⇹doctor's office

The doctor's office



A modern doctor's office. Very chic and clean. It's co-owned by two pack members and offers a variety of services not found in typical doctor offices.

Kim Donghyunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ [A] 4 months ago
@Kim Hyeonjoongᵃˡᵖʰᵃ   ⤿ ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: i dont wanna do this anymore - pvris

  Donghyun can see the confusion written on the alpha's face. Maybe it's because he concedes and cuts off his own question that the omega chooses to give him some kind of answer (even if it's not much of an explanation, it's better than nothing and Hyeonjoong should consider himself honored to receive one). "I don't want my family getting wind of what we decided to name her. I don't know if I'll even tell my brothers at the gender reveal. For now, I'd like to keep it a secret."

Donghyun pushes his hands in his pockets. "Don't die between now and then," he replies. Solely for the sake of Iseul, he needs the alpha alive. Then he turns on his heel and stalks away, head held high despite everything he's been put through. Maybe he'll never be the person he once was, but at least he can fake it.
Kim Hyeonjoongᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 4 months ago
@Kim Donghyunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ Hyeonjoong nodded as he heard Donghyun mutter their daughter's name, smiling as he enjoyed the sound of it from the other father's mouth. His eyes shifted to the omega's face at the sudden demand not to share the name, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Why-" he interrupted his own question with a sigh. "Fine." He wouldn't start an argument when they were about to finally wrap up a day without jumping down each other's throat - figuratively or literally. His parents would have to wait to find out their granddaughter's name.

Maybe it was his instinct as an alpha and future father that made him worried about having his pregnant fiance walking around by himself. Even Hyeonjoong knew how much of an irony it was when he was the biggest threat to Donghyun. "Take care. See you at the doctor's visit, I guess. Text me if you need anything before then." He would stay in place for a little longer, waiting for the omega to leave first.
Kim Donghyunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ [A] 4 months ago
@Kim Hyeonjoongᵃˡᵖʰᵃ   ⤿ ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: distracted - dounia

  If he's surprised the alpha doesn't have any disagreements or alternate name 'suggestions', Donghyun doesn't let it show on his face. Instead, he allows himself to be pleased that he doesn't have to fight for his right to name his daughter, lips curving into the slightest of smiles.

(Really, it's the smallest of victories, given what other decisions have been yanked out from under him.)

"Kim Iseul," Donghyun murmurs. He allows himself a few more quiet moments before he looks up at the professor, his voice taking on a firmer note, losing the soft tone. "Don't tell anyone the name yet." It's a bit too early for them to be making more of a fuss. Donghyun's not sure he'll even be ready to reveal her name when they have the gender reveal, unless he can convince the handful of people that will be there to be quiet about the name.

The omega gives a short nod. "Let me know when you've scheduled it and I'll put it in my calendar." The assumption isn't wrong; he's ready to go home, but before then, he plans to pay his mother a visit. It's been a while since he's paid his respects. "No. I intend to walk," Donghyun replies tersely.
Kim Hyeonjoongᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 4 months ago
@Kim Donghyunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ ˗ˏˋ now playing: hoobastank - the reason ´ˎ˗

It was natural for a father-to-be to think about names for his child, and it wasn’t different for Hyeonjoong. However, the ones he had come up with were just boy and girl names he found to sound nice. They didn’t have special meanings behind them, and he had no reason to enforce them if Donghyun’s idea sounded just as beautiful.

“I like it. Iseul it is, then,” he repeated just to hear his daughter’s name from his mouth for the first time. Indeed, he liked how it sounded. The professor fixed his gaze on the pregnant belly for a while, as if looking directly at his pup. He wanted to touch it, but of course, he wouldn’t dare. If he was ever allowed to touch Donghyun again, that would most likely be very long after Iseul was born.

Clueless about the rage from the patriarch that was bound to arise, Hyeonjoong was happy that they had agreed on a name. Everything was falling into place to wait for their daughter’s arrival. “I’ll schedule an appointment with the obstetrician so they can check the results,” he said to give closure to the exam day. Donghyun must have been fed up with his presence by then, there was no reason to extend their time together. “How are you going home? Are you requesting an Uber?”
Kim Donghyunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ [A] 6 months ago
@Kim Hyeonjoongᵃˡᵖʰᵃ [] i just breathe angst and listen to A Lot of genres rip


  ⤿ ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: distracted - dounia

  Donghyun, in the moments he allowed himself to think about what he might call his child when they were born, had always been thinking that if they were a girl he'd want to name them after his mother. However, now that the baby's second parent is in the picture — much as he wishes otherwise — Donghyun wonders if names will be just another thing that the two of them fight over.

After all, while he may want to honor his mother's memory (and piss his father off, but there's nothing Dongwook can do about his granddaughter's name), Hyeonjoong has been determined to where he isn't wanted in just about every other aspect of their pup's life thus far. (And many aspects of Donghyun's, by proxy.)

Nonetheless, he glances at the alpha. It's a short look, long enough to find that Hyeonjoong is looking at him. "I've been thinking about Iseul."
Kim Hyeonjoongᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 6 months ago
@Kim Donghyunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ [ ] how do you find the perfect song for every moment??? i'm here struggling 'cause i can't find any songs for the longest time ;w;

Hyeonjoong was in the same spot he had waited for Donghyun earlier, resting his back against the wall. The minutes went by quickly as his thoughts were filled by their daughter. At length, he was able to create more vivid images of the baby in his head, other than just a bean. There might be some struggles as it seemed no one close to them had experience raising a girl, but they would figure it out, and the pup would be the happiest in the world, no matter what.

He was still smiling when the omega joined him outside, though the smile was much softer. “A girl…” He said in an introspective way, a moment of pause following. It might not have been the same for the pregnant parent who was carrying the child all along, but for Hyeonjoong who had just seen the belly for the first time, the idea of becoming a father was now finally sinking in. “We need a name for her. Do you have any ideas in mind?” His hands were in his pockets as he looked at Donghyun.
Kim Donghyunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ [A] 6 months ago
@Kim Hyeonjoongᵃˡᵖʰᵃ   ⤿ ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: distracted - dounia

  A girl. Donghyun is still reeling from the news when the technician hands him some paper towels and leaves the two of them to their own devices. It takes no time at all for the awkward air to swallow them again; Donghyun still doesn't want to look at the alpha, his eyes flitting to him only when the other man turns to leave.

His sigh once the door shuts behind Hyeonjoong is quiet, staring at the wall for a few moments before he cleans the gel off of his stomach and gets up, straightening out his clothes. He rests his hand on his stomach and gives it a small pat, small smile tugging at the corner of his lips before he throws the paper towels away and steps out of the exam room, glancing around to find the alpha — if they're to be near one another in any capacity, Donghyun needs to know where the alpha is at all times.

Donghyun's never been in this situation before, in any regard — from the pregnancy to the... unsavory circumstances therein. As they walk back to the lobby, he's quiet, contemplating where to go from there. Obviously, the alpha will probably expect to come to the followups. He's still halfway pondering it when he goes to schedule his first follow-up with the receptionist, and when he steps out into the sunshine.

"So," he exhales, when it's just the two of them and the empty sidewalk. "She's a girl."
Kim Hyeonjoongᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 6 months ago
@Kim Donghyunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ Hyeonjoong was wearing his widest smile in months. He’d be happy no matter which the gender of their child was, but now he could only think about his cute little girl. The alpha had no siblings and both of his parents were male, so she’d be the only girl in the family. He couldn’t wait to call his omega father to tell the news, there was no doubt he’d be elated as well.

It was his turn to talk to the technician, about future exams and the needed care until the end of the pregnancy. Most of the information he already knew, but it didn’t hurt to hear it once more. It was better to be safe than sorry. The woman then gave them an expected due date, which was unsurprisingly very close to the one Hyeonjoong had calculated.

“The results will be ready in 48 hours, usually faster. Check the website.” The technician put the probe away and handed a piece of paper to Hyeonjoong with the exam’s basic information and the instructions to access the results. To Donghyun, she gave a few paper towels to wipe the gel away. “Take your time to get ready.” Finally, she bowed and left the room.

As soon as the door was closed, the alpha turned to take his leave as well. “I’ll be waiting outside,” he said by the exit, leaving the omega by himself before the atmosphere got awkward.
Kim Donghyunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ [A] 7 months ago
@Kim Hyeonjoongᵃˡᵖʰᵃ   ⤿ ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: like the hands held tight - sf9

  Donghyun doesn't spare Hyeonjoong even a glance, and he does not feel the burn of the alpha's stare, as though the other man has decided to avoid looking at him, too. A relief for the omega, who doesn't particularly relish the heavy weight of his fiance's gaze when it does land on him. All of Donghyun's attention is on the monitor as an image comes into view, the wobbling view of their baby. Donghyun's heart is pounding as he listens to the technician telling them about the health of their child, not from fear but from his excitement and love for the unborn child.

He doesn't look at the alpha even when his voice breaks through the soft quiet, though it does prompt the revelation of their child's gender. Donghyun's heart stops for a moment, and he's unable to fight the smile that spreads across his face. A girl, a daughter; he's having a daughter.

"She's a girl," the technician confirms. "Do you have any questions?"

Wordlessly, Donghyun shakes his head, his eyes still fixated on the monitor. A girl; a rarity in his family. If possible, he wants to protect her even more.
Kim Hyeonjoongᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 7 months ago
@Kim Donghyunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ It might have been the distance between the two men, or how their gazes never found each other. The technician seemed to have noticed the thickness in the air, focusing the conversation on Donghyun. Hyeonjoong had nothing to do besides watch, his eyes finding the equipment as he couldn’t even look straight at the pregnant father of his child. Luckily the woman wasn’t a wolf like them or she would have picked up the change in scent, the smell of fear that the alpha was already familiar with.

It was hard not to stare when the belly that held his pup was exposed in front of him. A spark of a feeling surged inside him, both tender and conflicted. The pregnancy suddenly felt more real, and the question from the technician only added to the feeling. Hyeonjoong agreed with a soft “yes,” becoming anxious as the images started to form on the screen - he was just a few minutes away from seeing his baby.

A wide smile formed on his lips as the blurs on the screen turned into shapes, and he walked closer to inspect the images, in awe. There was a lot to be checked, from the organs to the heartbeat, and at each stage, the technician confirmed that the pup was developing healthily. Finally, they could witness the most expected moment: the profile of the baby. “There he is- He is so cute,” he let out, the smile still large on his face as he couldn’t take his eyes off the screen. “/She/ is cute,” the woman corrected. His eyes immediately widened, his attention shifting to Donghyun and then to the technician. “So it’s a girl?”
Kim Donghyunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ [A] 7 months ago
@Kim Hyeonjoongᵃˡᵖʰᵃ   ⤿ ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: contaminated (live and stripped) - banks

  While Hyeonjoong is a silent figure off to the side, his features contorted somewhere between a smile and a relaxed, contented expression, Donghyun is a bit more nervous even when the technician enters the room. Of course he is; he doubts those nerves, those fears, will go away. And when they do, it won't be easily.

He chats with the technician, however, answering her questions and valiantly not even glancing at the man lurking in his periphery. The woman makes small talk and Donghyun does his best not to let it falter, watching her smear gel onto the probe. However, when she tells him to his jacket and raise the shirt underneath, Donghyun feels himself freeze—no matter how imperceptive or obvious it may be—and the kick of his heartbeat as it increases in pace.

He can do this. The omega sets his teeth and s his outer layer, keeping his eyes locked on the movement of his fingers and biting the inside of his cheek so hard it might bleed. He pulls up his t-shirt and lays back as guided, staring up at the ceiling, only for a moment before he turns his head so he can see the monitor as she positions herself to press the probe against his skin.

"Do you want to know the gender?" she asks, to make sure, and Donghyun nods without hesitation.
Kim Hyeonjoongᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 7 months ago
@Kim Donghyunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ ˗ˏˋ now playing: keshi - limbo ´ˎ˗

Hyeonjoong leaned against the wall next to Donghyun, staying close while keeping some comfortable distance from the height difference. He was naturally a man of few words and didn’t mind the silence, distracted enough by looking around and his own thoughts. Still, it was a relief when the nurse finally called them. It would take a while until being around the omega didn’t feel awkward, despite their marital status.

He followed the nurse and his fiance deeper into the clinic, several numbered white doors surrounding them. They were guided through one of them, into a small room with nothing but an exam chair and an ultrasound machine. There was no place for the alpha to sit so he was left standing once again, hands in his pockets while he stared at nothing - he wouldn’t risk making Donghyun afraid right before the exam, being confined with him in a tiny space must have been uncomfortable enough for the younger wolf.

His facial expression softened once the technician arrived, if anything he wanted the two of them to seem like a usual couple. No one needed to know what went behind the curtains. She pressed some buttons on the equipment and spread the gel on the probe while asking questions, like if Donghyun had drunk enough water and how many weeks of pregnancy they were calculating. Hyeonjoong chose not to interfere, as there was not much for him to add.
[post deleted by owner]
Kim Donghyunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ [A] 7 months ago
@Kim Hyeonjoongᵃˡᵖʰᵃ   ⤿ ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: fine - bulow

  After answering all of the receptionist's questions and signing the paper passed over the counter, Donghyun heads to an empty chair in the corner and settles in to wait to be called. He fiddles with his cellphone while they wait, occasionally glancing up whenever someone else leaves or enters the waiting room. He's quiet the entire time, not having anything to make small talk about—very little has changed in his pregnancy.


The omega exhales and stands up, sliding his cellphone into the back pocket of his dark jeans before making eye contact with the nurse who stands in the doorway. His smile is small, but warm enough for the nurse to return it as Donghyun approaches. He's acutely aware of the alpha following him, down the halls and into the room to wait for the ultrasound technician.

Donghyun takes a seat in the exam chair, exhaling a quiet sigh as he's left alone with Hyeonjoong. The room is quiet, an awkward silence settling over them; perhaps it's from the nerves of waiting, on top of the unstable ground their relationship sits on. Fortunately, they aren't left alone for long before the technician walks in, Donghyun sitting up a little straighter.

[] the godmodding is fine no worries <3
Kim Hyeonjoongᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 7 months ago
@Kim Donghyunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ Hyeonjoong could tell his fiance was arriving from a distance. The more the pregnancy advanced, the thicker and sweeter the omega’s scent became. “Hey,” he replied, straightening his back and tucking his phone into his pocket. “Not too long, not even ten minutes.” It /was/ very early considering they had agreed to meet with a comfortable margin until the exam, the truth was the alpha’s head was filled with both excitement and worry. Excitement about potentially listening to his baby’s heartbeat and worry that something might have happened to the pup. Maybe he wouldn’t be as anxious if he saw Donghyun more often than once in a blue moon.

He hesitated for a moment about stepping inside - a pregnant omega shouldn’t be the one holding the door open. However, he knew being a gentleman would only annoy the younger wolf, and starting something wasn’t in his plans. Pleased or not, he went in and headed to the receptionist’s desk along with Donghyun. The woman asked for basic information and typed everything on her computer, generating a piece of paper to be signed. Finally, she motioned toward some chairs on the side and told them to wait until the doctor called them into the exam room.

[ ] sorry for the god-modding, i just didn't want us to waste more time in those minor things. feel free to make hyeonjoong walk into the room too
Kim Donghyunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ [A] 7 months ago
@Kim Hyeonjoongᵃˡᵖʰᵃ   ⤿ ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: fine - bulow
  ⤿ https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f5/ed/ca/f5edca094c46b38ca0af2a44b6d5c1e5.jpg

  As Donghyun approaches the building that houses the doctor's office, he can see a figure already loitering outside. It doesn't take long for the omega to determine that it is, in fact, his baby's father. The alpha is there before him, and perhaps that would be more bothersome if Donghyun wasn't still there five minutes before the time they'd agreed to meet. As it is, it means he doesn't have to wait for Hyeonjoong to show his face. At least he's timely, if nothing else.

"Hyeonjoong," the omega says in greeting, voice even. "How long have you been here?" It doesn't matter, really, but Donghyun's not in as piss-poor a mood today and he's excited to see his baby for the first time—and he'll be damned if Hyeonjoong ruins it for him. The omega pulls open the door and holds it open with his hip, indicating for the alpha to go in ahead of him—his gaze sweeps the waiting area for anyone he knows, but he doesn't see anyone. Not that he's expecting to; but he wasn't expecting it /last/ time either. With a grimace and a shake of the head, Donghyun steps into the room and approaches the receptionist's desk, giving the woman his name.
Kim Hyeonjoongᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 7 months ago
@Kim Donghyunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ Once Hyeonjoong was set on something, he went all out. He had snooped about the best hospitals to give birth - asking for a friend, of course - and every exam that had to be done. When he had some extra time he would research the best neighborhoods to raise a child, the best schools, all the details he had always ignored as a single man with no plans of having a kid. But that day it was only the first step. He and Donghyun were meeting for the first time since the father’s ultimatum to have the ultrasound.

The alpha had sent the details of the appointment as a text message a few days earlier. He had already announced his arrival at the front desk, but unsurprisingly he was told he had to bring the pregnant parent to do the check-in. It was then that he noticed the only information he had about Donghyun was the first name, the phone number, profession, and how many weeks he was in. Not enough to fill a single form.

He then decided to wait outside right next to the entrance, so he wouldn’t miss his fiance as he walked in.
Kim Donghyunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ [A] 9 months ago
@Mark Leeᵃˡᵖʰᵃ   ⤿ ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: deadend - banks

  if mark has moved on and yet still insists on acting like this, it must be for the best that donghyun had removed him from his life back then. sure, donghyun's heart had ached for it, but in the long run, they never would have made it. not when they're so different, so polarizing. and not when mark lee has the maturity of a middle schooler, always having to get the last word or to get in one last insult when he's already made donghyun's heart bleed. not that he can do that anymore, but he could back then.

now he's nothing, but he must think he's something.

"good for you," donghyun replies, voice sharp. "so have i."

the days where donghyun thinks about mark became fewer and fewer over the past six years and, even though he sometimes still thinks about him and what he might be up to now, it makes him feel queasy... though not as nauseous as seeing him in the flesh has. donghyun spent a long time confused over if he was hung up over mark or if he hated him. now he's sure it's been the latter all along. after all, what else can it be called?

the tired omega's hackles raise at the implication that he can't—or /won't/—take care of his baby. "what are you trying to say, mark lee," he demands. it comes out the closest thing to a snarl that he's uttered in weeks, almost bringing life to dull eyes.


something still keeps those sharp teeth put away.

mark's never been the kind of alpha donghyun would fear—but then, /he/ wasn't either.

regardless, donghyun's family may consist of awful people—and it's no secret, not for someone who knew him as intimately as mark, that donghyun's father abused him—but of all the things to say, suggesting donghyun wouldn't appreciate or care for his pup is low. low enough that donghyun would have thought it beneath mark, even though that category is slim.

there were enough whispered confessions in the dark that mark should remember that, above all else, all donghyun has ever ing wanted was to be a parent. and that all he's ever feared was the doctor being right, about infertility.

maybe, donghyun thinks rather pessimistically, it was something mark was banking on.

not that it matters now. whatever misplaced affections passed between them then—donghyun knows now that there is nothing left. not on his end, at the very least.

something about the situation leaves a bad taste in his mouth.

the omega scoffs at the question. "does it look like i'm here with someone?" he demands, and it's just jagged enough to cut himself with, too. it's not like he wants to be there alone; but who would he have even asked to accompany him?

he thinks he kind of ing hates mark lee.

"my appointment is already over," donghyun replies stiffly. it's not like he needs to say it. it's not like mark deserves to know what he's doing, even such a small detail. "and i don't need anything from /you/ of all people."

with that, he finally moves to the desk, to schedule a follow-up appointment.
Mark Leeᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Kim Donghyunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ mark should have walked away the moment he spotted donghyun under the obstetrician and minded his own business. he should have just not cared — like he claimed on that awful day and it seems to bite him in the .

he cares. he still ing cares too much. and he despises himself for it. six years of radio silence and distance still hasn't managed to stub out the tiny flickering flame named donghyun. and mark must work on it.

maybe spending some time with donghyun again will make him realise to see the omega for what he is: stubborn, selfish, foolish, cruel.

"I moved on," it isn't a lie.

mark doesn't feel anything affectionate for donghyun. the omega is nothing if not the fire brought from the depths of hell and left in his heart. he feels the scorching embers once in a while whenever life gets the best of him.

that day happens to be one too. mark get the taste of why he dislikes — hate is a strong emotion which he won't rather spend on donghyun — donghyun.

"whatever, kim. I'm not concerned because I care about you. it's the unborn child. as someone from a family that appreciates and cares for their pups, I'm concerned they might not have the best circumstances," mark looks around, raising a brow when no one seems to approach donghyun with the intention of accompanying him.

"wait, are you here all by yourself?"

isn't this sad, donghyun?

"never mind," it's not like he doesn't know the circumstances of the kims'.

he sighs. the kind that tells signs of exhaustion and resignation, gaze falling to the floor.

"I'll be here…..," he gestures at the space next to the door, "for a while. if you need someone to get you something. not doing this for you but for what you're turned into, donghyun. go!"
Fort Thitipongᵇᵉᵗᵃ 9 months ago
@Lu Hanᵇᵉᵗᵃ The doctor frowned at luhan’s expression parting his shoulder he slowly shook his head ..” unfortunately it will take Fort to remember things in his own , if can take days , months , maybe a year to a few after “ he explained ..” he went through a traumatic experience if his to recall memories and begin to remember everything he’ll need help through it and I’m sure you will help him do just that .” The doctor smiled at Luhan as he ushers the nurse to leave the room along with himself to give the two privecy.
Fort tilted his head as he watch the medical staff leave his room to leave him alone with the other . Looking into his eyes he listen to the other’s explanation.. “ Luhan “ he nodded reaching for his hand hovering his ontop of the others to hold if in his ..” And I’m fort ?” He nods in understanding truly wishing he would remove the fog taking over his mind ..” you were hired to protect me ? , you didn’t fail I’m still alive right ?” He tried to lighten up the situation his charm coming through as he gave one of his smiles looking into Luhan’s eyes as he watch the other look at his phone . The reaction caused fort to be confused ..” What is it?”
He questions ..” everything alright ?” Another question follows as he listens to Luhan and nods ..”my head hurts , there’s this huge fog hovering over it I can’t lift.. I can’t move my legs the nurse explained I was severely injured and that it will take sometime for me to recover “ he adds . His hand still hovering over the others as he squeezes it slightly .” I’m sorry I was gone for so long luhan “ he looks into Lunans eyes and then lowers his gaze down to their hands lost in thought trying to remember .. but feeling a sharp pain to his head every time he tried ..
Choi Beomgyuᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Fort Thitipongᵇᵉᵗᵃ As Luhan sat across from the doctor, his heart raced with anticipation and anxiety. His fingers tapped nervously on his thigh, a clear sign of his restlessness. The doctor's face was solemn, revealing the gravity of the news he was about to share.

The words hung in the air like a heavy cloud, and Luhan's breath caught in his throat. His eyes widened, disbelief etched across his features. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as he processed the information.

The doctor explained the circumstances that had led to Fort's coma, outlining the medical details with clinical precision. As the doctor spoke, Luhan's expression shifted from shock to a deepening concern, his brows furrowing as he absorbed the gravity of the situation.

His mind raced, memories of his time spent with Fort flooding his thoughts. He recalled their shared laughter, their late-night conversations, and the countless moments they had experienced together. A knot formed in his stomach as he thought about Fort lying unconscious, completely unaware of the world around him.

A range of emotions swept over Luhan like a tidal wave—fear, sadness, and a desperate hope for Fort's recovery. His fingers clenched into fists, and he leaned forward, hanging on to every word the doctor said. The reality of the situation began to sink in, and his eyes glistened with unshed tears.

"Is there anything we can do? Any treatment?" Luhan asked, his voice cracking as he struggled to maintain his composure. An odd reaction for Luhan, was he developing, some sort of feelings of companionship for this person, who he was supposed to protect, or in this case maybe hurt?

He walked back into Fort and tried his best to explain everything that happened and what led up to him getting hurt and knocked out for this long, he was still blaming himself in the back of his head, unwilling to give that part of the guilt up. "I am Luhan, and your name is Fort, I was assigned to protect you, but I failed in my mission somewhat." He turned away as soon as he got a text from the client, "End it. I will give you an additional $100,000."

Luhan dropped his phone in shock and looked back at Fort with a strained look of confusion. "Look let's just focus on the pain levels that you are having, what is hurting you right now?"
Fort Thitipongᵇᵉᵗᵃ 9 months ago
@Lu Hanᵇᵉᵗᵃ Fort stayed silent unable to explain what was truely happening to him . His mind was a fog. He couldn’t remember his name , listening to the other speak he captured that his own name was fort but what was the others name . Waiting for him to finish he gave a confused gaze a sense of vulnerability over taking him as he shook his head slowly ..” I-..” he frowns his brows ..” I’m sorry I don’t remember , I don’t know who you are , Your saying my name is fort ?” He frowns his brows ..” what’s your name ?” He question genuinely confused had he been gone that long ? That he had forgotten who this person was ? It must seem that who ever he was , he was important to him .. was he someone he was with before the fog ?. Fort slightly reached out for the other ..” I’m sorry , “ he saids hoping he could bring some type of comfort although him not having any memories at all could mean that this situation would hurt the other . “Help me remember..?” He questions head tilting to the side his dark hair falls along his eyelids as it had gotten a tad bit long from being in. Coma for so long ..” h-how long has it been ?.. am I fort ?” He continues to question .

Upon questioning the other a nurse enters the room widening her eyes upon entering it seeing how fort had woken up from his coma .. Urgently she leaves the room to fetch a doctor it doesn’t take any longer than 5 seconds before the doctor along with the nurse enters the room ..” What’s going on ?” He questions looking at the medical staff “ where am I ?” Given the situation the doctor instantly comprehends the magnitude of the situation before them and he turns to luhan ..” may speak with you for a minute ?” He questions taking Luhan aside explaining the current state Fort was in ..” unfortunately fort has lost his memories due to his coma .. I’m unaware of how long he will be like this if you were close to him it’s best if you help him understand his situation “ The doctor pats luhan’s shoulder glazing at fort then at Luhan once again .
Choi Beomgyuᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Fort Thitipongᵇᵉᵗᵃ Luhan's frustration and confusion bubbled over as he stared at Fort, who had just woken up from a long coma. He couldn't help the mixed emotions that swirled within him, a tumultuous blend of relief, anger and hurt. Crossing his arms, he took a deep breath before finally letting his emotions spill out.

"Of all the times, Fort," Luhan began, his voice tinged with exasperation. "You choose now to wake up? After all these months of uncertainty, of us waiting and worrying, you suddenly decide to come back to the land of the living when we've already been through so much?"

His tone was sharp, his words laced with bitterness that had been festering beneath the surface. "I don't know whether to be relieved or angry that you're back," Luhan admitted, his voice raw with honesty. A mixture of sadness and frustration flashed across his features, his emotions too complex to be easily contained. He sighed, his anger subsiding slightly, giving way to a sense of vulnerability. He glanced away, his thoughts swirling as he grappled with the tangle of emotions that Fort's awakening had brought to the surface.
Fort Thitipongᵇᵉᵗᵃ 9 months ago
@Lu Hanᵇᵉᵗᵃ As everything began to set in , his vision was clear , and his senses were settled he felt a piercing gaze fall upon him. His dark heavy eyes search for it until his gaze met the piercing gaze . He widen his own dark eyes in confusion as it set in as to where he was , a panic struck within him as he realized he didn’t know who was standing in the room with him . He glanced at piercing dark , sadden eyes trying to understand why he was being seen the way he was and who the person in the room was with him .
His hand felt heavy as he attempted to lifted , unable to feel his legs or body really he arched his head up feeling the ache striking along his spine he. Simply layed his head back down ..” who are you “ he asks his dark eyes narrowing to the other in the room with a confused expression still on his features .

Inhaling fort managed to lift his hand to remove the oxygen mask from his face as he looked around the room in a bit of a panic mode ..” where am I ..” he questions ..” why am I here ?” He continues the screen showing his heart rate increasing due to the panic state he was under.
Choi Beomgyuᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Fort Thitipongᵇᵉᵗᵃ In a tense and suspenseful moment, Luhan's heart raced as he heard a faint grunt come from the bed. He had been on edge, his senses heightened, and the sound momentarily caught him off guard. But as the seconds ticked by, immediately having some trauma set in, he realized that the grunt wasn't a sign of danger; it was a familiar sound, a sound that brought relief washing over him.

Luhan's anxiety turned to relief as he heard a familiar grunt from the direction of Fort's sleeping area. The tension that had gripped him loosened its hold, and a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. It was clear that Fort had woken up from his slumber, and that simple sound carried a small sense of comfort for Luhan.

However quickly, with a gaze that could pierce steel, Luhan fixed his eyes on Fort, his expression seething with anger. The intensity of his glare seemed to convey a mix of frustration, resentment, and perhaps even a hint of betrayal. It was clear that something had transpired to ignite such strong emotions within Luhan, and his piercing look held Fort in its grip, demanding an explanation or response.
Fort Thitipongᵇᵉᵗᵃ 9 months ago
@Lu Hanᵇᵉᵗᵃ If someone were to explain what an out of body experience , to someone else it would surely be too complicated because no one truly knows what it feels like till one truly experiences it . To fort it felt like floating , it’s this what death truly felt like ? Was it this peaceful?. He had been in this place for some time now he hasn’t recalled for how long , time stood still but in the sense of stillness he found peace , freedom . But that peace is short lived as the darkness finds its way slithering in to make its self known , as if there is no means to escape it to break free from it .
Is this what death felt like ? Was this the end ? Where darkness and light meet in the in between but as they say there is always a silver lining . Fort raised his hand up to cover his eyes as a bright line guided him through the dark path he was in without question he follows it step by step the thin stream of light it becomes brighter , there stood a white door closing his eyes his hand grips the handle as he turns the knob to enter whatever is that comes next .

Laying in his hospital bed fort slightly moves , the first thing that begins to react are his fingers as they slightly twitch he starts to feel again , the numbness slowly fading . He focuses on the sounds the beeping sounds of the machines next to him giving the sign of his heart still beating . “ Can you .. just.. wake up?” At the sound of the muffled distance voice his dark lashes flutter open slowly . Vision blurred he waited for himself to adjust , and as he did so he felt heavy the numbness , the lightness he felt it all faded away and all he could feel was the heaviness he had been carrying . Staying silent he lays there still , before releasing a hoarse grunt .
Choi Beomgyuᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Fort Thitipongᵇᵉᵗᵃ Luhan arrived in the sterile hospital room, a heavy sense of somberness hangs in the air as I keep vigil by Fort's bedside. The soft beeping of the machines seems to match the rhythm of his heartbeat, a steady reminder of the fragility of life. The pale light filtering through the curtains casts a gentle glow on his peaceful face, and he finds myself lost in memories of their shared moments— well mostly dangerous shared moments.

As he watched Fort's still form, a knot formed in his chest, a mix of worry and sadness intertwining. The world outside continues to move, bustling and vibrant, while time seems to stand still in this room. He only wishes he could reach out and rouse him from his slumber, to see his eyes open and reassured that he will recover. The weight of uncertainty presses down on me, a heavy burden he does not know how to carry.

In this quiet space, emotions flow freely—a complex tapestry of hope, fear, and longing. His gaze remains fixed on Fort, my presence a silent reminder that he's not alone in this journey. As he sat there, he found solace in the stillness, in the knowledge that even in the midst of life's storms, there's a quiet strength that can be found in waiting, in hoping, and in the bonds that connect us. "Can, you... just wake up..." He sighed while whispering to himself not wanting to give away any feelings towards the other male.
Kim Donghyunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ [A] 9 months ago
@Mark Leeᵃˡᵖʰᵃ   ⤿ ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: alaska - banks

  donghyun doesn't know why the universe had to put him and mark in the same place at the same time, but there they are. he stares the alpha down as he seems to hold his breath at the realization the omega isn't claimed. and what for? donghyun won't put it past him to start spouting off about religion and donghyun's mistakes and saying things like he said when they split. but that's almost not how it feels.

almost, because of course mark has something cutting to say. donghyun flinches at his words, and he really wouldn't if not for what he's just been through, the unease he feels certainly stemming from mark's secondary gender and not even at least partially from his presence.

"i don't know what you're talking about," donghyun replies, and it's not a snarl like it would have been. it's exhausted. "if you never cared about me, why should i care about you after /six years/? aren't people supposed to /move on/, mark lee?"

especially from a 'partner' that could never accept who they are, or that they do the things they do so their insane father won't literally kill them? donghyun did love mark, once. but his boyfriend could never understand the reason donghyun couldn't just give up on a life of crime.

there's no /leaving/ the mafia.

but of course mark lee has to be dramatic about it.

donghyun hugs his pamphlets closer to himself, feeling his breathing come quicker. with the way mark speaks, it sounds like he presumes donghyun scared the father of his child away. well, of course that would be his assumption, he won't jump straight to something else happening—not that donghyun would probably admit it anyway—but donghyun thinks of his arms wrenched behind his back because of his /stubbornness/ and shivers.
Mark Leeᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Kim Donghyunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ true. none of this is his business as mark has claimed that day, he has nothing to do with donghyun. it should be like that as well. he knows firsthand what it likes trying to change a person as stubborn as him. it only left him frustrated.

yet he can not help it. curiosity is a double edged sword.

"you are not." mark whispers, holding his breath in place.

mark once loved donghyun. loved. not anymore. it should be none of his ing business.

"right. it's not like i ever cared about you. good to know I meant so damn little."

he nods to himself, jaw clenched, swiping his tongue over his teeth behind his closed lips, "right. good day to you, donghyun. i hope you don't your unborn baby up with your stubbornness."

mark would be a fool to think donghyun would have changed after so many years. involving himself with that idiot will bring nothing but disaster.

"don't forget to take care of yourself. not for you, but the child...."

if that manages to survive.
Kim Donghyunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ [A] 9 months ago
@Mark Leeᵃˡᵖʰᵃ / are you even bonded?/

and oh, donghyun can guess how this interaction is going to go. mark has never been slow to pass judgement where the omega is concerned, and he's steadfast in his belief of how the world should be. donghyun swallows, a red flush rising to his cheeks from humiliation and anger, feeling eyes on them as mark inserts himself where he doesn't belong. like it's any of his business what donghyun is doing six years after their little fling. donghyun hasn't seen him in all of those years and yet now here he is like a ghost to haunt him.

it's not like donghyun can explain how his baby came about, either. mark doesn't need to know the gorey details. the alpha must hate him enough for his… unsavory business… that he'll probably laugh anyway. after all, serves him right, doesn't it?

"why is it any of your business?" donghyun demands. it isn't as sharp as it would usually be. he's too tired, too warn, too—

not broken, he, he's not /broken/—

anyway it should be obvious to mark that there's no claim on either side of donghyun's slim neck, and what a relief that is. it's like he can still feel that alpha nosing at him, dragging his face against his neck like he's going to claim him—

no, there's no bond to speak of.


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niente 1 week ago
thinking.. debating.
direraven 3 weeks ago
is this place active?
steadymylove 2 months ago
Hi, could I have NCT's Jaehyun as an alpha
Pretty sure he wasn't there in the ml, but if he is, then Svt's Mingyu, also as an alpha.
sugaisbias 2 months ago
Can I reserve Jeong Yunho please?
3a94be82ad0ef90e5141 3 months ago
Do you need more alpha?!
PurpleAnon 3 months ago
Looks tempting ; u ;
broski 3 months ago
ouo how active is this?
moonites 3 months ago
jeon jungkook as an omega, please!
Kaworu 3 months ago
i'm greedy and i'm here to ask for both baekho and akito miyoshi, please
unevenstars 4 months ago
got7s bambam as an alpha please ^^
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