⁝ oh manor


jungin district.

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❀ oh jisung 1 day ago
@❀ oh jiyeon Jisung's gaze met Jiyeon's with unwavering steadiness, the corners of his mouth lifting in a half-smile that held a touch of melancholy. "A pledge, you say? Perhaps it is," he acknowledged, his voice steady and sure. "But it is one I make not out of obligation, but out of choice." He stepped closer, the distance between them charged with the weight of unspoken promises and shared histories. "I know well the price of betrayal, and the value of loyalty," he continued, his eyes never leaving hers.

"You speak of traitors but know this—I stand before you as your brother, bound not by fear, but by blood and by honor." His words hung in the air, a testament to the depth of his conviction. "So yes, call it a pledge if you will. But it is one I intend to keep, not as a duty, but as a privilege." The intensity of his declaration left a profound silence in its wake, a moment of truth that asked for no reply, only acceptance.

He might not know much about her own struggle within the house, because of their parents since their age gap was quite far from each other, at least he was lucky enough to have her being there for him when he needed someone the most. And now, he felt the sense of duty, to stand by her side, to protect her with everything he has; some may call it an indebt feeling, but for him, he was just simply looking after his older sister whom he respected so much.

"Regret... we do not have the luxury to feel that." Jisung mused softly "As the Oh, we have been taught to always stay firm and don't let the emotion to get the best of us. I used to hate that when he said those things to us but now, I get older, his words did hold some truth in it." Finally letting his shoulders slumped down a little, he offered her a little smile. "I'm sorry for holding you up like this though, noonim. You must be tired. I've had the maids to clean up your room. Have a good rest for now. I shall see you later at dinner time."
❀ oh jiyeon [h] 2 days ago
@❀ oh jisung Memories of their childhood are difficult to forget. Jiyeon has not been present in a majority of Jisung's childhood, having been married so early, but she has tried to be by her brother's side as much as she can, to ensure that he never once forgets her presence in her life. Perhaps it had been her way of apologizing for not being there, as their father's iron fist tightened around his children. Perhaps it had been her way of trying to save her younger siblings when no one had reached out their hands to her the way she did with Jisung. But neither of them can no longer undo their upbringing, engraved into their veins like it is their destiny. Their fate.

(Perhaps this is their father's karma. Perhaps this is the consequences of the choices their father had made. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps—Jiyeon can only think of so many reasons to justify such actions, and yet none of them has made her satisfied, almost four decades later.)

She stops just as Jisung stops in his steps. Her visage is unreadable, as if she cannot decide whether to let herself soften up, or to harden her heart at the face of vulnerability. "... Thank you, for not turning your back on me," she says so quietly, almost out of character for her. She is never so soft, never so quiet. (This house has never allowed her to be.) "But I must say, that I did not regret anything that I have done." Even if she has destroyed the one thing that has given her worth.

(Is it worth it, is freedom worth destroying it all? It has to be, for if it isn't, then what has she destroyed her life for?)

But his conviction—it does make her smile. It is genuine, even if such an expression feels foreign on her lips, on her visage. "You do realize that what you are saying sounds very much like a pledge, don't you?" she says, raising an eyebrow. There is a slight tilt to her head, and a challenging gaze glints in her eyes. "And you do know, that I do not take lightly to traitors, yes?"
❀ oh jisung 1 week ago
@❀ oh jiyeon Jisung's response is measured, his voice a steady timbre that belies the turmoil that Jiyeon's words stir within him. "Loneliness is a familiar companion in these halls," he begins, his gaze never wavering from her own. "But it is a small price to pay for the clarity it brings. The chains, the manor, they are but physical manifestations of the burdens we carry within us. And yet, they are also reminders of the strength we've garnered to bear them." He pauses, his hand over hers, a silent acknowledgment of the shared resilience between them.

"Your return, though wrought with the weight of unspoken deeds, is a testament to your own unyielding spirit." His thumb brushes against her cheek, a gesture laden with the unspoken promise of kinship. "I did not feel loneliness, for you were always present, Jiyeon, in the legacy you've carved within these walls and in the whispers of your name that echo in the silence."

He leads her through the familiar corridors, each step a dance of memories and ghosts of the past. "Peaceful journeys are a rare gift," he continues, "and I am grateful that the winds have been kind to you." The smile that had once graced her features finds a mirror in his own, a fleeting defiance against the weariness that clings to them both.

Jisung stops, turning to face her fully, his expression solemn. "The world may indeed turn its back, but it is a fickle audience, swayed by the winds of fortune and the whims of power. What matters is not the multitude that may or may not stand with us, but the truth of our convictions and the strength of our bond." His grip on her hand tightens, a silent vow. "I stand with you, noonim. Together, there is nothing we cannot face." His words are a beacon, a steadfast declaration in the face of the unknown. "You ask if I can face the world with just you," he says, his voice resolute. "My answer is simple: There is no one else I would rather have by my side." With that, he steps forward, ready to confront whatever may come, with the unshakeable belief that together, they are invincible.
❀ oh jiyeon [h] 1 week ago
@❀ oh jisung The worry is evident on Jisung's visage, and Jiyeon has to wonder how she looks like. Does she look terrible? Something that is far from the image she has perfected over the years? Does she look similarly to how ugly the hollow space in her chest feels? She supposes the separation has shaken her somehow—she did not expect to be so affected by it. (Why must it feel this way? Isn't this something she's always wanted? So why, *why* does it feel as if she's coming back to another prison, even when her jailers are no longer here?)

"So it's you who's been left alone in this manor," she says, though she's expected it. No one wants to stay in a place where chains used to wrap around their ankles, as though preventing them to take flight. (She wonders now then, if the Jin estate is any different. Was that estate, in some sort of morbid way, become a place she would relate to her freedom?) She raises a hand then, the one that Jisung takes, to cup her brother's face as a small smile paints over her lips. So rarely gentle, a side she only shows a few select people. "I hope you did not feel too lonely, brother."

But she lets him lead her back into the manor. His words are often a good distraction, after all, from her thoughts. While she had not been by his side when they were younger, his letters were one of the things she looked forward to in her first years as a member of the Jin clan.

(Perhaps she should find it hilarious, that so many of her thoughts, her *own* identity, carry the name of another clan with it.)

"The journey had been peaceful, thankfully. Quiet," she answers truthfully. "If Jaeha had wanted me dead, then he could've easily sent men my way." The smile has long fallen from her visage, however, betraying the tiredness she's tried to hide. She listens to her brother's words, doing her best to pay attention to his words—only for her jaw to clench at them.

'Even if the whole world turned their back against you,' Jisung says, and Jiyeon's gaze hardens. The world does not know yet of what she's done, but those who shouldn't have to know do. She feels as if the world will crumble beneath her feet anytime now. "I... I thank you for that promise, Jisung-ah. I know that you will stand by my side, even if no one else does." She does not even have her lover by her side, the man whom she's risked her entire life for. Who else does she share this burden with then? "You are likely to be the only one on my side this time around, brother. Are you certain you can face the world with just me?" she asks, raising an eyebrow.
❀ oh jisung 2 weeks ago
@❀ oh jiyeon Jisung's face was clearly printed in worry as he took a good look at his sister. Even though it's hidden underneath her clothing, he could tell that, at least in his vision, she had lost some weight compared to the last time he saw her, and it was not in a good way of weight loss. He reached down to hold her hands, as if to feel her warmth, to ensure him that it was indeed his sister who stand before him.

"Of course. Someone has to look after this manor despite the lack of...inhabitants." He tried to life her mood by cracking some joke, but he was half expected for no reaction from her, well maybe this would be a start.

Still holding Jiyeon's hand, the taller Oh made his way back to the main housing, keeping his pace the same as hers, wanting to spend more time as much as he could with her before he leaves next week to another region for business. "How was your journey back here?" at least with an attempt of a small talk, he could try to divert her mind from whatever running inside, since it was pretty obvious from the way her face and lips stay in a straight line.

Once they were inside the main house, he gestured for the maids to prepare some hot tea for them to enjoy along with the snacks he brought from his last trip. "I bought some senbei and dango from Ilbon. I went there a month ago and I think you would like them, noonim." Jisung turned to look at his sister, his voice is firm yet still soft enough when he speaks. "No matter what happened. Or whatever things that might be going on outside this household... You will always have my support, Jiyeon noonim. Even if the whole world turned their back against you, as your brother, I will stand by your side. I hope you will never forget that."

[so sorry for the rather short reply... stuck in mobile u.u]
❀ oh jiyeon [h] 2 weeks ago
@❀ oh jisung Home has been a mere word to Jiyeon for years now.

She hasn't known what it meant for years now, ever since she has grown a mind that is capable of thinking for herself. Even the Oh Manor has not felt like home since her childhood, and it is rare that she has stepped foot back in its floors ever since she's gotten married to Jin Jaeha. And even then, she hasn't known what home meant. She doesn't know if she's meant to consider it by Jaeha's side, her legal husband (or perhaps, former now?). She doesn't know if she's meant to consider it by her first love's side, the man she's risked her entire life for.

She doesn't know. And so, even as she steps back into the Oh Manor, she does not feel at home. She does not feel at ease. The mask does not slip (and sometimes, she wonders if this mask has merged with her face that she can no longer distinguish the difference between the role she plays and the woman she is beyond that). Home is supposed to make you feel at ease, no? Home is supposed to make one feel comfortable.

Now, however, she feels as though she's returning to the past, but it is surprisingly emptier than she's expected. How long has it been since she's last visited properly? She doesn't know—she's never made it a point to do so. She avoids this place like the plague, believing that any place is much better than here (and yes, that includes even laying by Jaeha's side, and just the thought of it leaves a bittersweet taste on her tongue, a heavy weight on her guts.)

She can hear the familiar voice of her brother cutting through the otherwise silent evening. At least, there is still a source of familiarity, despite everything. There is still someone who welcomes her 'home,' despite everything that has happened. Her visage softens a little upon seeing Jisung's face, but she doesn't smile. She cannot even find it in herself to fake a smile, even if her mask stays on.

(It does not betray any of the turmoil she is feeling underneath. It does not betray her thoughts, only that she is tired, and that she may be—just a little bit—lonesome.)

"My brother, have you been staying here the entire time?" Jiyeon asks, as she walks toward him, meeting his pace halfway. "I do hope you've kept the place tidy despite my absence."
❀ oh jisung 2 weeks ago
@❀ oh jiyeon [ back thread. year 1867]

Inhales. Exhales. Inhales. Exhales.

Oh Jisung couldn't hide the fact that he was very worried right now. Even all those breathing technique he learned didn't help to calm himself down. The news of his sister divorce was shocking enough and when he knew about what happened to cause such thing, all he could think about was how would Jiyeon felt right now. It has been few months since his last visit to the Jin manor to see her and his nephews and niece, and now with the unexpected news of the divorce, as much as he wanted to just come over, but he couldn't do that. As it could make things worse. Jisung was a very patience man, but not when it's about Oh Jiyeon.

The older sister of his, Oh Jiyeon. One could even say that she was more of a mother-like figure for him. Someone whom he always seeks comfort and protection on. Their parents weren't those you could call loving parents. Oh Jaewon always ensured that none of his children be less than perfect, and Jisung as one of the sons, was forced to be excel from academics, swordsmanship, to academic matters. If he ever made a mistake, even a small one, it would be guaranteed that he would get some bruises from his father. And at times like that, only Jiyeon who would offer a warm hug for him. He didn't remember much about being close with their mother. As much as he could recall, there was some sort of invincible barrier between them. Despite his loud cry when he was little kid, Jisung couldn't remember the time when his mother would actually hug him and comfort him. His relationship with the eldest brother of his wasn't that close either. So, it was safe to say that Jiyeon was his pillar of support.

Back to the present time, Jisung's eyes kept focused on the gate to the manor, waiting for any sign of his sister's arrival from the Jin house. With each passing moment, he grew more and more restless. "That's it. I can't wait anymore. Get my horse ready! I'll go there my--" His words were cut short as the guards announcing Jiyeon's arrival. Without wasting more time, Jisung almost ran to greet his sister, or more so to check her well-being. "Noonim! I'm glad you've arrived safely... Come on, you should get some rest..."


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vinnivece 3 days ago
hello, hi. i would perhaps like to come back now that i'm free! ^^ can i please reserve kang hanna under the name jeong hyebin?
ilhwamun [A] 3 days ago
* ・゚   happy one year, ilhwazens! * ❁ 。

✦ don’t forget to favorite before commenting! all reservations will last for 48 hours!
✦ not sure who to be and how it works? you can find more information about our lore in the < guidebook > and some character ideas in < skeletons >. scroll down for our unofficial wishlist!
✦ make sure to read the < season's court > and < family seals > rooms before brainstorming your character! additional lore can be found in < the ton directory >.
✦ any questions you need answered? comment and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!

  ♡ 일화。

* ・゚ population stats: 67 men & 54 women; 121 esteemed members of the ton.

⚘ ilhwa's (un)official wishlist, compiled by our dearest ilhwazens.

(men) WOMEN IN ILHWA ARE BEGGING TO BE BAREFOOT IN THE KITCHEN MAKING A SANDWICH FOR: lee jehoon, mark lee, lee junyoung, yoo insoo, bae inhyuk, ju jihoon, go kyungpyo, park haesoo, jung ilwoo, lee seunghyub, yoo yeonseok, kim youngkyun, lee sangyi, lee taesun, choi wooshik, kim jaewook, im jaebeom, ahn bohyun, jo insung, lee hongki, lee joon, hwang inyeop, kim woobin, song mingi, lee chan, choi beomgyu, kim jongdae, jung jinyoung, namgoong min, na inwoo, lee hoseok, sf9, mx, svt

(women) MEN IN ILHWA WILLING TO FIGHT A RABID BEAR WITH THEIR BARE HANDS AND BUILD A HOUSE FROM SCRATCH FOR: kim jaekyung, cha jooyoung, yoo shiah, lee elijah, nam yujeong, jang heejin, han yeseul, shin minah, song hyekyo, seo hyunjin, kim ahyoung, kim hyuna, lee jooyoung, jeon somin (kard), kim jiho, lee chaerin, kang mina, im nayeon, lee saerom, cheetah, honey lee, eugene, bada, shin hyesun, lee seyoung, han boreum, seol inah, kim taehee, seo yeji, lee mijoo, kim jiyeon, oh yeonseo, fromis_9, wjsn, snsd, t-ara, kara, rv, bbgirls, dreamcatcher, lovelyz
pragmatic 1 week ago
Hello. I was hoping kim hyang-gi is available as a faceclaim?
grumps 1 week ago
hey, how do i request for an old character? requesting for go miro btw
frecklycheeks 2 weeks ago
*slides smoothly* heyyyy….. can i pls have han jisung <3
kurokawa 2 weeks ago
Hi <3 I was wondering, if Felix was available?
muzieless 2 weeks ago
coughs I will wait 2 days then will reclaim Oh Juwon, forgive me my Queen!
psychiatrist 2 weeks ago
i am still getting a hang of this. can i reserve a faceclaim first? and ask for people's opinion on a faceclaim as well? jung jaewon or lee seunghyub or kim minjae?
fairys 2 weeks ago
hAhauHahahua..... hi......
Yootony 3 weeks ago
may I reserve kim seolhyun as Oh Jinseol please?
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