Overnight Room

Overnight Room
J. Jinsoul [A] 5 years ago
@K. Seulgi ☣ You think I care if you have manners? I'm the last in this place with any kind of manners, hell I'm not even allowed to use utensils to eat so I can promise it won't matter.
/she assures you with a laugh as she finishes pulling her hair up into a ponytail/
You should be more worried about what people will say seeing you eating with me
K. Seulgi ☣ 5 years ago
@J. Jinsoul *shuffles out of the room, walking at a leisurely pace next to you while watching you closely then smiles softly*
Right. I hope it's just enough to settle my angry stomach. I have a black hole for a stomach and a very terrible table manner so I apologize in advance.
*grins at you sheepishly and nods, elbow nudging your side gently*
J. Jinsoul [A] 5 years ago
@K. Seulgi ☣ Yeah, sure
/she's still laughing as she follows you out of the room, pulling a hair tie out of her pocket and starting to gather her hair into a ponytail/
I don't even know what the hell they're serving today, I hope it's decent
The new cook's not bad, better than the they were giving us before
I mean, I shouldn't complain but when soup kitchen tastes better there's a problem, you know?
K. Seulgi ☣ 5 years ago
@J. Jinsoul *grimaces when you laugh at her and clutches her stomach, cursing at its bad timing inwardly*
I uh, I didn't realize I was that hungry. The power of your cuddle, I guess.
*shrugs nonchalantly then stands up and makes her way to the door, holding it open for you*
Let's go then?
J. Jinsoul [A] 5 years ago
@K. Seulgi ☣ /blinks in surprise when she's hears your stomach, moving to sit up/
/looks down at your stomach before looking up at your face and your expression has her bursting into laughter/
If you were so hungry, why didn't you say so?
/she asks, still giggling as she climbs off of you and stretches with a soft groan/
K. Seulgi ☣ 5 years ago
@J. Jinsoul Ah, then I'm better than teddy bears.
*snorts, brushing her lips against your forehead briefly before freezing in horror when her stomach rumbles angrily between you two*
J. Jinsoul [A] 5 years ago
@K. Seulgi ☣ Wouldn't know, never had a teddy bear growing up
/she mumbled around a yawn, sighing as her eyes close again when she feels your fingers in her hair/
I don't think teddy bears hug back though, so I think you're better
K. Seulgi ☣ 5 years ago
@J. Jinsoul Yes, yes. As comfortable as cuddling a teddy bear, right? Y'know, the kids I met in the hospital where I interned in used to call me Doctor Teddy.
*chuckles lowly, running her fingers through your long hair*
J. Jinsoul [A] 5 years ago
@K. Seulgi ☣ /curls up easily in your lap, a soft sigh of contentment escaping her/
Shut up...
/she mumbles, half heartedly smacking your arm/
I can walk just fine
You're just comfortable
K. Seulgi ☣ 5 years ago
@J. Jinsoul *smiling at your clinginess, she decides to seize the moment and pulls you to her lap, cradling you close*
You sure you can walk? Want me to carry you instead?
*chuckles, smiling teasingly now*
J. Jinsoul [A] 5 years ago
@K. Seulgi ☣ /wraps her arms back around your waist the moment you sit down again, burying her back in your shoulder/
Mmm.....i wanna go
I can walk, I can ago
K. Seulgi ☣ 5 years ago
@J. Jinsoul *hums, chuckling softly as she leaves the bed to turn on the lights and puts her coat back on before sitting down on the bed again*
I can stay a little longer. Would you like to have dinner with me? Whatever the cafeteria is serving this hour.. I'm sure so called Dr. Perfect won't mind me bringing you out to the cafeteria, right?
*smiles softly while trying to fix your bed hair*
J. Jinsoul [A] 5 years ago
@K. Seulgi ☣ No...
/she whines, wrapping an arm around you tighter and shaking her head/
/groans softly a few minutes later, slowly blinking her eyes open and looking around the room in confusion before she remembers where she is again/
ing hospital....
/she sighs, closing her eyes for a few seconds/
Can you convince Dr. Perfect to let me go back to my room?
K. Seulgi ☣ 5 years ago
@J. Jinsoul You have to.. it's dinner time and I have to go home. You need to eat.
*nods, kissing your head very lightly before rubbing your back instead of trying to wake you up again*
J. Jinsoul [A] 5 years ago
@K. Seulgi ☣ Mm.... off don't wanna....
/she grumbles, swatting your hand again and turning to burrow into your chest instead/
/sighing softly and pressing closer as she tries to fall back to sleep again/
K. Seulgi ☣ 5 years ago
@J. Jinsoul *lets herself have a half an hour of rest with you as the replacement of her plushie or coat she always hugs*
*she wakes up quietly, rubbing the sleep off her eyes with her fist as she pats your cheek gently to wake you up, whispering in the dark*
Jinsoul.. JJ, wake up.
J. Jinsoul [A] 5 years ago
@K. Seulgi ☣ Don't be stupid...
/she mumbles, closing her eyes though she doesn't fall asleep right away/
the only one who can go anywhere is you
/she whispers after she hears you snoring, sighing softly and letting herself relax enough with the warmth of you there with her to fall asleep/
K. Seulgi ☣ 5 years ago
@J. Jinsoul *she feels an unexplainable pang of sadness at your words but quickly shakes it off, grateful for the dark because you can't see the frown on her face as she shifts closer and gently wraps her arms around you from behind*
I see. I am going to cherish this then. Who knows when I'm going to get the chance again..
*mumbles, face pressed against the back of your head as she yawns and soon a soft snoring follows suit after she's comfortable*
J. Jinsoul [A] 5 years ago
@K. Seulgi ☣ I'm a for attention, so of course I don't mind.
/she points out in amusement, shaking her head as she shift her position so she's facing the door instead/
I don't usually get the chance to do this often...cuddle? I guess.
Not many people can get close enough you know? And even less care to.
K. Seulgi ☣ 5 years ago
@J. Jinsoul *she watches you closely then blinks rapidly while her eyes try to adjust to the darkness, a little bubble of delight popping in her chest when you situated yourself back to your previous position*
.. I can't sleep well without hugging something or someone and this is funny considering that I hate skinship.. would you- is it weird of me to ask if I can spoon you?
J. Jinsoul [A] 5 years ago
@K. Seulgi ☣ I told her not to call me that and she did it again....
/she grumbled, glaring at a spot on the wall before your question distracted her/
Yeah sure, of course. I'll shut up so you can sleep
/she promises with a small but amused smile as she quickly kisses your cheek/
I'll go shut off the light
/slips out of bed, walking over to flip the switch to shut the lights off before she comes back over to lay down beside you, curling up against your side and resting one arm over your stomach while her head rests on your shoulder/
Hopefully you'll be feeling better after your nap
K. Seulgi ☣ 5 years ago
@J. Jinsoul It's probably only because she was Japanese. You can't really blame her.
*she shrugs and nods slightly, shooting you a glance and the corner of her lips downturn very briefly before she purses her lips*
Perhaps that's the case for them. Is it okay if I take a quick nap here?
*quickly changes the subject, staring at you while rubbing her eye with the back of her hand*
J. Jinsoul [A] 5 years ago
@K. Seulgi ☣ We had a nurse.... she lasted like five minutes before she quit because I made her cry.
/she chuckles, still amused by that particular memory/
My record so far by the way, and I was hardly even mean to her. She was so ing sensitive. Anyway the dumb kept calling me Jin-chan and it made me want to choke her. I hate the way that sounds, it's so disgusting.
/lifts her head to press a kiss to the corner of your lips/
It's because I'm a good lay, isn't it? I get that a lot, people like what I can do to them.
they like that I'm pretty, they like my body, they like the way it feels when they're inside me.
K. Seulgi ☣ 5 years ago
@J. Jinsoul Why would I call you that...?
*she blinks rapidly, staring at you in confusion before your words registered in her head and she swallows thickly while nodding slowly*
Yeah.. yeah, you're right. I think I'm even more exhausted than I thought.
*mutters softly, closing her eyes as she takes a deep breath trying to get rid of those thoughts*
J. Jinsoul [A] 5 years ago
@K. Seulgi ☣ As long as you never call me Jin-Chan, because I swear to God I will hurt you.
/she promises, rolling her eyes though she's fighting a smile/
You're starting to sound like a romance drama. You should be careful, you might be catching feelings.
Those are dangerous. Trust me, you don't want to feel anything for someone like me.
I stabbed you, remember? You have a scar and everything.
K. Seulgi ☣ 5 years ago
@J. Jinsoul I uh, it's not like that to me. This might sound weird but it has something to do with the weird way you make me feel. I like it when you do that, when you chuckle, laugh, or smile. They look really great on you, it makes me happy when you are. Not because you'll cause less trouble, that's just a bonus.
*nods, chuckling lowly as she playfully ruffles your bangs then quickly fixes it*
Okay then. Jinsoul, JJ, Soul, Blondie-
J. Jinsoul [A] 5 years ago
@K. Seulgi ☣ No, especially not around here
/she agreed, sighing happily at the touch/
Favorite patient
/chuckles in amusement, finding that rather hard to believe/
You guys try so hard to keep me happy. I get it, I should cause less trouble if I'm happy. It's good incentive for them.
Just... call me whatever you want to, screw anyone else. I don't mind Soul, it's... nice. I like when you call me that.
/her lips quirk as she reaches up to massage away the frown/
You're going to get wrinkles if you keep doing that.
K. Seulgi ☣ 5 years ago
@J. Jinsoul Honestly, compared to what I've seen from that show.. I should really stop watching that because it gets blurry sometimes, the world is not black and white.
*nods, moving her hand to your head and starts rubbing it gently as she hums softly*
He does, huh? Then I have to come up with something different for my favorite patient. JJ from me, but I like your name how it is... Ah, the dilemma.
*grunts, a deep frown marring her forehead*
J. Jinsoul [A] 5 years ago
@K. Seulgi ☣ Oh... I know how criminals think, I guess I am one
/she admits, pouting a little bit as she thinks about that for a second/
Yeah, I guess I am one. I wouldn't be here if I wasn't.
I don't know if I consider myself a criminal or not, I think they got what was coming to them personally.
/she shrugs one shoulder, opting to not let it bother her and instead enjoy the rare moment of calm/
Soul... I don't mind it so much now. Jason likes to call me that too. It's different when you guys say it.
K. Seulgi ☣ 5 years ago
@J. Jinsoul Unfortunately, no. It should be but. Not everyone can access it. But you guys can if you make a request though from my personal examination, you have nothing to worry about.
*nods and nuzzles the crown of your head gently*
I like Soul. It fits you. JJ, Jung Jinsoul, but I think I like Soul better.
*hums and nods, rubbing your back gently as she stares down at you with a small smile*
It's a crime drama about how criminals think and stuff like that.


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75bd8d51488fd100f027 4 years ago
don't know if the roleplay is on low key so plotted couples can stick around,
but just in case, I am dropping Ryosuke & Jungeun/Lip for the time being.
Our little cute Sori will still be around.
kanyenot 5 years ago
kailyn de los ríos pls
TheHermit 5 years ago
Can you add Min Yoongi for me please?
Jeon_YoongiShook 5 years ago
How active is this rp?
byeona 5 years ago
Drop that ugly [SH] sign from Eunwoo's name, please. Thank you.
Kim4Shim 5 years ago
I'm sorry I disappeared *bows deeply*
75bd8d51488fd100f027 5 years ago
hello, due to some unexpected reasons, i need to place sori, ryosuke and jungeun on indefinite semihiatus
SugaHU 5 years ago
can you please add Yoongi?
DNABleached 5 years ago
please add and reserve yoo kihyun as my secnd~
Yukiko 5 years ago
irene‘s out.
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