Personal Message

Nicknames tend to calm him down and relax him. 


Names: Yoongs, MeowMeow, Yoongles

Writing style: 1st person pov and 3rd person pov 

Timezone: GMT+1

Position: patient 

Orientation: biual 

Crimes: assault, murder

Background: (long)

Yoongi always grew up as a quiet child, and for the first while in his childhood, everyone just assumed it was just his nature and he was just a shy kid. He didn’t even talk to his parents, ignoring their cry’s of ‘good morning sweetie’ or ‘How was school today?’ One day, when the boy was 8 years old, his father lost his job in an office for an incident that didn’t concern him. Furious, the man went out to the local bar and came back with breath stinking of bitter alcohol. Yoongi’s mother - who was a cheerful and kind woman, everything you’d want a mother to be - tried to guide him away from their son, who was seated and rocking himself backward and forwards slowly on the sofa with his knees drawn up to his chest. Of course, Yoongi’s mother stepped in front of him firmly to protect the 8 year old from the hold of the drunk man. She was soon pushed aside however, and Yoongi’s house became filled with the sound of loud, unrestrained yelling. His fathers bellowed words of ‘mistake’ and ‘freak’ ringing through the boy’s ears until his mother finally pulled him away and sent the boy up to bed. 

That night is the reason loud and hostile noises can trigger violence with Yoongi, his mind linking the noises to those that he suffered through all those years ago. 

Yoongi’s angel of a mother eventually left the man after a few more nights of yelling, knowing that even if her son didn’t show it, he couldn’t be okay with it all. It only took a few more years, until the boy was 10, for him to have his first violent episode.

He was walking home from school in silence with himself when a group of older boys in the school found him and yelled at him in the same way his father had. Before he knew it, one of the boys had a broken nose and the other had bruises on their arms and legs. 

After that his mother had had enough, bringing her son to the doctor. They diagnosed it as autism but at the time it didn’t appear bad enough for them to take action, until when Yoongi was 25 years old and met a familiar face - his father. It triggered a worse violent episode than he’d had before, only realising the damage he’d done and gaining a hold on himself when his father wasn’t breathing any longer and he heard police sirens in the distance.