« Dean Yunho's office »

knock before you come in.

Dean Yunho 11 years ago
@Taemin Yunho's eyes looked up to hear a knock followed by an effeminate young boy opening the door. His gaze traveled up and down the student's body. He was skinny with collar bones that could be visibly seen, a small Adam's apple, yet having a mature-looking face. The dean would have mistaken him for a female in boy's attire if he hadn't heard that boyish tone. Yunho smiles up at him friendly and nods his head. "Ah yes you must be Lee Taemin am I correct? I was informed that you would be coming to my office today. It's a pleasure to have you here at Kamini Boarding School. Please sit on the sofa and tell me how are you enjoying your experience of the school so far?" The taller man gets up from his chair to stand in front of his desk and leans against it. Hands touching the surface of the desk behind him and eyes staring at the boy in front of him. 'Damn he is cute... too cute for me.' He thinks to himself whilst his suddenly dry lips. 'For a lanky boy he sure does have some body. Maybe he's a dancer. As the saying goes dancers are flexible in bed.'
Taemin 11 years ago
@Head Master Yunho It's Taemin’s first day. He was utterly tired from working later than he usually should and having on a hour a sleep didn't help him. He had earphones in his ears as he lightly rolled his body as he walked to the Dean’s office. He loved to just randomly dance because that's just what he liked to do. Walking past a couple of females he winked at them before walking away. He loved to lead people on because he found the joy in it. He looked so innocent though which always worked to his advantage in leading others on. Taemin was the real example of looks can be deceiving, seeing that he loved to do a lot of different things in bed. Reaching the Dean’s office the young boy sighed softly before walking in with a smile. He didn't care about knocking really so he just walked in. Though, to show a bit a respect, he knocked softly as he walked in. “Excuse me?” Taemin asked as he closed the door behind him. He walked up to the desk slowly though acting shy because of the other’s good looks. “I'm new here, and I was told to come here.” He said with confidence in his voice now, he didn't want to look like a fool.
Dean Yunho 11 years ago
@Taemin 'This makes no sense.' Yunho thinks to himself while sitting inside of his office. He plays with a pen in between his fingers seesawing it up and down to each edge of the item. Light taps come from the pen producing a rhythmical yet obnoxious beat. He stops playing with the pen and places it adjacent to the coffee cup on his table. Just then Yunho looks over at a bookshelf with wanton eyes. The bookshelf wasn't normal. Behind it was his stash of toys and clothing items. He had a kink to him about being dominant and merciless to his victims. It turned him on just to see them crying from the overwhelming pain and pleasure they experienced. Lately he had been having females entering his office every now and then. He was getting tired of that. He wondered if the school knew that he was bi-ual and he would like to accept some boys into the academy. After all Yunho was sort of interested in younger boys; especially the teenagers. Call him a e but this man ranks from ages 17 to 19.
BoA 11 years ago
@Head Master Yunho "Then they'll probably get punished more." She shrugged. "To train them like dogs, you have to treat them like dogs." Boa chuckled softly. The nurse sat down again on the couch as she took another glimpse at the office. "Or I could punish them."
Dean Yunho 11 years ago
@BoA The dean nods his head agreeably at the idea. "It sounds good but then again the bad students, delinquents, might end up abusing the power of being a janitor, or a gardener, or a part of lunch staff. Like they could think that since they manage that job they could make up their own rules and things like that. Though it sounds kind of childish it does sound like something a student would do." He explains to her with some hand gestures at each particular word.
BoA 11 years ago
@Head Master Yunho As her eyes examine the other dean, she pressed her lips into a thin line before shaking her head. "No problems, just maybe a few suggestions for the school." Boa nodded. She stood up from her chair as her heels clicked when she made her way to the very bookshelf Yunho had placed a book in not even two minutes ago. She pulls it out and looks at the cover, smiling a little. "I used to think life was like these...but anyway, perhaps we have an honoring system perhaps each month. The teachers take their best students and they get rewarded. As for bad students, they'd have to be janitors or gardeners or lunch staff." Boa smiled softly before placing the book where she found it.
Dean Yunho 11 years ago
@BoA "Mr. Jung would be just fine please." He sits down in his chair and puts on his reading glasses. "So why are you here today Ms. Kwon? Has anything serious happened that requires my acknowledgement?" he asks the woman. Usually nurses, teachers, and other staff member would come to him to see if he can handle a situation or a problem. Barely Yunho would get called to do such things since his friend, Jihoon, would be more of a better person for that kind of job. The only thing he was good at was expelling students and hiring and firing teachers/staff members. He looks down at the book on his desk; a romance novel and scowls at it. He places the book on the shelf and sits back down in his chair.
BoA 11 years ago
@Head Master Yunho The office was nice and everything so well organized unlike her mess of a nurse's office. She almost felt a little envious of the order. Boa made her way in, sitting on the couch that she was motioned to. "Thank you. Should I call you Yunho or Mr. Jung?" She asked curiously as she once more adjusted her dress. The nurse made a mental note to either get a bigger size or wear other things to work. Sure she didn't have the largest bust nor the most shapely , but she wasn't exactly a cutting board, either. Besides, the nurse didn't find it amusing to walk around looking like a hoe; school or not.
Dean Yunho 11 years ago
@BoA "Coming," chided Yunho once he heard a knock at his door. His hands press themselves onto the glass of his desk then he stands up making sure not to trip over the sofa next to the book shelf. He opens his door to see a nurse standing in front him. The woman is short, has cat-like eyes and long brown hair that above her . She is beautiful in his eyes; not to forget mature-looking. The dean towers over her height around four heads taller than her. "Ah good morning nurse Boa." he greets her with a smile. Yunho steps aside and beckons for her to come inside by waving his hand. "You can sit down on the sofa if you'd like make yourself comfortable." He shuts the door behind her then strolls over to his desk to sit in the chair.
BoA 11 years ago
Boa felt it would be nice to get to know the the very men who ran this school, starting with Dean Yunho. She hummed as she strolled into the halls from her office for the three minute walk to his office. Standing there a little hesitant, the nurse pulled down the back of uniform dress to make sure it was covering everything before knocking on the door to see if he was available.


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kessjxng 10 years ago
clearing characters sorry, i'm leaving.
Back2School 10 years ago
Luhan is leaving.
Sadism 10 years ago
kris is leaving.
sxhunhan 10 years ago
Sehun is leaving.
Seyensay 10 years ago
Could you add actress Shida Mirai, please?
in10sify 10 years ago
Lay will be leaving.
I'm much too busy.
dirtyvibe 10 years ago
zelo's leaving
underground 10 years ago
daniel henney leaving.
i think you know why.
ebethqnguyen 10 years ago
Taeyeon is leaving. I've realized this type of roleplaying is not for me
nguyenl0ve 10 years ago
tia's leaving, i can never go on because of work sorry
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