


yunjin huh. ᵉᵘʳʸᵈᶦᶜᵉ 2 months ago
@jisung han. ᵒʳᵖʰᵉᵘˢ /the way you call my name sounds so lovely, it's soft and intimate and I decide right then that I need to hear it several more times at least before I'm satisfied
/and I can feel how your face warms up when we're close together, smiling softly at you as you pull me in between your legs and I fit just fine between them, leaning back with your urging
/leaning into your touch at my hair I look up at you, there's no guilt in my eyes either, why should I feel any with the boyfriend I have? he's not like you, and that's a great thing
you can't?
/whispers as I'm looking at you still, the last kiss you pressed to my lips lingering there before I'm leaning up to kiss all along your jaw
show me what you can do for me then
/my fingers are still hooked over the front of your shirt, my lips pulling back into another smile for you before I'm kissing the corner of your mouth again like I did when I started this
/finding one of your hands, your free one with mine, I take it up and slide my fingers between your own, holding our hands between us and smiling at you sweetly
/and it's maybe unfair to look so sweet considering what I'm suggesting and asking of you, but I don't feel bad, not even for a single moment and I doubt I ever will
jisung han. ᵒʳᵖʰᵉᵘˢ 2 months ago
@yunjin huh. ᵉᵘʳʸᵈᶦᶜᵉ /there's really only a few, itty bitty seconds where i feel remorse over having kissed you, you have a boyfriend after all, but that doesnt last long
/and i wont apologize, even if you asked me to i wouldnt because its true, by the time i pull back to confess it, i dont feel sorry for what i did
/as you bring me in and kiss me yourself this time im gladly giving in, returning it as my mouth moves against your own, like im starved and have needed to kiss you for ages
/and its true, i feel like i've been waiting all my life to kiss you even though i've hardly known you for any comparable time, so when i nearly whine as you pull back even the slightest it surprises me
/one hand slides to hold the side of your face, cupping it as i draw you in for more kisses, my tongue sneaking to meet yours and my cheeks flushing when you call me soft
/my other hand slides to your back, pulling you closer as i make room for you between my legs, so that as i lean into you im urging you to lean back a little yourself
/we're so caught up in each other, mouths moving against one another and soft sounds shared between the two of us, there's even a small pang when you want me to tell you to stop
/but i shake my head, pulling back a bit as i reach out to tuck your hair behind your ear, though my fingers tangle in the strands as i pull you in again, gentle still as i kiss you full on the lips, speaking between kisses
i cant
i cant tell you to stop, i dont want to
only thing i cant do for you...
yunjin huh. ᵉᵘʳʸᵈᶦᶜᵉ 2 months ago
@jisung han. ᵒʳᵖʰᵉᵘˢ /I'm literally in the middle of apologising when you stop me, sliding your hand to hold my head and you pull me in for a kiss, my legs shifting from crouching to kneeling in front of you instead
/my hands rest on the sofa as you're kissing me, my mouth fitting to your own so easily as I feel my nose softly nudge at your cheek, it's because of how eagerly I'm kissing you back already
/and as you pull my and speak my eyelids are still closed, a soft shaky exhale leaving me before I look up at you and you're telling me you aren't going to apologise for what you did
/agrees with you quietly as I'm meaning in and taking another kiss, my first proper one to have from you, of my own initiation at least
/and it's just as needy and fierce, leaning up closer to you as one of my hands rests against your chest, my tongue brushing between your lips as if to ask you for more
/whispers softly against your mouth, I don't know what I'm begging for exactly but if I were to be able to think I'd say you touching and holding me would be a good a start as anywhere
you're soft
/mumbles without actually really thinking about it, just enjoying myself without needing to think of overthink, you make me feel... perfect, a woman adored, known and wanted
/my fingers are curling over your shirt, the gap at your chest, not pulling or undoing anything necessarily but mewling softly, seeking you out as my tongue tastes you again, this time as it swipes into your mouth and over your own wet muscle
tell me to stop...
jisung han. ᵒʳᵖʰᵉᵘˢ 2 months ago
@yunjin huh. ᵉᵘʳʸᵈᶦᶜᵉ yeah?
well, i look forward to learning a lot about you, yunjin
/smiling as i watch you, i cant help but to think you're so pretty, you're so funny and charming and its no wonder why so many people like you, myself included
/but you're right, we're both unaware that we both like each other, and this much specifically, its a game of beat around the bush... for now
/when you mention your boyfriend, or more specifically me stealing you from him, i blink a few times and fumble over words, trying to get something out but in the end its just a few uncertain noises before i just clear my throat
/thankful when we start talking music again, only because i had been thinking about kissing you this entire time, but you're coming over again and all the thoughts are coming back
yeah i mean, we can always make anything work
im pretty flexible--
/reaching for a snack, im about to pop it in my mouth when you suggest i wont hurt you, smiling a little as i shake my head a bit
no, yunjin, i wont hurt you
/its thrilling to know that you think that way about me anyway, i dont think i could really hurt a fly, but then you're leaning in and giving me that kiss to the corner of my mouth
/there's electricity with it, a pull that i cant ignore, warmth that spreads from that specific spot and then across my whole face, making my cheeks warm
/snack put down, you're starting to apologize, or i think you are, i dont know, and then i reach out and slide my hand to the back of your head before im pulling you in
/im not sure i can help myself either, but im kissing you full on the lips, a lingering kiss as well as my eyes fall shut and i enjoy the brief moment, finally pulling back and hesitating just slightly as i pull my hand back
i.. uh...
honestly, not gonna say sorry...
yunjin huh. ᵉᵘʳʸᵈᶦᶜᵉ 2 months ago
@jisung han. ᵒʳᵖʰᵉᵘˢ yes I mean it
I always mean what I say. that's one thing you'll learn very quickly about me
/promises with a grin to myself before I'm brushing my hair over my shoulder and then glancing over your face again, so cute, so soft, you're unfair and I doubt you're as affected as me
/but that's exactly where you are isn't it? how far you are into all of this like me, it makes sense but we don't know the other is struggling but it'll come out sooner than later
are you talking about making music still ot stealing me away from my boyfriend?
/asks as I pop a bite of food into my mouth after, snacking as I continue gathering hot drinks for us and some array of snacks for you to have with me while you're here, keeping distance as long as I can
but sure no contracts and signing
I don't see us falling out anyway so I don't need to worry about rights
/muses as I come over with the tray and set it down on the coffee table, bending over as I get the items off the tray and motion for you to help yourself, looking up at you after I've crouched beside my work
you wouldn't hurt me anyway
don't ask me how I know, I just do
/promises as I look up at you, smiling again and then before I think I'm leaning in to press my lips to the corner of your mouth, lingering there and when I lean back I'm meeting your gaze and you know the words that are about to come, an apology I'm not sure I mean
I'm so-
jisung han. ᵒʳᵖʰᵉᵘˢ 2 months ago
@yunjin huh. ᵉᵘʳʸᵈᶦᶜᵉ ... okay, okay you're right
no jinxing!
i wish you smooth sailing, or something
/the words arent all that genuine and im not sure if you can tell from how i say it, but i give a shrug with it anyway, hoping you dont think too harshly of me
/really im not aware of that whole situation, maybe im a little bit jealous but i also dont think i have a reason to be, or any right to be either
/you look like you're genuinely contemplating my offer as well, my eyes going a little wide and puppy-like as im essentially begging you, hoping you'll say yes
/there's a small whine to my voice, i really am begging you to say yes and agree to work with me with this, maybe in general but specifically music
/once im sitting up at your urging, im pouting at you before you're agreeing, instantly breaking into a bright smile that's a bit gummy, wriggling happily
you're really agreeing? like for real?
/but then you're taking my breath away, with how close you are and how pretty you are up close like this, i have to hold my breath as i look at you
/im drawn in, i want-- oh, i dont know what i want, but i know its not fair to want more or anything when i know your position in life, things like that
right-- r-right
but you agreed! that means i can make music with you!
you dont have to sign or anything, it can be informal, i dont wanna tie you down-- we can just see where it goes
/im rambling and talking excitedly to distract myself from the feelings building up in me as well, leaning over the sofa to watch you as you move about to keep yourself occupied, unaware that really, we're on the same wavelength like this
yunjin huh. ᵉᵘʳʸᵈᶦᶜᵉ 3 months ago
@jisung han. ᵒʳᵖʰᵉᵘˢ can you not jinx me with all that stuff? I've got enough to handle
I don't need that at my door
/I say it in jest, not really caring about those things where my boyfriend is involved, at this point it's more like dating no one with an annoyance that rears it's head now and then
/but I continue giving you a little head massage, you seem to enjoy it so much, I'd hate to deprive you of what little joys you can have with me
/I catch the words you use, saying that you want to see where it takes us first, then our stuff, our music, it makes me smile to myself as I shrug a bit
I could be persuaded
but it might take a while I don't know ...
/trails off as I tease you a little, giggling to myself before I watching you my cheek and I'm still leaning happily into it too
okay I'm persuaded
pretty hard bargain I push huh?
/laughs with you before I'm nudging you gently to sit up, leaning into your space as soon as you have and bringing my face close to your own
but you're cute so I didn't have that much of a hard time agreeing
/tickles under your chin before I'm leaning away and getting up, heading off to get us some tea or something, wanting to have a moment before the urges I have to kiss your cute face get any stronger
jisung han. ᵒʳᵖʰᵉᵘˢ 3 months ago
@yunjin huh. ᵉᵘʳʸᵈᶦᶜᵉ well, i mean, i know!
but like, i dont know, you always hear about those horror stories, you know?
girl hangs out with guy friend, boyfriend gets jealous and possessive and weird about things, makes life living hell...
wouldnt want any of those things happening to you
/even if i take on a joking tone with you, its clear this is something i worry about, giving you a little pout before im laughing with you, relaxing a bit
/humming softly in the position im in as i look up at you, im enjoying how close we are and relaxing with you the longer we talk, nodding in understanding at your words
mhm, i totally get that
sometimes its easier just thinking about all the music stuff rather than actually putting it out there
in theory, at least
/and then sometimes its a hinderance, not knowing where the hard work is going to go, things of that nature, things i've learned very well
/as you ask me why im asking you about it all, i give a cheeky little grin as you're massaging my head, letting out a soft groan at the feeling
/that, and i enjoy the warmth that blooms from where your fingers met my forehead, the very tips of my ears turning a shade of pink
what if i am making that offer?
we could work together, build around what you've got, see where it takes us-- where it takes your stuff?
/im genuinely offering to you as well, not just saying it to say it, smiling as you nuzzle against my palm and i curl my fingers against your cheek, biting back a coo
what do you say?
yunjin huh. ᵉᵘʳʸᵈᶦᶜᵉ 3 months ago
@jisung han. ᵒʳᵖʰᵉᵘˢ don't want me getting in trouble? is he my boyfriend or my teacher?
c'mon jisung, lighten up. i'm a big girl, i can look after myself
/flexes one of my arms as i call myself a big girl, figuring you'd enjoy hearing it as well, my playful nature ever present especially when i'm around you too it seems
/as time passes and your head is on my lap again with you playing with my fingers, i smile to myself at the feeling, admiring the way your cheeks are so round and you look adorable
oh... yeah
yeah i have thought about it. regularly
but i've just not done it. i know it should be like don't care about what people think and all that garbage but when you make money off it, it does matter?
/looks back at you just then, smiling softly once more before i ruffle your hair with my free hand, drawing my own patterns through your hair and giving them a small tug
i've got songs written
just never put it to more than melodies?
why you askin' anyway?
/asks as i twirl my fingers around your hair, rubbing at your scalp after and giving it a massage, figuring you'll be appreciative of it, pressing my fingers to my lips before i press them to your forehead
if you're about to offer that to me...
/trails off, raising an eyebrow at you before i lift your hand to my lips, not kissing it but instead pressing my cheek into your palm instead, giving it a few more nuzzles
jisung han. ᵒʳᵖʰᵉᵘˢ 3 months ago
@yunjin huh. ᵉᵘʳʸᵈᶦᶜᵉ /the way you call me sweetie and you have that smile on your face makes my heart skip a damn beat, it shouldnt do that but it doesnt, its not fair
/sighing softly, i let my hand rest in yours as i look up at you, tilting my head as your fingers brush through my hair to nudge the strands away from my face
okay... okay, okay, i trust you
i just-- i dont want you getting in trouble or something just cause im here
/i dont want to say i dont like the guy, i dont even know him, i was just rubbed the wrong way when he decided to introduce himself as your boyfriend first thing
/my nose scrunches as you mention how far away he is, scoffing softly before my arms wrap around you gently in return, a small smile on my lips
so you're saying we get to have the coolest sleepover ever?
/grinning, i let myself remain looking a little disheveled as i sit across from you, and then we're sort of diving right back into our talking and such
/eventually it ends with my head in your lap again, my fingers playing with your own above my head as i just trace the shape of your fingers, enjoying the way it feels
so like, in theory, have you ever thought of like...
oh i dont know, producing your own music, and songs? like professionally?
not just theatre stuff, you know?
/turns my wide gaze up at you, looking at you partially upside down from where we are, the smile on my face making my cheeks look big and squishy
yunjin huh. ᵉᵘʳʸᵈᶦᶜᵉ 3 months ago
@jisung han. ᵒʳᵖʰᵉᵘˢ /as you pout at me like that i wonder what's wrong, do you not want to stay over or something? i don't think that's it, not as you even reach out and tug on my sleeve
/when you tell me what it is you're worried about, my boyfriend of all things, i sigh but with a smile, most guys wouldn't even question it and just take what's given but not you
jisung, sweetie
/taking your hand from my sleeve i hold it between my own instead, giving it a soft squeeze before i lift my hand from on top to brush your hair back lightly from your face
this is my apartment, i pay for it, not him
so i'm allowed whoever i want here
if he's got a problem with it then... well, that sounds like a him problem doesn't it?
/smiles at you before i'm tugging you in suddenly, wrapping my arms around you in a hug and murmuring over your shoulder a thanks for you looking out for me
anyway he's like in new york or something right now
he's not just going to walk through that door, i promise
/gestures to the one you were glancing at earlier, squeezing you in my arms again before i let go and lean back, ruffling your hair lightly as a kind of distraction for myself about how right and natural it feels with you
jisung han. ᵒʳᵖʰᵉᵘˢ 3 months ago
@yunjin huh. ᵉᵘʳʸᵈᶦᶜᵉ ... alright. alright
/your words make me stare at you with wide eyes for a moment, almost like im scared, but i just end up laughing a little nervously but nodding
/you've won this time, i'll give you that, so im enjoying the way i get to cuddle against you for now where we lay on the picnic blanket, content this way
/but i grow a little more anxious when you seem to take a while to agree to my deal, holding my pinky out to you and it wavers a little, lowering slightly when you dont answer immediately
/but then you finally do and im grinning, letting out a breath i hadnt realized i'd been holding, glad that we seem to be on the same page now
/its some time but we end up getting up and going on a little bike ride, enjoying the fresh air and time out, these things all come naturally for us it seems
/eventually we're heading back to your place, im a little shocked but i dont mind, even getting to settle on your sofa and such
/really, there is a thought that plagues the back of my mind, but it only really comes up at the mention of it being late, glancing to your door, then to you
/my eyes are wide and im pouting a little, fingers fiddling with each other before im reaching out, tugging at your sleeve and speaking quietly as if i'd be heard
okay but, what about the other problem?
would um-- your boyfriend? be upset if he found out i was here?
like, it wont get you in trouble or anything if i stay, right?
yunjin huh. ᵉᵘʳʸᵈᶦᶜᵉ 3 months ago
@jisung han. ᵒʳᵖʰᵉᵘˢ so if I like your song I have good taste in music and you're a lot better than you give yourself credit for
/adds on after you've trailed off, daring you almost to tell me I'm wrong because I'll argue with you about it if I have to
/nuzzling against your shoulder some more I'm giving your hand in my own a soft squeeze, my thumb brushing against the side of your hand in soft as I do so
/hums softly as I'm pretending to even think about the promise you request of me, looking at your pinky but of course I made my mind up before and don't need to think anymore
you have yourself a deal
/gives you my answer when I figure you've waited long enough, my pinky hooking with your own and shaking our hands up and down threw times before I let our hands drop to your stomach
/I lay there with you like that for a while longer before I'm suggesting we hire some bikes and go for a ride, doing just that with you and the both of us all laughter as we go
/it's late by the time we stop and we've grabbed another meal together, talking about songs and discussing the in fun ways I can't do often, or as often as I'd like but I can
/I'm riding the bus with you to my neighborhood, my head falling to your shoulder gently as I'm asleep, feeling relaxed and happy, my walls down with you so easily
/as we arrive at my stop I'm tugging you off, taking you into my apartment even and getting you a hot drink with my own too, sitting down with you on the sofa as we fall into easy chatter again, our conversations so easy
do you want to stay over?
it's so late, I have a guest room too so no sofa nonsense
jisung han. ᵒʳᵖʰᵉᵘˢ 3 months ago
@yunjin huh. ᵉᵘʳʸᵈᶦᶜᵉ mhm, someone like you
you're someone so involved in the music industry, so to know that you like these types of things, you can look at this stuff and your opinion matters a lot
so if you like my song...
/trailing off, its clear it means a lot to me, there's underlying emotions to all of it too that even i cant really understand-- im just glad you like my work
/especially because wish you back came from something like a dream for me, the depths of my dreams that i dont even understand either
/smiling as your hand finds mine, i realize my heart is racing, but it feels so natural to hold your hand, to twine our fingers together, to fiddle with your fingers
/so im not shocked, not pulling away, none of that really while im leaning into you, my eyes finding your own before you're asking your question of me
/whispers as i process what you're asking of me as you lay on my shoulder, swallowing thickly as i nod a bit and give your hand a squeeze, a smile naturally finding its way to my lips
i promise, yunjin
i'll keep making music as long as i can, as long as you'll let me hear your pretty voice too
/as we're holding hands with one set of them, my other hand comes up and im offering you my pinky, putting it in your line of sight so that we can pinky promise and solidify this, a wide smile on my lips the entire time
yunjin huh. ᵉᵘʳʸᵈᶦᶜᵉ 3 months ago
@jisung han. ᵒʳᵖʰᵉᵘˢ oh I'm so glad you approve of my song choice
/laughs softly as I lift one of my hands, half covering my mouth as I'm amused, settling with you again and my hand rests on the grass between us again
someone like me?
/asks as I'm pushing myself up on one hand and turning slightly on my side to look down at you, tucking my hair back behind my ear as I do so, a smile always present on my lips when I'm with you
you write amazing music, jisung
you're more than talented
you're blessed and I mean that in the best way
/I'm not suggesting you don't work hard because I know you do, you have to do you're able to do everything you can and I admire that so much, you're such an inspiration and not just to me either
/finding one of your hands I hold it gently in my own, giving it a soft squeeze before I'm lifting it, to my lap where my fingers softly play with your own
don't ever stop making music
/asks if you as I hold your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze before I return to laying down beside you again, my forehead pressing gently against your shoulder as we lay like that
I'll sing as long as I can if you promise it to me
promise me, jisung
jisung han. ᵒʳᵖʰᵉᵘˢ 3 months ago
@yunjin huh. ᵉᵘʳʸᵈᶦᶜᵉ /while we're eating, im enjoying the closeness we seem to have while spending this time together, between talking and eating and drinking
/and it comes naturally for us as well, there's no fumbling over words or anything, its like we're two long lost souls finding each other again
i /told/ you, this chicken is the best
now you legally cant doubt me
/puffs up my chest and then cheeks proudly, relaxing easily with you while we eat and chill out for now
/eventually my head is on your lap, but then you're urging me to lay down and so you're laying next to me, letting out a soft sigh as we look up at the sky together
hmm? please do tell me
/whines softly, this is something that has been on my mind the entire time that we've been out together, my arm gently nudging yours
/at first im still looking at the sky, watching the clouds roll by, but as your tone switches to something a little more serious, im looking over to you once more
/there's a certain warmth that blooms in me when you tell me which song you've liked, your favorite, and i hesitate for a moment as im smiling
wish you back?
honestly, solid choice
/i've gotten plenty of ridicule for how i write music, a man of heart break who managed to be able to write something like that without help, from anyone or anything
/clasping my hands on my chest as i lay next to you, our arms just barely touching, im smiling mostly to myself for a long moment before i speak up again
i think... you made a good choice
i dont know how wish you back came to be, but even now— i think i'll always be glad i wrote it then
since someone like /you/ likes my music like that
/giving your arm a small nudge, i end up turning my head so that i can look at you, hair flopping over my eyes but im giving you such a charming smile, i can be forgiven for being cheesy, cant i?
yunjin huh. ᵉᵘʳʸᵈᶦᶜᵉ 3 months ago
@jisung han. ᵒʳᵖʰᵉᵘˢ i know right? literally so hard just tryna live or something like that
/giggles softly as you bring me over and i settle down easily enough with you, relaxing as i'm taking the food you give me and thanking you
/as soon as i take a bite i'm loving it, it smelled amazing but its so crispy and tasty, everything just right as i take a sip of my drink too
its so amazing, i can see why its your favourite
thank you. i love it
/murmurs as i take another sip of my drink and set it aside, having some more chicken too before i reach over and brush the corner of your mouth with my thumb
i have a chicken joint i go to whenever i'm craving it
i can show it to you if you want but i can't say you'll like it more than this
/tells you as i the crumb off my thumb, like its nothing and its not, its just me being me doing me things you'll get used to
/as we chat and eat and later dive into the desserts i'm full by the time we're done, your head somehow ending up on my lap
/but i gently nudge it off so i can lay down beside you, my arm pressing against your own as we're both looking up at the sky
so, about my favourite song of yours
/smiles to myself because i know you've been wanting to hear it for ages by now, having kept it a secret from you this far
/i brush some of my hair out of my face after looking at you beside me, gazing back at the sky again before i speak softly
wish you back
that's my favourite you've done so far
jisung han. ᵒʳᵖʰᵉᵘˢ 4 months ago
@yunjin huh. ᵉᵘʳʸᵈᶦᶜᵉ oh my god you're starving?
we cant have that, now can we
/shaking my head, my eyes fall to the bag with the desserts, perking up and grinning widely and reaching for your wrist, giving a gentle tug on your arm
/bringing you with me, i gesture to the nice little spot i've managed to secure for us, close enough to admire all the nature around us especially
desserts, chicken, and fresh air... what more could we ask for
/popping a few poses when we take pictures, i glance at my phone when you send me the pictures, my own phone going on silent so i can focus on you
right, the chicken, lets dig in
/setting everything out, im making sure to put the best pieces on your paper plate, gesturing for you to eat and waiting until you do to take my first bite, groaning at the flavor and then digging in some more
/im very pleased with this too, and happy once i get a gauge on if you like it or not, myself wriggling once im taking sips of my drink between bites and small
okay, okay, but is this /not/ amazing chicken?
you gotta tell me if you know better chicken, 'cause i need to try 'em all
yunjin huh. ᵉᵘʳʸᵈᶦᶜᵉ 4 months ago
@jisung han. ᵒʳᵖʰᵉᵘˢ /getting your text and the picture i'm smiling to myself at the sight, i would reply but i'm a little busy grabbing the desserts i promised us
/tells the woman who hands the bag over to me and i get a call, answering it as i'm jogging to get to where you wanted to meet me
/i'm arriving eventually and putting my phone on mute, smiling as you come to join me as well and i lift a hand to wave at you
/but you meet me halfway anyway, laughing to myself because you seem so happy like a dog with a wagging tail as well
hey jisung
i'm actually starving
/reassures you before you tell me the chicken is bomb, high giving you over it before i show you the bag in my other hand
i brought desserts. yes, plural
can't just have one
/promises before i go to sit down with you, complimenting your set up especially since we're near such a nice lake too
lets take a photo
/tells you as i lean in and bring my phone out, taking a couple of photos with you before i send them over to you as well
we look adorable
but also i'm starving, let me see this amazing chicken you got
jisung han. ᵒʳᵖʰᵉᵘˢ 4 months ago
@yunjin huh. ᵉᵘʳʸᵈᶦᶜᵉ /with a bag of chicken from my favorite restaurant hanging off my fingers, the other hand holding a drink holder with two drinks for the both of us, im finding a good enough spot for us to sit
/i manage to get the little blanket untucked from my arm, juggling our items back and forth before i get the blanket set up properly
/it takes a bit as well, but i manage to organize our little picnic nicely, making it appealing for you to see, and im so proud of it that i take a picture of me with the set up in the background
/sending you a text with the picture to let you know im waiting for you, hopping up to pace back and forth a little, excited for this of course
be realistic han, you're just hanging out
she has a boyfriend anyway
/mumbling to myself, im watching my phone in case you text me, sparing glances up here and there over the area before i think i catch sight of you
/lifting my arm, im waving excitedly, jumping and going between waving and pointing to the spot, even getting so ahead of myself that i end up jogging up to you to meet you halfway
hi! hope you're hungry
this chicken is the /bomb/, and i got us the best drinks to go with it, so you gotta let me know if you like it
how are you, by the way?


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melanie 3 months ago
Ben Barnes/ actor
Aug 20, 1981 & 42
Rumpelstiltskin ♡
bigboybbg 3 months ago
this is adorable!
unevenstars 4 months ago
skz & Bangchan
october 3, 1997 & 26
big bad wolf from the three little pigs
themis [A] 4 months ago
— all pre-reservations have been deleted. if you’d like to reserve and apply, please comment using the below format.

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BooJae- 4 months ago
hello ~
can I have huh yunjin as eurydice please?
thank you :3
collision 4 months ago
hi! i have a (potentially dumb) question !!
subeomi 4 months ago
will apply for sohee tomorrow!
[comment deleted by owner]
DNABleached 4 months ago
I'm gonna apply tomorrow stuck on mobile rn hiding from the heat in Aus LOL
psycheux 4 months ago
applying for kang seulgi !!! ♡
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