The Riverbank

The Riverbank
S. Maia ⚕ 5 years ago
@C. Minki ☣ *smiles softly watching you carefully until your gone*
*shakes my head and sits there for a bit before getting up heading back into town and for Minki's apartment.*
C. Minki ☣ [A] 5 years ago
@S. Maia ⚕ okay fine, I won't threaten him much before you get there
/he corrects, smiling softly/
And there is no one, don't get your hopes up.
/chuckles and sighs softly/
I'll see you soon then
/nods before heading back to his car, texting Jason to ask him to let him know when Taemin's wakes up/
S. Maia ⚕ 5 years ago
@C. Minki ☣ I dont believe you for a second.
*laughs a little and nods slightly*
Go and find whoever is at the end of your current path then Minki.
I'll see you a bit later.
*smiles happily andrelaxes back against the tree*
And I love you too.
C. Minki ☣ [A] 5 years ago
@S. Maia ⚕ /looks at you for a long few seconds before he kisses your forehead/
I love you
I want you to be happy, and I'm seriously happy for you, beneath all the typical worry and stress.
Maybe we're both finally moving in a good direction.
/hugs you one more time before he pulls away and stands up/
I'll let you know as soon as he's awake, I promise. and I won't threaten him before you get there.
S. Maia ⚕ 5 years ago
@C. Minki ☣ I know... I wont.
*smiles a little and nods slightly*
Just message me when hes conscious becuase I know hes going to come and find you to find out if you found me.
Just... let me know and I will come back in ok.
C. Minki ☣ [A] 5 years ago
@S. Maia ⚕ You will go shopping?
/he asks, raising an eyebrow at you/
i'm sure that's what girls do, but you aren't really most girls.
/he points out, hugging you tightly again before letting you go/
Just take care of yourself, okay?
Do something to take your mind off of it, or sit here and give yourself time to think about it.
Just do me a favor and don't talk yourself out of this just because you're scared.
S. Maia ⚕ 5 years ago
@C. Minki ☣ Im sure you do...
*shakes my head a little*
And maybe I aman idiot for avoiding it but... I dont need two places I am awkward...
I cant keep using this tree as my go to safe place...
*sighs a little and closes my eyes*
How about you go back, and when hes conscious and clear headed I will come in.
Before that I will.. .go shopping ro something
Thats what girls do right. I'll buy new shoes, or get mynailes done or something...
C. Minki ☣ [A] 5 years ago
@S. Maia ⚕ There is no conversation...
/he argues, shaking his head quickly/
No conversation at all.
Besides, you can do what normal people do and think while he is sleeping. Maybe he will sleep talk and tell you everything you want to know.
Either way I think you should go back. I won't force you, but I do think you should.
S. Maia ⚕ 5 years ago
@C. Minki ☣ Hes sedated Minki.
There is no point me going and talking to him right now.
And I'm not ready to... I dont know what to say, or do and for the first time since I met him I have the chance to think wtihout him willing me to just jump.
You can go back to the 'people, things, work' you have to do...
But dont think that conversation isnt happening mister.
I want to know what... or who this 'people' is
C. Minki ☣ [A] 5 years ago
@S. Maia ⚕ You know I love you
/he says, smiling softly and wrapping his arms around you to hug you tightly/
And no, you aren't.
We're going to sit here together and think about all the mistakes we've made up to this point, then we're going to pick ourselves up and go back to the institute.
You need to talk to Taemin, running away from this is not going to make it better.
And I have, I have work I have to do.
S. Maia ⚕ 5 years ago
@C. Minki ☣ *laughs a little and shakes my head shifting a little closer to you*
Your cute Minki you really are.
Thank you...
*relaxes against you for a moment before letting out another breath*
You should go back... you have your own things to do...
I think I'll sit here for a bit and then head back to yours... head back... home...
C. Minki ☣ [A] 5 years ago
@S. Maia ⚕ Then if he's playing with us at least we know, and we can decide what to do from there.
It's not like his access to the press can't be revoked
/he points out, sighing softly/
I would never let him take this place down because he's throwing a temper tantrum.
I'm just saying that if he isn't willing or isn't able to tell the truth under his own volition there are options.
In the end I want you to be happy. That's all I want.
If you love him then I will support you, but I'm here to play the bad guy if you ever need it, okay?
S. Maia ⚕ 5 years ago
@C. Minki ☣ And if we threaten him and he is just playing us what then?
He is famous, anything he says will be blown up.
If he says anything bad about this place what happenes to everyone else that we are helping.
What happens to someone like Sori?
She goes into a real Jail where they will forget about her.
What about people like Jinsoul...
Doctors like me, Joonyoung, Jungkook?
What about you Minki? Are you ready to go be out in the real world rather than hiding away in a pit of darkness.
Taemin isnt the kind of character we can just... do what we want with.
And I wont have him treated like hes some common criminal. Hes a person with rights.
C. Minki ☣ [A] 5 years ago
@S. Maia ⚕ But... if we need to know his true intentions then maybe we need to start playing dirty too because we both know he wouldn't hesitate to.
/he points out/
Look, it won't hurt him strictly speaking, it would just scare him into being honest with us.
If he thinks he's on death row, he might actually open up and start talking without all the lies.
I know you want him to tell you the truth on his own, but how will you know when it's the truth or not?
How will he even know what the truth is until he's backed into a corner and forced to face it himself?
S. Maia ⚕ 5 years ago
@C. Minki ☣ *shakes my head slightly*
No Minki. Whatever your thinking just no.
I know what doctors can be like and I know how we can play to manipulations.
I know how to get him to talk as well, and I wouldnt do that.
I want him to want me to know the truth...
*sighs a little*
No... locking him in a room interrogating him. Understand?
C. Minki ☣ [A] 5 years ago
@S. Maia ⚕ If he liked his life so much, if he was enjoying it so much why get caught?
I know there's more than just the ones he was accused of, you already slipped up and told me that even if I don't know the exact number.
So he already knew how to get away with murder.
Why get caught then? What is the point behind getting caught?
If he's so good at this game, then ending up here was purposeful but why?
/he asks, frowning and shaking his head/
He's not as perfect as he thinks he is, he has to make a mistake, he has to slip up. He's only human, he will break.
I might know a way to do it.
S. Maia ⚕ 5 years ago
@C. Minki ☣ *shakes my head a little*
Hes not a normal person Minki
you cant just push and push until he breaks.
Before he can break he will learn how to twist things back on you.
You dont want that... And I dont want to see it.
I dont want to see the side of him thats hiding behind lies and smiles to get out.
He wants his life back... He likes who he is, the modelling the acting the fame the money, the weekend trips to spain...
He wants that... And... hes told me he would do it again... If he got out, hewould wait a while, play perfect until he was sure it was safe
and he would never get caught again
C. Minki ☣ [A] 5 years ago
@S. Maia ⚕ If that was the case why does he want out so badly?
Or is there some other motive behind all of this that we're not seeing?
/he asks, frowning a little bit in confusion/
Then you should ask him, if there are things you still want answers to.
Or have me or Keiji do it, we can set him up in a room, you can either be in the room or listening from outside it.
If we push hard enough he will get angry and he will crack, the truth will come out eventually.
S. Maia ⚕ 5 years ago
@C. Minki ☣ Because he got bored of not being caught...
*looks down a little*
Hes that good Minki, trust me.
I dont know where Minji fits in chronologically with the others...
I dont know his triggers... I dont know anything...
He always distracts me and I never end up finding out anything...
I want to know... I need to know the truth from him and... hes given me a lot more than I expected but he never really... answers.
C. Minki ☣ [A] 5 years ago
@S. Maia ⚕ Wait... he left one of them alive?
/he repeats, blinking a few times to try to process that/
Why? What about her was different than the others? That's a really big deal Maia, and he wants you to meet her?
/he goes quiet for a few seconds, trying to understand the implications of that/
Either he's not playing a game at all, or he's really ing good at it.
I mean what are the chances he's actually that good? If he was... how in the hell did he get caught in the first place?
S. Maia ⚕ 5 years ago
@C. Minki ☣ Yes and no.
*nods a little and sighs slightly*
Minji was going to be one of his victims... but he couldnt do it. So he asked his Aunt to adopt her.
*shakes my head a little*
You cant tell anyone that, Minki... like you really cant.
He loves her... not in a creepy way or anything... I think if he could have he would have adopted her himself.
*sighs a little and shakes my head*
You can go in my place if you want to... for the clothes of course.
*shakes my head a little starting to relax slightly*
C. Minki ☣ [A] 5 years ago
@S. Maia ⚕ If it's that type of conversation then yes, you know I'll keep it confidential.
/he nods, glancing down at you/
I'm guessing Minji has something to do with why he's in the facility then?
/he guesses, trying not to be too curious, but honestly wanting to understand/
To be fair, that is a part of him and is something you should probably experience a little bit. He can't suddenly not be rich, and not everyone can handle that type of lifestyle if they didn't grow up in it. I think it would hurt you both if he actually got out only for you to leave him because you can't handle the life he lives.
I think it would be good for you to try, if nothing else do it for the free clothes. I would.
/chuckles smiling softly/
And I'm sure he will learn if he hasn't already figured it out.
S. Maia ⚕ 5 years ago
@C. Minki ☣ *sighs a little and relaxes against you*
Do I get the whole patient doctorconfidentiality thing with you...Because I would love to tell you the truth...
*bites my lip a little trailing off knowing that should give you enough of a hint*
But yes... Minji is important to him... very important.
He might be doing that, but I think hes just doing it because he wants me to experience his world...
the money I mean.
Our second time talking together He was talking about buying me diamonds and all thise other stuff...
he knows its not me but he wants it to be I think...
Though he might be learning that that just doesnt work with me.... I really dont know.
*shrugs a little**
C. Minki ☣ [A] 5 years ago
@S. Maia ⚕ So he's letting you into his world, I think that's a good sign.
Who is his cousin? Someone important?
/he asks, wrapping an arm around you as you lean against him/
I think meeting his mother is a good opportunity to talk with someone who isn't potentially playing any games with your heart. She knows him, obviously, she raised him. You can ask her all your questions and I'm sure she would answer you.
Maybe that's why he's setting it up for you, because he knows you're struggling to trust his words so he's giving you the chance to ask someone else. His mother would probably know him better than anyone.
/nods slowly, rubbing your arm gently/
And you know, I think that's exactly why I know you meant it when you said it. You're scared, you're pulling away, you want to slow down because you love him, and you're scared of how fast you're falling in love with him.
S. Maia ⚕ 5 years ago
@C. Minki ☣ *sighs a little and shifts closer leaning against youclosing my eyes and trying to relax*
I dont know if I am ready to love I really dont know if I am ready to be heart broken again.
*sighs a little and bites my lip*
You know he organised for his mum to take me out andbuy me new clothes... When I told him I was being your date...
So... now I have to meet withsome stupidly rich famous person and let her buy me a whole bunch of clothes and... apparently she has this whole plan...
and he wants me to meet him cousin...
He does all these things... that seem normal...
But I am so scared hes going to use me... You know what I am like... you know how... weak I really am.
If I let go and have no doubt left to cling onto whats stopping me from doing what he wants...
Im too scared to even see him after saying that so...
I just said it Minki... we werent even talking about things like that... I was saying we needed to slow down and next thing. Bam! I love you Taemin...
C. Minki ☣ [A] 5 years ago
@S. Maia ⚕ Is he playing, or is he really just right for you?
/he asks softly, still rubbing your back in gentle circles/
He could be playing you, or he could honestly just be a good match for you. Maybe he understands what you need and is giving that to you and you're just not used to it.
It's not like the men in your life previously have cared all that much about you or what you think or feel. It could be that he does and he's trying to make you happy the best way he knows how.
And it's working, and that's new, and it's scaring you because it's new.
I think that you do love him, and I think you knew you would from the moment you met him.
You've been fighting it for a long time and for good reason, but if he makes you happy at the end of the day is it worth it to keep fighting?
I'm here to look out for you, and so is Keiji, and so is Joonyoung I'm sure. So let us be skeptical, and let us be the doubt and uncertainty for you, and just let yourself be happy.
We would tell you if we saw anything that truly worried us. That's why I went to Keiji to make sure there was another set of eyes watching.
The fact of the matter is, none of us know what Taemin's intentions are, but if there's a chance of you being happy then I want you to take it.
S. Maia ⚕ 5 years ago
@C. Minki ☣ But thats the thing Minki...
He always says the right things... no one is that perfect all thetime.
Its like he knows, hes 20 steps ahead just playing me for the fool back here and I keep walking into every trap like a fool.
Day one I warned myself, I said he wasplaying the system, I could tell he was... Then something changed... I dont know what and suddenly...
*sighs a little and shakes my head*
But everytime we 'fight' he just...spins it around and I dont get any time to process things and I just... fall back into his web.
Do I love him or do Ilove what hes selling me all the time...
Do I love him or am I just latching onto affection...
Can I really love him when I am technically married and still feel guilty about running from him...
And then what about Joonyoung...
Do I love him too... is that even possible...
C. Minki ☣ [A] 5 years ago
@S. Maia ⚕ /moves an arm to your back, rubbing it gently/
I would say that you do, if you said it.
You and I both know you wouldn't have said that if you didn't mean it.
It's okay, you know. You are allowed to love him, why wouldn't you?
He's been nothing but a gentlemen, he's treated you well, always taken care of you when you needed it.
He says all the right things, he showers you in attention, and makes you happy.
And I think that's the most important thing, he makes you happy. You've been through so much lately, but you're already happier than I've ever seen you.
S. Maia ⚕ 5 years ago
@C. Minki ☣ *closes my eyes and thnks about it carefully before whining a little*
*hides my face in my knees on the verge of bursting into tears*
I cant love him... I shouldnt love anyone.
I dont know how to love someone...
C. Minki ☣ [A] 5 years ago
@S. Maia ⚕ You love him?
/he asks, his eyes widening in surprise/
When did that happen?
I mean.... what about Joonyoung? Is that still a thing?
/he asks, slowly shaking his head/
Alright, let's just step back and start from the beginning.
Do you actually love him?


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75bd8d51488fd100f027 4 years ago
don't know if the roleplay is on low key so plotted couples can stick around,
but just in case, I am dropping Ryosuke & Jungeun/Lip for the time being.
Our little cute Sori will still be around.
kanyenot 5 years ago
kailyn de los ríos pls
TheHermit 5 years ago
Can you add Min Yoongi for me please?
Jeon_YoongiShook 5 years ago
How active is this rp?
byeona 5 years ago
Drop that ugly [SH] sign from Eunwoo's name, please. Thank you.
Kim4Shim 5 years ago
I'm sorry I disappeared *bows deeply*
75bd8d51488fd100f027 5 years ago
hello, due to some unexpected reasons, i need to place sori, ryosuke and jungeun on indefinite semihiatus
SugaHU 5 years ago
can you please add Yoongi?
DNABleached 5 years ago
please add and reserve yoo kihyun as my secnd~
Yukiko 5 years ago
irene‘s out.
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