⇒ Cafe

Park Seul Ki 11 years ago
@Jaejoong "Well, it's not everyday I get caught staring at people-- no that I always do it but... I guess I was shocked and..." she stopped her babbling when she saw him ordering another coffee. "You sure like coffee," she can't help but comment.
Jaejoong 11 years ago
@Park Seul Ki "And? Was it that hard to say the truth?", he asked then and plopped down right next to her on a seat, not looking at her though. Winking to the barista, he ordered himself another coffee.
Park Seul Ki 11 years ago
@Jaejoong "Okay, fine. I was staring at you because I found you goodlooking," she sighs and shrugs, looking up at him. "Sorry."
Jaejoong 11 years ago
@Park Seul Ki "Really... do you think I'm dumb and wouldn't notice it?", he replied and sighed a little annoyed. Not that he actually was minding if she watched him, he just hated it when girls were lying then and not admitting it.
Park Seul Ki 11 years ago
@Jaejoong "Well.... I um... W-wasn't...?" she tries to say, but it came out a question. She was also trying to be as calm as possible but the way the man just stood there was really intimidating.
Jaejoong 11 years ago
@Park Seul Ki "That's not the answer to my question", he just spoke, still calmly and with a deep voice. Standing there, he waited that he would continue talking, not really caring if he scared her right now.
Park Seul Ki 11 years ago
@Jaejoong She was surprised at the man's sudden action and almost choked on her coffee. She gaped at him in shock for a moment and started to reply, but all that came out was a hoarse, "I'm sorry?"
Jaejoong 11 years ago
@Park Seul Ki It didn't take long till his coffee came, but after he even finished that and had seen how many times that girl looked at him, he suddenly got up. Without even hesitating, he walked over to her and stopped right in front of her table. "Any reason why you are staring at me?", he asked, his voice calm and low.
Park Seul Ki 11 years ago
@Jaejoong She takes her phone, deciding to play with it to pass some time, when she hears someone calling out for another drink. She turns to look at the person who called. "Whoa. He sure likes coffee," she says to herself as she starts playing a game of slicing fruits.
Jaejoong 11 years ago
@Park Seul Ki Jaejoong continued to drink his coffee and looked bored around, watching a few people, but soon he needed to yawn and closed for a short time his eyes. Actually should the coffee make him fitter again, but it rather seemed like it was making him sleepy right now. Growling lowly, he finished the coffee then and leaned even more back. "Hey, bring me another one!", he called to the barista which just passed by and she nodded a little.
Park Seul Ki 11 years ago
@Jaejoong She was staring for quite sometime until he looked her way with a cold face. She turns away and pouts. "What a meanie~" she mutters as she takes another sip of her drink. Shr decides not to look at him anymore and looks around the cafe. Although, yes, she promised herself not to look his way anymore, she can't help but sneak a quick peek over at him.
Jaejoong 11 years ago
@Park Seul Ki Sitting there bored was Jaejoong more playing with his coffee than really drinking it. He didn't even have a clue why he came here, actually he should have known that usually nothing interesting happened here, but well, not he was here and should try to make the best out of it. Yawning a little, he already noticed a girl which was staring at him, but he didn't really make any reaction to it. Should she stare as much as she wanted, it wasn't like it would change anything. Looking at her once shortly, he just showed her a cold but calm look, like he was giving to everyone.
Park Seul Ki 11 years ago
@Jaejoong Seulki smiles as she walks in the cafe. She walks up to the counter and orders an iced americano with lots of whipped cream. She waited for a while for her order and smiled when it was served. "Mmm~" she looks around and found a good-looking guy. Being the crazy person she was, she keeps staring at him from time to time, half hoping he would notice her and half hoping he wouldn't.
Stephanie Ly 11 years ago
@Manato Stephanie smirked and watched her sweater fall to the floor. She moaned as he kissed her collar bone and she shivered when his arms moved around her body everywhere and anywhere they could reach. She blushed and bit her lip as she watched the bra go on top of the toilet seat when Manato set it there. Stephanie looked at him and then grinded against his . "I would you to me so bad baby...." She whispered.
Manato 11 years ago
@Stephanie Ly "." He cursed under his breathe, and pushed her shirt up. He brought his kisses down to her now bare collarbone, moving his arms around her body, so he could unhook her bra. He quickly pulled it off, setting it on the toilet seat. He then turned back to her, his lip sensually.
Stephanie Ly 11 years ago
@Manato Stephanie let out more soft moans as he continued to kiss and her neck, as well as massage her . "M-Manato..." She whispered and squirmed under him. "Oppaaaa~" She moaned out and rubbed his clothes
Manato 11 years ago
@Stephanie Ly He brought a his hands under her shirt, moving up her lean stomach. He went to cup her s, only covered by her lacy bra. He massaged her s in his hand, while he kissed and her neck. He loved the way she squirmed against him, and the little moans she let out.
Stephanie Ly 11 years ago
Stephanie let out a moan and she whimpered lightly. "But oppa...." She whispered and bit her lip as he pressed her up to the door of the stall. A moan escaped her lips when he grinded against her. She moaned softly and whimpered as he kissed, , and bit her neck as his erected rub against her .
Manato 11 years ago
@Stephanie Ly That was all he needed. "Then you should try to keep quiet, huh?" He spoke against her lips, groaning quietly when she grinded against his body. He pressed her up to the door of the stall, grinding his hips into hers. He brought his kisses down to her neck, and biting. He felt his hardening inside his jeans, rubbing against her clothed .
Stephanie Ly 11 years ago
@Manato Stephanie shook her head while wrapping her arms around his neck in the process. "Still....Somebody could hear us," She said and looked around. "And its to small!" She whined and then let out a low moan as he gently nipped her bottom lip. "I always love being punished by you..." Stephanie whispered and twirled her tongue around his tongue as his swirled around hers. Another low moan came out of her and she grinded against him. "Punish me honeybee." She whispered.
Manato 11 years ago
@Stephanie Ly "Sure we can. It's been done before. We certainly can't do it out there. This way, we at least have 'some' privacy." He brought his hands to her hips, pulling her closer to his body. "It wasn't nice of you to tease me like that." He whispered to her, gently nipping her bottom lip. "I think you deserve to be punished." He slowly slid his tongue in , swirling it around hers. He trailed one of his hands up her arm, then down her torso, slowly rubbing over her .
Stephanie Ly 11 years ago
@Manato Stephanie let a low, soft moan escaped her lips when he squeezed her and she ran her fingers through his hair. She twirled her tongue around his but then a whimpered when he pulled away. She watched him, then realized where he was going and quickly followed him, smirking and blushing. Stephanie lowly yelped when he pulled her in and blinked, seeing they were in a stall. "Yah, we can't have in a stall." She whispered.
Manato 11 years ago
@Stephanie Ly He gave her one last, final squeeze. He kissed her back passionately, gently knotting his fingers in her hair. After releasing her, he stood up and strides towards the bathrooms, knowing she was following behind him. He casually walked into the bathrooms, not caring whether it was girls or boys. He quickly made sure no one was in there, then grabbed her hand, pulling her into a stall with him.
Stephanie Ly 11 years ago
@Manato Stephanie shivered a little bit when she felt his hot breath on her ear when he whispered into it. She bit her lip and looked at him, then hit his arm. "We'll be able to if you get your hands off of my ." Stephanie whispered in his ear and kissed him deeply.
Manato 11 years ago
@Stephanie Ly "What?" He whispered in her ear, in a breathy tone. "I think we need to use the bathroom." He murmured, gently biting down on her ear lobe. He brought his hands down to her hips, then went to cover her , squeezing lightly.
Stephanie Ly 11 years ago
@Manato Stephanie let out a small, low gasp as she felt his hand up her back but inside of her shirt this time. She blushed and looked down, then started to realize that the back of her sweater was lifted up. Her blush only got deeper as she saw people staring at the two. "Yah..." She said softly and pushed his hand down so her blue, lace bra-the back of it-wasn't showing to anybody.
Manato 11 years ago
@Stephanie Ly "I think that's a good idea." He murmured, bringing his hands back up her back, except, inside her shirt this time. He made small patterns with his fingertips, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind. He could easily see people staring at them, giving them dirty looks because of the major PDA happening. He simply sent them a smirk and a teasing wink, causing them to look away quickly.
Stephanie Ly 11 years ago
Stephanie smirked at his groan and she smirked. "To tease you. I like seeing you teased~" She whispered and smirked. She let out a low hum as he slowly trailed his fingertips down her spine. "Maybe we could, go in one of the bathrooms here?" She whispered and rubbed his again, but only a little faster.
Manato 11 years ago
@Stephanie Ly Manato groaned softly, feeling her hand rubbing against his . He smirked lightly, feeling on his earlobe. "Why take so long in choosing an outfit if they're just going to be taken off in the end?" He whispered in her ear, since she was so close. He realized they were in a public place, but he didn't really care at the moment. He brought his hand to her back, slowly trailing his fingertips down her spine, becoming annoyed with the fabric that kept him from her milky skin.
Stephanie Ly 11 years ago
@Manato Stephanie giggled and ruffled his hair. "We have out reasons. And I took long because I wanted to do something with you." She said and then took her hand and rubbed his clothed . She smirked and nibbled lightly on his earlobe. "Wouldn't you want to make sure you're perfect to go outside if you were going to do some naughty things with somebody?" Stephanie asked and smirked.


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kessjxng 9 years ago
clearing characters sorry, i'm leaving.
Back2School 10 years ago
Luhan is leaving.
Sadism 10 years ago
kris is leaving.
sxhunhan 10 years ago
Sehun is leaving.
Seyensay 10 years ago
Could you add actress Shida Mirai, please?
in10sify 10 years ago
Lay will be leaving.
I'm much too busy.
dirtyvibe 10 years ago
zelo's leaving
underground 10 years ago
daniel henney leaving.
i think you know why.
ebethqnguyen 10 years ago
Taeyeon is leaving. I've realized this type of roleplaying is not for me
nguyenl0ve 10 years ago
tia's leaving, i can never go on because of work sorry
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