⇒ Mall

Ann J 10 years ago
@Tiffany Ann let out a high pitched squeak when Tiffany grabbed her . She followed the other to the booth and slid in beside her. An noticed how secluded they were so she leaned over and gave tiffany a long kiss. When she pulled back she had a fork in her hand and quickly stuck a piece of chicken in .
Tiffany 10 years ago
@Ann J Tiffany snickered at how cheeky the younger girl was. With her free hand, she grabbed two forks before picking up the tray. Chuckling under her breath, she reached over and squeezed Ann's before leading the younger girl to a free table. It was far enough away from the crowded area so that the two could have a little fun if they wanted. Tiffany was in one of her playfully ed moods, and for that, she usually needed to be away from innocent eyes. "Sit next to me, Annie~" She put her tray down and pulled Ann into the booth with her.
Ann J 10 years ago
@Tiffany Ann nodded and held up her finger in a v. "two forks might be a good idea as well." she added smiling at the girl on the other side of the counter. Ann wrapped an arm around Tiffany and looked around the cafeteria. The seat she had previously been sitting at had already been taken by a mom and her kids. So ann looked for a table for them.
Tiffany 10 years ago
@Ann J Tiffany pouted at Ann, reaching over to poke her cheeks. "Chipmunk cheeks," she teased the younger girl, looking at the menu again before speaking to the cashier in front of her. "Can I get mandarin chicken and chow mein for here?" She turned to Ann to stick her tongue out.
Ann J 10 years ago
@Tiffany "Mandarin chicken and Chow mein." ann said without thinking about it. she smiled and looked innocently at tiffany. she popped another fry in . "Or whatever." ann giggled
Tiffany 10 years ago
@Ann J Already hungry, Tiffany ate some of her own fries, having drenched them in ketchup, while she looked at the menu. She hummed in indecision while she debated which noodles to get before looking to Ann for help. "Which noodles do you think I should get? They all look so good.." She sighed, looking at Ann with a pouting face.
Ann J 10 years ago
@Tiffany "Ne of course unnie." Ann smiled and paid for their food. She waited with tiffany in line to get her noodles. As they waited Ann nibbled on her fries and looked around at the other food stalls.
Tiffany 10 years ago
@Ann J TIffany raised an eyebrow at the younger girl, sticking her tongue out. "Let them come, I'll handle them just fine." She poked Ann's cheek, very aware of the blush there and looked forward to the cashier, ordering the same and a milkshake. "When we get our food, let's go there." She pointed to the Panda Express. "I was serious about my noodles." She grinned.
Ann J 10 years ago
@Tiffany Ann giggled and followed her. When tiffany her lips ann blushed and had to look away from her. "Unnie if you keep your lips like that you're gonna attract all the s." ann teased. when it was her turn she ordered a large fry.
Tiffany 10 years ago
@Ann J Tiffany chuckled at Ann's joke, putting her sunglasses up on her head. "Fries?" She shrugged, "Sure, but only if we can get noodles too. That's what I've been craving." She took Ann by the hand and pulled her to a Backyard Burger stand right next to a stand for Panda Express. "Fries and noodles right next to each other. Sounds perfect." Tiffany her lips as she smiled at Ann before looking at the menu.
Ann J 10 years ago
@Tiffany "Oppa... no wait... i smell something beautiful. maybe.. its...Tiffany unnie?" ann joked and pulled tiffanys hands down. "Hey y." Ann pulled Tiffany closer and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. "Want some fries?" ann asked the older girl. "Im really craving fries."
Tiffany 10 years ago
@Ann J Tiffany strolled into the mall with a pair of sunglasses hiding her darting eyes as she looked for Ann. She smiled slyly when she noticed the petite figure sitting at a table in the food court. Walking up behind her, Tiffany leaned forward and covered Ann's eyes with her hands, pulling the younger girl's head back against Tiffany's s, "Guess who?" She sang with a grin on her face.
Ann J 10 years ago
Ann walked into the mall and looked round. She pulled out her phone to check the time. With five minutes left she made her way to the food court. She scanned the room to see if tiffany made it first. She made her way to a table in the center of the room and sat down.
Jaejoong 11 years ago
@Levy Tran Jaejoong groaned annoyed when suddenly something sat down on him and even screamed then like a . Opening his eyes, he growled lowly and looked at her coldly. "Shut the up ... it's a free country, I can lay where ever I want. And you are definitely blocking the sun, so move your ", he said calmly, but with a deep voice, before he closed his eyes again and hoped for the girl that she would just move. Right now he didn't really feel like dealing with a screaming girl which wasn't even able to look where she placed her .
Levy Tran 11 years ago
@Jaejoong Levy didn't realize how much stuff she bought. She was carrying at least 5 bags on each shoulder and was tired of all the running around. The mall wasn't that crowded and to be honest, she wasn't going to move out the way anyway. Shopping was fun, she had to admit, but not by yourself. Some of her hair coming out of her pony tail and her shorts were beginning to fall off her waist. Seeing a group of girls in front of a bench, she simply pushed him out the way and sat down. Feeling something rock hard under her, she screamed and looked down. "What kind of freak lays on a ing bench?!"
Jaejoong 11 years ago
@Levy Tran Jaejoong was seriously bored, otherwise he would have never made a single step into the mall. He had not even a clue what he actually wanted to do there now, since he was just sitting at one of the benches and watched the people passing by. Shopping had never really been anything he liked, way too tiring and annoying, since people around him were there to get into his way. Yawning a little, he stretched then his arms and rotated his shoulders, before he looked around once again, watching a few girls which were giggling and looking into his direction. Not again, he really got sick of it. Even in school they were staring at him and now even here in a public mall? What the hell was wrong with them?

Turning around, he just ignored them, not willing to give them any reason to walk over and suddenly talk with him. Not that they had anything interesting to say usually, most of the time was it the same lame they were talking about. Suddenly he then laid down on the bench, taking it for only himself and closing his eyes. Sure, a bench here was surely not meant to be used like that, but Jaejoong couldn't care less about it.
Hara 11 years ago
@Manato Hara eyed the person once more. Manato was quite handsome and well built. She felt a hand brush against her skirt on her backside, touching her . Hara raised any eyebrow and looked up at the male in front of her. "Last time I checked, you're not supposed to touch a stranger's . But I'll forgive you this once, since you're a fellow student," she gave the other a small smirk.
Manato 11 years ago
@Hara "I'm Manato." He said, casually reaching out to wipe some dust off of the girls skirt, which was on her back-side. He was the type of person who automatically memorized everyone's name after seeing their face. He examined the girl, and decided she was pretty good-looking.
Hara 11 years ago
@Manato Hara found the guy quite rude, as he didn't even helped her up. Deciding to stand up by herself, she slowly got up, dusting her skirt. "Yes, my name is Goo Hara. From Advanced Classes. And you are...?" Hara looked up and tilted her head. She might know the person's face, but she never bothered to know his name. She was not exactly good at remembering names of random strangers. That, or she just doesn't think she should be keeping each person's name in her mind.
Manato 11 years ago
@Hara He blinked, looking down at the girl he had just knocked over. "Sorry." He said bluntly, and he was about to walk away. But then she said something that caused him to say. "Uh... Yes. Who are you?" He asked, examining the girl. But just looking at her answered his question. She was also a student at the school. He vaguely remembered seeing her around. "Ah, you're a student too, right?" He racked his memory for her name. "Hmmmm.. Hara, right?"
Hara 11 years ago
@Manato As she was walking around, she suddenly collided with someone, sending her falling down on the ground. "...!" Hara hissed in pain as her bottom came in contact with the floor. She was about to yell at the person to watch where he was going when she looked up, stopping herself at the sight of a familiar face. "What the-- Wait... Aren't you a student in Kamini's Boarding School? Advanced Classes?" she asked, looking at the male from head to toe.
Manato 11 years ago
@Hara Manato had just arrived at the school, and decided he needed some new stuff to decorate his room, and himself. He bought mostly clothing for himself, glad he didn't have to worry about any of the restrictions his crazy mother set for him when it came to shopping. He even went into a "love" boutique and bought some 'toys'. What the hell, right? With the type of school he went to, it was normal to buy those types of things. He continued with his day, holding all the bags in his arms. He was busy reading the names of stores as he passed each one, that he didn't notice the girl until he collided with her.
Hara 11 years ago
@Manato Hara was free for the rest of the afternoon, so she decided to spend her time at the mall. It has been a long time since she's had a me-time, and now that she finally has some free time, why not go out right now? She walked around the mall, occasionally going in the boutiques, buying some items for herself here and there to reward herself for her hard work at school.


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kessjxng 10 years ago
clearing characters sorry, i'm leaving.
Back2School 10 years ago
Luhan is leaving.
Sadism 10 years ago
kris is leaving.
sxhunhan 10 years ago
Sehun is leaving.
Seyensay 10 years ago
Could you add actress Shida Mirai, please?
in10sify 10 years ago
Lay will be leaving.
I'm much too busy.
dirtyvibe 10 years ago
zelo's leaving
underground 10 years ago
daniel henney leaving.
i think you know why.
ebethqnguyen 10 years ago
Taeyeon is leaving. I've realized this type of roleplaying is not for me
nguyenl0ve 10 years ago
tia's leaving, i can never go on because of work sorry
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