
Hello All
Hello everyone, Staff and Patient alike. My name is Keiji Tanaka and I have been sent by the board of directors after the recent events going on here. There will be a few changes coming now that I am here, some for the better, some not so much.

The first and most obvious changes will be to the heirachy of things around here. While certain people have let things slip we are here to give them another chance at making this a safe environment for all. There will be some staffing changes, but not many. The first is we will now have a Head Psychiatrist. Jung Joonyoung will be stepping into this role. We also now have a Head Doctor, Choi Minki. And a Head Therapist, Maia Shibutani. Everything must go through at least one of these three, and in some situations all three of them.

We are implementing a new classification system for the patients here. Good behaviour will be rewarded while bad behaviour will be punished. The better your classification the better rewards you can recieve and the more freedom you will be granted.

We are also looking into starting up a small newspaper for the institute so you can all get your juicy gossip about one another. If your interested in being part of the team putting this together please let one of the head of staff know so they can put your name and skills forward.

There is also some construction happening around the institute, some new rooms will be opening up over the next few days, I expect them to be treated with care or they will be locked and only enterable with staff watching over you.

We will be planning more events to keep you all busy and hopefully distracted in the future. If you have any idea's my door is always open to hear them, please come to me anytime.

I look forward to seeing you all around the facility over the next few weeks, to see how our new system is running.

For now, good night, good day, begood. And see you around.

- Keiji Tanaka.

Please comment with your character to say you have read and understand. If you dont understand please PM one of the Admins to have it explained more clearly for you. This is not optional.

Some more updates that arent in character because I cant work out how to do it. There is a new room 'Point Grab' thats another way to get points together. Come and sign up~


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sideeffects 5 years ago
jeonghan has read
75bd8d51488fd100f027 5 years ago
Sori/Ryosuke read and understood.
Kim4Shim 5 years ago
taeyeon and taeyong
AmbieAssassin 5 years ago
Ilhoon has read this.
Kim4Shim 5 years ago
Taeyeon has read this
peterdunwannagrow 5 years ago
Joshua has read this and understood.
dazaiosamu 5 years ago
Ryeowook, Chanyeol and Yuri have read this and understood
DNABleached 5 years ago
Shoma has read this and understood.
byeona 5 years ago
Eunwoo has read this and understood
baejoot 5 years ago
Seulgi has read this and understand.
Biribiribibi 5 years ago
Zion read this and understood
b7195fb9d4eaf8ae7acf 5 years ago
Sehun has read and understood
isaidturnright 5 years ago
Byulyi has read this (and is interested in the newspaper team kek)
Cutaepie 5 years ago
Taemin, Jungkook, Jinsoul, Minki, and Minpha have read and understand!
visionary 5 years ago
Junhong and Yugyeom have read this.
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