⇒ Ice Cream Shop

Park Seul Ki 11 years ago
@Luhan Noticing someone walk in, she lifted her head and looked. It was a guy. Sh took a good look at him before turning her attention back to her ice cream. That's when she realized that the guy looked familiar. She furrowed her eyebrows and thought. He was really very familiar, and she felt as if she should go and greet him. "But what if I'm wrong? I'd end up looking weird." she muttered. She sighs.
Luhan 11 years ago
@Park Seul Ki From all the hard studies, Luhan needed a break and the break he was looking forward to. Havin ice cream! It was his favorite snack/food. He just couldn't live without it and he was like a kid who loves ice cream. Walking into the store, he stood by the counter where the huge selection was and kept on thinking what he should get since that was always the only hard part.
Park Seul Ki 11 years ago
@Luhan The ice cream shop was Seulki's favorite place. She always goes here during the days that she craved for ice cream. Today was one of those days. She walked to the counter and dmiled as she pointed at her favorite ice cream flavor, pistacchio, ordering two scoops. She sat down at a table and looked around.
Zinni 11 years ago
@Head Master Yunho She blushed as she looked at him before calmly returning to eat her ice cream. She didn't want it to melt afterall. She took a bite, on her spoon to get the chocolate sauce off. She regarded the man in front of her curiously, trying to figure him out. She didn't take him for the ice cream eating type. He looked like he worked out but at the same time he seemed to be enjoying the ice cream as much as she was. For a couple more seconds she on her spoon, her eyes roaming his face before she pulled the spoon from with a pop and stuck it back into her ice cream.
Dean Yunho 11 years ago
@Zinni "I'm happy to hear that." He takes a bite out of his ice cream and moans in delight at the taste of it. Ever since he was kid, Yunho always enjoyed to eat ice cream. It was one of his favorite desserts besides from chocolate chip cookies, brownies, and cake. Sometimes he would just treat himself to having sweets in the afternoon or at night. Then to shed a couple of pounds he'll go to the gym or do a few workouts at his dorm back at the academy. "I figured you would and you don't need to sound all nervous around me. I'm a very nice person you know, easy to get along with, just as long as you don't piss me off." He takes another bite from the ice cream.
Zinni 11 years ago
@Head Master Yunho Zinni looked at him, trying to register his question before smiling slightly. "It's the perfect place for me, Yunho-ssi," she said, choosing her words carefully. "The students are eager to learn just as much as I'm eager to teach." She poked her spoon around in her ice cream before taking another large bite. For the second time that day she blushed as he brought up her ice cream. "Y-Ye. I have a really big sweet tooth. Ice cream is my favorite through strawberries and whipped cream are a close second," she said softly. In the presence of a dean she became soft-spoken and almost shy, nothing like the brazen, demanding woman she showed in front of her classes. Perhaps it had to do with the level of authority.
Dean Yunho 11 years ago
@Zinni Yunho sat down in the seat across from her still keeping that warm and welcoming smile on his lips. He wonders why he never saw Zinni at Kamini before, maybe it was because he was busy with work lately. He hummed at the thought then decided to bring up a topic. He wanted to get to know this woman better since she was a teacher at the academy. "So Ms. Kim, how do you like it at Kamini?" he grabs his wrapper-covered spoon and peels the plastic off from it. Once it's freed he slides it out and scoops it into his ice cream to take a bite out from it. Yunho is tasting the sweet and cold taste of the ice cream he ordered. A bowl of chocolate and vanilla with sprinkles, bananas, and a cherry on top of it sat right in front of him. It's a lot to eat; he doesn't care. As long as his stomach is filled and he is chilled from the heat of the sun outside Yunho is happy. The dean then sees her large bowl of ice cream and chuckles. "You must really like ice cream Ms. Kim."
Zinni 11 years ago
@Head Master Yunho Zinni tilted her head, seeing a pair of legs from her hunched over view. She traveled up the legs till she came to a face. "Mwo? Ani, I don't mind," she said, taking her spoon from . She mentally winced at the use of her formal name. She didn't particularly like the name Jin-Hee. "Y-Ye, Yunho-ssi." She took his larger hand in her own, gently grasping it. "Please, call me Zinni." She gestured to the seat. "Please, sit." She took another big bite of her ice cream before realizing that she had probably looked like a pig the entire time as she indulged herself. She blushed darkly, looking around and realizing people had been staring at her oddly. She slumped down slightly in her seat, biting down on her bottom lip.
Dean Yunho 11 years ago
@Zinni Yunho's order came in 5 minutes and he paid the register lady. He looked around at the store for a moment and went over to the table where he saw the woman from earlier eating at. "Do you mind if I sit here?" he says to her kindly then pulls the chair out. He places his bowl on the table and bows his head to her. When he has a closer look on her face his grins widens. "Ah so that's why you're so familiar. You're Kim Jin-Hee or Zinni from Kamini. It's nice to finally meet you in person." He extends his hand out for a friendly handshake. "I'm Jung Yunho the dean at Kamini Boarding School. But I'm pretty sure you know that."
Zinni 11 years ago
@Head Master Yunho Zinni's eyes flickered over to the door as it opened. She tilted her head slightly, trying to figure where she'd seen the man entering before. With a shrug she turned back to her ice cream and smiled brightly. She had her spoon in as her phone went off. She quickly answered it. "Merro?" she mumbled before removing her spoon. "Hm? No, I have a free period. Yeah. Ice cream. Um...no, I'm downtown. I have to be back at Kamini in about an hour. Yep. The students have a test today. Um...just...a simple one, Mama. Yeah. Nothing important. Alright. Bye-Bye." She sighed softly. No one in her family knew what she taught. Thankfully, while her parents were loving, they were also stupid and hadn't bothered to check into the school. Shaking her head with a laugh she went back to eating her ice cream, humming softly as she drenched the ice cream in more chocolate sauce.
Dean Yunho 11 years ago
@Zinni During his lunch break, the dean was debating between going to the mall's food court and buying some McDonald's there or to the new Baskin Robbins that opened up across the street from the city's park. He sat inside of his car starting to slow down at the mall until he decided to head for ice cream instead. After all it was quite hot and just eating greasy fast food would make him even more hotter. Not to mention the calories. He chuckled at himself; thinking that he was some kind of dieter and drove to Baskin Robbins. He parked in front of the small ice cream shop, put ten quarters into the parking toll. Yunho went inside and the first thing he saw was a woman eating away to a large pile of ice cream in a bowl. He blinks at her crazily then goes up to the counter. However she reminds him of someone. Possibly a teacher at Kamini maybe. He shrugs inwardly and orders for a bowl of chocolate and vanilla with sprinkles, bananas, and a cherry on top of it. Yunho likes to eat cherries. They're sweet yet tart.
Zinni 11 years ago
@Head Master Yunho Zinni was nearly bursting with excitement, on the inside of course. Anyone who looked at her as she got out of her car would see a stoic, expressionless woman with cold eyes. In her head she was bouncing around like a hyperactive child and it only got worse once she set eyes on the new Ice Cream Shop she had heard so much about. Unbeknownst to many people Zinni had the biggest sweet tooth anyone could hope to see. And ice cream happened to be her favorite. She grabbed her purse and hurried inside, her ryes lighting up with glee as she looked around her. With child-like anticipation she ordered a grande sundae with vanilla and strawberry ice cream, chocolate sauce, Reeses bits, and gummy worms. And whipped cream. A table of men stared at her with disbelief and awe as she carried the large bowl to a small table by the window. She had paid a hefty sum for her treat and, thankfully, she had a free period which meant an hour all to herself to eat it. And even if she didn't finish...she'd just eat it in class as she watched her students take their test. She got comfortable in her seat and scooped up a generous spoonful of ice cream before popping it into , letting out a muffled squeal of delight as she did so.


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kessjxng 9 years ago
clearing characters sorry, i'm leaving.
Back2School 10 years ago
Luhan is leaving.
Sadism 10 years ago
kris is leaving.
sxhunhan 10 years ago
Sehun is leaving.
Seyensay 10 years ago
Could you add actress Shida Mirai, please?
in10sify 10 years ago
Lay will be leaving.
I'm much too busy.
dirtyvibe 10 years ago
zelo's leaving
underground 10 years ago
daniel henney leaving.
i think you know why.
ebethqnguyen 10 years ago
Taeyeon is leaving. I've realized this type of roleplaying is not for me
nguyenl0ve 10 years ago
tia's leaving, i can never go on because of work sorry
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