had some snack on hand, though it was rarely something big. Perhaps it would be from here on out, but it all depended on this charm Eve had talked about. It was fascinating, seeing someone who specialised in something she had little clue how to do. Ravenclaws, she thought to herself. they were something else.

If there was one part of Sirona that could ever be hungrier than her stomach, it was her eyes. Even as food appeared on the table before them, she kept absentmindedly staring in the direction of the girls that had just walked past. Had she been any aware at all, she might have noticed the look she herself got from across the table.

“H-huh? I- Who?” The words tumbled off Sirona’s lips with no grace as she turned to look at Eve. It took all her will not to turn back around to stare. “Who’s popular amongst the girls?” The lie was terrible. Almost as terrible as the poker face she tried to hold when Eve offered to bring Cal over. Oh gods, she would make a fool of herself before that girl over and over if the chance was given. “P-perhaps that ain’t the smartest plan we could go with, hen,” she hurriedly chuckled, the nerves evident in her voice. “I’m sure a las like her has better things ta do than ta talk to knobheads like us. Well, me, really. No offence.”
❛ 𝐑 » evelyn corbyn。⁰⁶ 3 months ago
@❛ ? » sirona lee ó braináin。⁰⁷ "thats explained why you're not in charm, well i cant easily give without anything in return ya, but do bring your bag next time. small one most preferably." she said while thankfully that she picked up the classes and focus on it that there's a lot of charms that not many people knows or take part to the classes. it do be fair that she cant easily give to people who doesn't take up the classes, it gave the advantage when she think about it.

that was kinda fair when sirona said she have no promise about the mini chefs that near to her dormitory, that gave her chances too in return of the offer for the bag charm. everlyn blinked when her name was called uniquely by sirona's accent as she quickly caught the hard yet somewhat edible from it look, she carefully tear a small piece and eat it with a nods. "its nice, thank you," she smiles while continue eating.

luckily the moment they finished their simple bread as their food magically appeared as if they knew that both of them came down for the food, breakfast actually. still amazed for everlyn even though its her sixth year. as she was speaking, she noticed how the latter attention was shifted away before she could turn to see where sirona was staring whom happened to be her senior in the same house.

everlyn smirked with a soft giggles as she leaned forward with a soft voice, "do you like her? i mean senior, she's quite popular among girls," she said to see sirona's reaction, "would you want me to bring her here to have a little chat?" sometimes, everlyn would like to see people making friends (or make out at club) before herself.
❛ 𝐇 » ariella odette ambrose。⁰⁶ 3 months ago
@❛ ? » sebastian flint。 Here she stood, breathless and her heart pounding with adrenaline, face-to-face with another student on the dueling platform in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. It was not the kind of scenario that Ariella enjoyed finding herself in, given her lack of talent in combat related magic. Her incompetency was on display at this very moment, as she had just barely protected herself from the onslaught of attacks her opponent had unleashed.

Her opponent, a Ravenclaw that happened to be well-known for her talents in almost every subject she was given (including dueling), had pushed her back to the very edge of the platform. Ariella knew that with one more attack, the duel would be over, and she would lose. She mustered up the little energy that she had left, watching as the girl lifted her wand into an effortless swish, “Expelliarmus!”

Quickly, as the spell was being spoken, the Hufflepuff sixth year lifted her own wand and with a swish of her own, she attempted to form the word “Protego”. However, her reaction was too slow. Soon an electric charge along with a slight sting surged through her hand and her wand flew out, landing ten feet away from her. The shock of it elicited a soft yelp from her as she stumbled off the platform, landing hard onto the ground. Once again, she had lost another duel.

She couldn’t help but take a small glance at her professor, already knowing the look that would be presented in his features. There was no doubt in her mind that she was failing this class, and she feared his ridicule. Ashamed, she quickly looked away from him, lifting herself up off the floor and walking over to the spot where her wand had landed. With a sigh of disappointment, she picked it up and made her way back to her friends.
❛ 𝐇 » sirona lee ó braináin。⁰⁷ 3 months ago
@❛ ? » evelyn corbyn。⁰⁶ "Remind me one day ta do that, cause mi dense noggin keeps forgettin' books or droppin' them while I run," she hummed in turn, wondering what bag she would use. "I'll pay ye handsomely ta put one of them charms on one of mi bags. Anything but draggin' this lot around," she continued on with a nod of her head towards the books next to her.

"As for yer wee request of new foods. I can'i make any promises, but I'll see if I can'i pull some strings ta get ye a good wee meal from time ta time." The house elves were nice enough if you befriended some, gladly sneaking you scraps of meals to snack on when needed. But she was unsure exactly how many recipes they knew. She had never seen them use a cookbook, but there still tended to be quite a variety of foods available.

Reaching into her robe pocket, Sirona fished out two semi-fresh bread rolls that she had stashed away that morning. They had started to cool by a bit, but beyond the crust hardening they still seemed edible. "'Ere." She tossed one over to Eve opposite side of the table. "It'll help until we get somethin' proper ta chew on." She flashes a small grin as she tore off a small piece of it and tossed it into .

It certainly dampened the hunger feeling in her stomach as Eve began talking about her classes. Normally it would have been a conversation Sirona would fully divest her time, but the vaguest hint of a familiar laugh coming their way distracted her. She turned in her seat, watching as the ravenhaired Cal walked past with a group of Ravenclaws, casually chatting in between them. Sirona would chime into Eve's conversation with the occasional absentminded "mhm" of agreement, her eyes fully on the other Ravenclaw's smile.
❛ 𝐑 » evelyn corbyn。⁰⁶ 3 months ago
@❛ ? » sirona lee ó braináin。⁰⁷ everlyn noticed how the older have not seen the bag with undetectable extension charm, she could only chuckles with a nods. "you can use any bag of your favourite and make some magic on it– its much better than having three luggage with you at all time especially when you wanna fly freely," she proudly said it.

the way sirona reassurance everlyn with the closeness of the latter with the chef which make her laugh a little when they settled down across each other before she could lean and whisper, "if you wouldnt mind to ask the chef to make some special dishes than same old food everyday." the thought of having some other food than the same old, its not that everlyn hate it but shes kind of tired of the same old food every week occasionally.

their classes was really much different even though they were a year apart, sixth and seventh classes were almost alike at the same time since they were heading to the graduating classes. "that was really lot different than mine other than us being in herbology," she admitted that the choices of classes she picked was somewhat calm yet difficult one of them all than the one sirona mentioned.

"im in charms, alchemy, hexes & curses, healing and potion– i think not many people chosen these because they are quite hard, and difficult i would say," she admit again knowing how hard the classes were but thankfully it was a small classes in the end except for potion. she couldn't help but to chuckle at the difference between the carefree hands of her own and the amount of books that sirona was carrying.
❛ 𝐇 » sirona lee ó braináin。⁰⁷ 3 months ago
@❛ ? » evelyn corbyn。⁰⁶ "Oh, I'd feckin think not," Sirona snorted as the other returned her observative jab with one of her own. "Minglin with all the different accents way up in the highlands has me all over the place." She paused, the smile on her face seeming almost as if it was something she tried to restrain back. "That said, hearin' the words come out of your gob all American is funny ta me. Can'i help it. I'm sorry!"

Hearing people thinking the food was conjured magically made Sirona chortle, her stack of books hugged tightly to her chest. "Now that is magic I'd like ta wield. Just make food outta thin air sounds like a blessin' from the saints above." Her eyes caught sight of the books disappearing within Eve's back as if it was nothing, making Sirona wrinkle her nose. "Speakin' of magic ta wield: that sack self-enchanted or did ye pay ta have it be all bottomless. Figure I could make good use of one'a those."

With Eve's arm in hers, the seventh year made little hesitation before dragging her along. Her boots echoed off the walls in the hallways with every step as she hurried them off towards the Great Hall. "Oh, no feckin clue. I just know it'll be food and that's enough for me, really. And if ye need special threatment-" Sirona turned her head and winked at her companion. "I'll put in a good word miself with the chef."

Finding a free seat quite early, Sirona unceremoniously drops her books in a pile on the table, the various sizes sliding around each other into an unsorted mess. "Oh, beyond that, there's care for magical creatures, defense against the dark arts, history of magic, astrology aaaand-" her eyes narrow for a second before she nods. "Transfiguration. Almost forgot, that would'a been bad. What 'bout yerself? What's yer poison?"
❛ 𝐑 » evelyn corbyn。⁰⁶ 3 months ago
@❛ ? » sirona lee ó braináin。⁰⁷ "floppy? not as if you got any better too," everlyn decided to attack in return with her type to attack fire against fire but also no intention to actually burn because it was to return the feedback. indeed that hogwarts was full of mixtures kids all around, especially when its a famous wizard school that one of the three school that were hard to get in.

not to mention how confident and proud sirona was for her dormitory but also the way everyone thought by her voice acting was indeed real. "i mean it was almost down to the basement and not many people know that was actually the hidden kitchen that prepared for us, many still believe its impossible magic food so," she shrugged her shoulder as everlyn took her small bag that have a big storage inside as a magic, she just threw her book in without a bother.

the gentle gesture from the older open arm as everlyn smiles with a chuckles before holding onto them with her stomach grumbles, the swing of her sling bag across her body and the arm hugging against sirona. "we need breakfast to keep our mind straight then we can have a chat," she offered with a nods, "i'm sure great hall isn't crowd for breakfast, do you know what food do they have?" she asked playfully despite of hufflepuff dorm was down to the kitchen.

once they head down to the great hall to find an empty spot randomly since its a free seat compare to their dinner time with the house respectively, everlyn take a seat nearby to the front as she wait for sirona before placing the bag on the table. "what classes are you taking, other than herbology of course." she asked for curiosity of her senior.
❛ 𝐆 » sebastian flint。 3 months ago
@❛ ? » nari moon。⁰⁶ the first day back at hogwarts was a whirlwind of excitement and anticipation, especially for sebastian, who had been appointed as the defense against the dark arts instructor for the second consecutive year. stepping into his classroom, he couldn't help but feel a surge of pride at the opportunity to continue teaching such a vital subject at the renowned wizarding school. the students filed into the classroom, their chatter filling the air with a palpable energy. sebastian greeted each of them with a warm smile, making a mental note of the familiar faces from the previous year. as the room gradually filled, he cleared his throat to capture their attention.

"welcome back, everyone," sebastian began, his voice projecting with authority yet tempered with a hint of warmth. "i hope you've all had a restful and rejuvenating summer break. now, let's dive back into the world of defense against the dark arts."

taking his place at the front of the classroom, sebastian began the roll call, scanning the list of names meticulously on the parchment. as he called out each student's name, he made brief eye contact, taking note of their responses and demeanor. however, amidst the sea of names, one in particular caught his attention—nari.

"nari? nari moon?" he called out, his brow furrowing slightly as he searched the faces before him. despite the familiarity of the name, he couldn't place where he had encountered it before. his mind raced, trying to recall any previous interactions or connections with a student named nari, but the memory remained frustratingly elusive. finally, sebastian's gaze settled on a young witch seated near the back of the classroom, her features strikingly familiar yet shrouded in mystery.

recognition flickered in sebastian's eyes as he attempted to piece together the puzzle of their shared history. he racked his brain, searching for any clues or hints that might unravel the mystery surrounding nari's identity. had they crossed paths at a previous wizarding conference? had they had lessons privately last year? or perhaps during his travels abroad?

suppressing a surge of curiosity and intrigue, the wizard pushed aside his personal thoughts and refocused on the task at hand—the day's lesson. despite the lingering sense of familiarity surrounding nari, he maintained his professional demeanor, seamlessly transitioning into the curriculum.
❛ 𝐇 » sirona lee ó braináin。⁰⁷ 3 months ago
@❛ ? » evelyn corbyn。⁰⁶ "LA?" It was Sirona's time to wrinkle her nose a bit. No doubt there were wizards and witches in the Americas too, but it was rare to have one travel all the way here for school. "I guess that goes ta explain why yer accents bein' all floppy," she hummed. "But certainly, if yer ever takin' a break ta visit Dublin and I'm home, I don' see why I wouldn' give ye a wee tour. Not necessarily too much ta see there, but feck it if we ain' goin' ta have a good time either way, like."

It seemed she had picked up on certain terms of endearment from her time there, for homely was exactly the mind of thing a Hufflepuff would delight in. "Aye, we live down past the kitchens. People tend ta think it sounds bad since it's-" Sirona put on a silly expression, trying her best to mimic the voice of the headmaster as she continued. "-in the dungeon. But trust me, love, it is heaven ta be that close to the kitchen when ye have a tum like mine."

She sat up as Evelyn did, feeling whatever magical spell she had cast slowly vain off and vanish as the professor called out for the class to be dismissed. Sirona's stomach made another slow growl in response to another mention of food, causing her to smile brightly. "I'd normally say chat a lass up before invitin' her for a meal, but I'll make an exception cause it's early," she teased while starting to gather up her books off of the desk.

A meal sounded perfect about now. She had not eaten since the day before, and having slept in her robes from last night there was little snacks left for her to satiate the hunger. And she had already missed one class. Could it really hurt too much to skip a bit of one day? "Alright then, Eve-" With her books under one arm, Sirona offered her other for the younger student to grab. "Lets away ta the kitchens, see if we can' scrounge ourselves a proper breakfast ta keep our bodies going."
❛ 𝐑 » evelyn corbyn。⁰⁶ 3 months ago
@❛ ? » sirona lee ó braináin。⁰⁷ the laughter that everlyn didn't expect herself to do so was just merely from the older one that speaking in an amusing way to herself and the way she can angree as a junior to the latter. she do agreed that hands on school stuffs were much more better than logically in books which, may or may not be much other than learning the history and where they are, from or what creation it was.

but somehow too, all unnecessary and unwanted information often implanted in her mind naturally as if it was just a passing things that she can remember again out of nowhere. "dublin?" she questioned by the latter's answer as she tried to remember the muggle and wizard world map all around, "never been there, but would love to visit someday– would you mind to guide me if we could ever visit?" everlyn asked with her sparkles eyes to travel outside from school and home. "ah I'm just from LA, mixed parents but pure blood in wizard world," she introduced herself back in return to let her know where was her homeland.

"maybe not your stomach but the home-y smell of the fresh breads, didnt hufflepuff dorm were near to the baking kitchen?" she want to make sure because she was sure most of the hufflepuff people were lucky enough to have bread nearby and able to grab anytime soon too– maybe much everlyn was honestly kind of hungry, which thankfully her next class was free class so she can choose to self study or eat a little.

once the classes end as the magic worn out instantly after that with her best acting like the same as the magic supposed to show, everlyn smile before getting up and look at sirona, "let's go eat breakfast, I'm sure neither of us have eaten anything."
❛ 𝐇 » sirona lee ó braináin。⁰⁷ 3 months ago
@❛ ? » evelyn corbyn。⁰⁶ “Much prefer the hands on ta just readin’. If it’s in a book I’ll find it on mi own time, thank ye,” she hummed happily, lifting her head just a little to peek at the blackboard the professor was writing at. The tiny text forced the redhead to squint a little, but she soon enough had a vague grasp of the sixth year’s current path in their studies. It was boring, and though she knew it all, it had not been from paying attention. No, she had soundly slept through most of these theoreticals and spent her nights reading up on it on her own.

The redhead wrinkled her nose a bit, surprised that her accent had earned her any reaction at all. “Me? Oh, Dublin. Up north. As in up north in Dublin, since we’re technically speaking a wee bit further north here.” She let out a tiny chuckle and laid her head back down on her books. “What about ye? Evelyn, was it? Where ye from? Guessin’ not the isles if mi accent got ya stumped.”

As if her body had heard the question before her brain, her stomach gave a slight grumble in agreement. “Aye, I’ll never say no to an excuse ta eat.” She shifted to show off the yellow trimming and shield. “Proud ‘puff. But I think ye had that figured from mi tum alone. And yes, seventh. Which is why I should’ve not been here in the first place on a Mon-“ Sirona paused, eyes darting as her mind caught up to . “Well… Tuesday mornin’.”
❛ 𝐑 » evelyn corbyn。⁰⁶ 3 months ago
@❛ ? » sirona lee ó braináin。⁰⁷ the strong accent got everlyn to frown for a moment as it was quite unfamiliar yet she can understand a little well with some words, she nodded while keeping her eyes close. "not still, we were just at chapter ten for the new week. alternatively we have hands on on the other day," she said to be clear with the sixth year class, especially on the beginning of the year.

the more sirona spoken, the more everlyn ended up chuckling on how amuse this words feel anew to her. she opened her eyes to look at the latter before sitting up straight to stare at her senior. "where are you from? the accent really amased me right now honestly." she confessed in straightforward to keep in mind if she could able to travel and visit.

"want get lunch together at the great hall soon?" she asked politely while making sure that she wasn't feeling intimidated but still amused at sirona. "you only told me your name and seeing you saying "still at that topic", are you year seventh and which house are you?" straightforward once again while making sure her table was empty.
❛ 𝐇 » sirona lee ó braináin。⁰⁷ 4 months ago
@❛ ? » evelyn corbyn。⁰⁶ “Well, let’s hope he doesn’ spot me back ‘ere with ye, and we’ll be all good,” Sirona chuckled nervously. She doubted the professor would care beyond sending her packing, but she’d rather be spared the shame of walking out of the wrong class so early in the morning. Was bad enough she sat here with no breakfast, yesterday’s clothes and makeup and her hair all messy.

A small yawn escaped her before she glanced back to the younger Ravenclaw with her head on the desk. Poor girl looked about as exhausted as Sirona herself felt, so there was no surprise to find relief in mimicking the girl’s posture. The thick books made for surprisingly comfortable headrests as she stared over at her, eyes half-closed but still grinning.

“So yer still on that theoretical sheit.” Not that she minded it, but the lectures on where and when for herb gathering tended to be the most tedious. Pretty much anything she could look up easily in a tome became hard to pay attention to. What wasn’t hard to catch though was the little flick of the girl’s wand across from her. She had nearly not heard a spell spoken, but knew a couple of tricks that it could have been. “I like the way ye think, las,” Sirona chuckled quietly before sighing. “Thank ye, though. I think I could need a wee moment to rest mi head. Everythin’ is still spinnin’ after runnin’ all the way here from the common room.”
❛ 𝐑 » evelyn corbyn。⁰⁶ 4 months ago
@❛ ? » sirona lee ó braináin。⁰⁷ everlyn could only stares at the older one which she assumed might be on seventh year which somehow quite common to have both years classes to clash one another, especially the mix whete the professor would prefer to combine for some group works. her brain was still in pain from the hangover she had and haven't yet eaten any breakfast in order not to be late for classes.

she carefully leaned to the seatmate that ended up beside her which often empty whenever she felt like seating at the back, she whispered back, "don't worry, this professor doesn't really much care who come in or whats not– maybe as long you answer his question when being picked, that would be fine," she lay down back again on her seat which thankfully of today class were more to the paper slash book topic than on hands experiment.

"they were talking about history of herbs and where do they normally appeared and some magic herb that can produce easily and stuffs," everlyn said it again as she read the topic on her boredom day where she have a free classes for the whole day. her head turn to face the latter with a smile and nods, before waving her wand under the table to make them appear to look interested in front of the professor eyes. "here, the professor won't know that you're not from here, i did something for us to look as if we are sitting up studying until the bell ring."
❛ 𝐇 » sirona lee ó braináin。⁰⁷ 4 months ago
@❛ ? » evelyn corbyn。⁰⁶ The girl’s introduction went straight over Sirona’s head as her back straightened, eyes staring straight at the younger student. It was Tuesday? What class did she start with on Tuesdays? Her thoughts swirled in her head as she turned to look out over the class. Yup, those were not familiar faces at all. Sixth years, really? Sirona chanced a glance at the watch on her phone, already 20 min into the first class of the day. She was not awake enough for this at all.

Sinking back in her seat, teeth gritted, Sirona turned back to Evelyn. “I focked uuuup,” she whispered under her breath, not wanting to disturb the class around them. “I swore to miself it was monday when I woke up. Right knobhead I am… Jesus.” Such was the punishment for sleeping in and forgetting her meds in the morning.

“So... eh… What are ye all learnin’ currently? I guess takin’ notes ‘ere is as good as tryin’ ta find my actual class at this point,” she asked, trying to conceal the stress with a nonchalant smile. Something told her it would probably look unconvincing, but it was better than the embarrassment she would afford herself by bolting back out the room and scrambling aimlessly around the halls for the right class for her schedule.

She had morning classes on Tuesdays, right?
❛ 𝐑 » evelyn corbyn。⁰⁶ 4 months ago
@❛ ? » sirona lee ó braináin。⁰⁷ not again everlyn, really no more. the thought that kept playing in her mind when she managed to reach the morning class on time and decided to rest at the back of the class, thankfully that she was one of the top students with the dangerous prone to be dropping up and down soon.

resting her head down to rest her hangover that she forgotten to take the jellies that she bought from the muggles world and it worked like magic, but of all days she forgotten to eat, it was truly last minute of invitation of the party that she went. she wouldn't say no for alcohol for sure.

however the voice kind of woke her up to see someone unfamiliar walking in secretly into the class and at the back where not a professor would able to notice, the nudge from unknown fella and the frown on everlyn's was kind of obvious but the way she mentioned her name and nicely introduced, everlyn leaned back to whisper.

"i think you got the wrong level," before looking in front for a moment then look back at sirona, "this year sixth class and it's tuesday– I'm pretty sure seventh class of this was yesterday," she clarified herself gently before taking sirona's hand back to shake. "I'm everlyn, sixth year and ravenclaw," to return the kind introduction back to sirona.
❛ 𝐇 » sirona lee ó braináin。⁰⁷ 4 months ago
@❛ ? » evelyn corbyn。⁰⁶ The day really couldn’t have started on a worse note.
Sure, Sirona had snuck back in late after a night of stargazing, but she had set extra alarms on her phone and even slept in her clothes to make the morning easier. So when she woke to the sound of no alarm a full fifteen minutes late, there was nothing to do but scramble out of the dormitories and hurry towards class like a spurred horse.

At least she had managed to keep on her feet all the way to the classroom without tripping over herself, which was a feat in an of itself. Perhaps it was having herbology in the early hours of the morning that had her so excited. It certainly made Monday’s more bearable. It was Monday, right?

She slid into an open seat at the back of the classroom, trying her best to not disturb the class as she began setting up her quill and parchment. Her eyes drifted over to her right, spotting a ravenhaired Ravenclaw she could not remember having seen before. Perhaps they always sat towards the back? Leaning over, Sirona gave her a quick nudge in the side before offering her hand, a bright smile on her face. “Mornin’, new lass. Don’ remember ever havin’ seen ye ‘round class before. Name’s Sirona.”


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orangesicle 3 months ago
ommg i've missed this
melanie 3 months ago
Cole Sprouse
Arlo Sinclair
6th year
melanie 3 months ago
This looks so amazing!!!! O:
rosetea 3 months ago
timothée chalamet
stéphane alarie
sixth year
-lait- 3 months ago
bigboybbg 3 months ago
You tempt me greatly
vanitas 3 months ago
dang, i miss this
parsley 3 months ago
Fc name: Ham Wonjin
Oc name: Callum Amblecrown
House: hufflepuff
Year: third
unrevealed 3 months ago
darumdarimda 3 days ago Reply Replies All
dazaiosamu 4 months ago
I’ve checked the directory a few times so I hope I’m not going blind when I comment this-

Ten Leechaiyakul
Emeraude Eng
Fifth Year
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