⁝ temple.

the temple.

the capital.

width must be 240; height can be 100 or higher
❁ hong areum 2 days ago
@✿ moon jaehoon Areum had been tending to an injured soldier when her attention was called for. A monk came by her side, whispering to her ear that the man she had saved, whose name she still hadn't heard of, had finally awakened. It had taken him two days to wake up completely, often lost in delirium, half-awake and half-unconscious whenever he had stirred during those days. Or at least, that was what the monks had told her, diligent in keeping an eye on the stranger she brought over, despite the fact that he might very well be part of the enemy.

But what was a doctor's job, if not to help those in need, regardless of stature or allegiance? She had helped others before, even when her family was still part of the Yangban class, without asking for any payment in return. Her father had disapproved of it then, often demanding for her to take payment whenever she worked, but her heart had constantly ached for those who could not afford it. How could she simply leave them when they were so clearly in need?

It was this thought that had her bringing the man to the temple, after all. Even if the man turned out unable to pay her back, she would not mind such.

She hadn't been by his side as much during those moments of delirium, with many men within the temple requiring her help and medicinal aid. (It was the reason why she had gone here, after all, as she was no longer a full-time practicing doctor. But she had heard of the temple needing more people, and she was more than happy to oblige.)

And so, after ensuring that the soldier she was tending to was comfortable and feeling better, even slightly, than before, she stood and headed to where she had left the man she saved. Once she was inside the room, a monk was checking the stranger's bandages, and she let out a breath that she hadn't known she'd held, her relief genuine despite not knowing who this man was before she found him in that rundown shelter.

She approached the man carefully, a smile on her face as she sat on a stool by the bed. "How are you feeling?" she asked. The monk bowed to the two of them, before leaving, most likely to tend to another patient. "Is there anything that hurts? Do you remember your name?"
✿ moon jaehoon 1 week ago
@❁ hong areum As Jaehoon gradually emerged from the depths of sleep, he was greeted by the dim light filtering through the room, its gentle glow piercing his eyes with an uncomfortable intensity. Frowning, he instinctively shut his eyes tightly before cautiously prying them open once more, blinking against the harshness of the light.

As his vision slowly adjusted, Jaehoon found himself staring up at the rough-hewn stone ceiling above him, the realization dawning that he was indeed alive. Relief flooded through him, mingled with a sense of disorientation as he tried to piece together his surroundings.

With a cautious glance around the room, Jaehoon's mind raced with questions. Was he being held captive by the Qing forces? His heart quickened at the thought, but he forced himself to remain calm as he took in his surroundings.

Attempting to move, Jaehoon noticed the heaviness in his limbs and the dull ache that permeated his arms. Wincing, he slowly raised his hand, his fingers trembling slightly as he inspected them for any sign of injury. To his surprise, he found that his wounds had been carefully wrapped and treated, the pain dulled by the strong herbal medication.

His hand drifted to his chest, where he realized that his armor had been removed, replaced by a simple grey jeogori and baji. Beneath the fabric, he could feel the presence of bandages, evidence of the care that had been bestowed upon him in his unconscious state.

Despite the uncertainty of his situation, Jaehoon couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude towards his unknown caretakers. They may have held him against his will, but at least they had not taken his life.

Not yet, anyway.

With a groan of effort, Jaehoon attempted to sit up, his arms trembling with the strain as he braced himself against the sharp ache in his side. The wounds protested with each movement, threatening to burst open and spill their painful reminder of battle.

Despite the discomfort, his determination remained steadfast as he pushed himself upright, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he fought against the dizzying waves of disorientation. Slowly, he swung his legs over the edge of the bed, his feet making contact with the cool stone floor below.

Every muscle in his body protested as he attempted to rise, his movements slow and unsteady as he struggled to regain his bearings. His gaze swept across the room, searching desperately for any sign of his weapon—his sword, a shield—anything that would provide him with a sense of security in this unfamiliar place.

With a sinking feeling, Jaehoon realized that he was unarmed, defenseless against whatever dangers may lurk beyond the confines of his temporary sanctuary. But even in his weakened state, his instincts screamed for him to fight, to protect himself at all costs.

Gritting his teeth against the pain, Jaehoon forced himself to his feet, his hands trembling as he searched desperately for something, anything that could serve as a makeshift weapon. His fingers closed around a heavy object—a discarded piece of wood, perhaps—a poor substitute for his trusty blade, but better than nothing.

Clutching the makeshift weapon tightly, Jaehoon took a tentative step forward, his senses on high alert as he prepared to face whatever awaited him beyond the safety of his temporary refuge. As Jaehoon cautiously pried open the door, every creak of the wood seemed to echo loudly in the stillness of the room. His heart pounded in his chest as he took a few tentative steps into the unfamiliar surroundings, the dim light casting long shadows that danced across the stone walls.

Suddenly, a voice behind him shattered the silence, causing Jaehoon to whirl around in alarm. His muscles tensed, ready to defend himself against any potential threat. Without hesitation, he hurled his makeshift weapon towards the source of the sound, his instincts driving him to react with swift aggression.

But as the object sailed through the air, Jaehoon's eyes widened in shock as he realized the identity of the figure standing before him. It was not an enemy lying in wait, but a monk—a peaceful inhabitant of this unfamiliar place. A rush of embarrassment flooded through Jaehoon as he watched the monk calmly sidestep the projectile, his expression serene and unperturbed. "You have awoken, sir," the monk repeated, his tone gentle and soothing.

/I'm in... a temple?/
❁ hong areum 2 weeks ago
@✿ moon jaehoon Areum had long lost track of time. The skies were still the same grim shade, gray as the rain continued to pour down. She had completely cleaned herself of blood, save perhaps for what had stained her clothes, but that was of no matter. These clothes, she could replace easily (which might be costly, but still quite affordable), but the price of a life was not something she would have risked. The stranger was as clean as he could be, as she could not replace his clothes with cleaner ones, for she did not have anything with her on hand.

Without anything to distract herself with, or anyone to talk to for that matter, she was left with her thoughts, haunting as they could be at this time of the war. Softly, she began to hum to herself, a melody that she had used to sing when she had carried a soul within her womb. Anything, to fill the hollow silence that had fallen upon her and her companion. The rain had done nothing to soothe her thoughts, and she could only pray that this rain did not turn into storm, where lightning would run rampant.

Time passed, and she could feel drowsiness visit her. But the movement of the stranger's eyes, fluttering as though finding difficulty in keeping awake, awoke her instead. Almost quickly, she moved closer. "Are you awake? Can you hear me?" she asked, though she was not expecting for an answer. Just the fact that he awoke for a moment was enough to tell her that he would remain alive for yet another day. But they could not stay here for long—it would not do the stranger's wounds any good if they were to stay here even further.

With a soft sigh, she went back to where she sat by the wall, humming quietly to herself.

How long was it, before the monks had found them? Rousing her from a sleep she had not meant to fall into. The rain had stopped, and it felt as though the sun was mocking Hanseong for how brightly it shone after its rainpour, while the war continued. Mercilessly. Bloody. (For a moment, she wondered if /he/ was part of it; and if he was, was he safe?)

Even as the stranger was placed in a proper bed and was given cleaner clothes, she could not find it in herself to leave. She had to ensure that he was alive, somehow, and back to his family deep within the city. And so, she asked the monks for a favor: to care for this man, until she returned the next day after tending to their wounded today. The monks were kind—of course, they were, and had carefully tended to the stranger she had brought as they would anyone else.
✿ moon jaehoon 2 weeks ago
@❁ hong areum As Jaehoon lay in a comatose state, his mind trapped in the labyrinth of unconsciousness, he found himself ensnared in the tendrils of his darkest nightmares. Visions of the war danced before his closed eyes, each memory etched with the searing pain of battle and the deafening roar of his comrades and enemies.

In his dreams, Jaehoon wandered through the smoldering ruins of the battlefield, the acrid scent of smoke choking the air around him. The sky above was a canvas of swirling gray clouds, ominous and foreboding, mirroring the turmoil within his soul.

Every step he took sent tremors of agony rippling through his battered body, his limbs heavy and unresponsive. The weight of his armor bore down on him like a crushing weight, each movement a soul eating effort against the relentless tide of exhaustion.

In the distance, the echoes of battle still raged on, the clash of swords and the thunderous roars of pain reverberating through the desolate landscape. Jaehoon felt a cold dread gnawing at the pit of his stomach, the fear of death looming over him like a shadow.

Is this what heaven feels like? Or perhaps, he thought, it is hell. Lost in the endless abyss of his nightmares, Jaehoon grappled with the torment of his own mind, each moment stretching into eternity as he fought to break free from the shackles of his subconscious.

But even in the depths of his despair, a glimmer of hope flickered within him, a stubborn refusal to surrender to the darkness that threatened to consume him. With every ounce of strength he could muster, Jaehoon pressed on, determined to find his way back to the light, no matter how faint it may be.

As Jaehoon's eyelids fluttered open, the world around him swam into focus with hazy uncertainty. Through the fog of his dazed consciousness, he glimpsed the silhouette of an unfamiliar stranger leaning over him, their features obscured by the dim light filtering through. For a fleeting moment, Jaehoon's mind struggled to reconcile the dissonance between reality and the fragmented remnants of his dreams. Was this yet another phantom conjured by his fevered imagination, or a tangible presence in the waking world?

As his gaze met the stranger's, a surge of recognition sparked in the depths of Jaehoon's subconscious, a flicker of hope that tugged at the fringes of his consciousness. But before he could grasp the elusive threads of consciousness, a wave of exhaustion washed over him like a tide, dragging him back into the abyss of unconsciousness.

With a soft sigh, Jaehoon's eyelids drooped shut once more, the edges of his vision fading into darkness as he succumbed to the soothing embrace of sleep.
❁ hong areum 3 weeks ago
@✿ moon jaehoon —— [ dated: december, 1868 ] ——

The war had been... cruel, though there was never anything good to come out of a negotiation done in blood. She could never understand the political ways of men, nor would she want to—why would she, when it only ended in bloodshed in the name of what? Honor? Was honor worth the blood that one would shed? She did not know, and she refused to understand. Perhaps this was why she was never fit for those roles. She could not see the world in mere black and white.

As someone who was raised to tend and care for people who needed it, her heart ached to hear of soldiers falling. While she no longer had the strength to help where she would most want to, she still made sure that she was able to help as much as she could. It was how she found herself taking care of an unconscious man by a temple she had stumbled upon to by pure chance, as she sought shelter from the rain. She had been on her way to help the monks somehow, well aware that the location was quite... close to where she heard a battefield was occurring. Instead of deterring her, she still pressed on—after all, where blood was, that was also where her help would be most needed.

But the rain that came was sudden, and so she was forced to find a shelter. Was it by chance or by fate that she had found a shelter nearby? For upon entering, she would find a man almost taken by death himself.

There had laid an unfamiliar man on the grounds of a wooden shelter near the temples when she first stepped inside, quite wet from the sudden rainpour outside. Without question, she had inspected the man's condition, quickly feeling for a pulse. He was alive—but barely, the blood that was beginning to pool by his side was slowly making sure of that. It was fortunate that she had brought with her some medicinal supplies, especially the things she would need for him, or he might not last another day. She did not know how long he had been here, or who he was, but that did not stop her from trying to save his life anyway.

How long had it taken her until she was certain that he wouldn't die anytime soon? She wasn't certain, but the rain had already stopped by the time she was done, and her hands and clothes were painted with the blood of her newfound patient. But the patient's top had been undone to make way for the injury on his side, which was now bandaged to the best of her ability, with what she had (as some of her supplies had been left at the temple).

She breathed quietly to herself, unaware of the breath that she might have unwittingly held for the last few moments. Glancing at the skies outside the shelter, she wondered if the monks were looking for her. But she could not possibly leave this stranger alone, and so she leaned against the wall instead, sitting on the floor as she cleaned her hands of the blood carefully.
❀ ong kimbum 3 weeks ago
@❁ hong yeoreum It was clear that the sudden shift had startled the poor girl. She looked as if she had just witnessed a ghost as he sat back down, and all he could really do was smile and hope she’d forgive the suddenness of it all. Hungry wolves were not something to play games with, even if they could be easily startled. If one did not act fast it would soon be the end of a life, be it your own or the wolves. He’d rather avoid the bloodshed entirely if he could. Neither they nor the wolves deserved death simply for wanting to survive. Hopefully they would find their fill somewhere else - Far from the little clearing, preferably. They would need an hour at most before beginning to move, so by then the wolves should have been quite the distance away.

Kimbum leaned forwards, letting his lungs power the flickering beginnings of flame within the kindling. He could already feel the heat spreading from the wood, and know it would soon be a nice comfortable fire for the two to share for the time being. Hopefully it would serve her well to chase away the cold that must have bit her to the bones being out alone so late at night. His eyes slowly made their way from the fire and to his companion sitting by his side. Up close he could see more of her features, realizing she was a bit older than he had first suspected, yet still quite young. Poor thing. To have gotten lost in the mountains must have been quite the struggle. Though it was unlikely he hoped she had not been stuck for long before he had come upon her, knowing that the cold could have many effects that were at first hard to spot.

“No need to thank me,” he had answered her calmly in turn, eyes crinkling up to the point where the wrinkles around his were a little more visible. “I am only doing what any man in my position would have done.” Any man worth his salt at least. This woman was to be part the future of Hanseong, and he would not stand to see harm come to innocence. It had been why he had gone off to war without hesitation. It was why he had not cursed the heavens for the lingering effects of said hardship. “I am just glad I got here before the wolves. They may not look it at first, but behind those bright eyes are vicious predators.” Thanks to the many pieces of advice his father had left him with he had been able to avoid any close encounters with the canine creatures. This would have been the closest, yet even now his father’s advice kept guiding him to the right path.
“Oh, worry not about me, child. My only ailments are age. At least for the most part.” A small laughter escaped the man, hearty and from the chest. He preferred to look at his struggles as a sign of a life well lived; dedicated to protect and nurture that which was to come after his time. Poetic thoughts like that had a tendency of making the struggles easier to bear, much like a log shared between two men. “But you, however-“

It took some effort for Kimbum to shift over to his knees, gesturing gently towards the woman’s foot. Now that the flames had actually caught a little into the wood, their orange tongue at the cold air to chase it, he could actually see the spot he had noticed earlier much clearer. It was blood, though he could not make out whether it was hers or something else. The deep scarlet of fresh blood had seemed to seep into the fine silk of the shoes, a stain he was afraid would not leave the garment too easily. If the quality of her shoes and binyeo were to go by it would not be large loss, though there was always the worry of sentimental damage.
“May I?” he asked, lifting his hand in a cradled motion towards her leg. If the injury turned out to be hers they would have to get it compressed and cleaned as best as possible before moving on, as best they could to avoid any infection of the wound. Kimbum knew what he was asking was much coming from a stranger, yet his mind thought back to what his father had always said: “On the mountain we are all family.” Up in the wilderness one could only get as far as one allowed oneself near others. It was in a way a test of trust, one he did not know had been a huge influence on how he treated those close to him, no matter their status or class. For Hanseong was much like a mountain in many ways.
❁ hong yeoreum 3 weeks ago
@❀ ong kimbum The kind-looking man smiled back at her and Yeoreum's heart leapt for joy. Her own smile grew, lingering on her tired face. Her hands unwrapped from around her frame, reaching down to wrap around the edge of the tree stump and lift herself up. She pushed herself up a quarter of the way. "Oh", she bit down on inside of her cheek, slim shoulders drooping. Sitting back down on the tree stump, her arms immediately wrapped around her torso once more in an attempt to suppress the shivers that would not seem to let go of her. "Okay.", she nodded simply, light brown eyes flickering across his face as he stepped into the soft moonlight. In this light he looked... ethereal. She did not hide her curious gaze that lingered also on the cane he used to walk. She wondered how that might of happened. He looked to young to be baring injuries unlike that. No, that wasn't true. She saw many people crippled from the wars in her district.

Yeoreum looked on as he lowered himself to his knees, tired eyes filled with blind faith and trust observing what he was doing. He had said he wanted to warm her up, so he must be making a fire. To her surprise, he had firewood with him, further piquing her curiosity as to his identity. His movements were practiced and smooth as if he had done it a thousand times. And yet, he had far too much decorum to be a mountain man. How curious. Yeoreum did not offer her help, simply because she did not think she could provide any. She was relying completely on this kind stranger. He looked incredibly reliable, cane and all. There was a softness, a faint warmth in his eyes that made Yeoreum feel at peace. In barely any time at all he had stacked the firewood in an interesting shape. It looked deliberate and Yeoreum wondered if perhaps it matter in what way wood was piled on top of each other. She had just thought they had to touch and that was it. Back at home when she made a fire to cook she would just throw some thin strips of firewood and kindling on top of each other, light it and fan it to keep it alive. In comparison, what this man was doing looked... professional. Yeoreum smiled to herself, arms wrapping tighter around herself. He had very broad shoulders. What kind of tales he might have to tell...

"Company?", Yeoreum parrotted with a blank expression. She did not catch his meaning and moved from the tree stump to kneel beside the small fire, stretching her hands out towards it. "Ah!", she gasped and drew her hands back from the heat that pained her. The man had lit another piece on fire and was holding it. Yeoreum stretched her hands back towards the fire, maintaining more distance this time, but looked up to watch the man curiously. -AWAY!- Yeoreum flinched in surprise, her heartbeat spiking. The abrupt change from warm and gentle to pure aggression startled her. Arms wrapped back around her, she stared up at him in surprise and confusion, until she had the thought to follow his gaze. And so she did, and only then saw the glimmering pairs of dark in the forest line. All ideas of cute, gentle wolves were gone. She, who had never seen a wolf before, scurried back in the dirt and she was pressed against the tree stump she had been sitting on. She was shivering again, her gaze fearfully darting between the looming eyes and the man who seemed to be struggling to move. 'It'll be fine.', Yeoreum thought to herself. 'It'll be fine. It'll be fine. It'll be fine. It'll be fine.' Once again the man bellowed into the cool night air with a strong, domineering tone.

Yeoreum was watching the treeline with bated breath. Quickly, the glimmering pairs of eyes faded away one by one. It was over. Just like that. In just a few moments but Yeoreum was rattled. She kept looking at the trees warily until the man returned to the side of a fire. "M- Mhm.", she hummed with a nod and tried to put on a brave face. She glanced at the treeline again and then scooted back to the side of the fire. She didn't care anymore if she got herself dirty or not. A small smile pulled at her lips at the way the man had addressed her. 'Child'. It had been so many years since she had heard that. She was a child no more, a reality that was painful for her to accept at times. It didn't sound strange coming from the man, and she wondered if perhaps he had children of his own. "Mhm.", she hummed again with a nod and stretched her hands out towards the fire, her tone calmer, more secure now. "Thank you. For the fire, for the- the- wolves", she said softly, glancing at him. "Me?" Yeoreum shook her head. She had been about to ask him the same question. "No, I feel fine. Are you- are you alright? You looked just now like you're hurt... and the cane...", her voice trailed off and she fidgeted in her seat, hesitant to ask as she didn't want to offend the man.
❀ ong kimbum 3 weeks ago
@❁ hong yeoreum Kimbum felt his heart lift a little when he saw the expression on the young woman’s face. It was the same kind of smile he had seen on his daughter’s face after she had been scared and he had come to her rescue. An expression of utter relief that all would be well and right in the world, despite not much having changed. He let out a small breath and smiled back, not wanting to add to whatever worries she was already holding.
"I'm lost."
Her voice was so small. He wondered how long she must have been up here already. However long it had been, it seemed too long. “Oh dear,” he sighed, stepping a little closer. “I will certainly endeavour to get you back down off this mountain, miss, but let us first get you warm. Cold limbs make for horrid travel partners.” For as scary as the darkness could be, it was nowhere near the killer like the cold. Without proper care it could ravage the body in a slow and painful way that easily could lead to death, and he could already see signs of it on her. A quick fire would be sure to help a little. And once she had regained a bit of strength he would lead her back down.
The temple would have to wait for another night.

He stepped into the middle of the clearing, letting the moonlight bathe over him as he hoisted the pack of supplies off of his back. With assistance of his cane he carefully lowered himself to his knee to start stacking his brought firewood into the pit in the middle of the clearing. It was like a ritual at this point, following simple steps he had repeated for decades to build the perfect stable fire that would last him through the night. And though it would not need to hold that long, he would rather take the little extra time to make it stable so that the woman could warm herself properly.

Perhaps it was due to his focus that he had not noticed the wolves slowly encircling the little clearing in the dark. At least not at first. It was not util he as placing down some kindling that he noticed the hint of shine to their eyes out in the darkness. A moment longer and he’d have the perfect deterrent. “Stay calm, miss. We have attracted some company.” His voice was hushed as he pulled out his flint, eyes still scanning the edges of the clearing while giving it a quick flick of his knife to light up the tinder. Small sparks leapt into the kindling, slowly catching the dry material up in small blaze. Using one of the reserve pieces of food he had left over, he quickly placed it into the fire to light the tip, then wrestled himself to his feet, holding the lit flame high.
“AWAY!” Using the full force of his voice he yelled into the forest. There was no reply in turn, but as he met the eyes gleaming against the fire, he knew they would not give up instantly. Despite the pain in his back he took a step forwards, barking the order again as he waved the flame before him. “AWAY!” There was hesitation for only a split second in face of the fire before the eyes seemed to vanish, leaving only the hint of pattering paws escaping away into the darkness.

Kimbum let out a laboured huff of air as he crouched back down by the burgeoning fire. “Wolves,” he grunted shortly. He glanced up with smile, hoping he had not scared her too much. “Come, child. Warm yourself by the fire while I catch my breath, and we will start back down as soon as you feel a little better.” It was then he noticed the red splotch near her foot, making the man wrinkle his brows. “Are you hurt?” Was that why she had been sitting here alone?
❁ hong yeoreum 3 weeks ago
@❀ ong kimbum Under the dancing stars the cold night air began to feel like a soothing embrace of the wind, nature's caress to reassure her that everything would be alright. The strange animal sounds from the dark trees became a joyful symphony of life and the gentle rustling of leaves the chit-chat of the forest, keeping her company. That's what Yeoreum chose to believe as she gazed up at the sky. She had never been this far up a mountain, so she was not dressed for it. She was dressed for the warmth of the day Sun and the mediocre insulation of her house. She was sure she heard wolves howling this time, but Yeoreum just smiled. One of her greatest strengths was her naive optimism, the ability to cling to the reality of her choice. In her mind, the wolves would show and guide her down the mountain. Perhaps they wouldn't be wolves, but tamed dogs instead. She would give them some meat if they followed her home and if she liked one of them enough, perhaps she'd ask mother to keep one. Now that she was not a Yangban it would not be improper. And once she married into a Yangban family again, her sisters could take care of the dog. She was going to call the dog... Mhm... Blacky. Or Hyunjun. No, not Hyunjun. She was going to love the dog and she could not affectionately call it if the dog was named after that trollop.

Behind her, off to the side, she heard the sound of someone clearing their throat. She turned excitedly and stared at the person with sparkling eyes. The moon lit up his features. He looked... common, but kind. Rough around the edges, but not rough enough to be a Cheonmin. He spoke too politely as well. Too politely even for a Sangmin, yet he didn't have the noble elitarian look she commonly saw among the upper ranks. He looked very kind, warm. Yeoreum smiled victoriously, still shivering. She knew it was going to be alright. The stars had sent someone to help her. "I'm lost.", she said meekly, "I can't... find my way down to the city. It's too dark." And scary, but she didn't say the second part out loud. "Can you take me down, mister?" White cheeks were flushed red from the cold. Yeoreum was not afraid to trust this complete stranger. She believed in the goodness of people. Besides, the stars had sent him.

In the cold, Yeoreum did not notice that a sharp rock had sliced through her dainty silk shoes and into her foot. Blood had soaked fully through the fabric and the smell was attracting unfriendly animals around them. Unbeknownst to her, the wolves she had heard had silently moved closer. They were watching from just behind the treeline, assessing, and waiting for the right moment to pounce. They stood in the dark spread around the clearing, their eyes gleaming in the shine of the moonlight.
❀ ong kimbum 3 weeks ago
@❁ hong yeoreum The mountains outside the capital were a fearsome sight at night. Their jagged walls hung over you as you walked through the dark underbrush with only rare flecks of moonlight seeping down through the trees. It made everything rather hard to navigate as the sun set, making many turn tail as the sun got low in the sky. Kimbum was not one of them. The mountains had become a refuge to him in times of loneliness and worry. He did not remember exactly when it had been, only that it had first started after the passing of his wife. It was all spurred on by a single line he had remembered one night while reminiscing about their first encounters. “I prayed at the temple at sunset, and here you are.” He had not understood it at the time, but she had later on explained the old tale related to the temple, a yarn of superstition regarding finding a partner. Such beliefs had never come easy to him, and yet he could not stop thinking of the temple, seeing it in his dreams as if he was being lured there by something. By someone. By… her? He could not know for certain, but that morning after had been his first trip up the mountain to visit the temple.

About 20 years had passed since then, and yet Kimbum found himself making the trip up on cloudless nights when his daughter was away. He would leave with a small pack of rations and blankets and make his way up as the sun began setting. It was usually an easy enough trek, following the paths he had thread so many a time before in the years that had passed. The walking stick he used certainly made it a little more difficult, but he persevered along the path he knew so well already. Even as the sun set beyond the horizon and the shadows began creeping in he kept moving. He knew the dangers out here well. Knew every trick in the book for how to make it. For now he just needed to get to the clearing he had made to look at the stars and make camp.

And sure enough he found the spot like he had so many times before. Unlike then however, it was not unoccupied. A small form sat on one of the stumps near the makeshift fire-pit. At first he had believed it to be an owl or some other bird of pray, but as he got closer he was assured that the for was indeed human. A woman, could not be much older than his own daughter if he was to guess, sat there shivering in the darkness. Not wanting to distress someone who seemed to already be feeling unwell, Kimbum gently cleared his throat as he reached the edge of the clearing. “I must apologize for intruding. I was headed on by and saw you freezing. Are you alright, my dear?”
❁ hong yeoreum 3 weeks ago
@❀ ong kimbum Just outside the capital there was a mountain covered in lush forests and jagged rock walls. It was home to some of the most stunning views to be had around the capital and those seeking respite in nature would often trudge up through narrow paths. It was also home to a small temple, far less well-known. An old wive's tale spoke of a temple up high on a mountain where if you prayed while the Sun set, you were sure to meet your marital partner within the next 3 months. The latter was what Yeoreum found herself walking up the mountain for. She didn't know for sure that the temple in the tale was the one on this mountain, but she was desperate to get married and willing to try anything. It had been a grueling walk but it was nothing compared to how daunting the dark clusters of tree looked once she'd finished praying. The Sun had long set and the mountain was cast in darkness, but it was far from silent. It had come alive with the sounds of animals who were staking their claim to the land. Yeoreum was clad in simple rough coloured cotton, her dress reaching to her ankles, much like what others of the Sangmin class wore. What did not fit were the fine silk shoes, now covered in dirt and torn, on her feet, and the silver butterfly binyeo in her hair. Yeoreum had never wandered up a mountain before. She was exhausted, tired, hungry, and she still had to make her way down... in the dark... She was scared.

But she walked forward into the dark embrace of the trees. The light of the moon barely peeked in through the leafy ceiling and Yeoreum found herself reaching to hold on the trees as she carefully, carefully made her way through the forest. With every passing minute her steps grew slower and slower. Where was she? Was this even the right way? Why did it feel like the path she was on led further up instead of down? How long had she been walking? Were those wolves she was hearing, or was that just her frightened mind playing tricks on her? "No, it'll be fine. Just keep going.", Yeoreum whispered to herself. Her hands trembled as she reached for the next tree. Her feet hurt. Tears welled in her eyes. "Just keep going.", she muttered to herself, and keep going she did. Until she reached a clearing that confirmed that she had most definitely not been heading the right way. Yeoreum sank to her knees, hands curling into her frock. Her head hung forward, tears dripping into her lap. She bit down hard on her lower lip, unwilling to make a sound. Eventually, she shook her head and picked herself back up. "Just keep going.", she whispered to herself and looked up. It was cold and she was trembling, her cheeks were wet but the sight of the stars made her smile. It was like they were twinkling in the sky just for her, reassuring her that everything was alright. She was not going to die on this mountain. It would all be fine. Yeoreum nodded, hands clenching into fits. "It'll be fine. Let's take a small break, and then I'll keep going.", she whispered to herself. The clearing was manmade and filled with tree stumps. Yeoreum picked one in the middle and sat down. She wrapped her arms around herself and looked up at the stars, slim shoulders shivering in the cold. It was a beautiful night. A beautiful, cold, scary night. It would be alright though. The stars were twinkling far too joyfully for it to be anything but.
✿ song jinye 2 months ago
@❁ byun haeryeong Jinye felt a sense of comfort envelop her as the young girl spoke. For many years in the past, the daughter from the House of Doves had sought solace in her estate. However in the past year, once she had started to venture into the world again, she has come to embrace the comfort and joys found in old friendships and new encounters.

She used to color her world in hues of blue, often keeping between the lines, but now it feels as if she can finally pick up a shade of rose and orange and ignore the confines she had kept herself in. Meeting Haeryeong in this space has allowed her to realize that we all need a shoulder to lean on, whether through the good days or the bad.

With a soft smile and a gentle hand, Jinye brushed back strands of Haeryeong’s hair like an older sister to her younger one. “And it is the same with me, Haeryeong. You’ll have me to rely on if ever you need anything. It may be difficult with your loved one away, but trust that he will return soon.”

She clutched the other hand, patting it in a soft rhythm in return. “I am sure that he will not want you to wait for him restlessly. While I’m here, let me distract you for a bit then, it will do you some good to take your mind off the gravity of the situation.”

Jinye slowly rose to her feet, helping the other rise with her. She glanced back at the small boy with warm and hopeful eyes, “Jihae-yah, have you eaten lunch yet? Why don’t we go have a meal together? Who knows when we’ll have the chance to spend a day like this again?”

Turning back to Haeryeong, she gestured back to the entrance of the temple in which they had come from. “I heard there is a delicious soondubu restaurant nearby. Let’s go, I bet you’re starving and you’ll need the energy to make your way back home. It’ll be my treat.”

And so, together, with her hand in Haeryeong’s and Jihae holding his mother’s other one, the two left the temple.

Between the gentle hum of monks and bell chimes, their sincere prayers flew to the skies and found its way to the heart of their lovers on the distant battlefield. Each word of love and comfort safeguarding them through a December winter until they have reunited—safe and together at last.

[ fin. ]
❁ byun haeryeong [h] 2 months ago
@✿ song jinye [h] at the mention of the possibilities of mini haeryeongs, the lady couldn’t help but to laugh with a shake of her head. thankfully, for her, jihae had been quite the very opposite, taking after her husband, quiet, shy and well mannered, making it rather easy for her to bring him up alone all these years. “i’m not sure..if mini haeryeongs will make my life easier.” The young mother chuckled, giving her belly a gentle caress. “I can only hope this little one would not be a little mini me, only heaven knows how much troubles i’ve caused as a child.” haeryeong jest.

“i’m sure they will return all to us safely, jinye eonnie, i’m so sure of this.” seeing how her eyes shifted from worry to softness, haeryeong couldn’t help but offer her a comforting smile. never would haeryeong have imagined that one day, they both would be sitting in the temple bonding over the worries of sending their beloveds to the front line. But haeryeong needed, wanted to let jinye know that she too, despite being much younger, could also be a pillar she could lean on if she needed, whenever.

At jinye’s comment, jihae couldn’t help but to perk up from his little sleepy demeanour at the mention of his father. Jihae, despite only reconciling with his father not too long ago, had grown far too attached to him. And just like haeryeong herself, had missed him a lot despite him leaving only a few days back. His presence was something the young boy had grown accustomed to, and it was evident that with how hyunki’s side of the bed had been left cold for the past few days, left some sort of uneasiness in the younger boy.

“i definitely would, eonnie and you too. just remember, you’ll always have me if you need someone to rely on.” haeryeong smiles, patting the top of her friend’s hand comfortingly. “ i know, it will leave me a little restless knowing that all i won’t be able to do anything but to sit at home and wait for the men to be back, it’ll be nice to have some distraction time to time.”
❃ seo jung 3 months ago
@✿ jang deoksu despite her efforts to maintain a cheerful demeanor, deoksu's concern didn't escape her notice. grateful for his discretion, she inwardly appreciated his decision not to pry into the depths of her emotions. "thank you, my lord," she responded with a soft smile to deoksu's kind words about her role as a gisaeng, feeling a warmth in his attempt to lighten the atmosphere. as they continued walking, she appreciated the camaraderie, sensing a genuine connection.

when deoksu chuckled softly at the topic of marriage and their differing statuses, jung couldn't help but be intrigued by his response. his humility and the sincerity in his words resonated with her, prompting her to speak her mind. "my lord, if we don't find our soulmates for the time being, let's find solace in each other and ignore what people might say about status. we could get married," she added, half-jokingly, a playful laughter escaping her lips.
❃ seo jung 3 months ago
@✿ jang deoksu the question about her life as a gisaeng left jung's throat dry, evoking memories of a past where she felt like a pawn in the hands of fate after being sold by her parents. nevertheless, she managed to summon a smile, nodding her head with grace, determined not to let the weight of the situation and probing question unsettle her. "well, i think life has chosen me to be a part of it. even so, i like it. it gives me chances to encounter a multitude of people and engage in meaningful conversations. it's been a journey filled with unique experiences."

as much as jung found fulfillment in her current vocation, a longing for personal freedom lingered in the corners of her heart. she envisioned a future where she could be a nurturing housewife, raising her own children and creating a close-knit family. however, the realization that achieving this dream might take a considerable amount of time settled in, and she accepted this with a sense of patience and understanding.

the male's remarks, though, managed to evoke a blush on jung's cheeks. despite this, a small but genuine smile graced her lips as she shook her head. "i don't think it's possible, my lord. our statuses are so different, and i wouldn't want people to look down on you if such a union were to happen. i am aware of my self-worth, and i don't believe i'm the right fit for you. moreover, i've heard that some yangban ladies are actively seeking husbands. perhaps you can explore those possibilities; who knows, the ideal match might be just around the corner!"
❃ seo jung 3 months ago
@✿ jang deoksu His praises elicited a shy smile from Jung, her cheeks adorned with a delicate flush of red. "Thank you, my lord. I do appreciate your praises," she responded graciously. Leading the way toward the nearest tea house with a soft hum, Jung's steps reflected a subtle grace that mirrored her demeanor.

As they strolled, a question hung in the air, momentarily causing Jung to almost halt her steps. She continued walking slowly, contemplating the passing years. "Well, it's been a few years already. I lost count," she revealed, stealing a glance at the gentleman beside her.

A mischievous glint sparked in her eyes as she turned to him, her tone taking a daring turn. "You don't have to worry about it; I don't have any partner or marriage plans yet. Unless, of course, my lord wants to entertain the idea of marriage with me?" Jung added, playfully challenging, her eyes locking onto his to gauge his reaction. A brief silence hung between them before she burst into laughter, the sound joyous and infectious. "It's just a joke, my lord. I hope you don't take it seriously," she reassured with a cheerful grin, the playful banter adding a lighthearted touch to their leisurely walk.
❃ seo jung 3 months ago
@✿ jang deoksu as jung observed deoksu's nod and the soft smile that graced his lips, a warmth lingering in the air. when he mentioned the possibility of visiting again over the weekend, she couldn't help but feel a subtle anticipation dancing within her.

his polite inquiry about her name carried a touch of genuine regret, the subtle nuances of traditional etiquette evident in the exchange. she responded with a demure bow of acknowledgment, "oh, you didn't ask last night, but it's fine. I'm seo jung. nice to officially meet you, my lord,"

she nodded with a friendly grin, "of course! let's start with a good place to eat. there's a charming tea house nearby that serves delicious breakfast options. how does that sound?" she gestured for him to follow.
❃ seo jung 3 months ago
@✿ jang deoksu jung, still slightly flustered from the collision, looked up at deoksu with a mixture of surprise and recognition. his warm smile and the nod of acknowledgment at her bow put her at ease. "oh, my lord, it's truly an honor to have you visit again," she replied, her voice carrying a blend of politeness and genuine warmth. as deoksu explained his recent activity at the temple, sending prayers to his late father, jung listened attentively. she nodded in understanding, appreciating the sentiment behind his visit to the temple.

noticing the inconvenience of their current location, deoksu's gentle coaxing to the side prompted jung to step aside, allowing for a more comfortable conversation away from the middle of the road. "oh thank you, my lord," she expressed, a genuine smile playing on her lips, with her cheeks flushes in red hue.

his advice on her kindness not being taken lightly resonated with her deeply. "thank you for your guidance, my lord. i believe in the importance of kindness, and i hope it brings some comfort to those in need."

the unexpected request for a tour caught her off guard, but she quickly composed herself. "certainly, my lord. i would be honored to show you around and help you navigate our surroundings. your appreciation for our language is admirable," she responded with a gracious nod, ready to assist him in exploring the area.
❃ seo jung 3 months ago
@✿ jang deoksu Jung gazed up, astonishment flickering in her eyes as she recognized the familiar voice. The gentle man stood before her, prompting a respectful bow from Jung. "Oh? My lord?" she inquired, her curiosity evident as a warm smile played on her lips. "Aren't you the one who visited my humble abode yesterday? What brings you here today? Are you sending prayers to someone?"

As she awaited his response, Jung reflected on the previous day's encounter. The memories of their interaction lingered, and she couldn't help but wonder about the purpose behind his return. The air buzzed with an unspoken connection, a thread of understanding that linked their lives in unexpected ways.

Her benevolence surfaced as she spoke of the young boy who frequented her place. "Even if the young boy returns, it's perfectly fine. It's my duty to provide sustenance for them, in whatever way I can," she admitted, a shy expression accompanying her compassionate words. The kindness within her radiated like a gentle glow, an intrinsic part of her nature that drove her to extend help to those in need. Apologizing, she lowered her gaze momentarily, "I'm sorry if I'm inconveniencing you, my lord. I hope I'm not in your way of doing something."
❃ seo jung 3 months ago
@✿ jang deoksu Finishing her prayers, Jung carefully makes her way out of the temple, looking up to the sky with a soft smile as the sun shines beautifully. Thoughts of the tasks assigned by a certain nobleman linger in her mind, evoking heartache and sorrow that she conceals behind a composed expression.

She heaves a soft sigh as she descends towards the small village nestled near the temple. Greeting the children with her customary cheerful beam, Jung distributes food and new clothes to them, brightening their day.

Amidst this benevolent act, a young boy approaches her in tears, prompting Jung to crouch down, wiping away his distress. "What happened, my dear young boy?" she inquires with concern. The boy, still sniffling, reveals, "Seolla stole my food!"

Jung furrows her brow but manages a chuckle. "Is she your sister or a friend?" she asks gently. "My sister," he responds. Jung, unable to suppress a smile, retrieves a portion of food and offers it to him. "Since you shared with her, even though she took it away, I'll give you this for your kindness. Do you like it?"

The young boy's face lights up with joy as he eagerly nods, appreciating the unexpected reward for his benevolence.
✿ song jinye 3 months ago
@❁ byun haeryeong Jihae's shy demeanor was evident when he sought his mother's embrace. Seeing the young boy, Jinye couldn't help but think about the few children around her. She came from a small family and neither she, her brother, nor her cousins had gotten married or started a family of their own. Children were a rarity, even in her mind, she had not questioned before if she'd want one of her own. Through the years, one of Jinye's fears was becoming like her mother, although a great woman, was limited to the family's estate.

Haeryeong's exhausted expression caught her attention, and her heart was also weighed down by what war had brought upon them. Despite the circumstances, Jinye couldn't ignore the young lady's attempt to humor their circumstances in regard to her pregnancy. Her eyes drew to the other's protruding belly, where despite the younger one's petite stature, she was clearly expecting.

Yet, a warm smile played on Jinye's lips as she replied, "well, then, I guess the world should be ready for some extra mischief in the future in the form of mini Haeryeongs." Her tone was lighthearted, trying to lift the depressing atmosphere that surrounded them within the temple.

The hum of prayers and the aroma of incense continued to fill the hall. Their reunion and conversation brought along a slight relief from the heaviness in the air, even if only for a brief moment. It wasn't too quiet, but it was enough to soothe herself with a sense of peace.

"I've only been here for a short while," she replied to the question concerning her arrival. However, when the young mother touched her hand in an expression of comfort, Jinye's eyes softened. She appreciated the small gesture, feeling a connection through their shared anxieties about the men they have sent off to Hamgyeong. "I hope so, Haeryeong. The uncertainty is just hard to bear. But I know that they'll all return safely. And your little ones here," she gestured to Haeryeong's growing bump, "I know their father will return to see them be born into this world."

Jinye shifted her gaze to Jihae, passing him with a gentle smile. "Jihae-yah, your father is an honorable man, and I believe he'll come back to you and your mom. And you," she turned back to Haeryeong, "are one of the strongest women I know."

She gave a squeeze of Haeryeong's hand, an expression of will and courage. "The journey here is arduous, if you need someone to keep you company, never hesitate to reach out to me." Jinye gave a small smile, "it never hurts to have someone to lean on."
❁ byun haeryeong [h] 3 months ago
@✿ song jinye Being a shy boy Jihae was, he simply shifted to hide his face against his mother’s chest, not before giving Jinye an awkward nod of his head. They had met a few times prior to this and while Jinye’s face was no stranger to him anynore when it came to any of her friends besides Yeonhwa, Eunha, Seoyul and Suji, Jihae, a carbon copy of his father, at any given chance would dodge any means of socialising.

Hearing the evident sadness in Jinye’s tone, Haeryeong offered her a little smile of comfort as she reached out to hold the female’s hand, giving it the slightest squeeze, these were dire times, and Haeryeong knew that even the simplest form of comfort could mean so much to someone.

“Oh.” Haeryeong nodded as she shifted to a slightly more comfortable position. “Yeah, we got here a little earlier.” Her current pregnancy had been the worse of the two, just barely being out of her first trimester; it would have been her thirteenth week by now, she would have assumed that the dizzy spells and morning sickness that came with it would have gone by now but it only proved to be wrong.

“This.” She points to her belly with a small smile, giving it a gentle rub. “Has been driving me crazy, Jinye eonnie. They won’t sleep. They won’t let me eat, I believe they’re going to be a mini me.” Haeryeong jests softly in hopes to relieve solemn mood surrounding them, but it was evident with how tired and worried haeryeong looked, even more so since she had sent her beloved to the frontlines.

“Did you just get here?” Haeryeong didn’t know if Jinye was here to pray specifically for someone, but she knew how selfless Jinye was as a person and just like every other mother, sister, wife or child that was kneeling here, she too had come to pray for the wellbeing of everyone else. Both of them desperate for the heavens above to answer their prayers. A soft sigh escapes from between Haeryeong’s lips as she held onto Jinye’s hand, giving it a pat. “they will be okay, they will come back safe.” and a part of her wonders if she’s comforting Jinye or convincing herself that everything will be alright.
✿ song jinye 4 months ago
@✿ byun haeryeong She could hear Haeryeong's quiet prayer, a prayer that weaved into the smoke of incense that swirled through the air to reach the ears of the divine deities in heaven. As Haeryeong prayed to the heavens for the safe return of her beloved, Jinye felt the weight of the other woman's worry, the common thread of concern and anxiety that connected them pulled within the confines of her heart over their shared concerns.

Jinye wondered if the heavens had eyes to witness the agony that echoed through the temple halls. How could they remain impassive to the desperate pleas that resonated from humanity, begging for the safety of their loved ones in the midst of war?

She, too, prayed silently. She prayed for a world where families weren't torn apart by war; a world where lovers could embrace in tender moments and whisper promises of forever. War had stolen peace, leaving shattered dreams and individuals who longed to reunite with their loved one that had been sent to war torn fields.

Yet, as the incense continued to rise, spiraling towards the heavens like a bridge between mortals and gods, Jinye slowly felt a deep sense of shame when her prayer for a world of peace was suddenly overshadowed by her own selfish desire. The shame lingered in the air, mingling with the incense, as if accusing her of prioritizing one life over many. Yet, in the depths of her heart, she couldn't deny her immense concerns over Insoo.

/Forgive my selfishness,/ she recited silently in her head, as if addressing the unseen deities above. /All I can think about is his safety... If you do see, if you do hear, guide him back to me. Please, allow him to come home safely to me.

Haeryeong's voice broke through her daze and she glanced at her childhood friend. A gentle, yet weary smile formed on her lips. She gazed at her friend, eyes filled with empathy and understanding. Jinye knew that Haeryeong's heartache was just as deep as her own. However, perhaps Haeryeong's heartache ran even deeper than Jinye could ever imagine.

Feeling Jihae's gaze, Jinye turned to the young boy, who was a handsome image of his parents. She recognized that Haeryeong's heartache was not only for her own beloved, but also for the impact it had on her son, who needed his father in this time of uncertainty.

"Did you join your umma to pray for your appa, little one?" she asked softly, her voice carrying warmth and sadness as well. She looked back at Haeryeong, trying to ease their shared burden of worry. With a gentle touch on her friend's arm, Jinye softly asked, "have you been here for a while?"
❁ byun haeryeong [h] 4 months ago
@✿ song jinye One would have been bewildered by the amount of trips haeryeong had made to the temple in short span of one week, spanning all the way from yeosu to hanseong. After bidding her beloved good bye, the despair that hung silently between hyunki and her weighed heavily on haeryeong’s shoulder, the burdens of the war taking a toll on the her body.

For three days ever since his departure, haeryeong had made it a point to visit the nearby temple every single day till he returned safely to her arms. And today was no different for the mother of one as she walked up the long flight staircase to the main temple hall with her son, jihae, in her arms, eyes wide and curious despite the number of times he had been there.

Like any other day, Haeryeong found a quiet spot at the back of the hall where she settled down on her knees, not before lighting two sticks of incense. “hae-ya, we’re going to pray for appa, okay..? For his safe return. ” She tells the little boy softly as she gives him a lighted stick, pressing a kiss to the top of his head.

Turning to statues, haeryeong held onto the incense stick tightly in her hand, “dear heavens, please watch over hyunki, please bring him home safely, i pray, heavens please hear my prayers.” With eyes closed shut, haeryeong pleads in a quiet voice before bowing three times. “Dear heavens, please also watch over my loved ones, guide them home safely, unscathed and healthy, perhaps it’s too much to ask but I’m begging you.” She continues unaware of her friend’s presence.

“umma.” jihae tugs onto his mother sleeves as he watches jinye with wide and confused eyes, taking the spot beside her. “hmm?” She hums, just as she was about to peek an eye to see what her child needed, she hears a familiar voice of similar prayer beside her. ‘jinye eonnie.’ She hears her heart telling her, a sense of comfort washing over her the moment she sees the familiar face of her childhood friend.
✿ song jinye 4 months ago
@✿ byun haeryeong [h] The stone steps of the temple ascended steeply towards the sky, worn smooth by countless footsteps that have graced this sacred place over hundreds of years. Jinye's hanbok brushed softly against the steps as she climbed, each step a measured breath, a prayer woven into the ancient stones. The weight and worries of war have been weighing heavily on her shoulders in recent days, and the temple seemed to be the place for her to channel her hopes and fears.

Burning incense and the distant hum of monks praying reached her ears. She approached the temple gate where the ancient wood had been weathered by time. Her eyes were drawn to the incense-filled air, the flickering candles, and the serene statues that seemed to witness the uncertainties humanity brings. As she crossed the threshold, a familiar figure caught her eye—Byun Haeryeong, a friend from her past, praying dutifully with a cute little boy at her side. Jihae, Haeryeong's son, peered curiously at the temple surroundings, his small body safely beside his mother's.

Jinye's heart swelled with both surprise and comfort at the sight of Haeryeong, a childhood friend from a time when laughter came easier. They had shared tales and dreams beneath the shade of magnolia trees, and now, in the shadow of uncertainty, their paths have crossed once again.

She approached the altar, bowing respectfully and lit a stick of incense. Without hesitation, Jinye kneeled down beside the praying woman. She glanced to the softly praying women, finding solitude in the silence as they kneeled side by side as the candles flickered in tandem with the rhythm of their collective breaths.

"May our prayers reach the heavens, bringing peace to troubled hearts and guide our loved ones safely back home," Jinye murmured. Her voice was a gentle echo in the sacred space as the fragrant smoke of incense curled upwards, carrying her whispered prayer to the heavens.


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syringe 4 hours ago
hello. can i try this again? can i reserve lee sunmi as shin haena?
ilhwamun [A] 10 hours ago
* ・゚   happy eleven months, ilhwazens! * ❁ 。

✦ don’t forget to favorite before commenting! all reservations will last for 48 hours!
✦ not sure who to be and how it works? you can find more information about our lore in the < guidebook > and some character ideas in < skeletons >. scroll down for our unofficial wishlist!
✦ make sure to read the < season's court > and < family seals > rooms before brainstorming your character! additional lore can be found in < the ton directory >.
✦ any questions you need answered? comment and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!

  ♡ 일화。

* ・゚ population stats: 60 men & 52 women; 112 esteemed members of the ton.

⚘ ilhwa's (un)official wishlist, compiled by our dearest ilhwazens.

(men) WOMEN IN ILHWA ARE BEGGING TO BE BAREFOOT IN THE KITCHEN MAKING A SANDWICH FOR: lee jehoon, park jinyoung, mark lee, lee junyoung, yoo insoo, seo inguk, bae inhyuk, ju jihoon, go kyungpyo, park haesoo, jung ilwoo, lee seunghyub, yoo yeonseok, kim youngkyun, choi seungcheol, lee sangyi, lee taesun, choi wooshik, kim jaewook, im jaebeom, ahn bohyun, jo insung, lee hongki, lee joon, hwang inyeop, kim woobin, song mingi, lee chan, choi beomgyu, kim jongdae, jung jinyoung, namgoong min, na inwoo, sf9, mx, svt

(women) MEN IN ILHWA WILLING TO FIGHT A RABID BEAR WITH THEIR BARE HANDS AND BUILD A HOUSE FROM SCRATCH FOR: kim jaekyung, cha jooyoung, yoo shiah, lee elijah, nam yujeong, jang heejin, han yeseul, shin minah, song hyekyo, seo hyunjin, kim ahyoung, kim hyuna, lee jooyoung, jeon somin (kard), kim soyeon, kim jisoo, kim jiho, lee chaerin, kang mina, im nayeon, lee saerom, cheetah, honey lee, eugene, bada, shin hyesun, lee seyoung, han boreum, seol inah, kim taehee, seo yeji, im jinah, lee mijoo, kim jiyeon, fromis_9, wjsn, snsd, t-ara, kara, rv, bbgirls, dreamcatcher, lovelyz
Kagune 2 days ago
Can you add Yang Jeongin as a faceclaim for me please?
SongOfAchilles 3 days ago
could you add and reserve Xiao Zhan as a faceclaim for me?^^
lilybun 3 days ago
uh… why was I removed? I was given until today to get my profile up… it isn’t even the end of the day yet?
-prince 6 days ago
hello may i reserve kim myungsoo as yoon shin from house of the snow leopard?
hasegawa 1 week ago
can i reserve park wonbin as han bin?
fairys 1 week ago
✿ go yeonhwa (née ryu)

darumdarimda 1 week ago
hello ilhwa-mun! can i please reserve kim youngkyun (hwiyoung) as 'han dongwook', a cheonmin as park yeonghan's right-hand man?
Kokoafish 2 weeks ago
Hello ^^ is Lee Ho Seok (Wonho) as fc fits the requirements? I would like to reserve it
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