⇒Teachers Lounge

Seohyun [A] 11 years ago
@Song Jae Rim Seohyun let a somewhat devious smile play on her lips as she heard his question, and responded quickly, pulling out a chair and sitting down, crossing her legs to show off the milky flesh under the dark plaid fabric of her mini skirt. "I'm an advanced student, sir." She said, her voice showering him in praise and respect, but her eyes sparkled with something more seductive and playful. "If you're worried that I can't keep up with you, you can always do a quick evaluation right now," Her voice deepened, and was soaked with suggestion and lust, her dark eyes dilated with anticipation and she kept eye contact with the older man. He was definitely a little intimidating, but Seohyun was one to submit to males easily, whereas females had a harder time making her submissive. Right now, she was so anxious that she was practically shivering, but somehow managed to pull herself together. "If I'm not fit for your class, then you don't have to enroll me. But, I promise you, I can take anything you throw out." She looked down, not wanting to be too bold, but ran her fragile fingers up the side of her thigh, raising her eyebrows at him.
Song Jae Rim 11 years ago
@Seohyun His eyes looked her up and down as she entered the lounge her heels clicking across the floor as she made her way to one of the chairs sitting down the bag she carried with her. He noticed she had an innocent look about her which to him just meant they were total freaks in the bedroom. He smiled lightly at his thoughts as she placed the coffee she held down in front of him once again abusing her nice lips. "For me...thank you." he smiled wrapping his fingers around the coffee cup taking a sip as his eyes stayed on her. "You want to enroll into my class and why is that?" he asked looking at her from where she stood. "My class is an advanced class in positions...you look a little innocent." he said just wanting to see her reaction to him making a statement he himself even knew was false.
Seohyun [A] 11 years ago
@Song Jae Rim Seohyun nodded as she entered, holding the coffee in her hands. She sat her bag down by one of the empty chairs, hoping he wouldn't be too curious as to what all was in it. When she had been in town getting his coffee, Seohyun had wandered into a toy shoppe and picked a few things out. Being Dean Jihoon's niece, Seohyun had a side, although you couldn't tell by her angelic face. She loved nothing more than being dominated and humiliated. Pushing those thoughts out of her mind, Seohyun sat the coffee down in front of him and bit her bottom lip, it into .
"I got that for you. I was hoping to enroll in your class, but when I went to your classroom, the lights were off and no one was in there."
Song Jae Rim 11 years ago
@Seohyun Jae Rim was having a stressful day from since this morning he spilled coffee on his clothes while walking to work almost getting in an accident with a janitor cart. Then he had to turn back to his dorm to change his clothes and clean up. His first class of the day had none of there assignments finished which pissed him off even more as his headache got worse. Once his class finished he wasted no time leaving to go and relax in the teachers lounge dodging any staff trying to have a conversation with him. Entering the lounge he sat in a chair close to the window silently looking out the window trying to relax. Closing his eyes he drifted off into a light nap. Hearing the door open to the lounge he opened his eyes and sat up turning his attention to who entered as they poked there head in. He raised his eyebrow at the female student then smiled as she addressed him. "Yes how may I help you, come in." he gestured with his hand as he watched bit on her lower lip. She was an attractive looking girl but he never saw her in any of his classes before. He grew curious about her reason for coming to see him in the teachers lounge.
Seohyun [A] 11 years ago
Seohyun's heels clicked on the hardwood floor of the school's corridor. With her bag slung over her shoulder, and a cup of hot coffee in the other, she passed countless doors. She was searching for the Teacher's Lounge. She was anxious to meet the AP ual Positions teacher, since she would be taking his class. She'd heard that he liked coffee, so she skipped lunch and went downtown to the best coffee shop in town, got a cup for him, then hurried back. However, when she came back, she was disappointed to find the door to his classroom locked. She'd peeked into the window, and the room was dark and empty. She really just wanted to make a good impression on him, since he was going to be teaching her all about the more complicated ual positions. She began to look for him, and one of the lower grade teachers had mentioned seeing him in the teacher's lounge. So, here she was. Clicking her tongue against her teeth as she walked, she finally found the door to the lounge. Her heart jumped into . She'd seen the teacher in the hall, and he was extremely attractive. Seohyun didn't want to seem like a stalker, she wanted to enroll herself in his class, and to do that, she had to see him immediately. She cupped her hand on the window and put her face in between, to see in through the glass. She could see him sitting at the table. She was relieved to see no coffee cup in front of him. Taking a deep breath, Seohyun straightened, fluffed her hair a bit, and opened the door, poking her head inside.
"Mr. Song?" She asked, biting on her plush, lower lip.
Seohyun [A] 11 years ago
[Reserves this room for Jae Rim and Myself!]


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kessjxng 9 years ago
clearing characters sorry, i'm leaving.
Back2School 10 years ago
Luhan is leaving.
Sadism 10 years ago
kris is leaving.
sxhunhan 10 years ago
Sehun is leaving.
Seyensay 10 years ago
Could you add actress Shida Mirai, please?
in10sify 10 years ago
Lay will be leaving.
I'm much too busy.
dirtyvibe 10 years ago
zelo's leaving
underground 10 years ago
daniel henney leaving.
i think you know why.
ebethqnguyen 10 years ago
Taeyeon is leaving. I've realized this type of roleplaying is not for me
nguyenl0ve 10 years ago
tia's leaving, i can never go on because of work sorry
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