⚘ 𝐈𝐋𝐇𝐖𝐀  ❁  일화   ┆ ✧  joseon love anecdotes。   ⸺   a literate, bridgerton-inspired historical rp.

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일화 ilhwa

일화 ilhwa

일화 ilhwa


Esteemed members of the Ton,

It is with great pleasure this writer announces that the social season is finally once again upon us!

As summer comes forth, so do the illustrious debutantes, eligible bachelors and overzealous mamas line every nook and cranny of the city. It appears as though to note every detail of what transpires around the city amidst the ton and the civilians alike, this author will have to purchase more ink.

After all, you know what they say: of all the es, dead or alive, the woman with the pen is the most canine.

Yours truly,
- 무궁화 마님
Lady Mugunghwa.

This roleplay is a work of fiction; it does not bear any intentional resemblance to people or events in real life but takes inspiration from actual Korean history and the British Empire during the Regency era.

width must be 220; height can be 130 or higher

The ones we love have the power to inflict the greatest scars, for what thing is more fragile than the human heart?

admin image

admin team

her majesty

the queen


무궁화 마님

lady mugunghwa



the mailman



click here for mobile version. 

ilhwa is an alternative universe roleplay with original character names, which means your faceclaims are not you or your character. this allows you to develop your own backstory, personality, connections, and more for the characters that will exist in this fictional setting. you may tweak your character’s age by 5 years from the faceclaim’s age, but they must remain over 21 years old. please remember to distinguish between ic and ooc as well as between the faceclaim, the character, and the mun.

favoriting the roleplay is mandatory for initial acceptance, but ultimately we reserve the right to reject your application to join the roleplay. Ensure that Account used is at least three (3) months or older prior to reserving. newer accounts will need an alternate account to be verified.


we accept faceclaims who are (1) only of korean descent, (2) are at least 21 years old internationally, (3) have not explicitly said they do not wish to be roleplayed, (4) and do not have scandals attached to their names. feel free to ask if you are unsure whether your wanted faceclaim meets these requirements. reservations last 48 hours, but you may ask for an extra 24 hour extension.

each mun is allowed a maximum of three characters under the following conditions: your first character is free. your second character will require an upvote and an advertisement blog. your third character will require two active threads on each of your first two characters (4 threads in total). your fourth character will require three active threads (9 threads in total) and 10 points on each of your first three characters, plus another advertisement blog. a fifth will require four active and unique (must be from different characters) threads from your four preceding characters, as well as 25 points and an advertisement blog. sixths will require 5 unique threads from your preceding characters, as well as 50 points. the use of alternate accounts to bypass these faceclaim limits is not allowed and will result in immediate removal. you will be blacklisted, and your character will be deleted without any warning. there will be no negotiations regarding this.

inactivity is set to 21 days. you will be given one warning and 72 hours to take the sign off before you are removed from the roleplay. if you receive 3 inactivity warning, your character will be removed from the roleplay withiout a grace period. if you get an inactivity warning and you post on your own wall to clear it, you will receive a strike. make use of the ic rooms and head to the requests room if you need a hiatus. if you are leaving, pm an admin. 

this roleplay has a three-strike system in place. upon receiving your third strike, you will be removed from the roleplay and temporarily gray-listed. this means you will have to wait a period of 72 hours before being allowed to come back, and your faceclaim will be free to grab in that duration. continuous failure to follow the rules will result in immediate removal and ultimately being blacklisted. 

we are all adults and the admins expect you to behave as such. godmodding, metagaming, facechasing, userchasing, shipchasing, and bubble roleplaying are strongly discouraged. talking about other rps in the chatroom will not be tolerated. while ic drama is encouraged, we will not tolerate ooc drama or discrimination of any form. any concerns you may have will need to be brought to the attention of the admin team right away. we will do our best to settle the dispute but know that it is not our obligation to do so. if the situation escalates, every party involved will be given a strike as deemed necessary. 

be mindful of the topics in the chatrooms. this roleplay is meant to provide a comfortable space to write and hang out with writers of all kind. we come here to escape our lives once in a while, thus we would not like to see explicit details or rants of yours out in the open here. ual and sensitive topics go only where it is marked rated. triggering threads should be agreed upon between all parties involved and kept to personal rooms, walls, or pms with the appropriate trigger warnings. 

please use the phrase “herman danbury’s ceiling” if a topic in the chatrooms get triggering for you. once it is used, cease everything regarding the topic and move onto the next. members are expected to keep a zone of mutual respect and comfort for everyone. we also do not approve of excess swearing, unwarranted aggression, and unnecessary hate. 

have a profile picture up within the first 48 hours, a basic profile by the 10th day, and an active thread by the 21st day after your acceptance. basic profiles do not require fancy layouts or well-written paragraphs, but should provide all the details required for plotting and writing with you. failure to do so will result in a strike, and if you still do not have your profile up 72 hours after the first strike, you will be removed from the roleplay and gray-listed. reread prior rules to find out what that means. 

additionally, we are asking for activity checks in the form of gossip submissions and thread checks. elucidating on the expectations from thread checks, we expect each character should have 2-3 active threads per thread check. anything below two threads per character is considered hogging, and if it is with the same partner, it is considered bubble-roleplaying. we ask that you submit some form of gossip, be it speculation or the truth, through the padlet in the tabloid room at least once every major event. more information on what that entails can be found in the guidebook and the tabloid rooms. thread checks simply entail your responsibility as the mun to have active threads and to keep track of them.

we understand that the bridgerton series is very centered on romance and . we also acknowledge how important marital status was during the time period ilhwa is set in. thus, we are allowing muns to have plotted connections, relationships, and engagements. you are allowed to be a parent and give your child(ren) names and personalities. however, we will not allow you to have a faceclaim for the child or rely on them too heavily for your threads. additionally, we will not be allowing marriages, elopements, or pregnancy of any sort without consulting with the admin team and gaining approval. we also heavily discourage pre-plotted endgames. firstly, think of the scandal any of this would cause your character! secondly, we encourage plotting and making connections with other muns. what’s the point of joining a roleplaying community if you don’t want to socialize? 

lastly, please understand that the admins have the right to add and remove rules as necessary, because we are continuously growing as a roleplay and strive to cover all bases presented to us. now, good luck and have fun. we’ll see you soon!


Note about applying: please make sure to read through the guidebook, ton directory, & family seals for assistance in building your character.

faceclaim name.
character name.
society rank.
title or occupation.
character background.
safe word.


grand opening

may 26, 2023


rp genre



inspired by






roleplay status



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ilhwamun [A] 3 days ago
* ・゚   happy 13 months, ilhwazens! * ❁ 。

✦ don’t forget to favorite before commenting! all reservations will last for 48 hours!
✦ not sure who to be and how it works? you can find more information about our lore in the < guidebook > and some character ideas in < skeletons >. scroll down for our unofficial wishlist!
✦ make sure to read the < season's court > and < family seals > rooms before brainstorming your character! additional lore can be found in < the ton directory >.
✦ any questions you need answered? comment and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!

  ♡ 일화。

* ・゚ population stats: 55 men & 51 women; 106 esteemed members of the ton.

⚘ ilhwa's (un)official wishlist, compiled by our dearest ilhwazens.

(men) WOMEN IN ILHWA ARE BEGGING TO BE BAREFOOT IN THE KITCHEN MAKING A SANDWICH FOR: lee jehoon, mark lee, yoo insoo, ju jihoon, go kyungpyo, park haesoo, jung ilwoo, yoo yeonseok, kim youngkyun, lee sangyi, lee taesun, choi wooshik, kim jaewook, im jaebeom, ahn bohyun, jo insung, lee hongki, lee joon, hwang inyeop, kim woobin, song mingi, lee chan, choi beomgyu, kim jongdae, jung jinyoung, namgoong min, lee hoseok, seo inguk, lee joongi, kim mingue, jang kiyong, choi hyunwook, kim kwon, im changkyun, jung jinyoung, sf9, mx, svt

(women) MEN IN ILHWA WILLING TO FIGHT A RABID BEAR WITH THEIR BARE HANDS AND BUILD A HOUSE FROM SCRATCH FOR: kim jaekyung, cha jooyoung, yoo shiah, lee elijah, nam yujeong, jang heejin, han yeseul, shin minah, song hyekyo, seo hyunjin, kim ahyoung, kim hyuna, lee jooyoung, jeon somin (kard), kim jiho, lee chaerin, kang mina, im nayeon, lee saerom, cheetah, honey lee, eugene, bada, shin hyesun, lee seyoung, han boreum, kim taehee, lee mijoo, kim jiyeon, oh yeonseo, kang hanna, shin sekyung, lee chungah, bae suji, kim hyeyoon, fromis_9, wjsn, snsd, t-ara, kara, rv, bbgirls, dreamcatcher, lovelyz
blumarine 5 days ago
hello, may i have kang hyewon added as bae eunhye? i will pm the admin my old account. thank you!
[comment deleted by owner]
badlands 1 week ago
can i reserve an fc first before anything else? can i please have kang mina added and reserved?
moonites 2 weeks ago
can i apply as jeon jungkook? ( if he's open; i can't find a claimed faces list. )
justwritethis 2 weeks ago
Can i apply as woo woojae?
[comment deleted by owner]
sciamachy 3 weeks ago
hello it’s been a while, but may i rejoin?
zutter 1 month ago
i got very overwhelmed last time, can i maybe reserve kim jaewon as a faceclaim this time for a sangmin? can i provide his name later?
lostinparadise 1 month ago
Hello, may I take the spot for the daughter / Han Donghwa of the Han family, house of the black bull with Kim Jiwon as my fc please?
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