The Hospital

The Hospital
J. Joonyoung ☤ 5 years ago
@S. Debbie ♥ *sighs*
Don’t be stubborn
At least let me take you halfway?
*hums softly*
S. Debbie ♥ 5 years ago
@J. Joonyoung ☤ *shakes my head a little*
Really you don't have too... I feel back.
*sighs a little and sits back*
Two floors up.
J. Joonyoung ☤ 5 years ago
@S. Debbie ♥ No I insist
You came to see me so that’s boosted my visitor count to two
*moves to start pushing your wheelchair*
S. Debbie ♥ 5 years ago
@J. Joonyoung ☤ Uh... different floor.
*smiles softly*
You don't have to push me all the way up there.
J. Joonyoung ☤ 5 years ago
@S. Debbie ♥ I’ll push you back towards your room at least
*shrugs, standing up out of the bed*
Which number you in
S. Debbie ♥ 5 years ago
@J. Joonyoung ☤ *shakes my head a little and smiles softly*
I shouldnt have bothered you for this long.
You need sleep...
I should have thought about it.
J. Joonyoung ☤ 5 years ago
@S. Debbie ♥ *shakes his head*
You can stay if you really want
Give you a longer break from everyone else
*chuckles slightly*
S. Debbie ♥ 5 years ago
@J. Joonyoung ☤ *laughs a little and shakes my head*
Nah, I should let you sleep.
I'm sorry.
*shifts a little slipping off the bed carefully before sitting back in the chair*
J. Joonyoung ☤ 5 years ago
@S. Debbie ♥ True
*shrugs one shoulder*
I mean I'm pretty tired but if you don't mind me napping you're welcome to stay
*chuckles slightly*
S. Debbie ♥ 5 years ago
@J. Joonyoung ☤ They brought me here.
They know I am in here...
But I should I guess
Its just boring in there... I really dont want to be in a room on my own
J. Joonyoung ☤ 5 years ago
@S. Debbie ♥ *chuckles slightly*
Any shouldn't you be heading back now?
I'd be surprised if someone wasn't losing their mind trying to find you by now
S. Debbie ♥ 5 years ago
@J. Joonyoung ☤ *looks at you and smiles happily*
Thank you...
J. Joonyoung ☤ 5 years ago
@S. Debbie ♥ @H. Atsuko ☤ *frowns slightly*
Surprisingly your both supposed to stay in your own rooms unless you have permission to leave them
Such a shock
I need some sleep anyway
J. Joonyoung ☤ 5 years ago
@S. Debbie ♥ You'll manage here though
For as long as you choose to stay
*chuckles at you, reaching over to pat your shoulder*
S. Debbie ♥ 5 years ago
@J. Joonyoung ☤ @H. Atsuko ☤ *shakes my head a little*
No no, its fine...
I really do have to go back to my room.
They get annoyed with me when they find me in here.
S. Debbie ♥ 5 years ago
@J. Joonyoung ☤ *nods a little*
I see that.
*nedges you gently*
J. Joonyoung ☤ 5 years ago
@S. Debbie ♥ You knew him well
That makes it a different situation
The best way is to assume every is dangerous until they prove otherwise
S. Debbie ♥ 5 years ago
@J. Joonyoung ☤ *laughs a little and nods slightly*
I will try and keep an eye out.
In saying that I never thought Taemin could kill...
J. Joonyoung ☤ 5 years ago
@S. Debbie ♥ Trust me, you'll be able to tell
*shakes his head*
I thought I wouldn't be able to tell
But most of them don't even try to fool people
S. Debbie ♥ 5 years ago
@J. Joonyoung ☤ I dont know who the crazy ones are...
It wouldnt be hard to fool me.
I'm a little dense.
J. Joonyoung ☤ 5 years ago
@S. Debbie ♥ *shakes his head*
No you'll do fine.
As long as you don't get too mixed up with the really crazy ones you'll be okay
*smiles softly*
S. Debbie ♥ 5 years ago
@J. Joonyoung ☤ *smiles a little and nods slightly*
*laughs softly*
Your probably right there...
I really dont think I fint in all that much honestly.
Probably good that I am in reception not anything else.
H. Atsuko ☤ [A] 5 years ago
@S. Debbie ♥ @J. Joonyoung ☤ And neither do you
/she points out, rolling her eyes but hopping up with a shake of her head/
Nah, don't be silly Debbie, I'll bounce out of here
/flashes you both a smile before she heads to the door/
Oh! You can totally order movies to your room by the way. Just so you know.
Whatever you don't eat... I dunno have them toss or something?
I'll be back when I get too lonely, but I'll try to start out of your hair.
J. Joonyoung ☤ 5 years ago
@S. Debbie ♥ Trust me, I'm not the type to kill someone
Besides my hands aren't strong enough for that
She definitely does
She's addicted to it, probably the adrenaline!
*chuckles again*
One of the requirements to working there I think.
J. Joonyoung ☤ 5 years ago
@S. Debbie ♥ @H. Atsuko ☤ *frowns but stays quiet*
Atsuko, you might be a psychiatrist but you don't know what I need.
You're too emotionally involved
*moves over to the door, holding it over*
Yeah thanks for coming over Debbie.
Sorry, she's overly invested in things
S. Maia ⚕ 5 years ago
@J. Joonyoung ☤ *laughs a little and shakes my head*
Just promise not to kill him if you run into him or something. Ok.
I'll make him promise the same.
You guys are never going to get along but you canat least not commit murder over an accident.
I think she likes the danger to be honest.
*shrugs slightly*
I mean... She kinda fits in there... Even the staff are crazy
S. Debbie ♥ 5 years ago
@J. Joonyoung ☤ @H. Atsuko ☤ *bites my lip slightly looking around*
I think its about time I headed back to my room...
Thanks for talking Joonyoung.
*nods a little and puts the chicken back before pushing back with the chair*
Oh... Would someone mind getting the door for me.
H. Atsuko ☤ [A] 5 years ago
@S. Debbie ♥ @J. Joonyoung ☤ You say that like I'm not already weird
/rolls her eyes, taking another bite of chicken before she sighs and nods/
I know, and I'm not saying you two should get married right now or anything
I'm just saying that I would do it if it would help you
Because dammit J, nothing else has helped you yet
If having another girl in your life helps to finally get your in gear, if changing to be better for her motivates you then I'm all for it.
that's all I'm saying.
J. Joonyoung ☤ 5 years ago
@S. Debbie ♥ @H. Atsuko ☤ *rolls eyes, glaring at Atsuko*
That's weird as Acchan. Don't say that again, please
*stays quiet for a bit*
Atsuko, I crashed my car to try and see my dead fiance.
There's a lot of I need to sort out before I even think about relationships
So let the poor girl live her life without you pushing her into she doesn't want to do
J. Joonyoung ☤ 5 years ago
@S. Debbie ♥ *chuckles*
I'm not going to be going anywhere near him
You don't have to worry about that
It wouldn't go well for either of us
I'd definitely end up losing my job
*shakes his head*
She really is
I didn't really want her working here because of how dangerous it can be
But she's stubborn


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75bd8d51488fd100f027 4 years ago
don't know if the roleplay is on low key so plotted couples can stick around,
but just in case, I am dropping Ryosuke & Jungeun/Lip for the time being.
Our little cute Sori will still be around.
kanyenot 5 years ago
kailyn de los ríos pls
TheHermit 5 years ago
Can you add Min Yoongi for me please?
Jeon_YoongiShook 5 years ago
How active is this rp?
byeona 5 years ago
Drop that ugly [SH] sign from Eunwoo's name, please. Thank you.
Kim4Shim 5 years ago
I'm sorry I disappeared *bows deeply*
75bd8d51488fd100f027 5 years ago
hello, due to some unexpected reasons, i need to place sori, ryosuke and jungeun on indefinite semihiatus
SugaHU 5 years ago
can you please add Yoongi?
DNABleached 5 years ago
please add and reserve yoo kihyun as my secnd~
Yukiko 5 years ago
irene‘s out.
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