The Janitors Room

The Janitors Room
Staff Only Access.
Aoi ♣ 5 years ago
@Minpha ♣ *waits to hear the door lock before heading out and down towards the shops*
*sends Kou a message on the way before pocketing my phone*
*gets a few different things from the shops before starting to head back to the apartment using my key to get in before locking it behind me.*
I'm back.
Minpha ♣ [A] 5 years ago
@Aoi ♣ Don't worry, I won't
/he promises, following you to the door and waving with a small before he closes it behind you and locks it/
/hums happily to himself as he heads into the kitchen to start working on dinner, wanting to have it cooking a hopefully almost done by the time you get back/
Aoi ♣ 5 years ago
@Minpha ♣ *smiles a little and nods*
Yes ok. Sweet
*kisses your cheek before getting my stuff*
I'll be back. Don't open the door for anyone. Understand.
*heads to the front door.*
Minpha ♣ [A] 5 years ago
@Aoi ♣ /blushes brightly but leans up obediently to kiss you/
whatever you pick out, make sure it's sweet, okay?
/smiles and kisses you again before he makes a little shooing motion with his hand and laughs/
I have to get started on dinner before you get ideas or neither of us are going to eat tonight
Aoi ♣ 5 years ago
@Minpha ♣ Maybe... keep it between us until I can talk to Kou.
*wraps my arms around you and pulls you close*
Say goodbye to me properly baby boy.
Minpha ♣ [A] 5 years ago
@Aoi ♣ Hmm... I'll let you decide
/he says, smiling softly as he stands up/
I don't care either way, we can tell people or keep it private, I trust you to make the best decision
I will get started on cooking, it will be delicious! I hope
Aoi ♣ 5 years ago
@Minpha ♣ Then lets drink here.
*smiles a little and kisses your forehead*
You work on dinner and I will go and get us something to drink.
We can celebrate.
*smiles softly*
But do you want to tell people Minpha... Or keep it between us?
Minpha ♣ [A] 5 years ago
@Aoi ♣ No, but you could break up with me and then fire me and that would be even worse....
/he points out with a small pout, wrapping his arms around your waist and hugging you tightly/
does this mean we get to celebrate? I want to get drunk this time, I never get to get drunk because you and Kou always are by the time I get to the club
Aoi ♣ 5 years ago
@Minpha ♣ *laughs softly and shakes my head*
I would never fire you as my actor...
And I cannot fire you from being my boyfriend.
It doesnt work that way Minpha
Minpha ♣ [A] 5 years ago
@Aoi ♣ Well yeah, but not like.... dating
We've never dated, I bet I'll get annoying now and you'll fire me as your boyfriend and your actor
/sighs a little, pouting at that thought/
I don't want to be fire, I'll try not to be annoying
Aoi ♣ 5 years ago
@Minpha ♣ Yes basically sober... sober for me.
*shakes my head a little and smiles*
I've been putting up with your clingy for a long time Min.
I dont think I'm going to struggle with that.
Minpha ♣ [A] 5 years ago
@Aoi ♣ Basically sober?
/he repeats, his lips quirking into a small amused smile at that/
If you're sure you could really put up with my annoying clingy , then yes... I'd like to date you.
Aoi ♣ 5 years ago
@Minpha ♣ *raises an eyebrow slightly*
I made sure I looked the least like I could be joking when I said that... and I'm basically sober.
Yes I meant it Minpha.
I wouldnt joke about that.
Minpha ♣ [A] 5 years ago
@Aoi ♣ /stares at you in shock for a few seconds, not sure how to answer that/
I... I mean... you....
Are you, I mean... do you really mean that?
/he asks slowly, wanting to be sure this isn't some kind of weird joke or a test/
You would want to date me?
Aoi ♣ 5 years ago
@Minpha ♣ *watches you for a moment before nodding slightly*
Then date me.
*keeps my expression serious watching you carefully*
Be mine.
Minpha ♣ [A] 5 years ago
@Aoi ♣ Silly
/he murmurs, smiling softly and leaning forward to peck your lips/
I like that in a relationship. Why do you think I'm so happy to call you Master? It's not just for the videos or the fans, it's for me too.
I like myself in those moments, when I'm only yours and I don't have to worry about anything.
I know that you'll always make the choice that's best for me, and I don't have to worry about whether it's the right one because I already know it is.
Aoi ♣ 5 years ago
@Minpha ♣ *narrows my eyes slightly when you mention your neighbour but quickly relaxes again*
*lets out a breath*
It shouldnt be like that in a relationship..
You should just hope your partner doesnt go and sleep with the creepy neighbour.
I get a say on work... not anything else.
Minpha ♣ [A] 5 years ago
@Aoi ♣ You don't think it would make it better?
/he asks curiously, looking up at you/
I mean, right now you don't really have any control or say in who I sleep with. I mean other than being my new manager, you know what I mean, I can still go out tomorrow and sleep with my creepy neighbor if I wanted to.
But if we were together you'd have more control over what I did and who I did it with, I mean you'd have complete control over that. There wouldn't be any questions or 'what ifs'
Aoi ♣ 5 years ago
@Minpha ♣ * your cheek gently and smiles*
I dont know Minpha.
You've seen how protective I am of you.
I dont know what changing thedynamic would do
Minpha ♣ [A] 5 years ago
@Aoi ♣ Oh....
/he sighs softly, realization making him even more depressed than he already was/
But... that's not true, I mean... you know, you support me. It would only be a job, nothing more than that.
It would only be with people you approved of anyway, right?
You would be there for all of it, I think if it was you... it could work, couldn't it?
Aoi ♣ 5 years ago
@Minpha ♣ *cups your cheek gently watching you*
I dont mean with Kou... If I that was the problem I would have talked to him already
Found out what he thought about me asking you.
No one will ever have you Minpha because of what you want to be.
You cant limit yourself to someone like me
Minpha ♣ [A] 5 years ago
@Aoi ♣ /sighs and bites his lip, looking torn as he plays with the buttons on your shirt/
I know... I'm a bad person
/he admits, sighing heavily and dropping his hands into his lap/
I just don't want to hurt anyone, or come between you
Aoi ♣ 5 years ago
@Minpha ♣ *chuckles a little and shakes my head slightly holding you close while you talk before picking you up and sitting you on the bench*
I'm pretty sure that all fulls under the umbrella of being too good for someone.
*smiles a little and shakes my head*
I didnt mean like that and you know it Minpha.
You'll never be mine.
Minpha ♣ [A] 5 years ago
@Aoi ♣ Don't be silly, you have me
/he points out, smiling softly as he wraps his arms around you as well and stands up on his toes to kiss you/
I'm right here, just like I'll always be
I'll be here to nag you about not sleeping at the club, and taking you the hospital when you OD on something new you decided to try, I'll be here when you're in a ty mood because you've been sober for too long, or when something at work irritates you. I'll be here to make everything better, and make sure you actually eat decent food every once in a while.
Aoi ♣ 5 years ago
@Minpha ♣ *comes over to you wrapping my arms around you*
Yes, your too good for me
*pulls you close*
Because your exactly what I need, and I cant have you.
Minpha ♣ [A] 5 years ago
@Aoi ♣ It's one of my goals in life
/he admits with a laugh, looking over at you with a sunshine smile/
I'm not too good, I'm just what you needed
Life works in funny ways like you know
Aoi ♣ 5 years ago
@Minpha ♣ *laughs a little watching you with a soft smile*
You really are like a wife arent you.
Too good for me Minpha. Way too good.
Minpha ♣ [A] 5 years ago
@Aoi ♣ And you also drink at the club
/he points out, shaking his head with a sigh/
I'm going to put the groceries away, but let me know when you start getting hungry and I'll work on dinner
/he promises, sorting out the food and tucking away what needs to go in the fridge before putting the rest in the cupboard, save for his mochi that he leaves on the counter/
Aoi ♣ 5 years ago
@Minpha ♣ *gets your bag and brings it in shaking my head*
I would have taken those too you know.
*puts your back down before looking at you*
I told you... I eat at the club.
Minpha ♣ [A] 5 years ago
@Aoi ♣ Yes!
I'll carry in the groceries too
/takes the key and climbs out of the car, grabbing the grocery bags and going to unlock the door, leaving it open for you as he heads into the kitchen to start putting the groceries away/
I will never understand how you survive on booze


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75bd8d51488fd100f027 4 years ago
don't know if the roleplay is on low key so plotted couples can stick around,
but just in case, I am dropping Ryosuke & Jungeun/Lip for the time being.
Our little cute Sori will still be around.
kanyenot 5 years ago
kailyn de los ríos pls
TheHermit 5 years ago
Can you add Min Yoongi for me please?
Jeon_YoongiShook 5 years ago
How active is this rp?
byeona 5 years ago
Drop that ugly [SH] sign from Eunwoo's name, please. Thank you.
Kim4Shim 5 years ago
I'm sorry I disappeared *bows deeply*
75bd8d51488fd100f027 5 years ago
hello, due to some unexpected reasons, i need to place sori, ryosuke and jungeun on indefinite semihiatus
SugaHU 5 years ago
can you please add Yoongi?
DNABleached 5 years ago
please add and reserve yoo kihyun as my secnd~
Yukiko 5 years ago
irene‘s out.
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