⇹tea shop

The tea shop



A small but cozy tea shop that offers a variety of tea flavors. Hot or Cold they have it!

Kim Donghyunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ [A] 1 week ago
@Cho Seungyounᵇᵉᵗᵃ   ⤿ ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: crash&burn - bea miller, o'neill hudson

  That smile, a ghost passing across his brother's face, makes Donghyun's skin crawl. It's almost victorious, like he's won something. And perhaps he has. As it stands now, the omega brother is perhaps... less of a threat than he had been before.

"Generally," Donghyun says, his tone as light as he can make it, "baby names don't remain secret forever." He doesn't have much intention of revealing Iseul's name before she's born, given the origin of said name and the response his father will undoubtedly have.

Their eye contact breaks when Seungyoun looks away, but not before. Donghyun's always been stubborn, refusing to be the first to back down. Maybe, he thinks with bitter amusement, that's the reason he finds himself in this situation.

...the show of raising his hands makes Donghyun's eyes narrow. He doesn't expect a lot from Seungyoun, but he knows to expect deception. The second brother always has ulterior motives, something to gain. Jeup might have been ruled by a need for order and control, and Jiwoong by a need to try and stick his finger in every pie, but Seungyoun...

When Seungyoun wants to /play nice/, Donghyun knows better than to trust it.

And his next words tell the omega everything.

Donghyun's expression shifts, minute. There's a pulse in his cheek as his jaw clenches, the smile that follows more bared teeth than anything else.

"Were the details he gave you not gory enough?"

It's biting, raw as a knife wound. Donghyun doesn't know what Jiwoong told their brother, if he told Seungyoun anything, but if Jiwoong is as free with details given to Seungyoun as he was careless when it came to letting their father know about Hyeonjoong and the existence of Donghyun's /daughter/, then the omega will have yet another grave to dig.

(He won't deny part of him wants to laugh at someone else calling Jiwoong a disaster, because the third brother is, in fact, every bit of one. But this is no laughing matter.)

Perhaps Seungyoun wants to gloat. Or to call him a , just as Jiwoong had. At this point, Donghyun expects nothing but the worst from all of them.

(And if he needs to dig three graves, then so be it.)
Cho Seungyounᵇᵉᵗᵃ [A] 1 week ago
@Kim Donghyunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ   » ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: lydia the bard - we don't talk about bruno (mirabel's villain song)

Donghyun isn’t necessarily wrong. Seungyoun is most often motivated by selfishness and spite. And they’re good motivators, at that. Seungyoun had gotten many a thing done out of spite of the situation and sheer willpower. Unless it is something that benefits the family as a whole, then it’s a benefit in some way or another to Seungyoun himself and /only/ himself.

After all, there’s nothing wrong with stacking the deck in his favor, is there?

“Currently,” Seungyoun echoes, smile settling into something almost smug for the briefest of moments before fading into something more even. “You make it sound like that’s going to change soon.”

His focus lingers on Donghyun for a moment more before turning away, cast toward the counter. If he and Donghyun are going to be here to too long, a drink might be good. Give him something to defer his focus and scrutiny to, give Donghyun the impression that he’s here to make peace.

Seungyoun would like to, at least. To a point. A mutual enemy could make them good allies. And they are family. One day, Seungyoun like like to see his niece or nephew. He’ll never have a family of his own -- and he doesn’t particularly want one, or the weakness it’ll offer in his armor -- but kids... Kids deserve better than the bull they’ve dealt with due to Lee Dongwook. And it’s Donghyun’s kid, which means....something. Seungyoun isn’t quite sure what yet, but it means something to him.

There’s so much Seungyoun could say, so many questions he could ask. But if he wants peace, then he needs to offer peace. Or something at least vaguely equivalent to it, because Seungyoun wouldn’t accept peace at face value if he were Donghyun. Not pregnant and if the story of who the father is, is true. Not with who his family is. And certainly not across the table from the biggest threat in the room.

A ceasefire, perhaps.

“I’m not here to take a bite out of you,” Seungyoun says instead, raising his hands in a sign of surrender. “I wanted to hear what happened from the source. Jiwoong’s a disaster and can’t be trusted.”
Kim Donghyunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ [A] 4 months ago
@Cho Seungyounᵇᵉᵗᵃ   ⤿ ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: the fall - banks

  Donghyun's snort is derisive. "Don't make me laugh, Seungyoun. You don't do anything if it doesn't benefit you in one way or another." His older brother might be able to fool someone else, but never Donghyun. They were alike. Are alike. Not the same, but certainly similar. The difference being that Seungyoun's hedonism hasn't caught up to him yet, whereas Donghyun's had ended in flames and perhaps the worst case of irony Donghyun has ever seen.

The fingers that had absently drummed on the table still, the quiet gathering around them once again. Donghyun looks at his brother, just looks for a long time, looks right through him. Seungyoun's motive isn't a surprise. Donghyun had guessed that, perhaps, it would have something to do with his unborn child. They're a family of sharks and Iseul is the equivalent of blood in the water.

But if Seungyoun's looking for a soft spot to bite, Donghyun doesn't give him one. He's suffered more than enough, just to be allowed to keep his child, and what can Seungyoun do compared to the machinations of their father? Even when those lips curve in a different smile, Donghyun keeps his expression impassive.

He's learned from the best, after all.

Donghyun leans back in his chair and doesn't break eye contact with his brother. "I do," he replies. His fingers drum on the table again, a single /dt-dt-dt-dt/ of each digit falling before they still again. "Currently, the father and I are the only ones privy to that name."

If it were up to him, he'd be the only one.

But, as Lee Dongwook had so readily reminded him, it isn't up to him.
Cho Seungyounᵇᵉᵗᵃ [A] 4 months ago
@Kim Donghyunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ   » ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: ᴍᴀᴅᴀʟᴇɴ ᴅᴜᴋᴇ - ᴛʜɪs ɪs ʜᴏᴡ ᴠɪʟʟᴀɪɴs ᴀʀᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ

The tea shop is quiet, not quite to the point of hearing a pin drop, but enough so that Seungyoun is acutely aware of the sound of Donghyun’s breath and his own. It’s an odd thing, to be aware of your breath, to measure your inhales and exhales and the spaces between them. He becomes aware of his own heartbeat and wonders if, if he closed his eyes and concentrated, he might be able to hear Donghyun’s.

Seungyoun wonders if he might hear his niece’s or nephew’s. ...probably not.

He studies Donghyun instead, expression carefully blank as he takes in his brother’s choice in clothing and the way in which he sits. Things change when you’re pregnant, expecting. Your posture shifts, the way you walk, the way you sit. Unconscious gestures and resting positions. And then there’s the conscious choices, like Donghyun’s attempt to hide beneath baggier clothing, as if that might really help. As if it might do any good.

As if, if Seungyoun truly wanted to, it might somehow stop him from reminding Donghyun of how far he’s fallen and how far yet he can still fall.

Seungyoun leans back in his chair, a carefully crafted smile pulling onto his lips. To anyone else it might look boyish and teasing. Donghyun should know better than to trust such a mischievous smile. “What, I can’t check on my favorite baby brother?”

It implies he favors Donghyun over Jiwoong. (Maybe he does.)

The smile falls after a moment, but Seungyoun’s tone remains carefully light. “I’ve been hearing rumors, you know.” He has to tread carefully now. Expecting or not, there’s a reason that Donghyun is the one sibling Seungyoun had largely left to his own devices with minor interference. For as dangerous as Seungyoun can be, Donghyun used to be just as bad. “I wanted to get to the bottom of them. Get the truth from the source.”

When Seungyoun leans in next, it’s with a shift in mindset, demeanor, expression.

It’s Gambit that smiles then, secretive and knowing and damning, because knowledge is power and power runs the world to whatever beat is paid for. And Gambit...well, Gambit loves his knowledge, and his sources haven’t let him down yet. They know better to do something so foolish.

“Do you have a name?”
Kim Donghyunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ [A] 5 months ago
@Cho Seungyounᵇᵉᵗᵃ   ⤿ ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: back of my mind - mothica

  The tinkle of the bells over the door tell Donghyun another person has arrived to the teashop. Finally he tears his eyes away from the window, looking across the quaint, cozy space to meet the stare of one of his older brothers. Seungyoun is on time. Not quite early, and certainly not late, but on time. Unsurprising, really; Donghyun would be more shocked if he /was/ tardy.

He looks deceptively normal. Seungyoun could blend in with any number of college students on the streets, dressed like he is with his hair tousled and unstyled. Donghyun's not sure how he feels about it. He rarely sees any of his brothers like this; comfortable, relaxed, away from their father or their work environment. Of course, that's a two-way street, but the moral of the story is that he knows how dangerous Seungyoun really is.

(Donghyun thought he was dangerous, too, once.)

Seungyoun sits across from him, and Donghyun studies him. Still a master of his facial expressions; better than Donghyun ever was. Sometimes his emotions get the best of him.

His expression now, however, is guarded.

"I haven't," Donghyun replies. He'd been waiting for Seungyoun. "Why did you want to meet?"
Cho Seungyounᵇᵉᵗᵃ [A] 5 months ago
@Kim Donghyunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ   » ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: ᴍɪᴄʜᴀᴇʟ ʙᴜʙʟᴇ́ - ғᴇᴇʟɪɴɢ ɢᴏᴏᴅ
  » https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0e/95/3f/0e953f541fa87cb972b69f63ec176e1e.jpg

Seungyoun studies his reflection in the dark screen of his phone, eyes focusing briefly on the hair that hangs in front of his eyes before drifting away. He’s overdue for a haircut – overdue for a great many things, surely – but for the time being, it’s not a bad look. The longer bangs, unstyled and loose, help him look younger, boyish, disarming. It’s a nice touch to an otherwise unimpressive mien.

And if Seungyoun were meeting with anyone other than his youngest brother, he might get away with the illusion of an average and unremarkable male. But Donghyun, like all of Seungyon’s siblings, knows better.

Outside of family functions – mandated family dinners and the occasional business deal that Seungyoun deigned to attend – he hadn’t seen Donghyun in months. But seeing isn’t always believing, and Seungyoun’s network had informed him some time ago that Donghyun had been caught meeting with an alpha off and on through the autumn months until, in October, they were seen at a particular medical office. Together.

Seungyoun can admit he’s not the most brilliant of the four of them, but he’s smart enough to connect those dots. In the end, that’s why he’d decided it was time to try reaching out.

Donghyun’s been seated at a table by the window for a few minutes by the time Seungyoun makes his way inside. It’s intentional, to give his more skittish younger brother a chance to settle before his presence causes the usual problems. But what’s unintentional is the way Seungyoun stops just inside the door, eyes catching on Donghyun where he sits, appearing lost in thought and palm resting his stomach.

It’s true, Seungyoun finds himself thinking, expression schooling back into one of cordial neutrality as he moves to take the opposite seat. Not that he’d had any doubts before. His network was vast, and he trusted his informants to be accurate. But it was one thing to hear it; it was another entirely to see it.

“Thank you for meeting with me. Hae you ordered yet?”
Kim Donghyunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ [A] 5 months ago
@Cho Seungyounᵇᵉᵗᵃ   ⤿ ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: motions - mothica
  ⤿ https://i.pinimg.com/564x/9f/10/b3/9f10b3cca1d10101b84190cf3ce77606.jpg

  . . . it's been a while since Donghyun has seen Seungyoun. Like with the rest of his siblings, the 'relationship' between Donghyun and Seungyoun is a strained one. Since leaving home, the omega brother has worked to keep all of them at arm's length. Farther, really; he kept his distance, only seeing them for mandatory family dinners or for business dealings.

And then he got pregnant, and now everything's different.

It's not Donghyun that scheduled this meeting, but it's better than the way Jiwoong dragged the truth out of him. There's still a bitter taste in the omega's mouth when he thinks about how /that/ had gone down, but as it stands, Jiwoong is one of the only allies he has. Shaky as it may be.

He's at the agreed-upon tea shop before the meeting time, he's there before Seungyoun. It's a habit of Donghyun's to arrive somewhere before the people he's supposed to meet, though lately he's fallen short when it comes to trying to beat his new fiance somewhere. This isn't about him though. Probably. Donghyun drums his fingers on the table and looks out the window, his other hand resting on his stomach. He's wearing loose clothes again, to hide the bump, his precious baby that's finally starting to grow. It's not big enough to show through baggy t-shirts and loose jackets, but Kim Iseul is finally making her presence known.
Huang Renjunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ 8 months ago
@Lee Jinkiᵃˡᵖʰᵃ renjun couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions as he saw the pain in jinki's eyes. his own unrequited feelings for jinki had been a constant ache in his heart, and seeing jinki's distress now only added to the complexity of their relationship.

renjun hesitated for a moment, torn between his own feelings and the desire to be there for jinki. with a sigh, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper, scribbling his phone number on it. je extended it toward Jinki, his fingers trembling slightly. "here," renjun said softly, a hint of vulnerability in his eyes. "you can have my number. if you ever need anything or just want to talk, you can reach out to me anytime."

he hoped this small gesture would bridge the gap between them and convey his genuine care for jinki, even though his heart still carried the weight of unspoken love. his concern got the better of him, and he asked gently, "hyung, why wouldn't they be around? where are they?" the question hung in the air, a palpable tension as Renjun's heart ached with a mix of curiosity and lingering emotions.
Lee Jinkiᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 8 months ago
@Huang Renjunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ "Oh, would you be okay to exchange your new number...?" he trails off, he thought it was strange that his friend didn't let him know he was changing numbers or bothered to share it in the past, so he didn't want to pressure Renjun in case he had his reasons on not giving it out. But he couldn't help but feel hurt, but he kept that bright expression to cover up the pain he felt that his friend was...almost removing or forgetting about him.

And that pain didn't seem to go away; instead, hearing those words sparked more pain to fill his chest, making it harder and restricting him from fully breathing. "uh..." He tried to form words, his eyes falling to his cup as his hands wrapped around it, the warmth fading from the papery surface. Jinki always wanted to share and show happiness to others around him, but this topic and these sorts of questions always made it a challenge; he couldn't keep eye contact or dare look at Renjun. "Um...they won't be around, but they would have loved to meet you though..." His voice was quiet, as it betrayed his happy-go-lucky vibes, it was filled with pain and sadness.
Huang Renjunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ 9 months ago
@Lee Jinkiᵃˡᵖʰᵃ Renjun couldn't hide the turmoil in his heart as Jinki mentioned sharing his new contact information. He blinked, his gaze dropping to the ground as he tried to compose himself. "I've changed it," he admitted softly, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness. If only Jinki knew that he was the reason Renjun had shed so many tears at night, the reason he had decided to change his number in a desperate attempt to move on from the unrequited love that had haunted him for years.

"But I'll let you know, hyung," Renjun added, summoning the courage to offer his new contact details. It was a small gesture, but it meant that he was still willing to maintain some form of connection with Jinki, even though it tore at his heart.

Renjun's inner battle raged on as he continued to speak. "don't worry, I'm all fine! hehe. ah will your husband and child be around too? Maybe it's a good day to meet them too," he suggested, his voice laced with a bittersweet mix of hope and resignation. Deep down, he knew that this would only reopen the wounds of his unrequited love, but he couldn't help himself. His feelings for Jinki had remained steadfast, despite the passage of years and the knowledge of Jinki's past.
Lee Jinkiᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Huang Renjunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ "I'll let you know what days I come by, is your phone number still the same?" He flutters his thick lashes, a dumbfounded expression currently on display as he fetches his old phone from his pocket with a few scratches and cracks on the protection screen.

The silence to his offer made those bubbling butterflies creep into the pit of his stomach but they were silenced when he heard a reply, it wasn't a for sure yes but neither was it a no. "Mm sounds perfect to me, you let me know what you think later." He continued to observe his friend, part of him aching to ask him if anything was wrong, it was clear as day something wasn't peaches and rainbows for the other. He parted his lips, there was some hesitation that clearing of his throat helped him gain his voice and courage, "You okay Renjun?"
Huang Renjunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ 9 months ago
@Lee Jinkiᵃˡᵖʰᵃ "err yeah. kinda nearby. I mean sure thing. you can come over anytime, h hyung."

Jinki's words about being proud and cheering him on felt bittersweet to Renjun. While he appreciated the sentiment, it reminded him of the boundaries that existed between them. He managed a small smile, his gaze distant for a moment.

The invitation to visit the farm made Renjun's heart skip a beat. Part of him wanted to accept, to spend more time with Jinki, but the image of Jinki's late husband and child lingered in his mind. The thought of being in a place that held memories of a life he had hoped for but could never attain weighed heavily on him.

"Thank you for the invitation," Renjun finally replied, his tone polite but guarded. "I'll think about it." He looked down at his hands, fingers tracing the rim of his cup. The turmoil within him was evident, the struggle between wanting to be near Jinki and the pain of knowing he could never have what he truly desired.
Lee Jinkiᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Huang Renjunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ Jinki was happy he could share a conversation with his old friend, he couldn't help but feel worried that he might only give dry, short answers. But when he shared and went into details about his job, he felt himself smiling more. "Oh, a barista, do you work nearby? Perhaps I should swing by one day for some of your coffee and art."

"I'm proud of you, I hope that the schooling goes well, that it won't be too hard and that you'll enjoy it. I'll be cheering you on." He added as he lifted his closed hand into the air by his ear, a cheeky grin stretched along his features. His digits drummed along the cup he held, appreciating the warmth radiating from it into his rough palms. "Would you like to visit my farm one day? If you are free and want to, of course."
Ok Taecyeonᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Sunyoulᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ [moved them to the park]
Sunyoulᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ 9 months ago
@Ok Taecyeonᵃˡᵖʰᵃ I'm happy to share my time with you, it's memorable and I always enjoy my time with you.
It's okay to be slow, it's better to have good close friends then a bunch of friends that aren't great friends.
*Feels the innocent touch of your thigh to his own, looking down at it before at you with a big smile plastered on his bright face.*
A walk in the park sounds lovely. *Truthfully Sunyoul disliked the dark and being out at night, he already had trouble seeing and was dreading the idea of being out at night. But he didn't want to show that to his friend, it wasn't his problem or concern, he was just happy he wouldn't be alone during the night walk.*
I'm ready to go when you are.
Huang Renjunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ 9 months ago
@Lee Jinkiᵃˡᵖʰᵃ Renjun adjusted in his seat, his eyes meeting Jinki's as he spoke about his recent experiences. "I've actually been working as a barista at a café," he revealed with a small, genuine smile. "It's been quite enjoyable. I've always loved the art of making coffee, and interacting with people while doing it has its own charm."

His fingers toyed with the edge of his cup, a hint of hesitation in his voice as he continued, "As for studies, well, I've been thinking about pursuing a business degree, perhaps even specializing in hospitality management. I feel like it could be a great way to combine my love for coffee and my interest in managing things." He looked at Jinki, hoping the mention of his plans would convey some sense of ambition and determination.

Throughout the conversation, Renjun battled his emotions, walking the fine line between treasuring this time with Jinki and grappling with his unspoken feelings. He yearned to bridge the gap that had grown between them, but the fear of exposing his heart held him back. The lingering unrequited love he carried made every word he said carry an undertone of longing, a constant reminder of what he could never have. Yet, he clung to the moments shared, even if they were shrouded in the pain of unfulfilled desires.
Ok Taecyeonᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Sunyoulᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ i'm glad to hear it. i don't want to monopolize your time, but i have to admit that i look forward to seeing you
i've been slow to make friends here, so i'm glad that you want to spend time with me
*i return your smile, scooting my chair a little closer to you, my knee resting against yours*
how about we head over to the park and take a walk? the weather is nice tonight
Lee Jinkiᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Huang Renjunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ Jinki's shoulder relaxed, he was glad his friend had accepted his offer though there was still this uneasy feeling between the two, unsure if he was overthinking it.

He led the two to a free table and pulled Renjun's chair for him, a gentle smile plaster to his face before sitting across from him. "Ah what kind of stuff are you doing to keep things going? Work? Studies?"

As the conversation kept going and the more Jinki observed his friend, he knew things were off but how would he bring it up, and should he even bring that topic up? But he didn't want the conversation to end, he wanted to close the distance that was quite noticeable at the moment, if his friend would let him.
Sunyoulᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ 9 months ago
@Ok Taecyeonᵃˡᵖʰᵃ Hearing those sweet, endearing words easily made that usual smile on Sunyoul's face stretch out as wide as it could go, revealing his white set of teeth. "Taec Taec~ You don't have to order another tea just to spend more time with me, we can always do more things together and chat too."
Ok Taecyeonᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Sunyoulᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ Taecyeon was disappointed when Sunyoul stopped wiggling, finding his open, innocent happiness so endearing. "I think I might order another cup of tea. To be honest, I'm having a wonderful time, and if more tea will allow me to spend just a few more minutes in your presence, it's worth it."
Huang Renjunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ 9 months ago
@Lee Jinkiᵃˡᵖʰᵃ Renjun's heart fluttered with a mix of emotions as he gazed at Jinki. He couldn't help but remember the times they had shared, the laughter and the moments that had drawn them close. But now, there was a barrier between them – a barrier called unrequited love, reminding him of what he couldn't have.

He hesitated for a moment, his gaze wavering slightly before he managed a small smile. "Sure, Jinki. It's been a while since we hung out." He accepted the offer, his voice carrying a hint of wistfulness. This might be his chance to cherish the remaining moments with Jinki before the inevitable distance settled between them.

As they found a table, Renjun's eyes flickered over Jinki's features, his heart aching with bittersweet feelings. The mention of Jinki's potential busyness brought a pang to his chest. He shook his head, trying to sound casual. "No, not really busy. Just trying to keep things going, you know?"

He mustered a smile, his gaze dropping to his drink momentarily. This hangout might be the last thread connecting them before the pain became too unbearable for Renjun. The final farewell masked behind a facade of friendly smiles and casual conversations.
Lee Jinkiᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Huang Renjunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ Jinki didn't budge; his expression didn't change, but it felt stuck in time as he was asked about two people he cared deeply about and missed every single day. He felt the empty, rippling pain in his chest as he recalled sweet memories with them before he cleared his throat, smiling more. "Ah, that's...Don't worry, I can hang out with an old friend, I have plenty of time." He grabbed the drink that the barista made and motioned his friend to find a table by nudging his dominant hand in the direction of a few empty spots for them to choose.
"Unless, are you busy yourself?" His thick brow arched upward, a wrinkle or two forming above it.
Huang Renjunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ 9 months ago
@Lee Jinkiᵃˡᵖʰᵃ Renjun's interest was piqued by the suggestion, yet he felt an overwhelming urge to escape immediately. He resisted the temptation to lash out, thinking, 'Catch up? What's the point? To make me experience heartache all over again by hearing about your love story with your husband? You must be crazy.' Despite wanting to scream these words at the man before him, Renjun held his tongue, allowing his mind to do the yelling. He reminded himself that Jinki wasn't to blame; after all, Jinki was unaware of the depth of Renjun's feelings for him, both then and now.

"Um, I'm not sure... Won't you be busy with your daughter and husband?" Renjun muttered, his tone filled with despondency.
Sunyoulᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ 9 months ago
@Ok Taecyeonᵃˡᵖʰᵃ He hummed cheerfully, gradually his wiggling dance coming to an end when he finished his food. "Very good. Me too, I'll get one next time."
Sunyoul quickly shook his head, "I'm still good with my one tea, would you like more though?"
Ok Taecyeonᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Sunyoulᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ Taecyeon ran his thumb over Sunyoul's cheek before he pulled away, pleased that his friend enjoyed the treat he'd offered him. "It is good, isn't it? I'll have to stop by and get one again some time, especially when i need a little comfort." Watching Sunyoul squirm on his chair, Taecyeon can't help but smile, lowering his head momentarily to school his expression. "Would you like more tea? I'd be happy to order some more for you."
Sunyoulᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ 9 months ago
@Ok Taecyeonᵃˡᵖʰᵃ Sunyoul remained still when he heard that the alpha wanted to help him, and he always knew it was best to be still and let the other take the lead. He felt the warmth and support of his palm to his cheek and couldn't help but lean into it as he opened his mouth, happily taking the sweet treat, chewing on it happily.
"Ohhh its very good, you picked a good snack, Taec Taec." He giggles and wiggles his body while sitting down.
Lee Jinkiᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Huang Renjunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ Jinki held a gentle smile; a perfect mask while scratching the deepest corners of his mind, trying to pick any memories that could answer his questions. Was his friend always so cold and dry like this? Did his friend seem to hate him, but what did he do to possibly gain such hate?

He started to focus back into the moment especially when he heard that his old friend wanted to repay him and he had no problem with the idea, but why did it seem so, odd, so formal, as if they were strangers. Yes, a lot of time went by, years in fact, maybe he was the odd one and not Renjun. Jinki held his hand up, politely rejecting the kind offer, "You can always repay me by buying me another coffee, another time though. And we can spend the time together, catching up. "
Ok Taecyeonᵃˡᵖʰᵃ 9 months ago
@Sunyoulᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ Taecyeon could tell that Sunyoul was having trouble seeing the cinnamon roll, so, even though he knew his heart might regret it, he said softly. "Let me help you." Reaching out with his free hand, he cupped one of Sunyoul's cheeks before he gently place the fork with the cinnamon roll glistening on the tines in front of Sunyoul's lips, tapping his mouth with the sweet treat. "I hope you like it."
Sunyoulᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ 9 months ago
@Ok Taecyeonᵃˡᵖʰᵃ ( oh taecyeon ono my heart)

Sunyoul carefully blew on his hot cup of tea, enjoying the mint steam invading his nose, making him feel relaxed. Eventually, he takes a small sip, making sure he doesn't burn himself and lowers the cup when his friend offers him a bit of his treat. "Oh, are you sure?" He asks as he eyes what must be a cinnamon roll before him, though it is all blurry and hard to figure out.
Huang Renjunᵒᵐᵉᵍᵃ 9 months ago
@Lee Jinkiᵃˡᵖʰᵃ renjun's smiles growing wide when the male suddenly wants to help him out with the payment before his smiles faded slowly after realizing who it actually was. those voice, those face are still the same. even though he's acting all nice right now by helping him, renjun still remember him as the person who bring the most painful memories in his life.

he forced a little smiles and bows his head slightly as he thanked the man. "thanks... I'm good I guess." answered him nonchalantly as he took his drink and turned to look at the alpha. "can you give me your account number so I can transfer my money at you back. I don't really like to owe people you know. " his tone rather than a warm ones, changed into cold one.

how he's trying to hold himself from crying right now. he didn't even dare to look at the man that he missed all of these years , how he wish to hug and confess his feelings for him. but that's all too late. the man is already married and probably have a kid. why do he bother to be nice again?


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niente 1 week ago
thinking.. debating.
direraven 3 weeks ago
is this place active?
steadymylove 2 months ago
Hi, could I have NCT's Jaehyun as an alpha
Pretty sure he wasn't there in the ml, but if he is, then Svt's Mingyu, also as an alpha.
sugaisbias 2 months ago
Can I reserve Jeong Yunho please?
3a94be82ad0ef90e5141 3 months ago
Do you need more alpha?!
PurpleAnon 3 months ago
Looks tempting ; u ;
broski 3 months ago
ouo how active is this?
moonites 3 months ago
jeon jungkook as an omega, please!
Kaworu 3 months ago
i'm greedy and i'm here to ask for both baekho and akito miyoshi, please
unevenstars 4 months ago
got7s bambam as an alpha please ^^
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