--- restaurant

// restaurant
The restaurant located in Lunar Run District. 
Shiroma Miru [A] 4 years ago
@Xiao Dejun Miru smiled as she nodded to her. "I will totally let her know, and you tell your dragon that he is just as cute as you," She said as she winked at him as she finished her ice cream. "My kitsune is content with you and your dragon too," She added as she walked along the pathway. Miru was happy that she was able to be herself around Dejun and not have to worry about her kitsune in the process of being around another person. "It is something that I can get used to as well, and I can't wait either." Miru smiled. Miru glanced over to him as he spoke. "Thanks, oh you did? I don't always get that," Miru chuckled a bit. "I can sense that you'd be good with kids too," She said with a nod.
Xiao Dejun 4 years ago
@Shiroma Miru Dejun kept his eyes on Miru as she talk. Even just listening to her made him calm and collective as much as the earth down to him. He smiled walking towards along the walkway in the park. "Well you tell her, i like her already as well." He nudge her side gently as he notice the shadow of her tails swaying happily on the pathway. "My dragon in very content with you and your fox. Almost as content as us in the forest." He admitted to her as he finished his icecream. He havent found much people that he can be content with since his parents. So he was glad this dragon was starting to feel so. "Well, i cant wait to cuddle you then. Its gonna be something new that i can get used to." He grins seeing her pink tinted cheeks keeping to himself instead of teasing her. "Biological babies. Youll do great. I can sense the maternity vibe off you the moment we meet."
[post deleted by owner]
Shiroma Miru [A] 4 years ago
@Xiao Dejun Miru smiled at him just finding him cute and endearing as she ate some of her ice cream as she followed him. "Me too. I would be upset as well if my fox didn't like or get along with your dragon but she feels like I do - giddy and happy. She's usually not present when I am around others, but she's been very present around you. She likes you just as much as I do," Miru nodded as she glanced over to him. She squeezed back just enjoying the feeling of holding his hand and walking each other. "We learn something new every day," Miru commented as she let out a small chuckle. "That's nice. I like to be warm and cozy when I am sleeping," She smiled as she nodded just thinking about cuddling with him after a fun day which caused her cheeks to tint a light shade of pink before turning back to him thinking about kits and having them, which she wanted. "It will be a learning experience, but I've waited and wanted that learning experience for a long time - so I can't wait either whenever it happens. Of course, I have raised tons of babies and kits - but I think raising a biological baby is different. I am also excited for more dates as well," She added
Xiao Dejun 4 years ago
@Shiroma Miru Dejun grins the dripping ice cream listening to her, embarrassed from his clumsiness. He lead them towards a park nearby. "Im glad they get along. I would be upset at my dragon if he wasnt nice to your fox. But i think he feels the same as i do." At the link of their fingers, he gave their hand a small squeeze before rubbing his thumb against the back of her hand. "Lesson learned from eating too fast." Dejun walked into the park with her. "Ill keep you warm as well since the dragon emit his body heat." Tons of energy he said to himself looking at her. He was glad the earth element helps calm the energy for him most of the time but it'll be different. "It'll be a learning experience for sure. I can't wait. And for more dates." He grins.
[post deleted by owner]
Shiroma Miru [A] 4 years ago
@Xiao Dejun Miru smiled as they walked as she took the ice cream from him as she bit into her's just smiling at the taste. "That is true, our inner animals are calm around each other as well so that must mean that they like each other too," Miru said as she looked at him. She bit into her ice cream again just giggling a bit. "Cute, don't worry, I'll eat mine my slow, " She said as she looked at him as she linked their fingers together. "Me too, I curl up too. It is good," Miru smiled as they walked just eating some of her ice cream. Miru tiled her head to the side as they were waiting for the crosswalk. "I think that it would depend on the kit. They are always so different, but I think that all little kids have tons of energy," Miru giggled as the started across the crosswalk with him. Miru nodded. "I do agree, more dates," Miru said as she stumbled a bit as he tripped. "Be careful," Miru chuckled a bit.
Xiao Dejun 4 years ago
@Shiroma Miru Dejun smiled as he looked at her humming happily as they walk. He took his ice cream opening it as he hand it to her first before grabbing the other to open and taking a bite out of it nodding happily. "I guess we're both very calm around one another presence that even our inner animals are calmed within us as well." he takes a bite out of the ice cream before getting brain freeze as he stopped them from walking a bit holding onto his head. "Ahhh...brain freeze..." he laughs shaking his head as if to clear the brain freeze. "Ahhh...." He frown a bit before looking at her. "Dont eat too fast." he warned before walking with her as he held one of her hand in his. "Im good with snuggles cause i curl up in my sleep in both forms. So its a good things you cuddle as well." He press the button for the cross walk. as they wait. "Do you think the half kits/dragon will have as much energy or would they be more down to earth???" His thumb caress the back of her hand as they cross when the sign signaled them. He place her hand over her heart. "My heart is saying many more dates....do you agree?" he grins cheesily at her almost tripping on the curb before chuckling at his clumsiness.
Shiroma Miru [A] 4 years ago
@Xiao Dejun Miru looked up from cleaning her hands as she looked at him as she smiled at her. "Thanks," She answered as she took the wipes. She cleaned her hands as she looked at him just smiling as she was having a great time here. "Yeah, I try to be relaxed and stuff - but sometimes I do get a bit emotional and stuff because myself and my kitsune. But, like you, if my kitsune is calm then I am too," Miru nodded as she looked at him. Miru smiled as she blushed a little. "I like the sound of that, snuggles are the best," She said as she winked at him. "And, I've been told that I give amazing cuddles 'cause all my floof and fluff," Miru chuckled a bit as she smiled. Miru smiled as she gave him a look. "Half kits with a dragon sounds nice. Honestly, any kits would be amazing," She told him as she said with a nod. She crinkled her nose as she smiled as he poked her nose. "Yes, lets go on another date, I would really like that," Miru nodded. "Hm, that's true. Challenges aren't that hard if you listen to your heart. I think that is what we are doing, listening to our hearts," She said as she smiled to him. Miru tilted her head to the side. "And, maybe I am your mate, and we don't know it yet either? Only time will tell," Miru smiled as she took his arm as she stood up. "It is," She took her ice cream as she nodded. "Ice cream and night flight sounds amazing rest of the date to me as well," She smiled to him as she walked out with him.
Xiao Dejun 4 years ago
@Shiroma Miru Dejun smiles watching her. Her manners was really well overall compare to how messy he can get sometimes. He was glad that he took his time eating and being decently presented for their date. Grabbing his napkin, he wiped his hands before reaching into his backpack to grab hand wipes for them. "Here you go." He offers smiling brightly at her. He must also say, being with her in general, he definitely more cautious of himself. "I'm mostly pretty relax and chill because im the earth dragon. As long as it's at peace, i'm at peace as well. although, i do tend to have a temper once in a while just because." He grins kidishly at her. "i promise, i wont let you get too many negative feelings, and if you do i'll snuggle you in affection until you're all better. how does that sound?" He chuckles shaking his head as he listen to her. "How about half kits....in a sense of mixed with dragon?" He ask hypothetically at her asking about possible future kids. Dejun wipes his hand reaching over to poke her nose. "lets go on another date soon." He ask easily since she said it was going to be hard. "Challenges arent to hard if your heart says just ask you know." He returned her wink. "A match made.....maybe i'm your mate and we just havent know it yet." He hum offering his arm to her as they for up. "It's a good thing that you also mate for life." He takes hands the ice creams to Miru as he held the door for them to leave."A walk with ice cream and then a night flight. Sounds like an amazing rest of the date is waiting for us, Miru." He follows her.
Shiroma Miru [A] 4 years ago
@Xiao Dejun Miru picked up a napkin after taking a few sips of her water as she dabbed and face just wiping it herself off as she smiled to herself as she had a nice dinner with an amazing person. "I mean it's okay for you not always to be positive - that is asking too much of you. I can handle a little negative to be there for you when you need it, but I might get a little emotional, but it's not fair of me to only ask you to be positive for my sake, Dejun." Miru told him a nod. "I want to be here for you through all of the emotions, but I am just warning the negative ones will be tough," Miru told him as she then laughed. "Yeah, the kits have tons of more energy than I do, so watch out - but don't worry too much I'll be there to help you," Miru chuckled a bit. "I think flying might be an easier challenge, but another date is going to be the harder challenge," She said as she looked at her. "But like I said I like challenges," She smiled with a wink. "We are, that is true. We are a good match," She nodded with a smile. "Kitsunes have mates, and they mate for life too," She said as she looked at her. "Yes, I would love to paint you like that I will capture both of your good sides, which honestly, all of your sides are good even the ones that I can't see," Miru gave him a playfully smile with a wink. Miru stood up as she nodded to him. "Yes, let's go on a walk!" Miru beamed at him.
Xiao Dejun 4 years ago
@Shiroma Miru Dejun grabs a napkin dabbing his face gently from the thin layer of sweats that was covering him. "The negatives does that....well i better make sure only all the positiveness around you when you're with me." He took notes to remind himself since sometimes he tend to get lost in the negatives during the death anniversary of his parents. Dejun chuckles as she said he was pretty cool as well. He really get lost in thoughts and words with what he would like to say. He was just glad she understood him even with how clumsy he can be with his words as well. "I can feel your energy already....the baby kits must have 100 times more with all them together. " he chuckles just imagining it. "I would be over flowing with too much energy." Dejun grins playfully. "Challenges....like keeping you heart calm when i carry you in the sky??? Or keeping it calm the next time i take you out on a date????" He challenges as he nod to her following word. "Its hard for us butbwe both are managing quite well with one another. Its a good match." He winks at her thankful their apps matched. He orders rhe two ice cream listening to her as he hand the waiter the card for payment. "I dont think dragon have mates but they do find a partner that they'll mate for life. " dejun was feeling confident anyways as he nods giving her a definite answer. "Yes im sure. You can paint me like that in the future to capture both my good side." He help her up as the waiter comes back with the two ice cream and his card thanking them. "Lets go on a walk."
Shiroma Miru [A] 4 years ago
@Xiao Dejun Miru chuckled a bit as she looked at him as she could tell that he was holding it in as the spice as a bit for him. She thought it was cute as she ate the piece as she listened to him. "Thank you, I really appreciate it. I always try to stay positive because the negative eats us kitsunes alive and I don't want to lose control," She said as she sighed a bit. "Plus the kits don't deserve a negative nancy to be around them," She said as she shrugged a bit. "Thank you, you're pretty cool too," Miru said as she smiled to him. She nodded as she agreed with him. "It will be really fun for the kits, and oh a break for me? You haven't been around a lot of little kits with a lot of energy," She said as she shook her head a bit. "Then I am ready to take up the challenge if you are?" Miru asked as she smiled. Miru smiled as she had heard him say she was cute as her cheeks stayed the light pink as she smiled as she sipped on her water. "Oh, you do? Then you know how hard it has been to be to sit here calmly, but you make me comfortable so that helps," She nodded as she smiled to him as she blushed again. "Thank you, I am glad that I can distract you." She shrugged as she looked at him. "No one has ever come around to make me think that they could be my mate," She said as she looked at him. "Sometimes it takes time for that person to come around," She answered with a nod. "Dessert is my favorite part. I love sweets," She nodded as she set down her chopsticks as she looked at the dessert page just glancing back up to him. "Are you sure? I have done it before like in school, but I don't want to make you uncomfortable," She said as she smiled. "I would very much like you to one day be my french manga model - and to ice creams to go sounds wonderful," Miru nodded
Xiao Dejun 4 years ago
@Shiroma Miru Dejun smile shaking head as he finishes the short ribs on the grill, cutting a few more pieces for her before placing the rest of the short ribs into his plates. Miru was definitely making him feel at ease as be ate a few more this time trying it with all the spice as he look at her. "You know, i enjoy your waybof thinking. The positiveness from even just the fine arts makes me really happy. And the fact that you have all this inspiration and aspirations to pass on, even to the kits, kits, its amazing." Dejun face palm just realizing how formal it must sound to her before chuckling. "I meant it in a way of you pretty cool." He tried to correct himself before frowning more at how cliques that sounds. "Ima...just...." he pout befofre suffing his mouth as the spice immediately hits him but he holds it in not wanting her to know how spicy it was. His face was sweating a bit as he nods trying to listen to her as he noms quickly cursing at himself for stuff his face before swallowing. "Yes..." he drank the water as he look at her. "It would be fun for the kits and staff. Plus a break for the lovely Miru." He took in a few breaths as he try to calm the spice. "Ahhh. The challenge would come up in the air." But for some reason, all he could see was a kitsune all curled and tucked up on the base of his neck sleeping peacefully as he fly. "Cute." He said softly just in time to see her blush as he laughs softly, his eyes turning into crescent moon shape as he cover hips mouth. Closing his eyes he focused his listening to her heart making his very own almost match up to her heart beat. "Ahh....i...definitely felt it now too." He open his eyes to look at her. "But your beauty is indeed worth being distracted by. Im surprise no one have claimed you as their mate yet." And as selfish as that sounded, he was glad she have found a mate because he may be starting to like her more and more. He set the chopsticks down as he finished watching her as he call the waiter over for dessert. "Lets get dessert. I hope the kitsune in you enjoy sweets." He smile at her pointing to the dessert page. He folded his hands on top of the table as he hums softly debating. "I would try it especially if itll help with your drawing." He nods. "I would consider being your french manga model in the future....also will two ice cream to go on a walk sound okay???"
Shiroma Miru [A] 4 years ago
@Xiao Dejun Miru had been observing him as well and she as lucky that she had been paired with him, and she had always been just running from guy to guy not actually sitting down to get to know them because she was never comfortable doing so. She was comfortable with Dejun, and she was happy about that. "Exactly, we just have to keep spreading the love and show the next generation, then the struggle we go through is worth it," Miru agreed as she was glad that they were similar fields. Most people thought her career wasn't an actual career that she was just goofing around with her life. She had a hard time explaining what she loved to people, so she was glad that he understood. "I am sure that the kitsunes will totally love it and enjoy it. A backyard bbq and music sounds amazing," Miru beamed as she thought about it as she smiled," It is totally fine with me," Miru nodded. "I will totally always be on the lookout for those mysterious, cute, quiet ones," She answered as she tilted her head to the side. "Oh, I certainly am - I am wondering what the challenge will bring?" Miru wondered as she gave him a playfully smile. Miru was the one now to blush as he said what he did. "Well maybe you can hear it when you aren't distracted by all of this beauty," She smiled at him as she took the menu as she looked over to it. She smiled at him as he held out kimchi and short rib to feed her as she took it just eating it. "Kitsunes are good with sense too, but sometimes we let our emotions overrun our senses," Miru answered. "I hope that it continues too." She said as she looked at him as she sipped on her water as well as she giggled as she then laughed as this reaction. "Yeah, ," She answered as she giggled, as she then covered her face with one hand as her cheeks were pink thinking bout it. "I was only teasing - not that I wouldn't want to see it one day - I mean, I am cool with it, but like we don't have to. I can just do a picture of you with clothes on. The no clothes can come later when we know each other better," She said as she nodded. "Oh, I am full - but if you're still hungry then we can order some more or get some dessert while we walk?" Miru suggested as she looked at him.
Xiao Dejun 4 years ago
@Shiroma Miru Dejun crosses his hand as he observe her some more. He was often alone in life so he's gotten used to watching and observing everything and anything around him. Miru was definitely someone that he has enjoy since her emotions does play a sense into her aura. "Use fine arts careers....as long as we spread the love of it and make sure that the future generations know that it's worth it, then it shall be fine." He said reassuringly to her. He was glad she was in a similar field to understand him. It was always hard explaining to other potential dates what he do since now a days, it's been hard to just find anyone to be himself around. "The kitsune would love it. It is a little salty if you dont mix it well but most stores makes it perfect now. I'll get some meats and different sauces for when i come visit so we can do a bbq with the kits and have music time." He grins excitedly. "I mean...if thats okay with you first." He smiles softly when she winked back. "The cute and quiet ones indeed. we are quite mysterious so always be on the look out." Her playfulness made him grins as he smirk at her. "Are you really gonna challenge the dragon????" he points his chopsticks at her before blushing a bit. How he had wish he was drinking instead so that he have something to blame the blush on. "A mile a minute....I must be too occupied by your beauty to listen closely to your heart beats a mile a minute, Miru." he took the short rib she moves back eating it happily before handing her the menu as he sneaked another short rib under the kimchi for her offering to feed her this time so she dont give back the meat. "Dragons are pretty good with their senses. I must have really been too focus on you to pay attention to my other senses." He admittedly say out loud to her to hear. "Comfortable but exciting it has been. I hope it continues." He drank his cup of water slowly before choking on it as she told him what that means. Pounding his hand against his chest, his face turning red fast. ".....i ....really?" he asked again as if to make sure she's saying it right. "I can pose as long as i can keep by guitar...over..." he looks down at his lap before back up at her. "Wahh....shall we do a thrid round or are you full?" he grins.
Shiroma Miru [A] 4 years ago
@Xiao Dejun Miru had to learn that just a few fans or that you didn't get money and successful overnight - but you have to work at it and be proud of what you do and comfortable in what you do before you'll get any type of success or make any friends. "I feel that way too, but it took a little while to learn that for me. I am happy just as long as one person likes my art or just one person is buying it," Miru answered with a nod. "Yeah, isn't that spicy so it would be good to let the kits use as a dipping sauce or have some flavor to their meat that isn't too spicy for them," Miru said as she smiled at him making her wrap as she winked back at him, "I am sure that it will." Miru picked up the wrap with her chopsticks just eating the wrap as she held a thumbs up to him as she ate. "It probably is, it is always the cute and quiet ones that you gotta look out for," Miru shook her head a bit as she chuckled. Miru tilted her head as she stared back at him. "What if I don't wanna take back my shrug? What are you going to do about that?" Miru asked, a bit with a playfully bratty tone. Miru giggled a bit as she heard his next statement. "Oh boy, my heart has been beating a mile minute the second we started talking, you just aren't close enough to hear it," Miru nodded as she ate the kimchi but sneakily moved the short rib back on his plate. "I have been as well. You just make it so easy to be me and be open - it's comfortable but exciting," Miru smiled. "Don't worry, I already have ideas in drawing both sides," Miru then laughed as his confused look as it was cute. She also found it cute that he didn't know the meaning behind that saying. "It means posing or like in an alluring position, which I mean, I am down but I don't know if you are?" Miru asked, with a slight smirky smile. "That you are, it's a great plan," Miru nodded
Xiao Dejun 4 years ago
@Shiroma Miru Dejun studied Miru when she gone quiet for a bit. A part of him thankful that they both are siimilar in a way to where they were comfortable and opened. It didnt like neither of them were trying to hard but just enough to still be themselves. "Same goes for music. Even performing in small events or cafes. As long as one person is listening thats was good enough for me as well." That wa something that took Dejun a while to learn on his own. Success doesnt happen over night but the dedication and fans is what keeps the fine arts going. "I also enjoy the paste with the less marinated meats. It helps with flavor wise." He makes a lettuce wrap placing the kimchi, short ribs, paste, jalapeno and garlic into a lettuce for her. "This one should hit the spicy department for you." He gave her a wink as he place the wrap on her plate. He hums happily thenmore hebate ofnthe short ribs. "Maybe the cute part is hiding the crazy you know. Like how the quiet ones can surprise people." Dejun remember learning that in books he read from the outside world. "Take back that shrug. You mightbregret challenging me." He pats his chest twice as if to challenge her back. He chuckles as he lean on his elbow leaning forward on the table. "And here i thought me being handsomely y Dejun can make your heart race already." He sighs dramatically closing his eyes before peeking out of one lid to look at her to see her reaction. He moved a piece of kimchi and short rib back onto her plate. "Ive been more open than i thought so its a good sign." He grins softly looking at her as he happily. "Both side. Oh my. Now you might just have to draw both sides." He gave her a confused look as she when he mention french girls and that only she can see and not the baby kits. "Wait.....what does that mean??" Now hes even more cutious to what that phrase really meant. "Im good with thinking on my feet at times. Haha. Thats definitely a plan."
Shiroma Miru [A] 4 years ago
@Xiao Dejun It had been a long time that Miru allowed someone to see her like this, and to be genuinely open and expressive in a way that she knew it wouldn't just be a one-time interaction was nice. It was less pressure and she was able to be herself adn be comfortable. She was also learning little ticks and habits of Dejun, and all the little things that made him special as well. He was as forward as she was but that was okay. "I do have a lot of fans and people that enjoy my art - so it is one reason that keeps me going. But, also I love doing art, I always have. I love the smiles and happiness that my art gives to people," Miru leaned forward eating the short rib that he offered as she nodded her head. "It is really good. I should start eating soybean paste with more things. I usually mix it in with different things, but it is just as good on its own," Miru smiled as she hummed happily a bit as she ate. Miru chuckled a bit wiht a nod, "Yes, exactly - you are too cute to be a crazy stalker fan - but wait, it's the cute ones that always get you so maybe you could," Miru eyed him, playfully just chuckling. Miru smiled as she ate another short rib as she noticed that he really liked them so she left most of them for him to eat since he was enjoying it. "I've been warned and I'm ready. Bring it, I can handle," Miru nodded with a shrug like it was no big deal. "I do. It can be heart-racing and make you feel like a school-girl taking to her crush - not other times don't make me feel like that either though," Miru admitted as she giggled a bit to herself as he sat up straighter. "Okay, I will - but that goes for you too. You can be as open as you like and be yourself," Miru told him as she studied him once more as he moved back and forth. "I am very sure, both sides equally handsome in my eyes," Miru reaffirmed her statement with a nod. "Oh, you want me to draw you like a french girl? I mean that can be arranged but not around the kits - I think you would only me to see all that," Miru teased a bit as she wasn't quite if he knew that what meant, which was usually posing or in an alluring way. Miru nodded as she found that was a good plan. "That sounds wonderful. We can let our food settle and chat a bit before soaring through the night sky," Miru smiled
Xiao Dejun 4 years ago
@Shiroma Miru Dejun grins definitely seeing Miru as a perfectionist. Although she was very forward and have the playfulness of her kitsune, she definitely does have the perfectionist in her as well. It was like the longer he spend time with her, the more he's learning of all her hidden sides that make her so unique. "Im sure you already have lots of fan that enjoy your art no matter what. Isn't that what is keeping you going?" he smiles softly taking the short ribs dipping it into the sauce before offering to her first. "Ahh...?" He nods as if to let her know she can eat the one he's offering."It's good i promise. you can even pop a kimchi in after to give it more taste and spice as you like it." He eye smile at her happily. "Is it because im too cute to be the stalker fan so no one will suspect it??" He bats his lashes innocently before laughing genuinely. "Some people will call it boosting their ego and confidence yes." He ate more of the short ribs as it was one of his favorite one all the meats beside seafoods. "Yes, Miru. I'll be a little cocky then from time to time. just dont be too surprise since im warning you now." He said as if it'll be something dramatic even though he was more calm than anything. "Do you like it when guys get a little cocky?" He asked curiously before grinning softly as she winked at him making him sit up straighter. "Please be yourself. I liked you to be as open as you want in front of me. No need to just sit back and be pretty. We all have a mind of our own." Dejun moved his head back and forth letting her see both side. "Are you sure???" He asked as he chuckles before just posing for her. "As long as you can get inspritation from it, i'm willing to let you draw to your heart's content...what did the humans say....draw me like one of your french girl...in our case, like one of your manga." dejun ate two more pieces together before thinking of flying after eating. "Oh how about we go for a walk to help with the food and then fly later????"
Shiroma Miru [A] 4 years ago
@Xiao Dejun Miru nodded as she relived that she had put any extra pressure on him as she would never want to do that to a person. "I don't know if I have ever been an overachiever, but perfectionist sometimes, I am that with my art. I want it to be perfect, so people can love it with questioning the aesthetics or technique but just love it for it," Miru nodded as she looked at him. Miru giggled as she couldn't really picture Dejun as a crazy stalker fan. "It would be a plot twist, an unexpected one because I can't quite picture you as a crazy stalker fan," Miru tilted her head to the side as she thought about it. Miru gently took the soybean paste as she looked at it a bit. "Does soybean paste go well with short ribs - I usually just dunk everything in gochujang or chili oil," Miru laughed a bit as her expressed changed as she was glad that he liked it and she wasn't being out there or forward. "You don't? Ah, I see, I mean, I don't see it as boosting your ego - but just as boosting your confidence or simply just ways I express my affection towards you, so let it boost your ego and get a little cocky. Some girls like that." Miru winked a bit. "Plus, I won't let you get too cocky so don't worry about that," Miru added as she ate some of the short ribs. "Once in a while I can do, and I will still be myself just a slightly tame version of myself," Miru giggled a bit as then let out a short laugh. "You're the first person that has liked, well a male, my forwardness. They usually just want me to sit and look pretty, so thank you for saying that," Miru smiled at him then she looked him over and took note of his profile. "You don't have a bad side, what are you talking about? Every side is handsome," Miru pointed out as her eyes lit up a bit at the suggestion of going for a ride after dinner. "I would love to go, but are you sure? You're okay with going right after we eat?" Miru asked just making sure that he would be okay.
Xiao Dejun 4 years ago
@Shiroma Miru Her snaps made him chuckles. "Damn ears." he said softly once more as he look at her. "There was no pressure i promise. i'm an overachiever....and a bit of a perfectionist even though i am clumsy." He realize now that he was a perfectionist on certain things not all but certain ones. He chuckles as she shook his hand squeezing her hand gently. "i welcome you as my crazy stalker fan. imagine plot twist i am the crazy stalker fan for you instead." he grabs her chopsticks for her handing it back to her carefully before turning the short ribs cutting it into a smaller size as i place a few pieces on your plate before handing the soy bean paste to you. He notices that she was feeling uncomfortable and had misunderstand what he meant by just Dejun. The way she was saying handsomely y Dejun made him very proud and feel good but he didnt wanna come off as cocky if he agreed. She is probably one of the few that had ever called him that and that means a lot to him "i dont mind the....handsomely y dejun. haha." He use the tongs to poke at the meat. "Im just scared you saying it will feed my ego too much and make me cocky." Dejun shift his gaze to her. "But maybe once in a while, would be nice to hear that." He asked softly wanting her to know that he would like that. "Please just keep being you. Im afraid you're really good with words making me flustered." He shook his head grinning at her. "I quite enjoy the kitsune of you as you are. You very forward and i enjoy that a lot." Dejun take note of the kimchi fried rice as chuckles. "I'll make sure to pose on my good side for you to draw.." He turn to his left showing her the right profile side. "Shall we go on a ride tonight after dinner?"
Shiroma Miru [A] 4 years ago
@Xiao Dejun "Oh those darn ears, giving you away," Miru snapped her fingers as she then chuckled. Miru frowned for a second as it wasn't her intention to put any pressure on him or anything. "I am sorry, that wasn't my intention. To put pressure on you, I just wanted to be able to compliment you as you have been myself," Miru said as he showed the determined which made her feel a little bit better. Miru set down her chopsticks as she gently took his hand just shaking them. "You're very welcome, Dejun," Miru told him as she shook his hands then returned them to space as she picked up her chopsticks again. Miru was joking and wasn't serious about being his crazy stalker fan - she was poking a bit of fun so she was surprised when he said that he wanted her like that for him, which made her kind of blush a bit purely from the surprise. "Oh, you would? Well, then she'll just have to come out one day," Miru nodded as she slightly frowned again seeing that she might have made him uncomfortable, which again wasn't her intention but sometimes she knew that she could come across a little strong. "Okay, you're just Dejun," Miru nodded with a soft smile. "I'll try to watch what I say and do, so you feel comfortable and aren't always worried about having to be shy or blush a lot. I know us, kitsunes, can be a lot - and that's not fair. So I'll try to not do it all the time," Miru nodded to him. "Kimchi fried rice is my favorite with tteokbokki, little sausages, and cheese - it is so good," Miru smiled as her shoulders raised up a bit then lowered back down as she ate another spoon of the rice mixture that she had made. "I do, I'd think that it would make a nice picture," Miru told him. "It sounds amazing and relaxing," Miru smiled as she thought about actually taking that night ride with him.
Xiao Dejun 4 years ago
@Shiroma Miru Dejun quickly cover his ears as she pointed it out. "Ahh. you betrayed me earssss." he pats them as if to punish them playfully. "Don't say that. Now i feel pressure to find a great song and to do my utmost best of the best." He holds his fist up in a determined way. He bows again. "Thank you so much Miru, my number one fan." Dejun reaches over offering his hands as if to shake her hands as people often do. His eyes widen as he look at her. "Crazy stalker...like those story in the outside world and their idols? You as my stalker like that....." He thinks a bit before nodding. "I'd like to see a Crazy stalker Miru as a fan one day." A wide grin plaster on his face thanking the waiter again as he start the short ribs biting his inner cheeks when asked about being called handsomely y. "I....not just dejun please." He avoided her eyes as he focused on the short ribs. His gaze flickered to hers. "Well...if its a part of you then please continue. Just expect me to be shy and probably blush a bunch occasionally." He admitted making a wrap for himself stuffing it into his mouth happily as she gave him a thumbs up. "I'll make you some kimchi fried rice one day. That is a good meal for sure." He flips the meat . "You wanna draw me playing???" He hums softly. "Those are the best kinds of flight. When the earth is calm and resting, it's you and the night sky."
Shiroma Miru [A] 4 years ago
@Xiao Dejun "You're welcome, it's more like your ears are blushing," Miru teased a little just using her chopsticks to point at one of her own ears. "Of course, you're special. I am not that great what so ever, and you should. I'll also make sure to compliment your songs and music - then become your number one fan - but like not a crazy stalker fan unless you want me too?" Miru winked at him just chuckling at her own actions. "No, but seriously, I would never be the crazy fan," Miru nodded as she watched him bow again. She thought it was a cute action, but didn't say anything as he seemed to not like being called cute that much as the then giggled at his next actions. "Oh, are you sure about that Cutie Dejun? Or should I go with handsomely y Dejun?" Miru tilted her head to the side as she bit down on her chopsticks a bit as she pondered her own question. "Ah, sorry - It's just because I am comfortable and I like you - and kitsunes are taught to be affectionate and compliment to show that to others," Miru nodded as she smiled as he placed a wrap on her plate, "Don't expect them to stop." "Oh thank you, I do. I love spice and kimchi is great. You can have it at a meal, as a snack, or it basically works in anything along with rice - but sometimes because of modeling you can't have a lot of rice, so kimchi becomes your best friend," Miru picked up the wrap just eating it as she nodded. She held up a thumbs up just letting him know that it was made well and tasted good. "And when you come to sing, then maybe I can draw you or we could some art together as thanks or just to hang out," Miru suggested as she glanced at him. "Then I would love to take a night starry sky ride with you one day," Miru smiled
Xiao Dejun 4 years ago
@Shiroma Miru Dejun nods his head in a slight bow for her compliment for his eyes. "Ah why thank you....i think its my turn to be blushing now?" his eyes soften as he was thankful it was more if his ears reddening rather than his face. He watch how she wrapped the kimchi before also copying her with his own trying it like that. "Ahh.....i feel super special now. Super honored to have the Great Miru allow me to see her beautiful aesthetically pleasing art works. I'll make sure comment on them really well." He gave a double thumbs up before bowing to her feeling honored. He blinks cutely before cupping his cheeks stopping as he embarrassed himself even more. "I'm not cute....i shall refuse." He tried to say it sternly but ends up laughing. "You're complimenting me so much that i dont know what to do or say anymore without embarrassing myself any more than i already am." He chuckles as he make a wrap for her with the kimchi and pork belly placing it on her plate once again. "Here is another one for you. You must love kimchi?" He was very observant as and her little dance seem to just confirm his thoughts. He took mental notes of what she said as a reminder to look up some songs that he can sing for her. The thought of working with the kids for music and dance sound like a fun event he havent done in a long time. "ballad songs. and kids songs for the Kits in the future. Got it." He place the rest of the pork belly onto his plate as he order some short ribs for the next round. "It's no bother i promise. Plus my dragon hands can hold onto you."
Shiroma Miru [A] 4 years ago
@Xiao Dejun Miru smiled as she watched him fan her blushed face. "Well, thank you. You're eyes sound beautiful as well. Gold and green pair well together," Miru told him as she smiled. Miru ate a few slices of kimchi as she also wrapped the kimchi around some pickled radish. "Well, I try to make my art pleasing and nice to look at it so that people can buy it for their homes, workspaces, or wherever. I am excited for you to see it too since I don't let just anyone in there. I've had a couple of people in past in, and it didn't turn out so well," Miru sighed a bit as she shook her head. Miru chuckled as she looked at him pat his stomach. "You're so cute, you know that?" Miru wasn't one that often held back what she thought and it usually just came out. "But don't worry, I'll eat a lot," Miru informed him as she bit into a fish cake wrapped kimchi. Miru loved kimchi mainly because of the spice. "Then I can't wait to hear your songs when you do finally put some out - but right now, I would love to hear you sing. You're speaking voice is nice so your singing voice must be amazing," Miru winked playfully at him then ate the rest of fishcake wrapped kimchi. She made her bite just with pork belly, kimchi, and fishcake as she smiled to herself just doing a small happy food dance in her chair. "Oh, I like all types of music. Hm, my favorite song? It's probably fairy of shampoo, I really love soft poppy ballad kind of songs," Miru picked up the kimchi side dish bowl just pour some of the kimchi juice over her rice. She set it back down as she started to mix up her rice a bit. "Oh, the kits would love that! They love music and to dance," Miru nodded before eating a spoonful of kimchi rice and some pork belly. "Yeah, they do. We are the only family that all of us have, so we show it." Miru nodded as her eyes lit up a bit. "Ah, really? It wouldn't be a bother?" Miru asked
Xiao Dejun 4 years ago
@Shiroma Miru Dejun reaches a hand over to fan her blushed face as if to fan away the blush. "I think that's pretty dang awesome.....I my eyes stays one color that comes with the dragon form and that's about it." He makes a slight thinking face as he think about if his eyes really change color. "Actually, mine is the soft golden brown of earth that have the green tint of nature when the lights hits it. The perks of being an earth dragon." Dejun flipped the pork belly a few more times as she explained to him her style of art. He hums and nods as he place the first piece onto her plate over the side dishes that he placed earlier. "Aesthetically pleasing sounds so beautiful already. I can't wait to visit your studio to get a better look at them. I'm sure your piece does more justice than my imagination." he place another piece onto her plate before placing one on his plate grilling the rest of the pork belly. "Please eat lots. it smells delicious already." He pats his hungry stomach as if he cant wait to have the food in him. "I'm slowly producing and writing. I think i'm more of a cover singer like what those youtubers do in the outside world." He takes a big happy bit along with the kimchi, fishcake, pickled horse radish and garlic nomming happily. "Mmmm." he gave her a thumbs up for their first choice of meat. "Ahh, what kind of music are you into, maybe i can try to play a song the next time i havemy guitar. Actually a favorite song that you'll like to hear on a guitar." Dejun grabs some rice placing it on her bowl before grabbing some and eating it happily. "I can probably play a few kids songs for the kits when i visit as well." He offer since he use to do shows and gigs anywhere he can to make money a while back. "Ah, these kits must love how well you treat them, Miru. You're helping them a lot." Dejun flipped the meat looking at her. "Shall i take you for a ride one of these days?"
Shiroma Miru [A] 4 years ago
@Xiao Dejun ( okies sounds good, take your time and have fun at your sister's! )
Xiao Dejun 4 years ago
@Shiroma Miru (Is at my sister. Will reply soon)


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kumiho 4 years ago
Hey there. I was busy and only now noticed that I was kicked from my character, but it seems like I never got any sort of notice whatsoever...
TheKpopRPGlossary 4 years ago

Hello, beautiful admins! Please, please, forgive us, if we have reached out before! We are simply just making sure that we are inclusive of EVERY rp possible in order to be fully thorough and available to the rp community on all platforms! After noticing the lack of open and active roleplay directories on tumblr, here we are. We are The Kpop Roleplay Glossary™ and we are honored to be able to invite you to join us! We would love to be able to assist you in growing your members, promoting your rp, and/or anything else we can do for you. We are here FOR YOU... and we would be extremely honored to be able to list your rp on our roster in order to promote your roleplay. We are unbiased, nonjudgmental, and offer 100% unconditional assistance. Whenever you get a free moment, please read through our rules and when you are ready, please submit your application - you are more than welcome to submit your application via an email address if you do not have a tumblr blog.

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A million +1 thank you's and we very sincerely look forward to having you join us!
~The Kpop Roleplay Glossary (#krpgloss)
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AureliaL 4 years ago
Hey hey! Is this rp still accepting? ^^
b5bd0aeded08c4e83d72 4 years ago
Can I request Lee Hoetaek (Hui) please?
Jhopeexoticvip 4 years ago
May I have Kwon Jiyong added please?
jeonha 4 years ago
a/r kim jongin for me please
Everme29 4 years ago
Lottie Moss please!
ab2b8ad03591c319871c 4 years ago
son chaeyoung please
0b18bc729aa513357aa1 4 years ago
lalisa manoban please
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