Soft-close (not actually closing but important FYI)


So if you guys all noticed this rp, our admins aren't as active we once were. That's because a month ago we opened up a new rp where we can still rp our plots. Since it was a different theme than usual, we weren't sure if it'd get any support, so we never announced it officially here!

-semiau (au x nonau themes)
-multiple of the same Faceclaims (yes there can be > 2 Hoseoks/Hwangjins/Baekhyuns! **
yes both Dr.Jungkook & demon Jeongguk from private university are already there as themselves)
-chat/crack/spam allowed
-ic drama allowed
-all orientations

Feel free to join before our next small-scaled event Valentines!

The MULTIVERSE is not just a place to make your own story
But a place where all different walks of life come together and collide to form new stories

Come join us and continue walking your new version of life

A rich conservative being tempted to sin from dreams by a demon

A fallen angel reconciling with the human he watched over

A human self falling in love with an alternate version of themselves

Two alternate selves falling for the same person

(click on the picture, if you dare)
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The MULTIVERSE is not just a place to make your own story
But a place where all different walks of life come together and collide to form new stories

Come join us and continue walking your new version of life








FAQ: Please ask any questions you have in the comments

1. Will this rp close?
-no, not yet
Because this has always been a more self-paced rp, we don't plan to close until every non-admin chara leaves. We'll still accept newcomers but for now, please don't expect 100% upkeep like the admins were doing every day to keep it active.

2. I don't want to join this rp or the other. How should I leave?
-please don't comment on the rp. Instead, PM one of the admins you are leaving and we'll big you farewell. Thanks for staying for this long!

3. Do I have to leave this rp to join the new one?
-no, you can rp mainly there but have your already plotted plots here; up to you how you tackle it!

4. Should I leave the rp if no more events will be held here?
-Up to you.
Currently, we are trying to keep active in the Multiverse RP. But if in 1.5 weeks, things aren't active there, we will slow down and keep both rps running until all non-admin charas leave.
When that happens, if we create any new events, it'll be a 50/50 depending on which rp fits the event theme better. (private university - halloween, multiverse -winter, etc)



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