
The casino



A place that you can gamble away your money. For a very small lucky few there is a small chance that they might get some cash back.

Song Mingiᵇᵉᵗᵃ [A] 3 months ago
@Cho Seungyounᵇᵉᵗᵃ Mingi hovered over his shoulder. It was so stupid to risk everything like this. Just because of some dumb feeling. He wanted nothing more than to shake him. Mingi hated that they had to come here to the casino. Everyday. He knew that there was bound to be someone who would recognize this pattern.
"Sir, we should go. You're up. It's best to go now."
He tries to gently pull the older man from the table. Mingi is smacked away. He groans and decides to take a quick restroom break. Mingi could only hope that he would be more willing to listen afterwards.
Mingi walked into the bathroom. He does his business and goes to the sink to wash his hands. He washes his face bent over the sink. Mingi looks at his reflection, then lets out a sigh. "You can do this... you can make him leave. Hyung is waiting to hear another job completed without a problem. Go out there and get him."
He pats his cheeks. Mingi dries his face off then leaves the bathroom. He focuses on his client.
Shen Quanruiᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ 4 months ago
@Jung Yunhoᵇᵉᵗᵃ The moment of understanding that passed between the two was just that. An invitation and acceptance thereof, conveyed between two pairs of eyes and similar smiles. Ricky's may have been slightly more flirtatious, but this man - his seemed sweetly earnest. A reflection of a kind heart. Painfully genuine. That was kind of a shame, since genuine people were only so much fun to play with; they broke easily. It was was a good thing he wasn't in any of the plans that Ricky had already detailed out for his time abroad.

Then again, a little detour never hurt anybody, did it?

Their subtle messages conveyed, Ricky turned back around to face the bar. He smiled wider and offered a soft "Thank you" to the bartender who had replaced his glass while he was scouting the place, taking the glass and placing it onto his napkin before tucking his phone into his pocket. Silence was never so nice than when he noticed the pop-ups alerting him to the missed messages and new posts across his socials.

It took longer than expected before the omega felt the presence just behind and to the side of him; head tilting over his shoulder to make the conversation easier to be heard over the din of the casino just a few partitions away, and the restaurant on the other side of them. His gaze lifted once again to the man, and he let his lips part with a soft huff of laughter. "I wouldn't have invited you if it was." He said, clear, but still just the slightest bit softer than he really should have spoken, his Korean smooth and unaccented. It might have been a ploy, but one that usually worked, so Ricky saw no need to change it now.

Allowing himself to get comfortable, he leaned in ever so slightly, nose twitching when he realized just how... Familiar the other male's scent was. It was almost unnerving - and the way it drew Ricky closer spelled the beginnings of a problem. His hand lifted, offering out his palm as a means of introduction to the other. It was far from common, considering all the bowing usually done, but for all this other guy knew, Ricky was French, American, Canadian - Anything but what his placement and appearance might suggest - So a universal greeting would suffice. "I'm Ricky," he offered, gaze resting on the other man as he waited for reciprocation.
Jung Yunhoᵇᵉᵗᵃ 4 months ago
@Shen Quanruiᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ jung yunho, a simple middle class man, he had money but he was not rich, like some of the other people he has met and known. He didn’t do anything crazy work wise, he worked a very simple 9-5 job at an office and occasionally would hop on to stream some video games, which he did secretly and without his face being shown. He liked to keep both jobs separate, that way he never had to worry about people bothering him.

It didn’t help that at his office job, he was different. Completely different, he was almost too serious, which isn’t the normal typical yunho. Yunho outside of work was very witty, sweet and caring. He was kind and always wanting to help people out, he was kind and sweet at work but he was serious. Yunho was only serious when it came to work.

Here he was, with some of his friends, who were indulging in their own pleasures while he just stood around with a drink in his hand. Just a simple whiskey, with extra ice. He didn’t like to drink much in public but never wanted to be the only one not drinking. It made him feel awkward being the only one without a glass in his hand.

He was looking around, his eyes scanning the place as he slowly lifted his glass to take another sip of his watered down whiskey. He was smelling a mix of things, other people’s scents, the smell of alcohol all around him, but yet another smell was catching his attention. His nose scrunched up as he went to take a sip of his drink. His eyes are still scanning and moving around as he tries to find the source of the smell.

His eyes finally landing on a man, who he happens to lock eyes with. He looked at him and gave him a slight smile and a nod of his head. His gaze followed the man to the empty seat, yunho took a moment to think about it as he looked over at his friends. He patted one of his friends to let him know he was heading off the bar. He quickly fixed his hair and than made his way over.

He slides over to the empty spot, not sitting yet. He leaned against the bar as he faced the man with his drink. He was able to take a quick whiff of the man; it made him want to be around the other man, oddly enough. He leaned in so the man could hear him over the loud noises. “Hey, uh, is this spot taken?” which was so obvious it was, but yunho was always a double checker with things.
Shen Quanruiᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ 4 months ago
@Jung Yunhoᵇᵉᵗᵃ The beauty of old money is the way it speaks for itself. It isn't loud or flashy - no. It's in the details. The wallet that houses the black card is more sentimental than the latest piece of carbon steel mechanics - it is worn leather that is old but well cared for. It's in the silent command one carries behind their eyes. The power that a single glance and fleeting moment of understanding can show. It is shown in requests over demands. In silent appreciation rather than flashing phone camera lights over every single plate, posted to every social media site ever to exist. #mostexpensiveplateinseoul, it is most certainly not.

It lies in the way Ricky sidles up to the bar - not like a rowdy nineteen year old that he usually portrays but with the grace and elegance of someone who has attended bars for an extra twenty years - a soft greeting, warm smile, and asking the bartender to give him whatever their best vodka is, double on the rocks, with a twist. It's the way he isn't even questioned about his age for how well he carries himself, since their world works on an honor system - a system that is too easy to exploit, to his advantage.

It's simple, effortless, and the way he isn't supposed to show that he carries himself... Oh, but tonight is a night to discard the new money extravagance and ditch the kids that he has to play nice with for just a few hours. Time to get his head right and reset, lest the illusion of it all becomes too real. Gone would be Quanrui, son of the premiere emissary. He'd be Ricky, foreign exchange student and party boy supreme, with daddy's credit card and no rules attached forever.

That couldn't be. He wouldn't lose himself to such a stupid path in life when there was so much more waiting back home for him.

It didn't help that he was still shaking off the last vestiges of his heat, scent still bright and welcoming to farr too many for his liking. Ricky pulled his phone from his pocket, mindlessly shooting off a few texts to keep up the illusion to his so-called friend group:

"Ikr?!? I can't believe my dad cut me off. I'll fix it tonight."

"Sooooooo jealous I'm missing out!! We'll have to go again this weekend!"

On and on, each text full of childish banter numbs his mind, and Ricky is soon aware of the glass in front of him being empty, and the bartender handling another at the end of the bar. He pushes the glass towards the bartender's rail in a silent show that he needs another in a way that says *when you have time, please,* and he lets his gaze wander the bar. While he doesn't have to play a certain part tonight, he is always performing to some extent, and a single omega, still bearing the heavy, clingy pheromones of heat wouldn't resist the room full of other ranks quite so much.

Instead, he casts his artificially lightened gaze around the room, icy blues sizing up every man around him until his gaze rests on one. There they remain, soft lips curling into a coquettish smile as he allows his gaze to lure the other over, eyes flitting down to the empty stool beside him as a silent invitation.
Jeff Saturᵇᵉᵗᵃ 8 months ago
@Vinnie Hackerᵃˡᵖʰᵃ The smell of blood made Jeff cover his nose and mouth with his arm as he approached Vinnie. Taking a good look at the alpha, how the blood spread in that direction even reaching his hair if he just entered the ring. "Calm down, let's not panic everyone just do as told. I just need couple minutes to check in everyone who was close then you will be able to get cleaned and changed" Jeff needed to be clear and loud enough for everyone to hear. He didn't like the idea of having the weird guards showing out or nowhere also not having the whole thing under the control of the police was making it very suspicious.

"Hey... Breathe in keep it for a moment then let it out. Count to ten then start again so you can calm down" Jeff directed his words in a soft tone to Vinnie only because simply everyone else was just behaving like gang members, loud and rude. "My name is Jeff and I promise I will help you" Jeff stated as he allowed himsekf to hold on one of Vinnie's hands to see if they had any blood on them. If blood could spray randomly like that the murderer would be the covered in most blood especially the hands. No matter how hard you wash it or try to clean it the smell of blood stays strong for long time.

"you're not the one we are looking for, you need to relax and try to think of whatever you might have seen that would be helpful" Jeff said win a reassuring tone as he dug out a handkerchief from his pocket gently placing it in Vinnie's hand.

The whispers around them got louder and louder with anger and accusations that Vinnie is definitely the murderer. Jeff frowned as he looked around, the faces never clear but the colors were different. He followed the shades of deep brown, almost black shades coming from the blood stains. It was only in one single spot in the middle so the criminal never left or disappeared but why was it hard to spot him.

"Where are the weapons everyone has?! I want every single weapon and I need some first aid kit I need to examine the body too." Jeff demanded as he stepped closer to where the body was. The wound must be somewhere on the neck but where is the actual cut it was hard to tell with all the blood.
Vinnie Hackerᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 8 months ago
@Jeff Saturᵇᵉᵗᵃ "...."

**At this point everything around the alpha had basically been a big blur and all he could do was look on at the massive bloody mess despite it only being one body the blood was splattered in all directions and he himself didn't realize that he even had a little bit of blood splattered on his shirt and slightly had some blood get into his hair and slightly a little tiny splatter on his face.**

"H-how... I it wasn't~!?"

**When you finally could hear it he heard the shout of the other asking if he could move and he finally did he finally moved his legs his feet moved and he blink rapidly to sort of just combat in his own astonishment and shock. He turned around and had walked off of the main floor there and off to the side, before The louder older male that was shouting around earlier telling nobody to move had popped up suddenly again and had basically gotten his attention and yelled at him. "You're not allowed to leave! Stay put but just do as Jeff asks!"

**A member of he assumed that Jeff must have been the one that had told him to move... So he just turned back around stood there looking like a slightly splattered bloody mess and had seriously been fighting his entire urges to just outright have a mental breakdown just a minute... And he was actually very calm considering but he was shaking so again he was very much strongly keeping his wits about him even though he was technically inwardly panicking because he couldn't wash the blood off and having blood on him like that was traumatizing him or at least bringing up some of the old memories that were buried in the back of his head for years. "...."

**He could only other cuss word because for now he seriously knew that he couldn't do anything but do as he was told and on top of that he was already a number one suspect just because he was the one in the ring right when the crime took place and also because now he had the victims blood on him as well... Not to mention that he unearingly had been heard by others saying things about Denji disappointment that had just died.**
Jeff Saturᵇᵉᵗᵃ 8 months ago
@Vinnie Hackerᵃˡᵖʰᵃ Everyone, literary everyone was in complete shock. They didn't move because of the orders but because they simply froze in their spots. Jeff was no different, he stood from his seat and just stared at the ring in front of him now covered in blood. They surly didn't hear any guns, and there are no any kinds of weapons scattered around them. The murderer must have been very close and very quick to make his moves in the middle of the crowd and just disappear. Just like how Jeff's employer suddenly vanished. It was annoying now that someone disappeared because Jeff would simply start thinking that this is the criminal he should love looking for but again the number he had on his phone was not the man's personal number so there is no way he could find him on his own.

"Now, everyone, those who have guns in them any kinds of weapons it will be appreciated if you hand them. The smallest and simplest ones are included too" Finally came again the voice that Jeff recognized, that rich guy who brought him in today for some illustrations, did he know that something like this would happen or maybe he is the mastermind behind it or maybe it could be pure quincidence? Many questions came to the beta's mind but he wasn't ready to lean to any possibility just yet. He wanted to investigate things first. "Where did you disappear? I panicked when I didn't see you" Jeff started to the man who simply hushed him. "Do your job now and tell us what you see, we want this incident to be handled quietly without the police catching any of this" The man was direct an clear, but something was definitely fishy"

"I'm not an investigator, I'm an illustrator and all I do is drawing. I don't travel time to see who actually did it" Jeff declared in an angry tone but then some huge men with their guns showed up and circled the room. It was clear that no one would leave this place until the crime is solved.

"fine fine.. First of all I need the ones who were standing near the ring together. I want to know Whiicy one was the closest to the victim and which one was farthest. Also don't try to wipe your hands or change your clothes for the time being I need to see how the blood spread that way too" Jeff spoke directing his words to everyone as he had his sketchbook and pencil.

"It must be him..."

"yes that must be him... No one else would do it"

The murmurs in the crowd grew loud making Jeff curious, he didn't trust asking people directly because people always changed their words. Instead he looked around for the person they were talking and pointing at. Vinnie, the one who was getting ready for the next game. But the look on the guy was even more full of fright than anyone else, it can't be him.

Jeff moved closer to where Vinnie was standing like he just saw a ghost and cleared his throat. "excuse me, can you move?! I need to see something" Jeff said as he observed the other carefully to see how he would respond.
Vinnie Hackerᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 8 months ago
@Jeff Saturᵇᵉᵗᵃ **as things were playing out and it seemed as if the evening was going to go just like any other rowdy type of scenario in the ring, all the participants were basically getting themselves ready just prepping themselves getting hyped up and yes there were a few pairings that actually get cold grudges to each other and who knows what and only a few would have probably known who or why someone would actually murder a fighter the way it has just happened. Then when Vinnie heard the call out of "no one move! Or your asking for death!" He practically peered from behind the ring because it was literally his turn he was about to fight and then that is when things happened and as if things literally were shut off blacked out and as if the crowd wasn't even there someone had literally murdered the fighter that was to be part of his up-and-coming rising match.

Ironically as it were... Vincent the young wrestler who was now to be suspect to what crime had just been committed and as he stood there just literally awestruck at the scene and he couldn't even hear when his buddy was hollering at him to basically wake up you know come to your what's wrong you know like he was basically just comatose for a minute and his head as he stared at the bloody dead body of his opponent who he personally didn't have a total vendetta with but because of how people were down here and how things sometimes just ended up and with his own attitude problems that didn't always help the case so now he truly just felt as if his world had suddenly shifted and crumbled to pieces.

"... !!!?" He finally snapped out of it and had blinked and he had to kind of hold on to the ring and the poles that created the ring itself he kind of had to literally hold himself up because he had almost staggered off just from the pierce shock and because he could suddenly just smelled the coppery scent of blood, and due to his own traumatic past events in his life that in a way triggered something and he had basically gone completely silent for a moment and he had just stood there... And then without thinking all he really did was stare at the body with this rather spiteful distain look even though the guy was dead he did not look as if he was mourning his enemy he was definitely just really pissed off... So perhaps to any onlooker maybe he just looked a little suspicious.

".... "

**He knew that he had f***** up only because he had chosen to still do this type of work in order to make that extra mile cash, although he definitely had things going for him he was actually getting really good at a new talent of his he truly had habits that were hard to break and one of those habits was fighting he just couldn't completely keep himself from it and internally he was struggling with himself but he didn't know how to tell anyone not even his friends not even one of the friends that said that they would always be there to talk... But he was definitely feeling awake a piece of real s*** for now being one of the suspects but he also knew that he didn't do it so there's that... Still this kind of just put a damper on his whole entire week.
Jeff Saturᵇᵉᵗᵃ 9 months ago
@Vinnie Hackerᵃˡᵖʰᵃ The lights were dim along the stairway down to where the loud aggressive cheers were coming from. Only bright spot lights were directed to the center of the room. The ring in the middle busted with loud sounds of bunches or smacks even the loud thuds of falling or thrown projects or people. This was the underground world of illegal boxing business in the casino and Jeff was never surprised about any of it. He was expecting to see something like this sooner or later whithin the peaceful borders or the town. What he didn't expect was being invited to one of those wild nights and even being asked to record everything in a book of illustrations just to be used later as a visual documentary of some kind for research. The payment was good enough to convince Jeff to take the job. It was something he would only do at the place and just some sketches were enough to put the base for this book thing.

With everything in the different shades of the colour of copper and some of the darkest shades of colours, Jeff started to look around curiously observing everything before he took his seat somewhere close enough to the ring. There was already a match playing, the two fighters seemed to be so close to losing and winning it would be a matter of some good punches and it should be done. One was persistent and the other seemed to be just being rude and greedy. It is how Jeff pictured it. "is this the pair I should draw??" He asked curiously to no one but the one man in a luxurious suite looking like a boss sitting next to him. "not now, I want you to draw whaf happens at the end of the game" the order came firm and direct so there was no need for any further questions.

Jeff had his sketchbook read and a pencil in one hand sharpened and ready. His eyes scanned around to see the changes in the scene around him. Everything played a film going on a fast-forward mood. The match ended, one won and the other lost and there were cheers of happiness for the winners and the cries of anger from the losers. But suddenly something happened as if the lights went out for a moment and when it came back, there was someone already covered in blood on the ground. The cheers changed into screams of horror. At the moment the new fighter on the other side of the ring was getting ready to step into the ring, the fighter who one won still had one last game before being announced the winner of the night. In a blink of an eye there were some other fighters gathered near the ring and suddenly they all parted and scattered revealing a bloody body on the ground. Jeff stood from his seat to see what actually happened.

"No body moves, you are all suspects of this murder, now stay in place no one moves or you are asking for death" the order was loud and clear, when Jeff turned to look around for his employer, the man was already gone. He didn't know what to do but he was there and he will investigate for sure.
Vinnie Hackerᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Jeff Saturᵇᵉᵗᵃ (FINALLYYY here we go!)

|| casino, diamond member secret floor for those who know what's "underground"||

"You got a good pile bet on you tonight...you ready for when your round comes up?"

Alpha wolf with the golden blonde dirt locks was in the back area about 6 ft underground in the casino in a place where only certain members and people of certain ranks new and people that were allowed in except of course when things were forced. The male was sitting in a corner of a chair kind of watching the previous fighters match and getting an idea of who his opponent was going to be because with this fight there was two others and him and he knew that he would rather come out on top tonight. "Look you know "Deji... he hasxit out for you man .... you know." His corner hype man said, Truth be told when he didn't have any friends especially in the underground except for the connections that he knew and those he did trust but otherwise almost anyone else didn't like him because he was always the one taking the spotlight lately with how many wins he's been getting but it wasn't his fault that he was just able to defeat them and not lose?

"Look if he's out to get me then he better come after me otherwise the only thing that's coming for him is my fist in the ring and he knows that... But I honestly don't have time to mess with him outside so I hope he's ready to dance." Vinnie had replied just cuz he was doing a few warm ups and hopping to a fro from one foot to the other to get a feel for the energy that was starting to hype him up from hearing the slightly packed crowded little space where there was at least 50 people or a little less but it was a small enough space where it felt like there was a lot You are typical underground hidden boxing ring. Big enough for the ring itself and the group of people any more than that Good luck getting out in one piece and that's going for even the people who aren't fighting. "Dude... just get me in there and I'll shut him the up." Vinnie said lastly in a attitude like tone and the thought of his opponent the guy named Denji even ing up his face pissed him off, he boxed to let off steam and for money, and he had a natural talent for it except he didn't fully seem so being a professional boxer ever not after their parents died and he was left to raise his brother on his own. Soon the match ended and it was soon his turn and he has soon found himself stepping into the ring and himself up in his corner with his friend who was also hyping him up as well.

((His friend could be a fellow suspect. Haha we shall see xD))
Kim Donghyunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ [A] 9 months ago
@Im Jaebumᵃˡᵖʰᵃ   ⤿ ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: em only we know - banks

  There's something incredibly attractive about Jaebum when he's in his element.

That's not to say there's ever a time where Donghyun hasn't found the alpha attractive, but there's just something about the way the man plays cards, a cigarette dangling from his fingers that makes something in the omega go a little feral. Something seems to distract him, and Donghyun will feign innocence and pretend he doesn't know he's the guilty party; but on the inside, the omega might as well already be purring because he has the alpha's attention just from his scent announcing that he's stepped into the casino.

He doesn't want to leave Jaebum too terribly distracted by trying to find him, so he approaches the game table. The referee shoots him a look but the omega only smiles like butter won't melt in his mouth, a hand reaching out to ghost over Jaebum's broad back to announce his presence before it settles on the back of the alpha's chair, Donghyun standing beside him. Glittering eyes focus on the omega on the other side of the table, assessing him and dismissing him just as quickly—he's an opponent for Jaebum, but not for Donghyun. He's the kind of omega that can't compare—sure, he's pretty, and clearly he and Jaebum have common ground, but the alpha likes Donghyun and that means he likes dangerous and crazy.

Casino etiquette evades Donghyun, given that Jaebum is the first gambler he's been interested in for any reason other than seeing them squirm for sadistic reasons, which is why he hasn't taken residence in the alpha's lap. Jaebum doesn't belong to him, not like that, given that they haven't addressed their activities and they're both still free to sleep around—but that hasn't stopped Donghyun from ensuring everyone knows the omega that smells like apple and cinnamon comes around to the casino for one reason, and that reason is Jaebum.
Im Jaebumᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Kim Donghyunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ the smoke from jaebum’s lit cigarette coils around itself, lazily crawling upwards into the hardly lit darkness of the casino. it’s currently a one-on-one duel with a younger player who had been riding incredibly quickly amongst the ranks, but jaebum wanted to ensure his opponent wasn’t doing anything illegal off the table to guarantee his win. he’d hate for this casino to go under given the next one is another 30 minutes away from his apartment. for his opponent to further prove himself to the enigma as jaebum is known, he invented his own card game being based off of rock paper scissors. the audience in the casino would draw a rock, paper, or scissor on a playing card, then the two players would be given five cards out of the pool to have in their hand at any time. to continue playing, jaebum would make a bet on how likely he was to win, and the opponent would call, with the game continuing until one side went broke or otherwise fold.

jaebum begins the first round by betting 2 million, and the omega calls. when it’s time for the call, each player takes a card from their deck, placing it face forward on the table. jaebum played rock, and the opponent played paper. in one second, jaebum was down 2 million dollars. his opponent laughs as he leans forward, moving the chips to his side with his forearm. however, he remains unbothered, about to say something when he notices donghyun’s scent. he pauses, eyes widening as he breaks his typically cold and standoffish demeanor, accidentally flashing the opponent his cards as he looks over his shoulder for donghyun. the referee steps to his side, tapping his shoulder as he murmurs beneath his breath, “focus on the game.”
Kim Donghyunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ [A] 9 months ago
@Im Jaebumᵃˡᵖʰᵃ . . . ᴘʀᴇᴅᴀᴛᴇꜱ ᴛʜʀᴇᴀᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴋɪᴍ ʜʏᴇᴏɴᴊᴏᴏɴɢ.

  ⤿ ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: why stop now - chase atlantic

  . . . the casino is bustling with activity when Donghyun strides in, loose, shimmering shirt tucked into black slacks that hug his thighs. Jewelry glimmers around his neck and on his fingers as he crosses the floor, his gaze sweeping the room for the one man he's there to see. When he catches sight of the gambler, Donghyun can't help his pleased hum, altering his course to take him to the table Jaebum hovers near. He doesn't need to announce his presence, the scent of apple and cinnamon doing that for him as he nears; he has to fight the urge to grin, so utterly pleased to see Jaebum that it's almost ridiculous.
Christopher Bangᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 10 months ago
@Im Jaebumᵃˡᵖʰᵃ “Ah- I’ve been around. You know me, can’t sit still for too long.”

Chan smiles, returning the congenial handshake with his friend, Jaebum, and taking his place at the card table. It’s a familiar sight, comforting, the spring green baise with lacquered wood carved into a stylishly simple table. It’s too late to deal him in, so he sits back to watch the round play; he’ll get in the next round, maybe; he’s dubious about how his poker face skills have fared after such an extensive break, it’s difficult to hide any emotions lately.

“I had an accident,” he says, eyeing a sultry woman across the table, wondering how a perfume could be that strong but also reek of nervousness and desperation before turning his attention back to Jaebum. “Hospital only let me out a couple of days ago. My roommate almost didn’t let me leave without putting on some make-up.” His hand touches a patch of skin that, under the lights, seems entirely normal, but the tips of his fingers come back lightly powdered, foundation cleverly applied to hide the still healing scars.

The casino wouldn’t have let him come in otherwise so Chris supposed he was thankful that Junhui had had the foresight to drag him into the bathroom.

“How about you? What have you been up to? Still winning all the rounds?”


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niente 1 week ago
thinking.. debating.
direraven 3 weeks ago
is this place active?
steadymylove 2 months ago
Hi, could I have NCT's Jaehyun as an alpha
Pretty sure he wasn't there in the ml, but if he is, then Svt's Mingyu, also as an alpha.
sugaisbias 2 months ago
Can I reserve Jeong Yunho please?
3a94be82ad0ef90e5141 3 months ago
Do you need more alpha?!
PurpleAnon 3 months ago
Looks tempting ; u ;
broski 3 months ago
ouo how active is this?
moonites 3 months ago
jeon jungkook as an omega, please!
Kaworu 3 months ago
i'm greedy and i'm here to ask for both baekho and akito miyoshi, please
unevenstars 4 months ago
got7s bambam as an alpha please ^^
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