☤ Joonyoung's Office

☤ Joonyoung's Office
J. Joonyoung ☤ 5 years ago
@S. Akira I also get to drink and go out hiking whenever I want
*smirks as he speaks*
I get to smoke to.
Couldn't be doing without a good drink and a smoke
*chuckles slightly*
Plus I don't really have anyone trying to tell me what to do.
S. Akira 5 years ago
@J. Joonyoung ☤ You work, and save...
I get to sit around and do nothing.
I am good I get rewards, I have a nice rooms, a roof over my head, clothes on my back, food in my stomach and people all around.
Free healthcare, entertainment...
I want for nothing here, and I pay nothing for it.
J. Joonyoung ☤ 5 years ago
@S. Akira *keeps quiet, listening and nodding*
Committed? No I like my job
I have a good amount saved up ready for my retirement in god knows how long
*hums and chuckles slightly*
S. Akira 5 years ago
@J. Joonyoung ☤ *nods a little and smiles a litle*
I am... and I will continue to.
But they have offerend themselves to me,
*smiles a little* You sound like you want to be committed doc.
J. Joonyoung ☤ 5 years ago
@S. Akira According to what you say, you're pretty much doing it again anyway
*smirks slightly before grabbing a stack of papers from a cabinet in the corner*
Besides where's the fun in freedom anyway?
Go out there and have to get a job?
Give up all your free time
S. Akira 5 years ago
@J. Joonyoung ☤ and that is why I will never leave this place.
*looks at you*
I will never change. I will always believe what I believe,
if I were to leave I would do it again.
J. Joonyoung ☤ 5 years ago
@S. Akira Insanity is subjective
I can think of a lot of people that deserve to be in here a lot more than some of the people here
Unfortunately the courts sent you here because you committed a crime, whether you need the help or not
*looks towards you and smiles*
They're not helping you
They're keeping everyone out there 'safe' from you
S. Akira 5 years ago
@J. Joonyoung ☤ I told them I was not insane, I just had different beliefs.
I know what I did was 'wrong' to society.
But it wasnt wrong to me.
*shakes my head and sighs*
Its stupid, and annoying that I would be judged that way,
I am not insane, and I do not need the help from this place.
J. Joonyoung ☤ 5 years ago
@S. Akira *shakes head*
No, you seem like one of the honest ones
You have a brain still
S. Akira 5 years ago
@J. Joonyoung ☤ *nods a little and adds the book to a pile before looking at you*
And am I lying?
Do you think I am lying to you in some way?
J. Joonyoung ☤ 5 years ago
@S. Akira *chuckles slightly and nods*
You wouldn't believe how much people lie
They seem to think that if they lie enough it'll become true
They never manage to stop lying, and it's quite pathetic to see
Still amusing though
J. Joonyoung ☤ 5 years ago
@L. Taemin I'm not an idiot, I'm just saying that anything you find out from any tests that you arrange for can't be used by any of the staff here, or by any professionals.
/he sighs slightly watching you as speak and then head for the door/
You can say whatever you want, doesn't change the fact that you're still in here and that a lot of people will be trying to make sure you stay in here, even with all that money and all those fans you have on the outside.
/he smirks slightly, looking back down to his clipboard to take a few additional notes down, a slight chuckle escaping him/
S. Akira 5 years ago
@J. Joonyoung ☤ *nods a little and shrugs*
I never lied, I never pretended
*shrugs a little picks up a book and flicking through a few pages*
What was the point. The evidence was clear, marked on flesh, signed in blood.
I couldnt hide it nor would I. There is no reason to start lying now that I am here either.
J. Joonyoung ☤ 5 years ago
@S. Akira *hums and chuckles slightly*
Only some of them that are smart enough to realise that there's no point pretending anymore
Most people here still lie
L. Taemin [A] 5 years ago
@J. Joonyoung ☤ I'm not doing the damn tests for you.
/he points out rolling his eyes as he stands up/
I'm doing them for me. It's my life, and my mind, I need the answers, but you...
/looks you over before he shakes his head/
You need a hell of a lot more than even this place could give you
I know what a defeated man looks like Dr. and I'd bet you need that anti-depressant more than I do. If I'm trying to face my problems for her, maybe you should too.
/he suggests, shaking his head as he heads for the door/
S. Akira 5 years ago
@J. Joonyoung ☤ *picks up one of the books and opensit*
Not everyone is... some people are blunkwith the truth in here.
Its nice.
J. Joonyoung ☤ 5 years ago
@L. Taemin Things you pay for yourself can’t be used. Company policy.
After all we’ve no way to guarantee that you aren’t bribing your technician.
Do it if you want but we can’t use anything you pay for yourself. It’ll just reinforce everything I’ve told you.
/he shrugs his shoulders and gestures towards the door/
Please feel free to be on your way. I have more pressing matters to attend to anyway.
J. Joonyoung ☤ 5 years ago
@S. Akira *hums slightly and nods, glancing back at you again and frowning slightly*
Everyone else is just lying though really
Lying to themselves and everyone else
L. Taemin [A] 5 years ago
@J. Joonyoung ☤ As if I don't have the funds or the means to get the tests done.
I'll call my lawyers, they'll have me in a hospital by the end of the week if it takes that long. In the mean time I will be getting a second opinion because quite frankly I hardly trust any medication you're going to give me.
I did this evaluation for Maia, but that doesn't mean I'm going to throw out all common sense. She might trust you, but I sure as hell don't.
So thank you for your opinion doctor, but I won't need the prescription.
/glances up at the clock to check the time before he smiles politely/
Now, are we finished here? Or did you have more questions?
J. Joonyoung ☤ 5 years ago
@L. Taemin The medbay doesn’t have the facilities, and the hospitals nearby are all booked up for three months
/rolls his eyes/
Besides EEGs don’t always detect the discharges for focal aware seizures, and both MRIs and CGs can find possible reasons for seizures but likely won’t detect the actual seizures themselves. Even with those it’s still an educated guess.
So you either take the meds for a month, or wait three months, go for a scan, and end up on the same meds anyway because the results won’t show whether you are actually having them
/shrugs his shoulders while watching you, briefly stopping to right down a few notes/
S. Akira 5 years ago
@J. Joonyoung ☤ Itsnot important
*focuses on the books for a moment*
*looks back up*
They might not be normal but they certainly have an idea of what normal should be
and I am not remotely close.
J. Joonyoung ☤ 5 years ago
@S. Akira It definitely isn’t subtle
What’s with the mask anyway
*looks up from the papers towards you*
Normal is a construct, nobody out there is really normal
They just all pretend to be normal
L. Taemin [A] 5 years ago
@J. Joonyoung ☤ Then there are tests for those types of seizures, aren't there? Scans they can do?
Wouldn't it make more sense to send me to the hospital or the medbay if they have the equipment for it to confirm this theory of yours before you put me on a medication that may or may not work and could take an entire month or longer before anything conclusive could be said about it?
/he counters, still not sure how he feels about the medication or the reasoning behind it/
I know they can send patients off site for tests if need be, and I can be restrained and escorted by however many guards the damn facility feels is necessary if I have to go off site.
S. Akira 5 years ago
@J. Joonyoung ☤ ;;))

*nods a little and looks at you*
And it is so reconisable.
*taps the mask before going back to the books slowly sorting them out*
I have no desire to leave, I have no desire to change.
I believe that I believe and I should not be forced to change that to fit what society decides is normal
J. Joonyoung ☤ 5 years ago
@S. Akira ((Haha dw beb, I got distracted from it too))

*hums slightly, checking off a few things on his list*
I'm guessing it would be harder out there now.
I mean, people who didn't know you before have likely seen your face now.
J. Joonyoung ☤ 5 years ago
@L. Taemin Seizures aren't always convulsive. There are focal aware seizures which don't translate to convulsions and stay within perception. Things like derealisation and depersonalisation, or feeling numb and feeling like the world isn't real, are symptoms of that. These often go unnoticed.
The anti-seizure medication is to see if that stops that, hence why we're doing a month of it rather than leaving it for however long.
As for the SSRIs, they aid that anti-seizure medication. Ask another member of staff to google it and print off the results if you don't believe me.
/he shakes his head writing out the prescription/
I'll give your prescription to the nurses to sort out, you can collect it from them once you're ready to start taking it.
S. Akira 5 years ago
@J. Joonyoung ☤ How did I miss this...))

*shrugs a little and smiles softly*
becuase I have no desire to leave.
Out there people dont understand my way of thinking...
In here they still dont but I am not instantly hated for it.
L. Taemin [A] 5 years ago
@J. Joonyoung ☤ Seizures?
/he repeats, slowly taking the piece of paper/
Wouldn't I know if I were having a seizure?
I know I'm not a doctor but I thought seizures involved more...convulsions?
/frowns reading over the note slowly like it might tell him more about the medications/
I'm sorry, but I'm not taking this unless you actually explain to me what and why. I'm not going to blindly trust you, whether you could be sued for giving me the wrong medication or not.
I know what these kinds of drugs can do and the last thing I want to risk is getting worse because I'm on something I don't need to be on.
J. Joonyoung ☤ 5 years ago
@L. Taemin /he chuckles slightly, shaking his head/
Derealization can be a symptom of various types of seizures that can be constant.
/scrawls down two different drug names and hands the paper over to you/
The top one is an anti-seizure medication. It can have side effects like nausea, dizziness, loss of balance, but they aren't common. If they occur find a nurse and we'll take you off them
The second is an SSRI, or an antidepressant that helps stop the Serotonin being absorbed at the wrong point. Has the least side effects but can cause a few things like diminished libido, lack of energy etcetera. If that happens let a nurse know again and we'll take you off them
All drugs can cause complications but these are the least likely to do that. Believe it or not, I don't want to get sued
L. Taemin [A] 5 years ago
@J. Joonyoung ☤ What are these drugs going to do to me?
/he asks cautiously, watching you writing down the instructions with a small frown/
I want to be able to look into anything you're giving me before I take it
I'm not going to take random medications without knowing what I'm getting in to
What are the most common side effects?
And what kind of adverse reactions are possible?


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75bd8d51488fd100f027 4 years ago
don't know if the roleplay is on low key so plotted couples can stick around,
but just in case, I am dropping Ryosuke & Jungeun/Lip for the time being.
Our little cute Sori will still be around.
kanyenot 5 years ago
kailyn de los ríos pls
TheHermit 5 years ago
Can you add Min Yoongi for me please?
Jeon_YoongiShook 5 years ago
How active is this rp?
byeona 5 years ago
Drop that ugly [SH] sign from Eunwoo's name, please. Thank you.
Kim4Shim 5 years ago
I'm sorry I disappeared *bows deeply*
75bd8d51488fd100f027 5 years ago
hello, due to some unexpected reasons, i need to place sori, ryosuke and jungeun on indefinite semihiatus
SugaHU 5 years ago
can you please add Yoongi?
DNABleached 5 years ago
please add and reserve yoo kihyun as my secnd~
Yukiko 5 years ago
irene‘s out.
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