
Sehun 10 years ago
@Luhan Tears slid down his red cheeks even faster, if that was possible. Sehun let his head fall back against the door that was blocking him from getting to Luhan. He can just unlock the stall and they could talk it out, possibly make up. Yet he doesn't want to. The soft voice that was pleading him to come out made his heart throb painfully. He didn't deserve Luhan. The elder was too good for him, and deserved someone better, Sehun thought sadly, weeping more quietly now. "You don't deserve to live, Oh Sehun." he hissed to himself, forgetting that Luhan was just outside.
Luhan 10 years ago
@Sehun "Sehun.. Please come out. I know you're crying.." Luhan said as he leaned against the stall door. "I miss you.... Don't y-you.. miss m-me?" he asked in a soft voice as it echoed in the quiet bathroom. "Let's talk this out.. I'm sorry for not listening to you earlier." he finally said while biting his lip, trying not to let any tears fall down from his eyes. "Pl-please.." he pleaded as he got onto his knees in front f the stall.
Sehun 10 years ago
@Luhan Sehun felt tears filling his eyes at the mention of Luhan doing it with someone else, and the fact that Luhan could easily get someone wrapped around his fingers with his beauty made it even worse. The younger pulled his knees to his chest, letting out a small sob as everything seem to come back to hit him like a brick. He buried his head into is hands, trying to muffle his cries, but seemed to fail.
Luhan 10 years ago
@Sehun Luhan just stood there after awhile and sighed, leaving the cup on the sink of the bathroom before leaning onto the door of the stall where Sehun was it. "Okay. If you don't come out, I'll have with someone right in here so you would have to listen to me someone else's name. Do you want that! Just come out!" he said while kickin the door.
Sehun 10 years ago
@Luhan After retching for what seemed like the nth time, Sehun cried out again, feeling as if his throat and stomach is on fire. H2 leaned back on the door, shaking his head, even though he knew Luhan won't see it. "Don't mind me, Luhan. Go have fun.. with someone else." he finished bitterly, closing his eyes, and holding his stomach, the pain getting unbearable.
Luhan 10 years ago
@Sehun Luhan finally reached the bathroom and tightened his grip on the cup. He sighed as he walked inside, bending over to check which stall Sehun was in. When he found a pair of legs, he quickly knocked on the stall. "Sehun! Open the door! I'll take you home.. Please?" he asked while biting his lip.
Sehun 10 years ago
@Luhan Locking the stall behind him, Sehun immediately doubled over and vomited in the toilet bowl, feeling weak and queasy. He clutched onto his stomach, crying out in pain everytime he lurched over and puked.
Luhan 10 years ago
@Sehun Luhan just watched his ex-boyfriend in a poor condition, he sighed as he tried to follow him through the crowd, bumping into some people dancing and grabbing him to ask him to join them but that wasn't on his mind right now. He would just smile and reject the offer as he tried to follow Sehun to wherever he went to with the glass of water in his hand. He was getting worried, he bit his lower lip while pushing away few people to make a way to get out from the large crowd.
Sehun 10 years ago
@Luhan Sehun's eyes landed on a familiar face, but he couldn't point out who. He saw the bartender from his peripheral vision, bringing the actual drink to him, which he downed before turning away, the boy in front of him reminding him of Luhan. Letting out another tears, Sehun turned around and stumbled his way through the crowd, tripping at times, to the bathroom, when he felt bile slowly climb his throat.
Luhan 10 years ago
@Sehun Luhan frowned as he heard Sehun's yelling, grabbing his cup of water before standing up to walk over to where his ex-boyfriend is. "What are you doing?" he softly asked, still holding onto the cup with his curves showing his tight pants and attractive make-up. "Why are you here?" he asked again.
Sehun 10 years ago
@Luhan Sehun was about to fall asleep, feeling exhaustion weighing down on him, when the bartender tapped him on the shoulder and slid down a cup in his direction. Mind not working properly, Sehun took the glass immediately and downed it, scowling when a dull taste met his tongue. He hissed at the bartender. "Yah. I paid good money for my drink. Where is it?!" he yelled, tear marks on his face, forgotten that they were there as he glared at the bartender.
Luhan 10 years ago
@Sehun Luhan smiled and thanked the bartender who brought his glass of water while bowing his head at him. He could feel the chills running down his spine as the bartender gives him weird and creepy looks but he ignored it. He turned around to find his friends before his eyes landed on someone that he shouldn't have met tonight, at the bar. Oh Sehun, again. He stared and watched to figure out how he was until he took the untouched glass of water and talked to the bartender in Chinese to make him give the water to Sehun. He just ordered another cup of water to the same bartender that gave him weird looks with a smile, still sitting down beside Sehun with some distance, waiting for his water again.
Sehun 10 years ago
@Luhan "I can't get you more drinks. You're already smashed." The bartender tried reasoning with Sehun, but Sehun wouldn't take any of it, sliding his money across the bar. The bartender sighed in defeat and prepared the drink, leaving Sehun to let his head fall into his forearms, wondering why he was here. He then heard a familiar voice, and he shook his head, thinking he'd imagined it. As if a brick hit him with the reason why he was here, Sehun felt tears forming in his tear ducts again, clutching the edge of the bar to prevent himself from falling. The pain was getting almost too unbearable.
Luhan 10 years ago
@Sehun "I don't want to go." Luhan said while wearing tight leather pants, a red trouser with a thin sweater on top of it that goes until his elbows and with eye-liner on to make his wide eyes even more attractive. "Luhan. You need to get your mind off of Sehun and start new! Now, come on hottie!" one of his friends said while ruffling his messy golden/orange hair. Luhan sighed as their small group of friends walked into the bar, immediately taking a seat on the bar, leaning his back to it as his friends went to the dance floor to fin their new 'playmate' for the night. The bartender came up to ask what he would like and he just shook his head with a small smile. "Water please." he said since he wasn't good with any alcohols and he patiently waited the bartender to bring his glass of water.
Sehun 10 years ago
@Luhan Downing his nth shot, Sehun ordered another mix of Everclear and Absinthe. Those two seperately were the strongest alcohols in the world, and it seems to be doing great for the young Korean boy, who was trying to drink away hs sadness. He couldn't bear the pain that's throbbing in his heart every time he thinks about his stupid actions and the consequences he;s facing right now because of it. The bartender only stared at him with a pitying look, knowing all too well why he came here.
Jiyeon 11 years ago
@Jaejoong A small smirk danced on Jiyeon's lips as she heard the first growl leave Jaejoong's mouth and moved her gaze up his body to his face and continued to bob her head and as hard as she could. 'Go on baby' she heard, causing her to slightly get excited. She could use different techniques that she knew. After that, Jiyeon started to slightly graze her teeth on his as she bobbed her head, continuing to him. Soon, Jiyeon pulled away and panted slightly, and moved her head down, starting to on his balls, slowly stroking him with his hand and lightly moaned to send vibrations up. This technique was her favorite because it usually got all of the men excited. After a while of doing that, Jiyeon then moved back up and started to on his once again like it was her favorite lollipop. She then moved her free hand up his thigh and started to massage his balls with her fingers as she him, still to send vibrations and grazed her teeth on him.
Jaejoong 11 years ago
@Jiyeon Jaejoong smirked and watched each single move she did. when she finally removed the annoying clothes which were only disturbing them, he grinned even more and wondered, if she even had experience in it. Guessing that she had, after all wouldn't she otherwise accept the fact that he wanted this from her, he decided to just enjoy it as much as possible. a low growl left his throat when she started to on it, well she seemed to be not that bad in it, but he could tell that she hadn't done this for a while now. Well, nothing that he would complain about it, she was still better then a lot of girls he had. As a guy, Jaejoong almost never moaned or anything, the only sound which came from him were soft growls or sighs, while he enjoyed her most cavern around his manhood. Reaching then forward, he grabbed her hair and helped her move a little, chuckling a little when she gagged softly. "Go on baby", he growled deeply.
Jiyeon 11 years ago
@Jaejoong "I will, no worries." Jiyeon smirked. Tonight will be... Interesting but fun. Jiyeon ran a hand through her hair and shook it lightly to loser it and looked up at the man then back at his pants, ping and ing them slowly. She hoped she did fine because she was a bit rusty. Once she finished pulling the zipper down and d the pants, she pulled them down past his knees and her lips, pulling the boxers down. Jiyeon's teeth sunk down into her lower lip as she took his semi-hard into her hand. Seeing how big it was now, she knew once it was fully erected, it would be huge. Another smirk entered Jiyeon's lips as she lightly d that the slowly before up the side of it, breathing on the tip. She pulled back for a minute and watch it finally fully harden and looked up at the man, sticking the tip in and . While she did that, Jiyeon d it. And not soon after we started to bob her head, . After a while she stared to him, lightly gaggin and continued to what we couldnt fit in . And that was a few inches;, looking up at him
Jaejoong 11 years ago
@Jiyeon So her name was Jiyeon. Although Jaejoong never really cared about names, he never forgot a single one of those which were able to tell him their names. Looking at her, he didn't show any emotion on his face, not even when she walked closer and placed a finger on his lips. This here was nothing about a romantic night or something, it was just having fun and nothing else. "Well then, if you have a feeling, then show me", he spoke once again, this time smirking softly and grinning a little evil. Luckily she seemed to understand quite fast, so there was no need in explaining a lot of things or even talking. Watching her then, he kept his smirk on his lips and guessed that she wasn't even that rejecting what he wanted. Well, good for both of them, as long as she played along and didn't try to escape or anything, he would maybe even make it enjoyable for her as well.
Jiyeon 11 years ago
@Jaejoong Jiyeon's eyebrow's knit together as he answered with a 'we'll see' WE'LL SEE? Jiyeon thought to herself. Dear lord. Please just don't molest me. She continued to think and walked into the room a bit further as he pulled her in. Jiyeon turned and looked at him, watching him lock the door and followed him with her eyes. Jaejoong. Jaejoong. Jaejoong. She kept repeating with her mind. She was always bad with names. So, she had to pretty much repeat them in her mind every time she learned a new one. "And you can call me Jiyeon" She told him before seeing him sit down with his legs spread open. A smirk made its way on her lips as she slowly walked to him, running a hand through her hair. She leaned over so that she was hovering over the man and placed a finger on his lips. "I have a feeling I know what you want" Jiyeon said slowly and slowly dragged the finger down his lips to his chest, down his shirt and to his pants. Now she was leaning on her knee's and her fingers were un-doing the belt that he was wearing slowly, another smirk on her lips
Tiffany 11 years ago
@Hara Tiffany chuckled at Hara's response, squeezing her s once more before she glanced briefly at their audience. "Let them look. I don't care. Do you?" She teased Hara, pinching her s and rolling them in her fingers, her lips trailing down Hara's jaw and to the side of her neck, leaving soft kisses along her skin before she bit the base of her neck and on the skin, making a hickey. "You don't have to wait~" She suggested as she released the skin in her teeth to move to another spot.
Hara 11 years ago
@Tiffany "Are they...? Mm... They're hard right now, aren't they?" Hara whispered to the other, softly. She slipped her hands in Tiffany's shorts and underwear, and continued to her cheeks. "They're so soft. I can't wait to play with you more," she said, chuckling. Her eyes scanned their surroundings, noticing that there were some people watching the two of them. "Looks like we gained a few audiences," Hara giggled, squeezing Tiffany's .
Jaejoong 11 years ago
@Jiyeon [Ah no don't worry. I sometimes don't have time too so I understand fully ^^]

"We'll see", was all he answered while he pulled her further with him. Dragging her to one of the lounges, he then opened the door and pulled her inside, before he closed the door again and locked it afterwards. "It's Jaejoong", he responded then shortly to her question from before. He didn't really care about names, but if she wanted to know his, fine then she knew at least what to scream. He then sat down on the couch and grinned darkly, his legs softly spread while he looked at her. "Well then, why don't you tell me what you think I could want from you?"
Jiyeon 11 years ago
@Jaejoong || thank god.. haha. usually people lose their motivation to rp with me because sometimes I reply late and i'm like ;~~; ||

Jiyeon held her hands together over the bar and played with a piece of her hair, swirling the soft, long and curly hair in her fingers. It's not the only thing? What else could he POSSIBLY want other than that. Jiyeon blinked and followed him. "Uh yeah" Jiyeon answered with a nod and followed him to the second story, looking around as they entered a lounge. "I'm really fine with anything. Just don't molest me or anything" Jiyeon told the dark haired man that she was following. "What is your name, by the way?" Jiyeon asked, realizing that she never got his name
Jaejoong 11 years ago
@Jiyeon [Haha don't worry, it's fine ^^ Just reply whenever you have time, I'm not going to run away xD]

"I knew you know it, so there is no need to say it out loud. But actually it's not the only thing. But later more for it, first we should start the first part, don't you think?", he grinned evil and and got then up from his seat. Taking the girl's hand, he pulled her with him to the second floor, where people were able to get into a few lounges. Since he was rather often here, he always had one for himself, but right now the girl didn't need to know that. "I only hope for you that you know what you got yourself into."
Jiyeon 11 years ago
@Jaejoong || sorry for my late reply! exams have been eating my life slowly . _ .||

A smirk slowly made it's way onto Jiyeon's lips as she sipped her drink. She shook her head and looked at the other man. "I don't need to ask that, no. I just want to hear it from you" Jiyeon said and twirled her hair in her fingers, soon finishing her drink. "Because I don't go against what I say. I keep my promises." Jiyeon told him, looking at him as he looked at her. And this was the truest thing that she has ever said. Once she made the mistake of breaking a promise and it was the worst decision that she has ever made in life. Even though she really didn't seem like it, Jiyeon did have a naughty side to her. And often, it worked great. The thing is, nobody knows there is a naughty side in her except for the ones that get to see it. And Jaejoong was only the first/
[post deleted by owner]
Tiffany 11 years ago
@Hara Tiffany followed Hara's movements, grinding her hips against Hara's as her thumbs brushed circles around Hara's s. Her forefingers lowered to the undersides of Hara's s, pushing her bra up until Tiffany had full access to them. She grasped them in her hands, squeezing them softly and brushing her palms against Hara's s. "Are your s sensitive?" Tiffany grinned slightly as she played with them.
Hara 11 years ago
@Tiffany Hara let the other explore with her tongue, occasionally brushing against hers. Mewling softly as Tiffany continued to play with her s, she could feel her s starting to harden from her touches. "Mm, I do. Looks like you can play after all," she mumbled against the other's lips. Groaning as Tiffany slipped her hands under her top to continue touching her, Hara brought her hands on the other's cheeks, groping and massaging them slowly as she began to grind their hips together.
Tiffany 11 years ago
@Hara Tiffany probed Hara's mouth with her tongue, teasing the other girl's as she nipped and pulled at her lips. She pressed her thumbs against Hara's s, feeling them begin to harden through the fabric of her shirt. She chuckled as Hara moaned, the sound turning her on. "You like that?" She grinned against Hara's lips, her hands moving away from Hara's s only to slip underneath her shirt and continue teasing her s.


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kessjxng 9 years ago
clearing characters sorry, i'm leaving.
Back2School 10 years ago
Luhan is leaving.
Sadism 10 years ago
kris is leaving.
sxhunhan 10 years ago
Sehun is leaving.
Seyensay 10 years ago
Could you add actress Shida Mirai, please?
in10sify 10 years ago
Lay will be leaving.
I'm much too busy.
dirtyvibe 10 years ago
zelo's leaving
underground 10 years ago
daniel henney leaving.
i think you know why.
ebethqnguyen 10 years ago
Taeyeon is leaving. I've realized this type of roleplaying is not for me
nguyenl0ve 10 years ago
tia's leaving, i can never go on because of work sorry
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