₁ lanling city

City of Lanling
City of Lanling
✸┊jin dilreba ᵃ 3 years ago
@✸┊ jin davika ᵇ Jin Reba was the one of the alpha in her pack but her life wasn't always like this since she was all raised by her mother who she got lost and separated when they were traveling through the woods together, so she had to do everything by herself after that by learning new skills and worked her way back to a normal life all alone. With her new learnt skill she was able to make more friends as time went on, she even some connections as she worked in the society with the friends she made through her line of work.

But there was one person who was there with her since the day she was parted way with her mother, and that was Davika who was one of the beta in her pack. She was someone who was there for her all this time by her side that helped her getting back to a normal life, and even making sure that she was taking care of herself when she was to busy with her works outside of her Jin pack. Davi was the one that had been really close to her, and just everything that Reba didn't have in her.

Today she planned to hangout with Davi as they go to the city for some drinks together, but she was little busy that was close to their meeting time so she text the beta telling her that she would be a little because she was caught up from work. The alpha arrived at the bar as she took deep breath as she entered the place, waving at Davi as she walked toward the beta with a sorrow smile on her face. " Sorry, I was caught up with work. Got one last customer came in right before I closed the shop, I'm really sorry for make you wait for me." She took the shots from her friend as she finished it just in a few seconds before waving down the bartender to order herself a stronger drink to get away from all the stresses that was from work. " So how have you been, my love? I hope life has been treating you okay,hmm?"
✸┊ jin davika ᵇ 3 years ago
@✸┊jin dilreba ᵃ Jin Davika was a wolf that got bored easily. Her life was blessed as a child and she experienced the best luxurious treatment compared to the most wolves in her pack. She got everything the world had to offer. However, it all came to an end when her family's crimes were exposed. Though she was lucky enough to not to receive the harsh punishments her parents and siblings received, the world still frowned upon her very existence. That is, except the people she'd turn to help after her family's downfall.

The beta hardly let anything get to her. Though for a while she felt shame in showing her face around the city, she couldn't change her mannerism and the fact that she was gifted. The people /needed/ her whether they liked to admit it or not. The power to decide who got to live and who dies, to heal the unhealable. Even if davika could be the devil herself, when there are no other options, even the moon herself would bow down to her.

There was one wolf, however, that stuck by her side, even amidst the chaotic downfall of her family. "Reba!" She smiled, waving the alpha over. "You're late. Now you owe me 3 shots."


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mccnshine [A] 3 years ago

check out bloodlines 2.0!
4983dd8c2cc75a0ba148 3 years ago
jieun will be leaving

thank you for the stay, I had fun :)
lyndsi 3 years ago
Can I reserve Kim yerim from red velvet please?
cherrypies 3 years ago
jung soojung please!
xingqiu 3 years ago
can i reserve Kang Seulgi please? ^_^
VioletRose 3 years ago
Jung Wheein Plz
abd37f1cecc20a302864 3 years ago
Iitani Aina please for me
26d7589e8d90e86191a0 3 years ago
Soloist Kim Hyojung (Hyolin) if shes available?
desolate 3 years ago
Jung Wheein if she is available! uwu
gotohellu 3 years ago
A&r park jiyeon for me \o
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