● Room 300: AP ual Positions

teacher Song Jae Rim

Tiffany 11 years ago
@Song Jae Rim She eyesmiled at him, grinning slyly, "If there's nothing wrong with it, then I wasn't thinking anything dirty~" She tilted her head in surprise, although she knew he'd been looking at more than just her face. "Thank you, Saem!. I'll take that as a compliment. By the way..." She turned to glance at the projector. "What were you watching earlier?"
Song Jae Rim 11 years ago
@Tiffany Jaerim laughed at her innocent look she gave him. "You were thinking dirty thoughts." he teased seeing her devilish grin. "No there is nothing wrong with that, I was admiring your figure also." he honestly admitted.

Tiffany 11 years ago
@Song Jae Rim Tiffany shrugged as if she were hesitating to accept his assurance. She turned in his lap and looked at him innocently, shaking her head. "I wasn't thinking about anything dirty~" She grinned at him devilishly, "After all, there's nothing wrong with admiring my teacher's y figure, is there?"

((Somehow, she keeps ending up in people's laps.. O_O))
Song Jae Rim 11 years ago
@Tiffany He reached his hand out from his chair and wrapped a hand around her arm pulling her into his lap slowly. "No I will handle that...you won't get in trouble for skipping class." he played with her fingers then smiled. "You were your lips earlier...tell me were you thinking dirty thoughts." he placed a hand on her knee.
Tiffany 11 years ago
@Song Jae Rim She tilted her head, faking reluctance as she glanced him over. "I don't know, Saem..." She bit her lip as she looked up at him to keep from her lips in satisfaction. This teacher had the looks of a god. "Wouldn't I get in trouble for skipping class?"
Song Jae Rim 11 years ago
@Tiffany Jaerim stood up fixing his tie as the student walked closer to him with her hands behind her back. "Yes I am a teacher." he simply said looking her up and down. "I have no idea what class your looking for." he smiled lightly. "Why go to class when you could stay here with me?" he smirked pusing a strand of hair from his face.
Tiffany 11 years ago
@Song Jae Rim Tiffany's apprehensive expression turned to one of amusement, her lips curling into a smile. She walked in and closed the door behind her, raising an eyebrow at the screen and then turning to the teacher. "I'm assuming you're a teacher?" She walked a little closer to him, her hands folded behind her back, "Could you help me find my classroom? I'm kind of lost." She shrugged helplessly at him.
Song Jae Rim 11 years ago
@Tiffany Jaerim leaned back in his chair positioned in front of the projector screen in his room. Currently showing was a favorite film of his. Not having class for an hour he decided to enjoy himself with the movie. Sipping his bottle of water he smirked at a particular scene then stopped as he turned his head to see someone peeking into his class room. "." he mumbled quickly reaching for the remote turning off the projector.
Tiffany 11 years ago
@Song Jae Rim Tiffany wandered down the hall, her notebook tucked under her arm as she looked around for her class. She had been through half of the building and still hadn't found the intermediate hall. "How am I supposed to talk to the teacher like this?" She sighed aloud, looking for anyone who could help her when she heard noise coming from a class. She peeked into the open classroom before knocking on the door, her cleavage barely visible as she leaned in.
Zinni 11 years ago
@Song Jae Rim Zinni flashed him a glare before she smirked. "Feisty wouldn't being to explain how I am in bed," she said nonchalantly before fixing him with what was a steely glare though it lacked the normal iciness. "I don't. I never make mistakes," she said. "Making a mistake...is unacceptable. Now, if you're quite done flirting with me," she said with a slight smirk that almost brightened her mood. She really didn't know what to make of this teacher. His willingness and slight persistance to talk to her...was something she hadn't seen from other teachers. Most gave her a wide berth and kept out of her way more often than not.
Song Jae Rim 11 years ago
@Zinni Jae Rim chuckled as she gathered her things narrowing her eyes at him. "Oh feisty I like that, I wonder are you like that in the bed room." he teased then stood up running his hand through his hair his bottom lip. "You don't have to leave and your welcome to come here anytime." he guessed she was embarrassed by the whole situation. Walking over to her as she pinched her he tilted his head. "You okay...we all make mistakes Zinni." he couldn't believe how orderly this woman was being in the wrong class room seemed to be really getting to her.
Zinni 11 years ago
@Song Jae Rim Zinni narrowed her eyes at him before scoffing as she grabbed her folder. She stood, stiff-backed and her shoulders squared. "Don't call me missy and don't invade my personal space, Song Jae Rim," she said. "I apologize for coming into your room and now, I think I'll take my leave." She had her pride after all to think about and she wouldn't allow herself to be embarrassed. She knew she shouldn't have stayed up so late planning her class, it was making her forgetful of things, including her classroom, which, now that she thought about it, was right next to this one. She pinched the bridge of her nose in exasperation. "Ugh..."
Song Jae Rim 11 years ago
@Zinni Smirking with his back still turned to her he looked up at the ceiling then turned around after she smacked the papers on the podium. Calmly sipping his coffee he blinked unaffected by her demands on what he wanted. Sighing he walked back towards her taking a seat rolling it over to her till there was just enough space between them before he sat down placing his coffee on the podium. "I wanted to tell you that your in the wrong class room missy." he looked her straight in the eyes clasping his hands in his lap. "This is my advance positions class it was just assigned to me." he smiled leaning forward in the chair. "Now I highly doubt you came here for private lessons?" he whispered then leaned back in his chair chuckling.
Zinni 11 years ago
@Song Jae Rim She puffed out her cheeks at him. "I am perfectly relaxed," she said in almost a childish manner. She smacked the papers down onto her podium. "What did you want anyway?" she demanded, standing up and placing her hands on her hips. She rather disliked it when people seemed to think she was wound up all the time. She could be...relaxed and calm when she wanted too. It wasn't nearly as much as it should have been but she could. Occasionally. Maybe. She sat back down, crossing her arms. People might say she had a split personality problem, the way she could go from serious and unfriendly to childish.
Song Jae Rim 11 years ago
@Zinni He slid his free hand into his pocket as he looked at the woman who seemed to not have much to say or she simply did not wish to talk with him. He guessed from her actions she did not wish to speak with and be bothered as she sat back down focusing her attention on the papers she had in front of her. "Sorry if I disturbed you...Zinni, see you around." he smiled lightly then turned to make his leave but looked back at her as he did and shook his head chuckling. "You should learn to relax more." he said as he neared the door to exit her class.
Zinni 11 years ago
@Song Jae Rim Zinni briefly glanced up from the folder as the front door of her classroom was opened. While she didn't have the patience for an interruption she figured it would be beneficial to her reputation to play nice, though she wasn't going to be happy about it. With a soft sigh of what may have been agitation she stood. With a critical eye she analyzed him. An Intermediate Class teacher from the looks of it. This at least made her a little less...hostile. She didn't speak to teachers who taught the Basic Classes and she kept her interation with the teachers of Intermediate Classes to a minimum. Perhaps she should be a little more...polite. "Zinni," she said simply, grasping his hand in return and giving it a polite, short shake. She raised an eyebrow at him slightly before taking a seat back at her podium. She brushed her hair over her shoulder and set her eyes back on the papers before her. She didn't mean to be rude. She was a very organized person and liked to do things when they needed to be done. She hadn't forseen a visit from another teacher during her prepping hour.
Song Jae Rim 11 years ago
@Zinni Walking down the Advance Classes hallway Jae Rim whistled running his hand through his hair as he held a coffee mug in his other hand. Class hadn't started yet so he decided to walk around looking for anything to capture his interest. Nearing a class room that had the light on he entered peeking in seeing a teacher sitting down at the front of the class. Being new he chose to introduce himself to her incase he ever needed help with anything. Walking in he looked at her flashing a smile. "Hello just thought I should introduce myself." he smoothly said while his eyes wander over her body. A small smirk ghosted across his lips liking what he saw. "Song Jae Rim." he held his hand out for her to shake. "I teach AP positions not to far from your class actually." he smiled sipping his coffee keeping his eyes on hers.
Zinni 11 years ago
Zinni entered her empty classroom, a thick folder in hand. She glanced around her, making sure everything was...perfect, for a lack of a better word. She went to the front and sat down, crossing her legs as she dropped the folder onto the podium. This year showed a new crop of students. It wasn't surprising in the least. No one 'failed' her class and no one showed up to retake it. She had a record of teaching to near perfection. It wasn't hard really. She was a no nonsense person and it was how she ran her class. She gave her students an option. Stay and learn or leave like a coward. Though those who decided to leave, never really left. No one left her class. Those who were cowards she made the lowest form of a slave for their studies. She treated them as she had once been treated all those years ago. In this class they were made to feel like dirt and, if she wished so, even lesser than that. A smile curled on her lips as she opened the file and got herself up to date with her new students.


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kessjxng 9 years ago
clearing characters sorry, i'm leaving.
Back2School 10 years ago
Luhan is leaving.
Sadism 10 years ago
kris is leaving.
sxhunhan 10 years ago
Sehun is leaving.
Seyensay 10 years ago
Could you add actress Shida Mirai, please?
in10sify 10 years ago
Lay will be leaving.
I'm much too busy.
dirtyvibe 10 years ago
zelo's leaving
underground 10 years ago
daniel henney leaving.
i think you know why.
ebethqnguyen 10 years ago
Taeyeon is leaving. I've realized this type of roleplaying is not for me
nguyenl0ve 10 years ago
tia's leaving, i can never go on because of work sorry
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