
basic information

  • Nickname(s): hyunee, hyun, bee.
  • Date of Birth: May 6.
  • age: 31.
  • Occupation: Professor.
  • Languages:  English, Spanish, Korean.
  • ual Orientation: Homoual.
  • Romantic Orientation: demiromantic.
  • Relationship Status: single.


  • Height: 5'9".
  • Weight: 155 lbs.
  • Hair Color: dark.
  • Eye Color: grey.
  • Piercings: a few, worn outside of class.
  • Tattoos: secret.
  • Scars: a few.
  • Clothing Style: a twist on the classics.
23 notes。

burry the memories...

Often seen as a kind man, Baekhyun is often seen as confident yet small. He prefers to avoid conflict and had been taught early that seeming small often meant you were overlooked and therefore forgotten. At least, it worked until he turned 8. He learned things quickly from there. 

  • delayed the abuse
  • familial relationships are paper thin
  • clients help keep the dark thoughts at bay

Baekhyun made a name for himself among his peers. His voice was often described as powerful and seductive and he used it to his advantage. Buying pretty things for himself made him feel valued... and it was fun to have men falling over themselves to pamper him. The women just helped pay the bills.

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I paced around for hours on empty, I jumped at the slightest of sounds, and I couldn't stand the person inside me, I turned all the mirrors around.

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personality information


polite, patient and fair. At least Baekhyun strives to be. he is an observer. he watches and plans before making a first move。


singing in the shower, listening to the rain, make-up, spending and spoiling himself。


his parents, religious institutes, most women, being silenced, being held down。


playing the piano, writing sheet music, singing in big empty spaces。


a homoual, not interested in women. abused as a child. writing music and ual favors paid for his college education. still keeps in contact with a few of his previous clients, a sugar baby。


being abandoned by others, losing his voice, falling for a person who doesn't care about him, like his family。

bad habits

smoking before and after class, drinking heavily to numb the memories, assumes everyone wants him for his body。

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title or subtitle...

paragraph text goes here. if you need another paragraph, just hit enter and it will be automatically spaced for you. i don't really know what to say, so I'm just gonna type filler text after this paragraph ends.

  • dating since 00 month 0000.
  • engaged since 00 month 0000.
  • married since 00 month 0000.

here is an extra paragraph. like i said, this is just filler text. use this if you need it.

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Royal Deluxe

23 notes。

before you approach me...

  • i am not my character
  • My character is not me
  • do not assume you know things about my character unless we discussed things previously

writing/plotting style

  • tend to mirror, unless inspired to write
  • please pm/wall me for plots
  • 3rd pov

activity reply speed

I will try to have a response within 2-3 days.

  • detailed responses take much longer
  • feel free to "poke" me after 3 if no warning is given about a long delay
  • I will give notice if I expect delays

location preferences

  • prefer rooms with tags
  • school grounds preferred 
  • walls are open for RP too.


  • I am an adult, life can get hectic
  • no triggers or red flags currently
  • come say hi!
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