The Cafeteria

The cafeteria
O. Sehun [SH] 5 years ago
@C. Eunwoo /makes a face not getting used to parting away after every kiss/
You are mine.. and i am possesive of what is mine..
/takes your hand with a smile before getting up from his seat/
Lets go.. garden? Courtyard?
Its a shame we cant go out of this damned place. But i dont mind as long as you are with me.
/squeezes you hands/
C. Eunwoo 5 years ago
@O. Sehun /winces at the pain but hums in approval afterwards, moans at your rough kiss before I recover and started to nibble your lower lips before pulling back;
I will remember that perfectly, my love.
Possessive and jealous Cha Sehun will be the death of me.
/offers a hand to you; wanna go somewhere else babe?
We’re full and showered.
J. Jinsoul [A] 5 years ago
@K. Seulgi ☣ I suppose I can do that, just do you don't get into too much trouble. They can't really blame you if you aren't here to stop me though.
/she points out with a small smile, poking the tip of your nose with her finger/
Alright then Dr. I'll go back to your office with you, watch you change that sounds like a lovely goodbye. I could never get enough of you being , especially if I am too.
K. Seulgi ☣ 5 years ago
@J. Jinsoul *narrows her eyes slightly at you then huffs, seeing no point in arguing with you in trying to get you to stay*
As long as you tell him that I tried. Wouldn't want your favorite doctor to get into trouble, would you?
*chuckles softly while shifting slightly to situate you better on her lap and rests her chin on your shoulder, looking at you with a small smile*
Want to come with me to my office then? I need to change anyway then I can give you a proper goodbye.
J. Jinsoul [A] 5 years ago
@K. Seulgi ☣ It's cute that you think I'm going to stay in that hospital room another night
/she assures you with an amused smile as she finishes the tomatoes and cucumbers in her salad/
If you're going home, I'm going to my room. Not like Dr. Perfect is going to be sending anyone in to check on me, so I'd rather be comfortable.
/stands up to take the tray, leaning over to steal a kiss before she straightens up to take the tray back/
/when she comes back she settles herself in your lap, ignoring the few people still lingering in the cafeteria/
I want a proper good-bye before you leave though
K. Seulgi ☣ 5 years ago
@J. Jinsoul *she snorts, watching you finish the rest of the chicken tenders then pulls her hand away so she can finish the mashed potatoes while weighing on her options*
If you say so.. I'll go home then. All I ask is for you to be mindful of your wrist and the cuts on your chest. Please don't add more, I really want you to go back to your room by next morning.
*she nods while wiping with a tissue and flashing you a small smile*
J. Jinsoul [A] 5 years ago
@K. Seulgi ☣ She wants to spend more time with Mugi, huh? Does that mean you aren't going home?
/she asks, raising an eyebrow and leaning over to take a bite of the chicken, keeping her eyes on yours as she does/
Now Dr. I'm hardly going to be able to think about eating if you keep your hand there, and here I was trying to be a good girl this time
/she teases, stealing the rest of the chicken tender to finish it off/
You should go home though, I promise you Ill still be here when you get back. Whether I will have kept out of trouble is an entirely different story, but I will try not to stab anyone.
I can't promise no assaults though, because people are stupid and I can't help that.
K. Seulgi ☣ 5 years ago
@J. Jinsoul Ah.. okay, I'll put that down on my secret notes on how to survive a surprise attack with only plastic within my reach.
*she nods, looking very serious about it for a moment before breaking into a smile which grows wider when your laughter rings through the cafeteria, gaining a few looks*
That's really great to hear. I'm glad. You really have a great figure.
*nods, her hand starting to knead your thigh gently as she holds out a chicken tender in front of you with a grin as she shrugs apologetically*
Maybe you just inspire it in me. And uh y'know what? I think my friend said something about wanting to spend some more time with Mugi.
J. Jinsoul [A] 5 years ago
@K. Seulgi ☣ Trust me, if you stab someone in the right place hard enough, even a plastic fork will hurt like a
/she assures you with an amused smile/
Not to mention you can break it in the right ways to make it sharper, not by much because it's still pretty flimsy but it would be enough to do damage
/she raises an eyebrow at your comment on her figure, opening to say something but she just ends up laughing instead, and it takes her a good minute to calm down enough to actually talk/
Don't worry your pretty head about me, I'm not on a diet. I eat when I'm hungry. It's just a life time of weird eating habits. I promise I'm not trying to lose weight.
/she giggled, slipping her hand down to rest over yours for a moment/
But it's good to know you already think I'm perfect in that aspect, but I'm definitely never letting you live down how ridiculously sappy that was.
K. Seulgi ☣ 5 years ago
@J. Jinsoul *she nods slowly, looking thoughtful as she swallows the food in with the help of her water*
How would you hurt someone with plastic utensils? I'm asking for research purposes.
*she beams at you, nibbling on a chicken tender*
That's a little.. I thought people like thick women nowadays? I don't care either way as long as they're healthy and comfortable with the way they are. You're already.. I would say perfect but you definitely will attack me for that so I'm going to use you already look great just the way you are right now.
*nods, wiggling her eyebrows playfully as she reaches for your thigh and gives it a squeeze, her calloused fingertips digging gently into the flesh*
J. Jinsoul [A] 5 years ago
@K. Seulgi ☣ If you think that I cannot hurt people with plastic you are adorably sweet and entirely naive
I have threatened a few people with plastic utensils, I might be allowed a spoon but I'll probably get searched before I leave the room
/she says with a small smile, shrugging as she reaches out to grab a dinner roll off your plate, tearing off a chunk to eat it/
It's not a big deal, I don't really eat all that much to begin with. Force of habit, but I tell people I'm trying to maintain my figure because they understand that better.
K. Seulgi ☣ 5 years ago
@J. Jinsoul Or a pencil.
*she smiles at you teasingly before shoving what's left of her apple into and chews quietly while listening to you*
Whaf abot plahstik??
*that terrible table manner of hers has finally shown itself when she speaks with open, looking innocent as ever when she tilts her head slightly*
J. Jinsoul [A] 5 years ago
@K. Seulgi ☣ Sure, but no one in their right mind would give me a fork
/she points out, looking thoroughly amused as she picks up a piece of cucumber from the salad/
So I eat with my fingers most of the time
The cost of stabbing too many people, I did it to myself I can't really complain now
/shrugs and hums as she picks out pieces of the salad to eat, occasionally taking another bite of her apple too/
K. Seulgi ☣ 5 years ago
@J. Jinsoul I hate vegetables.
*grumbles softly, giving the salad a dirty look while taking a bite of her own apple, and nods*
I like potato though.
*hums, glancing at the mashed potato while munching happily on her apple*
I can't imagine someone eating a salad with their fingers.. wouldn't it be too bothersome picking up the veggies like that?
*makes a face at the visual, raising both eyebrows*
J. Jinsoul [A] 5 years ago
@K. Seulgi ☣ You don't like salad?
/she asks, amused as she takes it, popping one of the tomatoes into /
They aren't as good without the dressing, but I can't eat a salad with my fingers otherwise
The glamorous life of being a violent inmate
K. Seulgi ☣ 5 years ago
@J. Jinsoul True. I love apples too. And oranges, and many other fruit.
*hums, smiling as she puts the tray down and takes a sip of the mineral water first while staring at you*
Ignore them. You're here with me and I'm here with you, no one will bother us. Here, have the salad. Just looking at it is making me sick.
*scrunches up her nose as she gently pushes the bowl of salad to you*
J. Jinsoul [A] 5 years ago
@K. Seulgi ☣ I like apples, they're convenient
/she admits with a small shrug, following you to sit down at the table, ignoring the few people opting to stare as she does/
I don't generally eat much of the actual food here. I like the fruit though, and grabbing an apple means I don't have to deal with these idiots.
/she explains, nodding in the direction of one of the patients who had been watching/
The staff get a little uneasy when I'm around too
K. Seulgi ☣ 5 years ago
@J. Jinsoul The keyword is was.
*mumbles softly while watching food being placed on the tray, the corner of twitching slightly in amusement because of the pinching*
Lucky us. An apple a day to keep the doc away, huh?
*smiles at you teasingly after saying thank you to the staff and leads you to an empty table*
J. Jinsoul [A] 5 years ago
@K. Seulgi ☣ No, but I really /was/ a
/she points out, chuckling at how red your cheeks are and she can't help but gently pinch it/
You're adorable
/bites her lip to keep from laughing, reaching out to pick up an apple and taking a bite as she looks through the food options/
It doesn't look too ty today actually, I think we got lucky. The salad actually looks pretty okay today.
K. Seulgi ☣ 5 years ago
@J. Jinsoul *she swallows thickly, not expecting to be treated with this kind of treatment from you especially after that little outburst of hers and she's somehow feeling very embarrassed about it as her cheeks turn red*
Some girls just wanna have some fun. That don't make them bad.
*nods, glancing at you briefly with a small smile then turns to the staff while gesturing at the food displayed before picking up a tray*
Just give us two of everything, please.
J. Jinsoul [A] 5 years ago
@K. Seulgi ☣ Degrade myself?
/she repeats, looking thoroughly confused for a few seconds as she tries to figure out when she may have done that/
Ohh! , you mean when I said I was a ?
/she asks, following you up to the counter, trying not to look too amused/
Sorry, half the time I don't even realize I'm saying it, but, I'll try not to? You'll have to yell at me for a while though, cause it's a damn habit at this point
/hugs your arm for a moment, kissing your cheek/
You're sweet though, I'll see what I can do, but only because it's you.
K. Seulgi ☣ 5 years ago
@J. Jinsoul It's just.. can you please not degrade yourself like that? At least not with me. I know that it'd be futile to try to change your mind about yourself but I don't see you that way and it's.. frustrating and I don't know what the I'm saying.
*she sighs heavily, shaking her head then takes a deep breath before muttering softly*
I'm sorry. I was getting a little bit emotional there. Just forget I said anything.
*nods once then turns around and makes a beeline towards the counter*
J. Jinsoul [A] 5 years ago
@K. Seulgi ☣ Don't blame yourself, it was my fault. I'm pretty good at getting what I want
/she admits with a chuckle, stopping when you do and frowning a little bit at your expression but slowly nodding/
Uh, sure?
I mean, I guess that depends on what it is?
K. Seulgi ☣ 5 years ago
@J. Jinsoul Mhm, that happened in public. I didn't know what came over me that day.
*sighs softly, shaking her head at herself*
Can I ask you a favor?
*she suddenly turns around and stops in front of you, frowning deeply*
J. Jinsoul [A] 5 years ago
@K. Seulgi ☣ Oh... right, yeah that did happen in public didn't it?
/she asks, blinking a few times before she laughs and shakes her head/
Wow, I am such a ... oh well they're just jealous that you ed me and not them
/flashes you a grin, a wicked amusement in her eyes/
We should give them another show someday, it gets so boring around here
K. Seulgi ☣ 5 years ago
@J. Jinsoul Jinsoul, we had in public. I think they saw me pounding into you. It's my fault too, it's okay. I'm used to that kind of attention, remember?
*she smiles softly, nudging your side again with her elbow gently*
J. Jinsoul [A] 5 years ago
@K. Seulgi ☣ Wait what?
/she jerks her head up in surprise, looking at you before an expression of guilt flickers across her face/
Is it my fault that they know?
I didn't tell anyone, you know that, right? It's not any of their damn business....
K. Seulgi ☣ 5 years ago
@J. Jinsoul And why should I care about that? If anything maybe they'll back off and stop asking me about my .
*snorts and nods, walking into the cafeteria and glancing at the few people sitting around*
O. Sehun [SH] 5 years ago
@C. Eunwoo /with his hands still folded across his chest, his eyes squinted harder watching you walk towards the guard, the feeling of jealously and possesiveness bubbling inside him; as you walk towards him, he tries to look away but gets caught off guard by your next move;
/he kisses you back without a second thought; whimpering as you pull back
/finds himself smiling at your words feeling reassured/
Good.. because i am not letting you go anywhere if its not with me.
/pulls you back to kiss you again and bites your lower lip/
You should remember that too
C. Eunwoo 5 years ago
@O. Sehun /chuckles and stands up, taking your tray as well as his and put it in the waste container, walks to the guard and say something to him, the guard seemed surprised and suddenly went red, reading your reaction before he walks back to you, goes to your chain, slipping a finger beneath your chin and lifts your face up, pulling you into a long deep kiss;
I told him to off, and to not eye oggle you babe.
I’m not getting anywhere with anyone unless it’s you.
Remember that.


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75bd8d51488fd100f027 4 years ago
don't know if the roleplay is on low key so plotted couples can stick around,
but just in case, I am dropping Ryosuke & Jungeun/Lip for the time being.
Our little cute Sori will still be around.
kanyenot 5 years ago
kailyn de los ríos pls
TheHermit 5 years ago
Can you add Min Yoongi for me please?
Jeon_YoongiShook 5 years ago
How active is this rp?
byeona 5 years ago
Drop that ugly [SH] sign from Eunwoo's name, please. Thank you.
Kim4Shim 5 years ago
I'm sorry I disappeared *bows deeply*
75bd8d51488fd100f027 5 years ago
hello, due to some unexpected reasons, i need to place sori, ryosuke and jungeun on indefinite semihiatus
SugaHU 5 years ago
can you please add Yoongi?
DNABleached 5 years ago
please add and reserve yoo kihyun as my secnd~
Yukiko 5 years ago
irene‘s out.
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