☤ Atsuko's Office

☤ Atsuko's Office
H. Atsuko ☤ [A] 5 years ago
@I. Aina /chokes out a half-strangled curse as her body tenses up before she crashes into her with a moan loud enough she was sure anyone in the hallway could have heard her, not that she had enough of a mind left to be embarrassed/
/she only just remembers to keep her hands curled into the couch as she almost reached out to thread her fingers in your hair/
I. Aina 5 years ago
@H. Atsuko ☤ /she hums softly, a hand moving up to squeeze your as you speak/
Just let yourself go baby...
/she half mumbles, focusing on moving her fingers inside you, before moving to them in and out of you at an aggressive pace, her tongue teasing your over and over again/
Don’t hold yourself back...
H. Atsuko ☤ [A] 5 years ago
@I. Aina Ohh...oh.. god
/she gasps sharply, her hips rolling helplessly against the relentless movement of your fingers/
/her moans start to grow louder as you amp up the intensity, her fingers digging into the couch as she all but sobs with the building heat between her legs/
! ! I t-think I'm close... !
I. Aina 5 years ago
@H. Atsuko ☤ /chuckles slightly at your responses/
Well it’s an open invitation for you there. The ball is in your court there.
/she hums, nodding at your words and chuckling slightly again before beginning to move her fingers more hungrily and aggressively/
Well, let me know if you want me to hold back at all, or if you need me to stop.
/she kisses your again, beginning to alternate between hungrily lapping at you, and grazing her teeth along the sensitive nub, her free hand moving to between her own legs, teasing her own as she moans slightly*
H. Atsuko ☤ [A] 5 years ago
@I. Aina Next time?
/she manages to gasp out, writhing a little beneath you as she bites down on her lip only to release it a moment later on a moan/
I don't know how much more teasing I can take because... ... you're going to drive me crazy and I don't usually beg.
But... , whatever you wanna do babe, as long as you want
I. Aina 5 years ago
@H. Atsuko ☤ If you want to find out we can arrange that. Either for today or something we can do next time?
/she chuckles softly, stroking your inner walls and lapping your /
/moves her free hand to rub a finger over your a couple of times, pulling away briefly before lightly pinching her /
So you’re choice, I can either keep teasing you, or turn up the intensity a bit?
H. Atsuko ☤ [A] 5 years ago
@I. Aina Oh god......
/she whimpers, her hips jerking unconsciously when she feels the graze of your teeth and it pulls out something like a muffled sob from her/
... can you even do that?
, wait! That wasn't a challenge... ... but that sounds so hot.
I. Aina 5 years ago
@H. Atsuko ☤ /she hums softly, enjoying the noises you’re making, keeping her eyes on you/
Teasing is the best part.
/she pushes a second finger into you, likely grazing her teeth along your /
Would you prefer it I stopped teasing you and just made you so many times that you can’t walk?
H. Atsuko ☤ [A] 5 years ago
@I. Aina I think I'd b-be okay with that
/she admits with a breathless laugh, whimpering softly as the movement of your finger causes her hips to rock shallowly/
I'm pretty sure you already know the answer to that
/she tries to make it sound sarcastic but it comes out as more of a whimper, ending in a sharp gasp and a groan/
God you are an incredible tease, you know that?
I. Aina 5 years ago
@H. Atsuko ☤ Then you'll never get to leave.
/she chuckles, at your curses and begins to move her finger in and out you enjoying your responses/
Enjoying yourself there?
/she chuckles again, flicking your with her tongue then lightly on the nub/
H. Atsuko ☤ [A] 5 years ago
@I. Aina I will stay as long as you want me here
/she promises immediately, nodding her head almost frantically/
/she gasps, out a few more curses helplessly as her hips twitch beneath you with her struggle to keep them still/
I. Aina 5 years ago
@H. Atsuko ☤ /hums softly, smiling at your reaction before lapping at you again/
/stays quiet as she flicks her tongue over your briefly before pulling away slightly/
I'm guessing you'll be sticking around for a bit then?
/she grins before pushing a finger into you, stroking your walls a couple of times before moving her tongue back to your , focussing all of her attention on it/
H. Atsuko ☤ [A] 5 years ago
@I. Aina Oh !
/she gasps sharply, quickly slapping a hand over keep herself from getting too loud/
/quickly looking down at you before look away with a groan/
I think I love this job....
I. Aina 5 years ago
@H. Atsuko ☤ What? I mean it when you say they're cute.
/she looks up at you and smirks when you gasp and move/
I can't help it, you're just so pretty.
And I'll see what I can get for next time.
/she winks at you, pushing the fabric of your underwear out of the way and place a kiss against your core, before upwards in fluid movement/
H. Atsuko ☤ [A] 5 years ago
@I. Aina /huffs a little in a pout as you comment on her Totoro underwear/
Shut up, I like them
/she mumbles, blushing a little but the kiss to her thigh distracts her and she relaxes back obediently, gasping in surprise and arching her back at the pinch to her sensitive s/
... you make not touching you really difficult
I. Aina 5 years ago
@H. Atsuko ☤ /chuckles softly pulling your pants off and throwing them to the floor/
Well that's good to know. Cute underwear by the way.
/she smirks moving to kneel in front of you, kissing the inside of your thigh, one hand moving to pinch your s/
You just sit back and relax...
H. Atsuko ☤ [A] 5 years ago
@I. Aina Ohh I like the sound of that, I don't think I would complain if you wanted to ravish me any day
/she admits with an open laugh, her eyes glittering with mischief as she lifts her hips to help you get her pants off/
I'm pretty easy honestly, how do you like to play, hm?
Since I can't touch you, I at least ought to do what you like.
I. Aina 5 years ago
@H. Atsuko ☤ /she hums softly at the sound of your moan and then chuckles slightly/
You better be meaning that otherwise you might have to keep your door locked to stop me trying to come in and ravish you.
/chuckles again, moving her fingers down to caress more of you before pulling her hand out of your pants, beginning to pull them down/
If there's anything in particular that you want, just let me know princess
H. Atsuko ☤ [A] 5 years ago
@I. Aina Oh s-...
/she gasps, her eyes widening in surprise as a moan falls from her lips and she spreads her legs as far her position on the couch will let her/
... d-damn woman... if this your idea of .... /trails off as another moan escapers her, and it takes her a moment to remember what she's trying to say/
If this if your idea of g-getting acquainted, you can acquaint yourself with me any time you want
I. Aina 5 years ago
@H. Atsuko ☤ /she chuckles softly at your words/
Well when you put it that way I'd best help you get acquainted with the place
/grins while moving to run her tongue over your , one hand caressing and squeezing your other as she slips her other friend down the front of your pants, finding your and lightly rubbing circles over it/
H. Atsuko ☤ [A] 5 years ago
@I. Aina Given how many other staff members are sleeping with patients? I think it's a rite of passage around here
/she snorts, not really worried as she helps you get her shirt off, letting it drop to the ground without a care/
/reaches behind herself to unhook her bra, shrugging it off and letting it join her shirt/
I. Aina 5 years ago
@H. Atsuko ☤ /she chuckles slightly at you/
So needy... Cute
/glances towards the door smirking and moving back from you slightly/
Don't blame me if someone comes in and you lose your job.
/she smirks slightly as her hands find their way to the hem of your shirt, pulling it off you and moving to kiss your collar bone, her hand moving back down to the waistband of your pants/
H. Atsuko ☤ [A] 5 years ago
@I. Aina Dunno, but... I think the idea of someone walking in sounds kind of thrilling
/she admits with a wicked grin as she looks over at the door/
/groans softly under her breath at the light touch, a bit frustrated that she can't touch you/
I'm not really one for slow cause like... you're really hot and I'm in to this
and we're both wearing way too many clothes
I. Aina 5 years ago
@H. Atsuko ☤ /she chuckles softly as you kiss back before pulling away slightly, moving back to your neck/
Talented and pretty? That shouldn't be allowed.
/moves her hand to trace a finger down your chest/
Is your door locked?
We wouldn't want anyone interrupting
H. Atsuko ☤ [A] 5 years ago
@I. Aina Mm, I was mind of banking on them not caring
/she admits with a soft laugh, kissing you back eagerly to make up for not being allowed to touch you/
I know, I'm adorable, and I'm good at my job.
Mindblowing, isn't it?
/she teases with a playful smile/
I. Aina 5 years ago
@H. Atsuko ☤ /hums softly again, feeling you tilt your head and lightly the skin of your neck/
With the way that this place is, I don't think they'd really care all that much at least
/moves her hand to your cheek, moving to kiss you, smiling slightly/
I never thought we'd end up with a cute psych, makes a nice change
H. Atsuko ☤ [A] 5 years ago
@I. Aina No touching, got it
/she nods, sliding her hands behind her back with grin/
I certainly like it against my policy
Mm, but what security doesn't know won't hurt them
/she points out, tipping her head to the side to give you more access/
I. Aina 5 years ago
@H. Atsuko ☤ /she hums softly, watching you and keeping my hand against your neck/
Just... it's best if you don't touch me. I know what I'm like and I'd rather avoid solitary for a couple of days at least...
/she moves closer to you, pressing a kiss against your cheek and then moves her hand away from your neck to your shoulder/
Oh the lewdity doctor, I'd have thought that was against policy?
/she chuckles and begins to kiss the side of your neck/
H. Atsuko ☤ [A] 5 years ago
@I. Aina I'm not really one for games anyway
/she admits, taking her glasses off and setting then on the closest stand/
Tell me what you like, I'd be happy to be of service
/she says with a small smile, shrugging out of her jacket and letting it drop to the floor to deal with later/
And I wont lie, I have a in my desk
I. Aina 5 years ago
@H. Atsuko ☤ / her lips slightly, watching you/
Well maybe you'll let me have a taste sometime soon then
/chuckles moving slightly closer to you/
There's no point in avoiding it is?
/moves her hand to along the side of your neck/


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75bd8d51488fd100f027 4 years ago
don't know if the roleplay is on low key so plotted couples can stick around,
but just in case, I am dropping Ryosuke & Jungeun/Lip for the time being.
Our little cute Sori will still be around.
kanyenot 5 years ago
kailyn de los ríos pls
TheHermit 5 years ago
Can you add Min Yoongi for me please?
Jeon_YoongiShook 5 years ago
How active is this rp?
byeona 5 years ago
Drop that ugly [SH] sign from Eunwoo's name, please. Thank you.
Kim4Shim 5 years ago
I'm sorry I disappeared *bows deeply*
75bd8d51488fd100f027 5 years ago
hello, due to some unexpected reasons, i need to place sori, ryosuke and jungeun on indefinite semihiatus
SugaHU 5 years ago
can you please add Yoongi?
DNABleached 5 years ago
please add and reserve yoo kihyun as my secnd~
Yukiko 5 years ago
irene‘s out.
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