Personal Message
choi minki.
24 years old
taken / not looking
 quick info
medical doctor / surgeon
Coffee + tea + roses + piano music + art
rap + dark chocolate + mint + storms
blue + strawberries + caramel popcorn
life story
Everything in Minki's life looks perfect. He has a big penthouse apartment, a fancy doctorate, plenty of money in the bank, and a great job ... a mostly great job. From the outside it all looks perfect, a life to envy. What they don't see is that there is more alcohol than food in the fridge. That the apartment is empty more nights than it's lived in, and there isn't a touch of personality in the entire spacious apartment. Minki lives like a ghost in his own 'home'. He stays at work most nights, only going home when he can't get away with staying at the institute any longer.  He didn't used to live this way, but he learned that being a doctor came with sacrifices he hadn't been ready to make.

High school sweethearts, they got married while they were both pursuing degrees at the same university. Things were picture perfect at first, but then medical school started taking it's toll on the relationship. The lack of money, the long hours, it demanded most of Minki's time. They kept promising each other it would get better once he graduated. However, as he finished his masters and began his doctorate program things only got worse. She announced she was pregnant the same day she brought home the divorce papers. The baby wasn't his, and she was done waiting for their situation to turn around. She wanted a husband who could prioritize her. Minki had no choice but to sign the papers. 

He finished out his doctorate program alone. When it came time to find a job he moved as far as he could and found a place where he could forget all about his ex-wife and the life they had together. Now he spends all his time and energy at eternity glade institute, a great place to drown himself in other people's problems and forget his own. 
fun info / updates
newly taken / not available 
annoyed with someone + worried about another
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RP Tracker
Maia - MedBay 

Joonyoung - Medbay
Taemin x Bewhy