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                                               ‿︵‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - - - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵‿︵

In a far off land, in an unknown time, five fierce wolf packs have established their lands, similar in geography to China and Korea. The territories are surrounded by vast expanses of forest and lakes, and each pack's territory has distinct features that set them apart from one another.


When the first wolf was created by the Wolf God Fenrir, he created him in his image; strong, fierce, kind, tempered, wise. He created the leaders of the five clans and as they grew they began to fight, unable to differentiate between one another. 


Dismayed Fenrir decided to intervene, each of his children needed a strength and a weakness, something uniquely theirs. And so in his wisdom, the god took a part of his Halo and broke it into five pieces one for each direction, North, South, East, West, and Center. He placed the section of halo into each leader, enveloping their soul with its power while they slept. As they tested their newfound power each discovered an affinity for an element. Thus, the original golden core of each pack was created. 


Legends say there was an intense battle between the wolves and their human counterparts early in the history of the land. On the night of the blood moon, a rogue wolf lost control of his instincts and went on a rampage killing many humans and wolves. 


This sparked a deep and heated conflict between the humans and the wolves, the humans taking up arms against the wolves in an attempt to keep such a tragedy from happening again. Because there were 5 packs each pack insisted on a different strategy and different way of handling the war. After many years of battle, a peace treaty was drafted by the wise wolves of Gusu Lan and the packs and the humans came to an uneasy peace. 


in the wake of the peace treaty Fenrir academy, A school renowned for its teachings was founded by Gusu Lan pack. And has remained a staple institution for hundreds of years. The current principal is Lan Qiren. 


Fenrir academy is a school similar to a university, each student enrols in their chosen undergraduate program - Almost all majors are available. Student's ages range from 18 to 23. After graduating, students can become teachers of their chosen field at the age of 25. 

                                                                 About Bloodlines Season 2

During the year of 2022,  a war broke out which led to the death of the pack leaders, first it was Wen Ruohan, then Jiang Fengmian went next followed by Nie Mingjue, and then Jin Guangshan. The new leaders were sworn in and took care of their own packs. Life changed and evolved, new cities formed about two years ago, some were friendly and some were not.

Hangshui, located just north of the Gusu Lan pack and west of the Qinghe Nie Pack, became the hunters headquarters and became the place most wolves wouldn’t even step into. They were the most advanced in terms of technology and architecture.

The city of Jia Shi was located south of Gusu Lan and Yunmeng Jiang, and just west of Qishan Wen. This was a city full of humans at first as well as hunters, then the wolves began to move there and a neutral zone was created. It was a large open cafe that allowed humans, hunters and wolves to coexist. 

The last city was Mei Lan, located south of Lanling Jin and East of Qishan Wen, they were the friendliest and most accepting of the wolves. They even went as far as adopting the wolves culture by wearing the traditional garbs which was the Hanfu, the same went for their architecture. They became the hotspot for Wolf and Human couples, and thus created a need for something that could allow these couples to be able to produce children. 


Everything seemed good until the virus known as WIV. broke out during the first month of the year, it was a synthetic virus based on the HIV virus. WIV attacks a wolf's golden core and destroys it, thus poisoning a wolf. Lan Qiren, was the first wolf to ever be infected. the goverment took him in when he was injured during the war. ever since then, the wolf population knew about the virus, hiding in the shadows to survive.


WIV was created by the Hunter’s Organization, which was backed by the human government who thought the wolves had too much power and needed to either be subdued or killed. The government chose the latter.

                                                    ‿︵‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - - - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵‿︵

Now, all the leaders from the previous generation were gone and it was time for the next generation to rule. 

The leaders of the pack were as followed:

Gusu Lan: Lan Sehun

Lanling Jin: Jin Hoseok

Yunmeng Jiang: Jiang Xiche

Qinghe Nie: Nie Jaewook

Qishan Wen: Wen Yuilang


There were also the leaders of the cities:

Hangshui: hidden leader: Wen Fan, the puppet leader: [name to be added]

Jia Shi: Tyler Blackburn

Mei Lan: [name to be added]


                                                     ‿︵‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - - - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵‿︵

The leaders are doing everything in their power to keep the peace between not only the packs but also the humans and hunters. Will these new Pack leaders survive and find the cure for the virus that could wipe out their existence? Will the Hunters kill off the wolves before the virus does? Will the Humans stand by and watch as the wolves die one by one or will they join their side? See what Bloodlines part 2 has to offer you, but be careful. You never know who’s friend and who’s foe.


☽ We have added a human kind :

Humans are divided in two kinds. there are hunters and peaceful citizens. citizens are humans, who do not wish to be involved in the war, they are the ones with simple occupations, leading a simple life. hunters, however, are an elite group of people. they are the ones put together by the goverment itself. some hunters are known as the soldiers. those are human hybrids. they have been created since birth. in vivo impregnation, where an egg is changed by a wolf genome. those hybrids usually come from families of hunters, who "donate" their future kids for the sake of science. those hybrids are faster than an average human, their hearing is better, they have a night vision and enhanced other abilities, however they do not shift and they do not posess a golden core. other than the senses, they don't have anything in common with the wolves. but, yes, humans do know about the existence of the wolves.

☽ Human occupations :

Like wolves, humans and hunters can have normal occupations like - doctors, artists and etc. however, hunters can choose their own "ranking". there is a leader, he is equal to a pack's alpha - the one, who rules over the city etc, then there are the close council members, assasins and any other, be creative. 

 A city au instead of university au :

As some of you already know, this is now city based, meaning, tho your muse can be a student, the whole esence of the roleplay will not surround the university. We wanted to focus on their lives after graduation. this is also a dystopian au. dystopia is  is a fictional community or society that is undesirable or frightening. despite their lives being happy and whatsoever, there is no hope for the wolf kind and it is a never ending war between the species.

☽ Male pregnancy :

First season focused on the reproduction using the golden cores, this season we are allowing male reproduction! check the yiling group to find out more! 

☽ Info :

All the information will be found in the itinerary. the rooms will be updated frequently, so check it out for the updates. the rankings can be seen in the master list ! the setup in this universe is 5 years after the graduation!

☽ The virus :

The virus aka the WIV is a human made synthetic virus, attacking the host and destorying not only it's body, but also the core. the mortality rate is almost 100%, no known survivors. the virus has to be injected directly, it cannot be transmitted through bloody fluids as the virus cannot survive outsife of the host. detailed explanation can be found in the itinerary !


the second season of BLOODLINES officially starts NOW!


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583b05ce9f840c2a8419 2 years ago
Oh -
Kim4Shim 2 years ago
-valentino 2 years ago
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