⇒Nurses Office

come visit nurse boa if you're feeling down.

Tiffany 11 years ago
((Lolol, sowweh Boa~))

Tiffany chewed on her lower lip, hoping the girl wouldn't notice she wasn't really the nurse. Her nervousness eased when she heard the comment, smiling slightly at the girl in front of her. So she's a flirt, huh? Tiffany hid her satisfaction, widening her smile and blushing, pretending to be embarrassed. "Oh, thank you!" She giggled and ducked her head. As soon as the girl turned away, Tiffany's smile turned into a pout. Leaving already? That wasn't very fun. "Wait!" Tiffany called out and put the innocent look back on her face, her voice coming out softly. "Could you... stay a little while?" She looked up sheepishly, "I'm not really the nurse.. but I need to make sure I'm gone before she comes back. Could you help me keep watch?" Take the bait, take the bait, Tiffany prodded mentally.
Jiyeon 11 years ago
@Tiffany Jiyeon watched as the female turned around with a smile. She didnt really listen to anything the woman said, but her eyes trailed down her body. Noticing her s probably in a push u p bra and how her curves were like a coke botle. She her lips before looking up and nodding. Jiyeon smiled and lightly took the Ibuprofen and smiled. "I'll just use some of this. I dont have that big of a headache, just a small one." Jiyeon said and nodded, pouring two of the pillsinto her hand, pouring a glass of water also before she swallowed the pills down with the water. "Thank you." Jiyeon smiles. "You're really pretty, by the way. Your hair is a nice color." She said, pulling her hand down in the woman's hair slowly with a small smirk. Jiyeon knew just the right way to pull women in and this was one way, and you could tell it was working because when the other girl bit her lip, you could tell it was working. Now for the next step. "We'll, I'll get going now." Jiyeon said and her heels, slowly starting to walk to the door, purposely swinging her hips as she waited for the woman to stop her
Tiffany 11 years ago
@Jiyeon Tiffany cringed nervously at the female voice approaching her, hoping it wasn't the nurse. She wasn't sure if she could get in trouble for this, or if the nurse would just turn a blind eye. But at the request, she realized the person thought she was a nurse. 'Must be a new student, then,' she thought to herself before turning with a smile. "Of course, there's medicine for just about everything here." She shook the bottle of ibuprofen she'd grabbed, showing it to the girl. "Is this alright? Ibuprofen? Or would you rather have something else?" She rattled off a bunch of medicine brand names that she saw in the counter.
BoA 11 years ago
Jiyeon 11 years ago
@Tiffany Jiyeon was sitting in her dorm, just looking around as she sat up in her bed; and strangely she had a huge headache. So she stood up and pulled a pair of shorts on and a t-shirt that showed her collarbone, letting her dark and curly hair fall down to her lower back. Jiyeon slid some flip flops on and walked out of her dorm to the nurse's office. When she arrived there she opened the door slowly and slowly walked in looking around. She had never been here nor seen the nurse, so of course, the first person that she saw was who she thought was the nurse. That being the girl at the medicine counter. "Excuse me?" Jiyeon asked, her right eyebrow lightly lifting. Jiyeon's winged eyeliner just made her facial features more sharp than they already were, making her look non-innocent. "I was wondering if you had some medicine for a head ache" Jiyeon said and walked to the girl
Tiffany 11 years ago
@Jiyeon Tiffany had never met the nurse, nor had she been in the nurse's office before, she didn't think looking for some painkillers could get her in much trouble. With that thought in mind, she walked over to the medicine cabinet without hesitation and began searching for her magic beans. "Come on... gimme some ibuprofen, aspirin, anything." She pushed bottles aside, stretching her arms to reach the top shelf, causing her shirt to ride up and expose her flat stomach. "Ha!" She shouted triumphantly when she finally found the aspirin.
BoA 11 years ago
@Dean Jihoon Boa sat in her chair, ripping the wrapper off a cherry lollipop before sticking it in Jihoon's mouth. As she laughed, she fixed her dress by what now seemed like instinct since the dress just barely covered her thong which she only wore because boyshorts would be far too obvious. "It's not like I wake up in the morning all like, 'Hey, I'll wear the tiest thing I can find!' then slap this on. I'd much rather wear shorts and a t-shirt." She nodded and her voice showed a slight edge that wasn't normally there. Then again, she hadn't slept well recently. "Have you considered getting painkillers if your back hurts that often?"
Dean Jihoon [A] 11 years ago
@BoA Feeling the calming heat against his back, Jihoon exhaled in relief.
"Oh, you think I only came here to see you?" He asked, amusement filling his voice as a smirk danced on his lips. He wouldn't lie, he was in pain from the stress, and he did want some kind of attention, but it didn't hurt that the nurse was smoking hot. With the heat strip on his back, Jihoon ran a hand through his hair. "Maybe if you weren't so hot in that tight little outfit I wouldn't be so quick to come to see you." He said with a more devious smirk replacing the first one.
BoA 11 years ago
@Dean Jihoon Watching the dean make his way in, Boa smiled softly and turned off her music. "Well, Jihoon, I'm not exactly a lisenced masseuse." She nodded. Naturally, she couldn't help but gaze at his body. It was perfectly tanned and well-sculpted, but it wasn't the time for yet. She opened a cabinet in search for a heat strip for his back. "I guess it's been a long day, huh? It's been slow here." Boa nodded. She opened the package the strip came in before placing it in the center of his back. "And just for future reference, don't visit just to see me." The nurse smiled.
Dean Jihoon [A] 11 years ago
@BoA Jihoon leaned against the door frame, amusement playing on his face. He'd walked right in on the y nurse singing her heart out.
"I hope I'm not interrupting," He said, closing the door to the office behind him. "I was just coming to see if you were busy. I'm having a few problems I think I need your help with." With that, Jihoon sat down in the chair in front of her desk and began to his white shirt, revealing more and more of his perfectly-sculpted, tanned chest with each button.
"My back is killing me."
BoA 11 years ago
@Dean Jihoon Boa sat in her office, combing her fingers through her long hair as she thought about maybe stepping out for a bit to get some air, but there was always that possibility that a student would stumble in needing help and she wouldn't be there to help them, so she sat there. Multiple times she found herself playing some music on her computer and singing along to it softly or playing some random game because she was just that bored.
Not to mention she was tired. And her outfit was too tight. And the office was a mess.
Just the little things seemed to get to her the more she sat there. Boa once more a song from her computer and began singing as she re-organized her office for what felt like the umpteenth time until she heard someone open the door. "O-oh! Yes, how can I help you?" Boa asked, a little flustered and hoping that he didn't hear her singing.
Dean Jihoon [A] 11 years ago
@BoA Jihoon let out an annoyed groan as he ran his hand through his soft, dark hair. After an extremely long day, Jihoon had somewhat of a headache. His back ached from sitting at a table full of papers, and stress from the responsibilities of running the school was giving him physical pains and exhaustion. Pushing himself back against the comfy back of his chair, Jihoon looked up at the pale ceiling, deciding whether or not he was too exhausted to get up and go to Boa's office. Boa was the new nurse, the only one in the school, and Jihoon thought she was quite attractive. She had a very nice body and a beautiful face, she was practically a goddess in a nurse outfit, which only made Jihoon more attracted to her. Finally giving in to his needs, Jihoon stood from the chair, taking his jacket off and lay it over the back of his chair. Then, Jihoon slid the key to his office into his pocket and headed for the nurses office, locking his own office behind him.
It only took Jihoon about three minutes to get to the office. When he approached the door, he gave it a few knocks while he pushed it open and walked in, seeing Boa clad in her y nurses outfit.


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kessjxng 9 years ago
clearing characters sorry, i'm leaving.
Back2School 10 years ago
Luhan is leaving.
Sadism 10 years ago
kris is leaving.
sxhunhan 10 years ago
Sehun is leaving.
Seyensay 10 years ago
Could you add actress Shida Mirai, please?
in10sify 10 years ago
Lay will be leaving.
I'm much too busy.
dirtyvibe 10 years ago
zelo's leaving
underground 10 years ago
daniel henney leaving.
i think you know why.
ebethqnguyen 10 years ago
Taeyeon is leaving. I've realized this type of roleplaying is not for me
nguyenl0ve 10 years ago
tia's leaving, i can never go on because of work sorry
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