Room 500: Dean Jihoon's Room

knock before entering

Zinni 11 years ago
{Oh dear, sorry for it being so short. I mostly reply on my ipod and it looks longer on there than it really is.}
Zinni 11 years ago
@Dean Jihoon Zinni tried to remain calm, really she did. She breathed deeply, she thought calm thoughts, but still she wanted to make him sorry. She wanted to make him beg. Because of her mental thinking she hadn't noticed him walk away until he began talking. So he was set on breaking her, huh? Her eyes narrowed as he turned back around, a cattle prod in his hand. Of yes, she was quite familiar with those. Very familiar as they happened to be one of the methods of torture she enjoyed using on her students who craved pain. And now it looked like he was going to use it on her. Damn it. She scowled crossly at him before neutralizing her expression. She wasn't going to show anything that might give her away, though she was looking at the prod rather intently. Secretly she was curious about it.
Dean Jihoon [A] 11 years ago
@Zinni Jihoon could see how much he was actually pushing her buttons, and he had to admit, it was entertaining, especially since he could see she wanted to scream everything in her head at him all at once, but the gag made that kind of difficult to do, he imagined. When her flesh was revealed along with her bra, Jihoon immediately stepped back before turning so his back was to her, "You're not broken yet?" He asked, digging through drawers by his bed, "That's quite all right. I was hoping you were stronger than that. I always like a little more fight than others," Jihoon then turned back to her with a threatening-looking cattle prod in his hand, "It's all the more fun when they finally submit." Waving it around in his hand, Jihoon approached her, "I'm assuming that, in your line of work, you're already familiar with this item?" Jihoon knew that Zinni must work with these occasionally. She was so set on being the punishment queen. The cattle prod was a painful, electrical instrument that was one of Jihoon's favorite torture methods.
Zinni 11 years ago
@Dean Jihoon {That's quite alright. I know how you feel. I personally hate playing catch up.}
Though she should have expected it she was still shocked as her head jerked to the side from the force of his slap. The sound echoed slightly in the large room and when she turned back to look at him her eyes were hard and cold. Sir? He wanted to be addressed as sir? She was tempted to tell him where he could shove his sir until she remembered the gag ball impeding her speech. Her chest heaved with pent up anger which only expanded when he began talking to her. No matter how angry she got, however, he was still her boss, which meant she was barred from doing something drastic. She forced down her icy shout of irritation when he ripped her shirt in two. She made a mental note to avoid him at all costs after this. Stupid bastard...that had been her most-liked shirt. . She let out a soft sigh around her gag and simply stared at him, slightly quirking an eyebrow. Damn, her face hurt. Even moving made it sting.
Dean Jihoon [A] 11 years ago
@Zinni [AH! Sorry for the late reply /is playing catch up and it's hard as .]
Jihoon only stared at her for a minute, not saying a word when she shrugged. Her attitude was becoming even more annoying for Jihoon, and he was so ready to teach her the meaning of punishment, but first, he wanted to torture her. Torture her so much that her entire body would be sore for days-if not weeks. If a student or teacher interrupted his work in his office, the punishment would be severe enough. But, to bother him in his own room? This girl either had to be stupid, or the biggest pain Jihoon had ever dealt with, because she had made the irreversable mistake of coming to his door and wasting his time. As he thought about all of this, his anger was building. So much that his hands balled into fists. When she muttered her reply, it reeked of sarcasm and attitude, and Jihoon gave her face a rough slap, leaving the start of a nice, pink mark in the shape of his large hand, one that nearly covered the entire side of her face.
"You will address me as 'sir'. You will say 'yes sir' and 'no sir'. I can't believe I'm having to teach you simple manners, Zinni." Jihoon clicked his tongue against his teeth several times, "Apparently, you've never had to deal with anyone like me. You'll find out that, unlike your obedient little students, I'm not a little ing . And I will make it my personal mission to make your life a living hell with me." With that said, Jihoon grasped her her top at the neckline, and easily tore it into two shreds, exposing her milky flesh and her bra without hesitation.
Zinni 11 years ago
@Dean Jihoon This guy was just asking for her foot up his... Her eyes narrowed angrily as he placed the gag in , securing it tightly. While she couldn't say it, her eyes screamed for him to off. She nearly thought about acting like she wasn't paying attention to him, but in truth...he was rather intimidating, especially when he looked at her like that. Punishment? Oh hell no. She was the one who doled out punishments! She...Her body shuddered as his fingers rubbed against her , pushing the fabric of her against it. Her cheeks turned a dull red, from anger and that brief spike of pleasure that had gone through her. As she listened to him, she had to keep from shuddering. If he was really going to do as he said she wouldn't be able to sit down in front of her class for a couple of days to a week perhaps. Yelping around her gag she glared at him as he slapped her sensitive flesh. She made a small noise of irritation as well as he grabbed her face, easily bruising her cheeks. Now she'd have to wear makeup to hide it from the nosey eyes of her students. Great. He was just full of demands. Now she couldn't even without permission. This part didn't bother her much as she had done the same in her classes, but it still irked her to the point that she rolled her eyes. Fine, believe what you want, she thought. I'm not anyone's . Though she was beginning to have slight doubts now that she looked at him carefully. Just to be a smartass she pretended to think about it before giving a slight shrug. "Mmever," she muttered around the gag before flinching as she thought about what her actions would bring about so she looked him back in the eyes and nodded.
Dean Jihoon [A] 11 years ago
@Zinni Jihoon only watched for several seconds. It was after those seconds that he realized she was talking. "I almost forgot," he mumbled as he went to the wall where all of the toys were. He picked out a pink ball gag and came back to secure it tightly in . "Now, that should teach you to shut the up." Jihoon took a step back, crossing his arms. "See, Zinni, you interrupted me in my own room. So, as your boss, there's only one thing to do. Punishment." He let a devious smirk cross over his lips as he said it, before continuing. "I'm going to you so hard that this little ," as he said the word, Jihoon rubbed against her clothed with his large and powerful hand, "is going to be ing sore. And then, I'm going to your little until it's all stretched out and open for me." He gave her clothed mound a rough slap before he grabbed her face and pulled it closer to his with enough strength to leave faint bruises on her cheeks, "And on top of that, if you ing without asking me, I will make you wish you were dead. Because in here, you belong to me. That is mine. That is mine. Your entire body belongs to me. You /will/ be my little . And you will do exactly what I say. Is that crystal ing clear?" His voice was edgy and rough when he said it, glaring into Zinni's eyes and waiting for a nod.
Zinni 11 years ago
@Dean Jihoon Something wasn't quite right. She couldn't really put her finger on it though. She had gotten maybe one...two steps away at the most before she remembered what it was. , she managed to think before a large hand grabbed her by her hair, fingers tangling into it until it was balled nearly like a knot. Way to go Zinni, was her next thought before she was jerked back. The air was almost knocked from her lungs as she collided back against his chest. She could feel the water from his shower soaking into the back of her shirt. Damn, this was my favorite shirt, she mentally sighed.
And now I've ed up. You just can't watch your temper, can you? She winced as she was dragged backwards, her hands going up to grasp the bottom of her hair to keep it from being pulled out by the roots from his tugging.
Due to her mental thinking, which happened more often than not, she completely missed out on his mini rant before she found herself being dragged once more and tossed rather carelessly into a room, which she guessed was his bedroom. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes but couldn't quite keep the irritated sneer from tilting her lips just a bit.
What was with this guy and her hair!? Before she could get a bearing of her surroundings he had her by the hair again and was dragging her. She had enough time to eye the spreader bar before she was on it, her body being strapped to it while being completely open to the man before her.
This time she heard his next words. "Dunno. Why don't you let me tie you up like this and see if it feels peachy?" she said calmly, testing her weight on each restraint. While it wasn't particularly comfortable, it didn't make her uncomfortable though standing on one leg was an irritant in itself.
{Don't worry~ I'm use to you being carried away. It's what I've grown to love about you~ And I understood perfectly. :3}
Dean Jihoon [A] 11 years ago
@Zinni Jihoon was livid pissed now. The had interrupted him in his own room, and now she was being a sarcastic little girl. If there was one thing Jihoon hated over everything else, it was not being respectable to authority. Jihoon let her go on, even though in his mind he was choking her, he wanted plenty of reason to teach the little a lesson when she was done. His facial expression never changed, not even when she turned to leave. She got maybe two steps away before Jihoon snapped. Snatching her hair and tangling it all into a fist, he jerked her entire body back with force.
"You ed up, Zinni." He growled against her ear, dragging her backwards by her hair until they were back into his room. Jihoon kicked the door shut, then locked it with his free hand.
"See, I'm not one of your little ing students. I don't give a who you think you are, you're not going to ing talk to me like you have." With that said, Jihoon dragged her to the bedroom and tossed her inside the room filled with restraints hanging from the ceiling, cages, machines, and a wall full of toys and torturing devices.
"Now, you're going to ing learn who you should respect in this place." He growled, picking her up from the floor by her hair and dragging her to the center of the room, where a spreader bar hung from a chain. Instead of using the spreader for just her wrists, he realized it would be much more interesting to secure both wrists on to one side of the restraint, and secure one ankle in to the other, that way one of her legs was straight up in the air, and she would have a hard time standing on the other by itself. Also, her body would be completely open to him. So that's exactly what he did.
Once he was done, Jihoon stepped back and looked at the girl all tangled in the restraints.
"There. Doesn't that feel peachy?" He asked, his voice coming off as a growl, his eyes lured to her open legs, and the little black thong that wasn't doing a great job at covering her body, maybe because one of her milky legs was against her chest, and parallel with her hands in the opposite restraint, keeping her body open.
[oops.. I got carried away xD Ihope you understand what I meant by that xD]
Zinni 11 years ago
@Dean Jihoon Zinni raised an eyebrow slightly as the door was opened and the Dean stood befor her. Someone looked grumpy. She rolled her eyes mentally as he spoke to her. "Well, excuse me then. Let me go find the person who told me differently and give them a very stern talking too. Would that make you feel better? In fact why don't I just leave now and pretend I never saw you and leave a nice little sticky note on your office door. Oh! And I might just add a little smiley face and an apology while I'm at it." Her tone wasn't just laced, it was drenched with sarcasm and tiny bits of irritation. Now she knew she had no reason to speak in such a way, really she should've just apologized and gone on her way, but the way this man had presented himself irked her. At least the teacher side of her that didn't allow such talk in her presence. With Zinni she was constantly in teacher mode and she was use to being spoken to in a certain way. Even when she realized just exactly who she was speaking too, she didn't lower her already ruffled 'feathers'. She crossed her arms. " I don't even remember why I bothered coming here? I'll be leaving now. Be happy, okay?" she snorted, feeling a huge need for a frappucino coming on. She turned her back to him, thought briefly on how to find her way back before she began to walk away from him. He no longer mattered so she was fine with pretending he didn't exist in that moment.
Dean Jihoon [A] 11 years ago
@Zinni Jihoon had left his office early. Why? Because he needed some time to himself. Sure, ing every teacher and student that entered was great and all, but he just wanted nothing more than to be alone for a few hours. Now, here he was. The hot water of the shower poured over his body, dousing him with the liquid calming-agent. Steam filled the room, clouding and creating thick condensation on the mirrors of the bathroom. As he showered, he tilted his head back, running a hand through his sopping wet hair. He had a lot on his plate, and it had turned into a splitting headache. Thank god the water was washing it away, and had been doing so for the past five minutes. Finally, Jihoon decided to get out. Pushing on the glass door, the man stepped out of the shower and wrapped a pristine, white towel loosely around his waist, his adonis belt clearly visible. Jihoon started for his kitchen, wanting nothing more than a nice glass of wine to calm himself, when he heard a knock at his door, and a woman's voice. Can I not get a single moment of ing peace? He thought to himself as he approached the door. He jerked the door open, only to find Zinni, one of the teachers, behind it. Jihoon wasn't at all ashamed of his sopping wet body, so he made no effort to even tighten the towel. Instead, the man leaned against the doorframe, with his eyebrow raised.
"If a dean isn't in his office, you leave him a sticky note on the door. You don't come to his room looking for him," he said bluntly.
Zinni 11 years ago
This was completely unethical. After wandering around the school she had yet to find the Dean she was looking for. Yunho had been preoccupied and Zinni had been informed that perhaps Dean Jihoon could be located in his dorm room. She gave a brief shudder as she walked down the hallway. She hated going to people's rooms. It seemed so...different that having to talk to them in a classroom. It was a lack of people, she realized. She liked talking in a full space with other people. This...this was someone's room meaning just herself and him. Before she even reached the door she made up her mind to stay just within the threshold. Besides what she had to say wouldn't take long. She wanted to introduce herself to the Dean, speak to him about class schedules and then go about her merry freakin business. Coming to the door she paused for a split second before raising her hand and knocking gently. "Dean-ssi," she said, trying to keep from being impatient. That was allowed with the students when she wasn't answered quickly enough, not with someone who basically controlled how she did things and could fire her at a moments notice.


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kessjxng 9 years ago
clearing characters sorry, i'm leaving.
Back2School 10 years ago
Luhan is leaving.
Sadism 10 years ago
kris is leaving.
sxhunhan 10 years ago
Sehun is leaving.
Seyensay 10 years ago
Could you add actress Shida Mirai, please?
in10sify 10 years ago
Lay will be leaving.
I'm much too busy.
dirtyvibe 10 years ago
zelo's leaving
underground 10 years ago
daniel henney leaving.
i think you know why.
ebethqnguyen 10 years ago
Taeyeon is leaving. I've realized this type of roleplaying is not for me
nguyenl0ve 10 years ago
tia's leaving, i can never go on because of work sorry
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