田中 刑事
Keiji Tanaka
27 years
Board Member
Keiji spent most of his life around the institute learning from his father on the correct way that the place could be run. When he was youn he didnt understand why he was being shown these things or really why he people he saw from a distance were as danerous as his father made them all out to be. When he turned 16 things became more obvious when his father passed away after a long battle with Cancer. Given his young age is was decided that the board would deal with the man running of the institute. While Keiji was allowed into meetings, given his father had started the institute, he was rarely listened to when he had ideas. Always just a little too nervous to step into his rightful place he stay quiet until the most recent events. He's nowgone behind the boards back and started torun the institute from the inside with less of their input than they are going to like.
Will you cut it?
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