❛ caves

width must be 220 but height can be anything

caves! no cell service, make sure to have a walkie talkie! 

✿ kim taehyung [A] 9 months ago
He accepted the water eagerly, he was a lot thirstier than he had expected, having gone through his entire water supply already. Once they started to head out he gently rested his forehead against Seokmins shoulder, lautghing quietly to himself at the second toad er comment, "Mmm.. It hasn't been that long right? Like a few hours?"
✿ lee seokmin 9 months ago
A nod of agreement before heaving Taehyung on my back with a small " up you go". Seokmin stood up, walking towards the exit of the cave. They didn't get lost because of the chalk marks that Chanwoo left. A ray of sunshine was ahead of them. " We're almost there!" Looking back at Chanwoo with a small smile. " I think you can announce to the whole camp that we found...Toad er over here." Chuckling ever so softly, he thought to himself how bizzare this experience is.
— ✿ jung chanwoo 9 months ago
Chanwoo chuckled lightly at Seokmin's toad er comment, trying to wipe the tears from his eyes, he nodded lightly when the other had whispered to him, knowing that he himself had been still gaining his strength back from the scare that he had just had. He had wiped the tears off his face. His hands immediately going for a water bottle from his backpack once he heard Taeh was thirsty, opening and handing it over to him. "Heredrink this." before looking at seokmin whispering a "thank you" once again.
✿ kim taehyung [A] 9 months ago
He was starting to grow more concerned seeing the reactions of the two at just how long he'd actually been missing for, for him time had all run together and he was sure it had been less than a day. He nodded his head slowly, his gaze grateful as it fell onto Seokmin and he didn't hesitate to take the offer of being carried on his back; climbing up carefully and holding on. "Mmm.. I think i sprained my ankle.. and i'm a little thirsty.. But 'm okay really. I'm sorry for being concerning-"
✿ lee seokmin 9 months ago
Seokmin burst into tears." Taehyung you TOAD ER" His arms wrapped around Taehyung and Chanwoo while was sniffling "Yeah, don't be sorry. We're happy that you're alive and kind of well." Wiping his tears with his hands, his chuckles were a bit strained. " I'll carry you Taehyung on my back." He looks over to Chanwoo and whispered. " I got this." He felt Chanwoo's apprehension about this situation.
— ✿ jung chanwoo 9 months ago
Chanwoo caught Taehyung’s body weight and took and tried to catch his own breath, as well as the tears. Overwhelmed with emotions he grabbed Seokmin pulling the three of them into a group hug, hugging lightly trying to be mindful of the pain he could tell Taehyung was in. “Don’t be sorry.” He said as he pulled away from the big. “I’m just glad you’re okay, let’s get you back at camp and clean you up?” He said his gaze darting between Taehyung and Seokmin.
✿ kim taehyung [A] 9 months ago
He tried his best really to shoot the two males a reassuring smile but it was quickly buried by a groan of pain as he slumped his whole body weight into Chanwoos side. After a few moments of silence he nodded his head, "Yeah- No I'm good- I.." His gaze fllicked between the two, taking in just how worried they seemed to be about him as his brow furrowed, "I guess I got a little lost? I'm sorry for worrying you-"
✿ lee seokmin 9 months ago
He fumbled back as he heard Taehyung's groaning in discomfort. A sigh of relief escaped through his lips, eyes glistening because he felt so overwhelmed. " Taehyung, are you okay?" He crawled closer to him looking over him while his voice is full of concern.
— ✿ jung chanwoo 9 months ago
Chanwoo couldn’t have been more thankful for seokmin in that moment, knowing how hard it could have been for him as well but Chanwoo was literally glued to the spot and when Seokmin looked at him to ask of Taehyung’s current status, he shook his head not wanting to hear the words just as much as he could tell the other didn’t want to say them. Chanwoo’s eyes were darting at every corner of the cave unsure of what to do or where to look until his eyes caught a glimpse of movement. Looking back at Taehyung’s direction chanwoo’s eyes widened letting out a breath of air that he didn’t realize he had been holding. Immediately seeing the struggle of him getting up Chanwoo rushed over offering his help, though it wasn’t much with how shaky he was himself.
“Oh thank god you’re alive.” He breathed out, and once the words left his mouth he couldn’t help the tears falling from his eyes.
✿ kim taehyung [A] 9 months ago
Taehyung had at some point fallen into yet another bout of sleep, he'd been trying to remember how to get out of the caves for a while now - although how long exactly he couldn't be sure. The poke on his leg took a moment to register in his mind but as soon as they did his eyes flew open. Right in front of him was Seokmin and Chanwoo and for a few fleeting moments he thought maybe he was imagining things; but no. They were right there. It took him a minute to be able to form words, his eyes welling with relieved tears as he struggled to push himself up onto his feet, his body weak and his right ankle sprained.
✿ lee seokmin 9 months ago
Seokmin felt the nervousness of Chanwoo as they walked deeper in the cave. It was rubbing on him as he grabbed his arm to check the body he pointed. Shudders felt throughout his body when he thought they might doscover a dead Taehyung in the caves. With the stick that he got along the way. He came closer to the body "Are you sure this is him?" He kneeled down and poke his leg. "Taehyung buddy?" With the grease and dirt that covered his whole body he was unrecognizable. He poked him the second time. "Taehyung?" As they wait for a respomse for him. "Is he d--" the word didn't came as it was trapped inside his throat. He can't imagine it.
— ✿ jung chanwoo 9 months ago
[] i forgot to add it's been 2 days ic since taehyung has been missing. if that information is useful.
— ✿ jung chanwoo 9 months ago
Going through the caves and exploring was difficult, with a series of maze systems in the cave it was easy to get lost, and after searching the forest and no luck there, Chanwoo was sure (or had hoped) that his luck would be in the caves. There would be no other explanation that the older male would not have come back to camp unless the worse had happened. Shuddering at the thought, he had lead the s+r team around, a specified color of chalk for each of them to mark the walls, indicating the direction they were brought into the cave, that way, when it was time to leave, they would easily be able to find their way out. With a big crew of people, everyone had went in separate directions in groups of no less than two. Chanwoo had been with one of the cooks of the camp, Seokmin, searching every corner than he could.

Chanwoo would normally be worried about anyone going missing, and having been gone as long as Taehyung had wouldn't make things easier. Perhaps it was his closeness to Taehyung that cause Chanwoo's anxiety to rise higher, though he tried to act more normal about the situation he might not have been hiding it as well as he had hoped. Chanwoo was looking down some small drop offs chanwoo, had seen what had look like a foot. Stepping around, he could see a leg leading up to a body. Chanwoo stopped in his tracks grabbing Seokmin's arm. "HEY" he said a little louder than intended. "I think that's him." Chanwoo pointed in the direction that he had saw the figure. Had it not been for the small, but large enough to not want to just jump down cliff, he would have been over there checking already. "He's breathing right? Pls tell me his.." He said in a quick manner before looking at Seokmin trying to find a sense of grounding.
✿ kim taehyung [A] 9 months ago
() alricjfu
— ✿ jung chanwoo 9 months ago
[] give me a moment and i'll make a scene if no one else does.
— ✿ jung chanwoo 9 months ago
[] helpppp lol
✿ kim taehyung [A] 9 months ago
— ✿ jung chanwoo 9 months ago
[] yes he is i need to not be unhinged rn lol
✿ kim taehyung [A] 9 months ago
() anyway he's genu8nky lost and has a little sprained ankle ao be gentle ♡
— ✿ jung chanwoo 9 months ago
[]\ oh im really wired on caffeine because i def shouolda got that
❀ christopher bang 9 months ago
(or ready to toad)
✿ kim taehyung [A] 9 months ago
() also busy so very slow
❀ christopher bang 9 months ago
❀ jin junya 9 months ago
[] have him ocome out picking his nose
✿ kim taehyung [A] 9 months ago
Entrance ((*
❀ christopher bang 9 months ago
✿ kim taehyung [A] 9 months ago
❀ jin junya 9 months ago
[] entrance*
✿ jeon jungkook 9 months ago
— ✿ jung chanwoo 9 months ago
[] of a good what????


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puppup 9 months ago
sebastian moy [ influencer] is going camping!
7cd0fde176e45e56da4e 9 months ago
yang jeongin from skz is going camping !
parsley 10 months ago
— camp everwood
⠀⠀↝ please read the rules + check masterlist before applying
⠀⠀↝ everything is limited to help fill out spaces, please check positions page to see what's open! if it's crossed out we are not accepting for that position until more openings come along!
⠀⠀↝ need: 12 campers
⠀⠀↝ comment full name + group : ex jung chanwoo from ikon is going camping!
zeriri 10 months ago
jin junya is going camping!
cautionramen 10 months ago
bang chan from stray kids is going camping!
wikihow 10 months ago
Hello, can I reserve FA’s Kim Theo
DamnDaehyun 10 months ago
can i reserve itzy's shin ryujin ?
eihGeB 10 months ago
:shaky eyes: inch resting.
iBANAYNAY 10 months ago
can i reserve oh my girl's choi yewon ? :3
joshuji 10 months ago
lee seokmin from svt is going to camp!
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