● Room 302: AP Discipline and Denial

teacher Zinni

Zinni 11 years ago
@Seohyun "You're so cute when you're determined," Zinni laughed. "I can't tell if that trait's endearing or entirely disgusting." She leaned back again, a thoughtful look on her face. "Would pet like to show Ms. Zinni everything she knows? That way Ms. Zinni can tell her what's useless and what's good?" she suggested. Why not? She had been looking for a way to have some fun since she had arrived for this new year. She stood and kicked her chair back, crossing her arms. She had just let Seohyun 'off the leash' so to speak, and she was patient enough to allow the girl to show what she knew, using herself as a test subject. "This is simply a one-thing though, pet. Make use of it."
Seohyun [A] 11 years ago
@Zinni Seohyun nodded vigorously as the woman spoke. Seohyun did want to please her, so she wouldn't be so unconfident. "No mistress, I promise not to disappoint you. Just being able to please you is the only reward I need." Seohyun was a bit disappointed; she didn't want to upset the woman already. That would make her seem like a bad pet, and she sure as hell didn't want that. Still, she did know that she needed more training, especially to be someone like Zinni's pet. "I want nothing more than to be your little mistress. Please train me however you feel necessary." With that, Seohyun shut , but stayed at the top of her knees, not allowing herself to shake at all.
Zinni 11 years ago
@Seohyun She sneered at the girl. "You need more training, pet. A lot more." She crossed her legs and smirked. "A pet shouldn't be shaky still. I may not like boldness but a pet with no confidence means a pet who doesn't know how to properly please her mistress nor set a good example for the other students. Are you going to disappoint me, pet? Because I don't reward naughty, shaky pets." She was loving this. Finally someone who didn't bore her to tears with their inexperience. And while this girl had a ways to go it wouldn't be basic learning. She leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees as she cocked her head to the side, her icy gaze on the girl before her. "Well?" she asked, her voice almost sweet but that was used to hide the venom underneath.
Seohyun [A] 11 years ago
@Zinni When she saw Zinni get up, Seohyun had the sudden urge to back away, but she didn't dare move a muscle, not even when Zinni approached her. When she felt the woman's hand in her hair, Seohyun barely closed her eyes, about to enjoy the soft touch, but instead felt the hard tug. It seemed as if the rough treatment had gone straight to her womanhood, because it immediately reacted, and begged to be touched. A moan escaped from Seohyun's lips. She couldn't believe how much being close to this woman aroused her. Whenever she was pushed, Seohyun fell back, catching herself by putting her hands on the floor before she hit the floor with her back. Immediately, Seohyun got back into a slave's rightful position- on her knees.
"Yes mistress," Seohyun nodded her head to show Zinni that she understood completely, "I look forward to being your little , mistress." Finishing that sentence, Seohyun forgot one of the most important things to say, but quickly added it, her voice almost shaky, "Thank you, mistress."
Zinni 11 years ago
@Seohyun Zinni smirked. Now this was quite an interesting student. She stood then, brushing lint from her jeans as she approached Seohyun. She grabbed a fistful of the girl's hair and tugged on it, bringing her to the very tops of her knees. She used her hold on the girl's hair to pull her head back until they were looking at each other eye to eye. "I think I'll enjoy teaching you, Seo Joohyun. But one thing, darling girl, never be bold with me." She shoved her back, releasing her hold on her hair. With a calm air she sat back down, crossing her legs. "It's been a while since I've had a female in this class that has actually amused me. I think we'll get along fine, don't you?" she purred, tapping her finger against her lip. "Hm...now where to put you?" She looked around her classroom before getting up and going to her supplies closet. She pulled out a collar with a leash attached to it. She tied one end of the leash to her chair and dropped the collar to the ground before seating herself again. "See that? That's where you'll be. Every morning for class. You'll be right here in front of everyone. Everyone will know you as Ms. Zinni's little . Her little girl pet. And should I find a boy who is as...obedient as you...he'll share the other side. Do you understand me, Seo Joohyun?" she asked.
Seohyun [A] 11 years ago
@Zinni Seohyun obediently sat down, but not in a desk. Instead, she dropped down on her knees, her arms still behind her back. Seohyun looked up at the teacher at her desk from her spot on the floor, taking in everything she was saying. Seohyun nodded when the woman was finished, her mind now clouded from the images and fantasies of this woman dominating her, and using all kinds of toys and restraints on her, punishing her when she had been bad. It was making Seohyun so , but she knew better than to say anything other than an answer to Zinni's question.
"If it's not too bold to say," Seohyun started, straightening herself on her knees, keeping in mind to present herself to her mistress. "I wish nothing more than to be a staple to you. An item, a toy for you to play with, to humiliate, or to torture. I want to be entertainment to you, and I want you to do whatever you would like to me. Because nothing in the world would give me more pleasure, than if I could satisfy you, /mistress/." Seohyun made sure the last word was emphasized, and then immediately after answering, she on her bottom lip, trying to keep her mind away from the erse thoughts, but somehow they still crept inside.
Zinni 11 years ago
@Seohyun Zinni raised an eyebrow, taking in the girl's appearance and the way she presented herself. A small smirk made its way onto her face, barely lifting the corner of before it was smile despite that. She sat back down. "Take a seat, Seo Joohyun," she said casually, though there was a layer of ice beneath it. She wasn't on nickname basis with this girl and would call her Seo Joohyun until she deemed the girl worthy of being called something else. She picked up her previously abandoned strawberries&creme frappucino, taking a lazy sip before setting it aside. "Tell me, why should I even consider allowing someone like you into my class?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "Let me be blunt. You join my class and I will smash you so far into the dirt that you won't know any another place unless I give you one. In my class you won't even remember your own name. You'll only know whatever useless one I address you by. In this classroom I am law. Do not doubt me when I say that I will break you, shatter you, and leave you in pieces until I decide to put you back together." She leaned back in her seat, her arms crossed.
Seohyun [A] 11 years ago
@Zinni Seohyun immediately saw the woman's annoyance. It might as well read ' off' across her forehead. So, Seohyun decided to answer her quickly. "My name is Seo Joohyun, but I go by Seohyun. I hope I'm not disturbing you, I was just wondering if I could enroll in your class, ma'am." All the while was going, Seohyun was stepping foreword, her hands behind her back. Being secretly the kinkiest girl anyone had ever seen, Seohyun had been into for years, since she had been younger, and had learned that when an authoritive figure is waiting on an answer, you be ing quick about it. had taught her to always keep yourself presented to the master or mistress, and always do exactly what they say. She also knew not to speak too much, so after she explained what she wanted, she closed , and looked up at the teacher, not daring to say another word until she spoke again.
Zinni 11 years ago
@Seohyun Zinni was sporting one of the most massive headaches she had ever had. Her morning hadn't gone as planned. First she had walked into the wrong classroom, then she had had to deal with some sniveling student who looked like they were about to wet themselves when she scolded them. Ugh... She leaned back in her chair and willed the headache relief medication she had taken earlier to work. She opened an eye at the sound of a knock and groaned in semi-annoyance. "Please don't let me whoever it is be a lost brat..." she muttered before she stood, crossing her arms in what many of her former students had called her Domineering Stance. There was one thing she didn't like and it was waiting. This student seemed to be hesitant and that was one thing she was looking forward to beating outta them if they were here to enroll. Quirking an eyebrow she looked at the angelic little girl entering. "May I help you with something?" she asked, her voice teetering on the edge of impatience. She was use to people answering her a split second after the question had left her lips. Another thing her students would learn from her.
Seohyun [A] 11 years ago
Seohyun's heels clicked on the hardwood floor of the school's corridor. With her bag slung over her shoulder, and the directory in one hand, she looked for room 302. It was the AP Discipline and Denial room, and she was looking to enroll in the class. Being an advanced class, Seohyun expected no less than rough, , play. Her mind raced, and all of the sudden she hoped the teacher was attractive. "Oh god," she said to herself, "please let whoever it is be attractive." The name beside the room number was Ms. Zinni. Finally, she approached a door with a golden plaque on the door labeled Room 302: AP Discipline and Denial. Seohyun's heart leapt into , and she stuffed the directory back into her messenger. Taking a deep breath, she gave the door a few light knocks before pushing it open with somewhat shaky hands. She had a feeling she was getting herself much more than she bargained for by enrolling in this class, but Seohyun had a edge, despite her angelic appearance and her usually-bubbly attitude. She loved to be dominated, humiliated, violated. Just the thought of all of that happening right here, behind this door, today, had Seohyun practically soaking her .
"Hello?" She called out, "Ms. Zinni?"


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kessjxng 9 years ago
clearing characters sorry, i'm leaving.
Back2School 10 years ago
Luhan is leaving.
Sadism 10 years ago
kris is leaving.
sxhunhan 10 years ago
Sehun is leaving.
Seyensay 10 years ago
Could you add actress Shida Mirai, please?
in10sify 10 years ago
Lay will be leaving.
I'm much too busy.
dirtyvibe 10 years ago
zelo's leaving
underground 10 years ago
daniel henney leaving.
i think you know why.
ebethqnguyen 10 years ago
Taeyeon is leaving. I've realized this type of roleplaying is not for me
nguyenl0ve 10 years ago
tia's leaving, i can never go on because of work sorry
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