Personal Message
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lee taemin。
26 。
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3rd 。
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Taemin was deemed criminally insane after a terrified and unsettled jury couldn’t decide what to do with him. They knew he was a monster, what he did to those children more than proved that. However, they were unprepared for the sheer, horrifying, evil that presented itself in such a pretty young man. Taemin looked every bit the part of the famous only son, his parents were both in the movie business with his father being a director and his mother an actress. His name was all over the magazines whenever he stepped outside the house, and he was one of the hottest models of his generation. He had flocks of fangirls and boys who shadowed his every step and he was the prince of charm and charisma. Everyone who met him loved him. There couldn’t possibly be anything dark in that sunshine smile, but they couldn’t be more wrong.

Now, his parents will swear they had no idea what their son was capable of. They would tell every reporter who would listen what a sweet and loving boy he was, what good parents they had been to him. They gave him the perfect life, everything he had wanted. So what could have turned such an angel into the devil?

It started with the little Japanese girl, she was nine when they met, he was sixteen. Her body would remain unidentified for nearly a decade.

23. That’s how many it took before he was caught. Boys and girls, all under the age of fifteen, the youngest had been six.

It wasn’t ual, he never got off on it, he never them. In the interviews he claims he’s not that depraved but what he did to them contradicted those words. None of them died quickly, he experimented with each one. He says he wanted to understand the depth of pain and the beauty of death. He says he needed them for their innocence, their purity, because that is what made their death so perfect. He was a predator, looking for the children who would least be missed. The ones who could disappear for weeks before anyone would think to file a report, if they filed one at all. over Half of his victims remain unidentified to this day, and of the few who were many of those were never claimed even after they were given names. They were unwanted by everyone but him. They were his precious little dolls, and he loved them in his own twisted way. He gave their wretched lives meaning before he ended them.

In the end Taemin was only convicted of 4 counts of first degree murder and kidnapping. the police wanted to connect him to a fifth murder, but they didn't have enough evidence for an official conviction. he pleaded guilty to avoid the death sentence and landed himself in a mental health institute for the criminally insane. If you ask his parents this was all a publicity stunt by the prosecution, Taemin was unfairly convicted of horrific crimes he never committed and he was forced into a confession under the threat of facing lethal injection if he tried to plead not-guilty. They love their son, and he loves them just as much, even if they are stupid.


Taemin is sweet, charming, and flirtatious. Having grown up in the higher circles of society he knows how to carry himself with confidence and poise. He has an easy smile that is always warm and he is quick to make friends with anyone. In fact, if you didn’t already know you wouldn’t realize at first that he’s a serial killer. If the subject is brought up his demeanor will change though, his smile will grow more amused and his eyes just a touch cold. Though it never lasts long, he holds no ill will towards the people who placed him in the institute. He supposed it was better in some ways than prison would have been, though it breaks his heart to know that his fans just couldn’t understand him after all.

Taemin is very easy to talk to and very out going. There is nothing about him that is shy or reserved, he acts like any other 26 year old with too much money and a ‘life is an adventure’ attitude. There are moments, however, when you will see a different side of him. A side that is quiet, contemplative, a side that he rarely shows to people he doesn’t know well. There is a very deep darkness inside of Taemin, and he doesn’t let it show to just anyone. If you meet this side of him you should feel privileged, you’re one of the few who have lived.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim.