The Common Room

The Common Room
K. Sori [SH] 5 years ago
/sighs blissfully as she sits down after sitting in confinement, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she smiles from being safe again/
K. Lip [SH] 5 years ago
@H. Atsuko ☤ Strange.... usually doctors who have been injured aren't bragging to their peers or patients.
It must have been quite an eventful fight if you want to tell everyone.
[post deleted by owner]
C. Eunwoo 5 years ago
@O. Sehun [SH] ( i keep getting confused with their age hehe )

“I’m not hurt...” He mumbled as he stifled a sob. “I just...” He nuzzled against Sehun’s hand and pressed his hand on top of Sehun’s. “I j-just miss you so much, baby.” He sobbed, “I t-thought I wouldn’t miss you this much.. but my heart says otherwise. I don’t want to lose you.”

Eunwoo shake his head, he didn’t know whether his sight was blurry because of his tears or because he was slipping in and out of consciousness. “I...” He sighed a s his body has taken its toll and everything goes dark. Eunwoo’s body fall limp in Sehun’s arms.
O. Sehun [SH] 5 years ago
@C. Eunwoo Sehun quietly let his lover pull him away from the chaotic mess of a common which seemed to look like a storm had passed by with everything broken and scattered around. The moment the other jumped on him, he placed his arms around him to make sure he didnt fall before his own lips started to move with the other, the longingness pouring out into every movement.

When he felt the salty taste of his lover's tears, he looked at him pulling away his face a little, his chest tightening with the uncomfortable feeling of pain. With slow movements, he sat down on the floor of the small closet with his arms still tightly wrapped around the other. "Shh.. baby.. Are you hurt?" He asked with his one hand gently cupping his lover's face and leaned in to kiss his tears away.
C. Eunwoo 5 years ago
@O. Sehun [SH] It was murderous. The look on Sehun’s face frightened all the guards but not Eunwoo. His features changed in a second, Sehun was resting his forehead against Eunwoo’s and the older man sighed in relief. He couldn’t chance to have Sehun gets confinement when he could actually prevent anything from happening. Eunwoo turned towards the guards and glared, a warning for them to not come closer. He grabbed Sehun’s wrist and pulled him into the nearest janitor closet.

Having locked the room from inside, Eunwoo jumped on the younger, wrapping his legs around Sehun’s torso, cupping both of Sehun’s face and kissed him hard and deep. He conveyed all his longing, his desire and his love for Sehun through the kiss. He kissed until he could feel his own tears tainting his cheeks, some happy tears out of gratefulness that he could still meet Sehun and some other tears proved how he missed Sehun so much. “Baby...”
H. Atsuko ☤ [A] 5 years ago
@K. Lip [SH] We probably haven't. I was out of commission for a bit
/she agrees with a laugh and a shrug/
Well of course! I have a totally awesome story to brag to all my friends about, or at least I would if I had any friends, but you know.
K. Lip [SH] 5 years ago
@H. Atsuko ☤ Ah, you must be the doctor Jungeun spoke about?
I don't think we met yet.
/she smiles briefly/ Must say you're pretty cheerful for someone who got caught up in a fight.
H. Atsuko ☤ [A] 5 years ago
@K. Lip [SH] Who's done well?
/she asks, blinking in confusion as she looks around before she smiles/
Wasn't me I hope? I'm not even doing anything, other than sitting here and looking adorable if I do say so myself
/she chuckles, admiring her cast with a grin/
K. Lip [SH] 5 years ago
/she smiles to herself, twirling the little jewelery chain in her fingers as a little memento of her good side/ Sleep now, Jungeun... you've done well. /she smirks and quietly walks to the corner of the room/
U. Shoma 5 years ago
@T. Keiji ≛ *rolls my eyes*
Enough. Enough apologising, please.
O. Sehun [SH] 5 years ago
@C. Eunwoo Sehun wanted to kill them.. all of them but more so the man who locked his lover up. The man who thought he could take his lover's place in his life. He was searching for anything that would kill the bastard and when he didnt find anything, he was ready to kill him with his bare hands. He wanted to snap his neck but that would be an easu death. He wanted to put the man through extreme torture.

Before he could take another step, Eunwoo had blocked his way. His rage was at its peak and he didnt want to listen to reasoning. But hearing the pleading tone in the other's voice, his eyes softened, the other's touch calming his raging heart. "He wanted you to die.. and he wanted to take your place. " he mumbled softly before closing his eyes and rested his forehead against the other. "I really want to kill them. But i wont. For you. But.. the next time this happens.. i am going to burn this place down"
C. Eunwoo 5 years ago
@O. Sehun Eunwoo didn’t know he longed to be in Sehun’s arms despite they were only separated for a few days. He held his breath when Sehun cupped his face, missing his lover than he thought he would. Upon realising that Sehun asked him a question, he wanted to answer that the guard did nothing harmful but Sehun was already on his feet, and pushing him off. The words that escaped Sehun’s mouth made his blood run cold. Scrambling up on his feet, Eunwoo quickly blocked Sehun’s path to the guards who were watching them warily, he cupped Sehun’s face, “S-sehun.. jagiya, I’m alright. I’m fine. I’m still in one piece.” Eunwoo’s hands moved to Sehun’s broad shoulders, shaking the younger a bit. “Cha Sehun! Listen to me. You’re not... gonna kill them.” He said in a quiet voice, “You’re never gonna kill them. They aren’t worth it. Let them go... come back to me, please, jagiya.” Eunwoo pleaded with his eyes, knowing that Sehun would be put into life confinement if he did anything as far as killing the guards.
O. Sehun [SH] 5 years ago
@C. Eunwoo The sudden tackle send him on the ground, the heavy weight on him. He was ready to throw kicks and punches, anything to push the guy off him before he heard the voice of his lover and he stopped mid way from landing a punch. Retracting his hands, he watched the male, really looked at him to make sure he was indeed there.
"Eunwoo" His name came out in almost a whisper. He felt lost for a while before his eyes took in his appearance. "You are not alright" he mumbled, feeling another rush of anger flare up in him. "What did he do?" His hands cupped Eunwoo's cheeks pulling him to close to look at his face. Carefully pushing the male off him, his eyes landed on the guard. His previous words running in his head. He had locked his lover up, wanted his lover to lie with lack of food and taunted him. "He did this to you" He spoke, all his attention on the guard as he got up on his feet. "I will kill him"
C. Eunwoo 5 years ago
@O. Sehun When Eunwoo reached the common room, he sees Sehun but not Sehun at the same time. He saw someone pulls out a taser gun, aiming it to Sehun. Eunwoo ran as fast as his legs allows him to, tackling Sehun down with his full weight on him to prevent Sehun from beint stunned.

“You’ll make him angrier, .” He glared at the guard who dared to use the weapon on his Sehun before turning to his lover. “Sehun-ah... Sehun. It’s me. It’s Eunwoo. Calm down, my love. You see, I’m alright.” Despite his words, Eunwoo’s hair was a mess, he had eye bags and his cheeks has sunken a little and he stinks because of days not showering.
O. Sehun [SH] 5 years ago
@C. Eunwoo Sehun was on the ground with the guard tackling him but he used his legs to kick him away to avoid getting injected after he saw the syringe. He was getting dangerously violent the more the guard tried to keep him under control. He just wanted Eunwoo with him and the more they kept him away from him, the more he was going to destroy everything around. His mind was one track. Get Eunwoo or kill everyone in the room.

his hand, he swung a punch at the guard to get him off of him to get him time to get on his feet. He was raging. "I told you i will kill you all if you tried to come near me." He was going to kill them all. He charged at the guards not caring in the least that he was unarmed.
C. Eunwoo 5 years ago
@O. Sehun It was like raining chairs and everything was a chaos. Sehun was getting out of control and no guards could even get close to him without being the target of chairs or whatever that Sehun could lay his fingers. The female guard was hit on stomach, knocking her breath out and the other male guard had his nose bleed. Another guard charged in as fast as he could and tried to tackle Sehun down, taking out a sedative syringe, struggling to stab the needle to Sehun’s skin.

“Go and get his boyfriend outta his room! Now!” The earlier man threw a key to the guard with blood dripping from his nose and the guard scrambled to the dorms, quickly letting an upset Eunwoo up only to earn another punch in the rib by the patient. Eunwoo exited the dorms, he was weak without food for days but still forcing his legs to move faster. To get to Sehun.
O. Sehun [SH] 5 years ago
@C. Eunwoo Sehun found it satisfying to see the blood dripping down the other's head, a sickening feeling twisting inside him. As more guards came in, he was too furious to really think about the consequences of his actions. Grabbing another chair, he lifted it up ready to throw at anyone who came near.
"Stay the away from me or i am going to kill you all.." He snarled at them all. Seeing one of the guard move towards him, he shifted his hard gaze on him. "Move and you will die.."
"Bring Eunwoo now! " He threw the chair at the guards not caring about who it hit before starting to thrash the place wildly throwing whatever his hands could grab on towards the guards. "Give him back to me.."
C. Eunwoo 5 years ago
@O. Sehun It was too late when the guard realised Sehun wasn’t actually scared— he was furious as . “ ya!” He landed with a thud on the floor, he thrashed when Sehun kicked him on the chest. “I’ll make sure ya get isolated for this!” The guard tried to crawl away but the chair hit his head, making him dizzy and his forehead bloody. The guard yelled for backups and the others quickly charged towards Sehun, ready to contain him.

A female guard tried to calm Sehun down by walking slowly towards him, “Calm down. We aren’t going to harm you.” Another male guard was preparing a sedative injection and hiding it under his sleeves as he too neared Sehun slowly.
O. Sehun [SH] 5 years ago
@C. Eunwoo Sehun fisted his hands mentally telling himself not to be reckless and it was proving to be difficult. He could feel himself shake with rage. The guard made a terrible mistake when he mentioned letting his lover die. As he was slammed against the wall, he didnt elicit any sound of pain, but rather looked at the man with steely eyes, his rage having reached its peak.

"You wanna take his place? Sure.. " Sehun's eyes was devoid of any emotion. "I hope you are really ready for that" Tilting his head to the side, he gave a rather chilling smile before pushing the male guard away only to land a front kick on his chest. "You see..I love him and to take his place, you would have to prove your worth. " Slowly moving towards the male, he grabbed the nearest chair and threw it at the other.
C. Eunwoo 5 years ago
@O. Sehun His smirk grew wider when Sehun responded with a quiet voice, mistaking it with fear rather than rage. “Ye boyfriend is one brainless guy. He thought he could get away with his muscles.”

Snorting, the guard spits more saliva than words on purpose. He tried to stand taller to appear more fierce. “Ye think I’ll let him out? Let he die out of hunger first and meet ya back in hell, .” The guard’s angry face turned to pity. “Aww, poor kitty must be so scared and thirsty. What will your man do if I..” The guard slams Sehun against the wall. “if I take his place for a fe days?”
O. Sehun [SH] 5 years ago
@C. Eunwoo Sehun was struggling to keep his emotions in check.. more so the boiling rage that had been kept under lock and key for years. His eyes twitched with the way the other addressed his boyfriend. "Dont offend Eunwoo. " his voice came out small but it was not because he was afraid, it was him trying not to snap.

The jab didnt help his case either. The guard was cocky and he was continuously insulting him and Eunwoo. He could handle his own insults but taking a dig at their relationship and his boyfriend was nothing something Sehun appreciated. "He didnt abandon me. You locked him up. So basically you separated him from me. And i dont like the way you keep addressing him. Take back your words and give him back to me."
C. Eunwoo 5 years ago
@O. Sehun The guard was smug. It pleased to be able to have such control over someone. Especially when he knew these people in the Institute never deserve such respect or kindness. They were criminals. They gotta be treated like a criminal. He shrugged, “Yer boyfriend was commiting an offence. I had to lock him up because he tried to fight me.”

The guard abandoned his post and walked closer to Sehun, cocking his head sideward, he had the typical police moustache and a scar along his face, something that he wears with pride. “Why? Yer gay thirsty for ? I can fill you up if you want.” He dared to jab a finger on Sehun’s chest. “Poor kitty get abandoned by his man.”
O. Sehun [SH] 5 years ago
@C. Eunwoo He was too lost in his own miserable anxious self to notice the guard posted before he spoke that made him aware of the other's presence. A frown immediately settled on Sehun's face at the words before dread slowly crept up at the realisation that Eunwoo was locked.

"What?" Sehun turned to face the guard, his fingers fiddling with the hem of his sweater, a habit of his that was a giveaway of his anxiety. He didnt certainly like the way the man addressed Eunwoo and despite wanting to bash his head, Sehun struggled to remain calm not wanting to ruin the situation without knowing the full details first. "Why did you lock him in?"
C. Eunwoo 5 years ago
@O. Sehun Eunwoo had given up on trying to smash down the door. It was of no use. It has some kind of fancy double lock which his muscles could not break. He knew it was a bad idea to follow Chanyeol to the library, eventually getting caught by some arrogant guard who immediately lock him up inside his own room. It had been days since he last sees Sehun and he knew what how would the lost of contact affects Sehun.

The same arrogant guard was only posted in the Institute for a few months, he knew he was powerful enough to contain the ‘inmates’ with his own measures. He was an ex-cop after all. It was his time to guard the outside of the common room, before he sees a familiar looking man. A smug smirk grew on his ugly face, “Ye looking for ye boyfriend, eh? I locked him inside his room.”
O. Sehun [SH] 5 years ago
@C. Eunwoo Sehun was worried. He was anxious, nervous, panicking inside. He hadnt seen Eunwoo for quite some time and not being near him, not being able to hold him and not seeing his face made him anxious and nervous and scared. He knew what this place was capable of and he was worried Eunwoo was in trouble. He hadnt seen Eunwoo around.

His feet led to from rooms to rooms, cafeteria, gym, music room, everywhere he could look for the other before reaching the common rooms hoping he would be there chit chatting with the other patients. Afteral he was more socialising than he could ever be. But his hope soon crashed when he didnt find the person he was looking for.
T. Keiji ≛ 5 years ago
@U. Shoma *laughs a little and shakes my head*
I should havebeen there for you Shoma
U. Shoma 5 years ago
@T. Keiji ≛ Hmm..
Sorry I got locked up?
T. Keiji ≛ 5 years ago
@U. Shoma Runs your back gently*
I'm sorry I got busy.
U. Shoma 5 years ago
@T. Keiji ≛ Yeah, I missed it to..
*smiles gently and relaxes*


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75bd8d51488fd100f027 4 years ago
don't know if the roleplay is on low key so plotted couples can stick around,
but just in case, I am dropping Ryosuke & Jungeun/Lip for the time being.
Our little cute Sori will still be around.
kanyenot 5 years ago
kailyn de los ríos pls
TheHermit 5 years ago
Can you add Min Yoongi for me please?
Jeon_YoongiShook 5 years ago
How active is this rp?
byeona 5 years ago
Drop that ugly [SH] sign from Eunwoo's name, please. Thank you.
Kim4Shim 5 years ago
I'm sorry I disappeared *bows deeply*
75bd8d51488fd100f027 5 years ago
hello, due to some unexpected reasons, i need to place sori, ryosuke and jungeun on indefinite semihiatus
SugaHU 5 years ago
can you please add Yoongi?
DNABleached 5 years ago
please add and reserve yoo kihyun as my secnd~
Yukiko 5 years ago
irene‘s out.
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