⁝ skeletons.

character skeletons.


width must be 240; height can be 100 or higher
❃ bang junha 5 days ago
- gender: male
- age: 30-35
- class: yangban, jungin, or sangmin
- relationship: complicated long term client (see notes)
- genre: , angst, is it really love or just an obsession?
- notes: a patron of junha's since he was beginning more professional work, muse a is a widower/divorcee, the connection is not healthy in the slightest. also willing to play around w some of the details, this is just a rough idea.
- faceclaim suggestions (certainly not required): lee jinki, lee hoseok, lim jaebeom, ok taecyeon, lee gikwang, bang yongguk, jung taekwoon, park junhee, han seungwoo, kang dongho.

muse a's life fell apart when they lost the love of their life. for many nights, they drowned their sorrows in drugs or alcohol, trying to numb the aching feeling left by their crumbled heart. often, the pain seemed too much to bear. one night in 1865, they saw what they initially believed to be the ghost of their former lover. or perhaps a spirit playing a cruel trick on their eyes. a beautiful young man with a charming smile, elegant movements, high cheekbones. and something within muse a stirred that evening, as if the dampened fires within had suddenly began to burn once more. the want - no, the need - to possess such a gorgeous person. to gain a semblance of control back into their life.

junha, young and all too eager to take advantage of an upper class man in emotional distress, agreed to come home with the wealthy man. and it was the beginning of a years long "relationship." it started with muse a remarking junha reminded them of their past wife. junha playing into it, "then call me your wife." it seemed mutually beneficial - muse a had someone to pour their heart to, someone to lay with in bed and junha was provided with fine clothing, gifts, money, so long as he played his part.

in the years of this affair, junha spun an entire life for the two of them, almost losing himself into playing the role of muse a's past wife. every word from his mouth, sweet and warm, was another lie. but the lies helped to numb the pain. some days, muse a would realize they truly knew nothing about junha, about his actual life. but did it even matter? the lies kept them happy and the charade dulled the pain that lingered in muse a's heart.
❃ myung jiwon 6 days ago
⠀¦ myung twin sister
⠀⠀↻ type: familial
⠀⠀↻ gender: female
⠀⠀↻ fc suggestions: n/a
⠀⠀↻ age: 22 years old
⠀⠀↻ extra notes:

you and jiwon were the only children of the myung family, after breaking the long line of only sons being born into the family. you and jiwon are close despite the differences between the two of you. jiwon is a bit more deceiving and always dragging you into trouble, but when it comes down to it, you would never leave her behind and she you.
✿ jin haeun 1 week ago
໒ ‧˚ㅤ ⨯ ㅤga yuseong

  ꗃ type: platonic / previously arranged marriage
  ꗃ gender preference: male, amab
  ꗃ fc suggestions: n/a, whoever you want! but if you want help: lee junho, ju jihoon, park haesoo, jung ilwoo, yoo yeonseok, ahn boyeon, jo insung, lee joon, kim woobin, namgoong min (all from the ilhwa wishlist), lee jinki, kim minseok, lee hyukjae, lee donghae
  ꗃ muse suggestions: homoual (lol), cheonmin previously jungin
  ꗃ age range: 38+ years old

you and haeun had been put into an arranged marriage back in 1854 (idk the exact year yet but she was 21 and you were around that age shdfgs), however, you knew you could never love her. you had known by that age that you were gay, only interested in men, but your parents would stop at nothing to make sure you were married and had an heir. so, when you met jin haeun, you were upfront with her.

"i am only interested in men. we can pretend to be married and in love, and you can have any sort of relationships with other men as you want, as will i. i will not judge you, and i will stop at nothing to defend you if you get caught. and— i hope we can be friends."

and so, young haeun, unwilling to disappoint her mother, agreed. arranged marriage is just how things go for the upperclass, and frankly, she thought that she got a good bargain. and in a way, she did, her own way of rebelling was by collecting lovers whose thoughts would only remain in her mind for a few hours and then never again. that is, until haeun woke up one day, having missed her period, and throwing up.

she was pregnant.

and so, you told her: "we will keep the baby. we will tell everyone he is mine, and if anyone questions it, i will end the conversation. the baby will be my son. you can continue seeing other men, but, you must not see the father of this baby ever again."

and the two of you raised ga seong together, a happy family. it helped that, during this time, the two of you became close friends, to the point haeun would rather spend time with you and her child than anywhere else. you were her best friend, and you'd say she was yours too.

10 years had passed, and you had started to feel sick. it was a common illness that hit you hard, leaving you bedridden for weeks. perhaps it was because you wanted to escape with your lover, or you wanted to escape the suffocating life of the upperclass, or because you saw how haeun yearned for a real marriage, either way, you faked your death and escaped into the night. never to be seen again.

until now.

✰⤸₊ ┊ ᴇxᴛʀᴀ ɴᴏᴛᴇꜱ : your name will not be ga yuseong upon joining, as your name will be a coverup since your character will be going into hiding. if you join before the ga family (temporary) lord skeleton, then i will leave the ga family planning up to you, but ofc, you cannot officially make it until the jungin family creation opens. also, i was thinking this character would be explicitly homoual and uninterested in haeun romantically (they are only friends), but if you really wish to make him biual, then feel free to do so, i just wasn't intending on him being a real romantic option for haeun lol. but the rest of the story must remain intact.
✿ jin haeun 1 week ago
໒ ‧˚ㅤ ⨯ ㅤthe ga family (temporary) lord

  ꗃ type: familial / antagonistic?
  ꗃ gender preference: male, amab
  ꗃ fc suggestions: n/a, whoever you want!
  ꗃ muse suggestions: jungin (when the ban ends rip), name should have yu or seong in it.
  ꗃ age range: 30+ years old

you are haeun’s brother in law. you had always looked up to your brother, yuseong, and your sister in law for keeping up a strong marriage in spite of the arrangement. however, after their son was born, ga seong, rumours had started to spread that he was not actually your brother’s son. you were firm in your defence of seong’s paternity, but as time went on, it became more and more obvious that seong may not have been yuseong’s. and everything came crashing down when you saw haeun with another man, and your brother had passed not too long after. did she kill him?

and, since your brother’s death, you have become head of the household until haeun’s son becomes of age.

✰⤸₊ ┊ ᴇxᴛʀᴀ ɴᴏᴛᴇꜱ : as of posting this skeleton i know the jungin ban is in place (and the creation of families ban may still be in place even after they can rejoin) but! the family has to be either jungin or yangban, since haeun was married off to them. when you take this skeleton ill leave most of the family’s ideas up to you, including any other siblings you may have aside from yuseong.
❃ lee jeonghui 1 week ago
In my father’s name has been taken.
❁ bae sanghyuk 2 weeks ago
Wife/ Ex-wife
- female, 30-35 years old, jungin/ sangmin class
- genre: slice of life, fluff/ angst [depends on which route you take]
- together they already have a five years old son named Jinhyuk
- we can discuss if they are still married or already divorced
❀ boo seunghyun 3 weeks ago
boo sister #2

- female. 27-28. jungin

being the middle sister, she shares a bond with her second brother, who is the middle child of the family. still she resents her family, especially her father, who sold her off as a child. luckily, the siblings banded together to get her back within a couple weeks. still that memory remains with her, reminding her what a piece of crap sukku can be. she tried her best to escape the first chance she had. despite her attempts to sever the family bonds, her father continues to blackmail her and force her to send him money monthly or at his convenience.

potential ideas

- she’s tried to distance herself from the family a number of times. part of it is out of shame. another is from the anger she has towards her parents. however, she always finds a way back to the boos. if not, she’s somewhat successfully maintained her distance on the outside, but still keeps in contact with her siblings
- while the boos are known for being hustlers, some people would not shy from calling her a gold digger. she's realistic about the family's situation and doesn't want to be held down by it.
❀ boo seunghyun 3 weeks ago
boo sister #3
- female. 25-26, jungin

she is the baby of the family, one of the many reasons why the boo siblings tend to coddle her. however, they also keep a close eye on her because of that one night. during a chase from a particular debt collector, muse a threw the rock that sent the debt collector to his death. she blames herself for what happened that night in the mountains, forcing the siblings to stay together and bear their dark shared secret.
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❀ boo seunghyun 3 weeks ago
the unfortunate link
- preference: 27-38
- relationship: reluctant pseudo or potential step siblings. most likely there is tension between muse a and the boo siblings.
- notes: muse a's father split from their family twenty-two years ago.

the boo family and muse a know there should be no animosity between them, but it is hard not to. after all, the boo sibling's mother and muse a's father ran off together twenty-two years ago. it was this event that made the boos and muse a the source of gossip for a few years. while the two set of children never interacted with one another, they knew each other's faces and shared a certain shame that only they would understand.

despite the mutual silence between them, things are turned upside down when their parents return after all these years with a family of their own. now they are all are forced to confront their parents and each other.
❀ kang heejin 3 weeks ago
⤳ 40s — 50s
⤳ sangmin who became jungin
⤳ male
currently an art dealer who commissions local artists to forge art pieces from meagre portraits to the scale of the “standing beauty”, all done clandestinely, this particular man grew up in relatively humble origins, eating mushy rice before the last flame dies out, made from his mother’s love as she worked tirelessly in textiles while his father was relatively absent in his life. his only escape from the tedium was through indulging in art, not just presented in a framed painting, but also the art surrounding him. the art of putting on an act, crafting an illusion that can fool anyone.

though he was satisfied with the life he lived before, he felt he was entitled to better, bigger things. throughout his life, he immersed himself into multiple identities. one year, he was an itinerant peddler who lived in an inn owned by a derelict woman, the other, he was a sailor, part of a platoon led by a boisterous lieutenant.

eventually, after the tiring hours slaving for menial work, he found his big break in staging a theft of art, having someone mimic the stylings of a royal court painter, whilst banking on the fakes imported to locals and to those abroad. now spending money with lavish profusion, it is unknown the heights he expected to take with his shady dealings.

in kahoots with kang dongyul (current head of house of the cygnet, kang heejin’s older brother) as he is a patron of his.

could work in tandem with the “perfect crime” plot.
❀ kang heejin 3 weeks ago
⤳ anywhere from 20s to 40s
⤳ cheonmin / sangmin
⤳ any gender
someone who was born out of nothing attempted to bring others to their level. through “jacking” their possessions, they curated an illegal business out of the lost items of others. bored of the lack of focus, however, the idea to begin “collecting” palanquins and cargo specifically hatched in their head. the source was unknown, they claimed it was an original idea.
❃ lee jeonghui 3 weeks ago
in my father's name
- gender: any
- age: mid 30s at the possible youngest, ideally 40+
- class: any
- occupation: ideally someone politically involved, military, or another assassin/mercenary
- relationship: enemies
- genre: drama
- notes: when i say jeonghui wants this person DEAD dead, i mean like DEAD BY HIS OWN BARE HANDS dead. but in a good world, in a good arc, he understands that killing this person won't change his past, nor save his family, or bring his father back and would spare the murderer.

Beom Hojun was a jungin man who worked as an interpreter for many political officials. He's interacted with diplomats from Qing, Nihon, and other countries beyond. An astute and hardworking man, he was a good example for his two sons; Daeil and Daesung. But with any political job, one is bound to make some enemies. On a night in 1861, you snuck into the Beom Estate while his two sons were out enjoying the nightlife. You had come with a specific intention - to take out Beom Hojun. Just as you were about to strike him down, he reacted in the nick of time and knocked you to your feet before running outside the estate. He picked up his youngest son, Daesung's blade, and tried to fight you off with it. But his hands weren't trained, they were shaky and he hesitated. You cut clean through the man with his son's blade, dropping it down into the pool of blood. You fled the scene before you saw the outcome, but it wasn't long until the news had spread that Beom Hojun and Daeil were found buried. The youngest son was never found.

Almost a decade later, the youngest son returned, and under a new identity. He spent countless nights tracking your every move, following paper trails and leads until finally. He found you. The person that killed his father, that single handedly destroyed the Beom clan. The fire blazing within Jeonghui's eyes told you all you needed to know - this man was after revenge. And he was going to have it, no matter what.
❁ cheon suryeon 1 month ago
⁀➴ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀʟ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ ꜱᴋᴇʟᴇᴛᴏɴ

"ᴋᴋᴀɴɢᴘᴀᴇ" ver 1

ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ — any
ꜱᴏᴄɪᴇᴛᴀʟ ʀᴀɴᴋ — cheonmin
ᴀɢᴇ — late 20s and up
ᴏᴄᴄᴜᴘᴀᴛɪᴏɴ — marketplace "gangster"
ɪɴꜱᴘɪʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴ — the rebel's hong ahmogae

once a slave, muse had freed themselves* and became a leader of a band of misfits that goes around the marketplace to either (a) maintain peace (voluntary peacekeepers) and protect vendors from getting coerced to pay more taxes by vile tax collectors or (b) become the feared lackey of the tax collectors themselves and collect taxes—perhaps, coercing more than needed to keep their own found family alive.

(*) up to you how they freed themselves! but if taking inspiration from hong ahmogae, there would be rumours of how they freed themselves: mainly by murdering their own master but was falsely accused (you can search more of hong ahmogae by watching the drama or er, spoil yourself by looking for what happened).

ᴘʀɪᴏʀ ᴄᴏɴɴᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴꜱ
ᴄʜᴇᴏɴ ꜱᴜʀʏᴇᴏɴ — the marketplace has been her playground (aside from nature) during her youth, sharing her hunting souvenirs or buying out pigeons. she has since still visit the marketplace due to having taught children of vendors. they crossed paths during a skirmish with a tax collector and bonded as friends (if option a) or as frenemies (if option b). (not required to connect with if you have a whole different outlook!)
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✿ jin onhui 1 month ago
- gender: any
- age: any
- station: any
- personality: bitter; deep rooted hatred for the jin family/baek family or yangban families
- relationship: enemies; the one who poisoned the young bride-to-be, nearly taking her life
- genre: drama

only one person knows the truth behind jin onhui’s poisoning. but to the rest of the ton here are their suspicions:

1. it’s an enemy of the baek’s, they would be too powerful aligned with the jin’s, the marriage must be prevented

2. it’s the curse of wang dojeon. freaky things happen to people in that family, it’s just one of those things

3. the jin’s are too powerful, it’s a political rival who wants to hurt jin jaeha where it hurts the most

4. it’s someone who wants to marry jin onhui themselves, that’s why she’s not dead, that’s why it’s just bad enough to break her engagement.

but what’s the real truth? only you would know. (please pm onhui/naevis to discuss ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡)
❀ lee bokyung 1 month ago
↣ ex husband。
⠀⠀↪︎ gender︙male
⠀⠀↪︎ age︙38-43
⠀⠀↪︎ rank︙cheonmin or sangmin
⠀⠀↪︎ occupation︙up to you
⠀⠀↪︎ possible personality︙possible nosiness, but not gossipy? most of this is up to you <3
⠀⠀↪︎ notes︙
⠀⠀.ᐟ TW: mentions of child death.
⠀⠀⠀.ᐟ bokyung is currently 37 ( birthdate: april 15 1828) so the timeline is going off of her age since the connection age is still undetermined.
⠀⠀⠀.ᐟ you and bokyung got married when she came of age at 21 years, it was an arranged marriage, set in ploy by both your parents and hers.
⠀⠀⠀.ᐟ bokyung, might have not been completely for the marriage, but she was a pliant daughter, and did as her parents told her, so she didn’t argue against it.
⠀⠀⠀.ᐟ bokyung had an affair with the one who held her heart, however, she was able to keep the secret from you. you probably found out about it at some point down the road, closer to your divorce.
⠀⠀⠀.ᐟ you and bokyung had expected children twice, however, they were both stillborn. both of them being sons.
⠀⠀⠀.ᐟ you gave up on trying to have children with bokyung, thinking she was unable to carry a child and it survive. accusing her of the problem.
⠀⠀⠀.ᐟ there has to be some crime that your character did, that her father was able to pin against you. this can be discussed.
⠀⠀⠀.ᐟ when you two finally get a divorce, her father, though not happy about the situation, wasn’t about to let his daughter ruin his family name so he used this crime to his advantage, ruining your reputation.
⠀⠀⠀.ᐟ when the two of you cross paths it, despite the past conflict, it isn’t always bad (though this is rare)
⠀⠀⠀.ᐟ more information to be discussed further! please pm for inquiries!
✿ seol taejoon 1 month ago
the twins and the serpent
- sangmin or cheonmin. their family is/was cheonmin, who once worked for the goo family before their demise at least twenty-five years ago.
- age: 35-42
- personality: bitter about their situation, needing to care for their father. they feel held back because of their responsibilities, but also their guilt towards what they have done to the goo clan.
- please send a group pm to seol taejoon and juhwan if interested

injuries may be forgiven, but not forgotten - aesop's fables

duke goo of changwon had a righteous image, thus his downfall was more impactful than most, not many expecting the accusations of murder and money laundering. when witnesses came forth, it was hard to deny such claims. especially when the witnesses were the duke’s servant and the servant's child, muse a. why would a child say such lies against a once good man?

however, it was possible. the servant and muse a were coerced into testifying, but also received a hefty reward in the process. the money eased the guilt for some time and bought the family’s freedom, but the uneasiness lingered still. karma eventually made its way back, the servant was ill for years and muse a was forced to care for their sickly father. bitterness grew in muse a’s heart for the turn of life’s events, but occasionally wondered what ever happened to the goo family and if this was all deserved.

one rainy night as they were tending to their father, they saw two shadowy figures in the doorway. it was the goo twins, the ghosts of their past, who were now ready to become the grim reaper and exact their revenge. yet, seeing muse a and their father’s condition, it stirred unexpected feelings. juhwan felt an odd satisfaction. taejoon felt pity and it angered him, wanting to take his revenge, but unable to do so in that moment.

- juhwan: can be discussed.
- taejoon: extremely antagonistic. understands muse a to a certain extent, knowing that muse a had little options back then. his anger and need for revenge will not let him see clearly.

faceclaim suggestions: park haesoo, choi sooyoung, lee hanee, kim taehee, jo insung, seo inguk, kwon yuri, jung haein, cha jooyoung, son hyekyo, lee joobin, han boreum, lee sangyoon, lee jungshin, jung yonghwa, ahn jaehyun, yoo yeonseok
✿ jin jaeha 1 month ago
she wanted to hear her name once
- preference: female. ic age: 38-44. yangban preferably. if a jungin, has to come from an extremely wealthy/connected family with a polished personality (in private, depends on you). the character and her family are extremely close to jaeha’s mother
- relationship: he has her heart and soul, but she barely has a piece of his. they are childhood friends/confidants (depending on muse a’s age). an unrequited crush/love, eventually turned mistress/somewhat situationship because of the differences in their feelings for one another.
- inspired by tale of the nine tailed 1938’s lee yeon and ryu hongjoo.
- inspiration video: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/hDdERU2A2BI
- genre: angst, drama, romance, and (can fade to black)

as much as duchess dowager jin loved her grandchildren, she always chided jaeha for not listening to her. she wished he married muse a, her first choice for a daughter in law and her best friend’s daughter. if only he did, maybe he would had avoided a lifetime of hurt that his ex inflicted on him.

whenever jaeha and muse a raced with the other kids in the area, she was a few steps behind, watching him and only him. he was never fully in her grasp, never quite catching up to him as he walked further and further away from her. jaeha and muse a were childhood friends, whose parents hoped would marry in the future. they shared everything with each other from snacks to secrets, except for muse a’s feelings for him. despite their parents’ plans for them, he fell for someone else and could not envision anyone else in his life. seeing how enchanted he was, she decided to hide her feelings for him.

years passed, she saw jaeha’s growth as a family man and politician. despite some undesirable changes, she accepted jaeha for who he was. however, one cold rainy night fourteen years ago, she found him wasted at her door. he learned his wife cheated on him and he had to see muse a. it was that night the once devoted jin jaeha was unfaithful to his wife for the first time. since then, he seeks out muse a for comfort, sometimes physical, sometimes emotional, and the occasional both. he comes and goes when he pleases. he gives her false hope with his visits and moments of affection. he loves her as his best friend, but she could never be his great love like his ex.

yet, muse a lets this continue for the same reasons she never confessed over twenty years ago. a life of pain from him was better than one without him.

potential ideas and notes
- muse a is assisting both jaeha and wang dojeon, hoping this would keep the former married couple separated.
- if muse a is divorced, jaeha helped her with the procedure. most likely ruined her ex husband in the process. the ex-husband could be another potential connection/skeleton?
- can be combined with the connection, “the one he intentionally left behind”
- reposted to fix some details
- faceclaim suggestions: honey lee(!), kim taehee(!), han yeseul(!), cho yeojung, im soohyang, kim hyojin, shin minah, song hyekyo, jeon jihyun(!), kim jaekyung(!), lee dahee, kim ahjoong, lee jiah, cheon woohee, kwon yuri, park minyoung, lee minjung, min hyorin, jang heejin, lee boyoung, eugene (ses), ha jiwon, han boreum(!), seo hyunjin.
❀ kang heejin 1 month ago
✤ sibling skeleton 1.0

« female
« jungin
« from the ages 21-23
« titles: lady, lady of gapyeong
« musician (instruments are up to you)

as the youngest child in her family, it was expected for her to be doted on. however, despite accruing numerous wins in competitions under her belt, she was overshadowed by her other siblings. instead of resorting to her current rebel attitude, she was in a depressive state and nearly quit music entirely. but one day, she ran away from home and found solace in a person who suffered from insomnia, as her music put them to sleep.

! notes: tbd when she returns to her family but i have it in mind that the kangs went on a town wide search for her.
❀ kang heejin 1 month ago
✤ sibling skeleton 2.0

« female
« jungin
« from the ages 25-27
« titles: lady, lady of gapyeong
« former musician (instruments are up to you) + uinyeo in training

second to youngest in the kang family, and the middle between three sisters, it was assumed she was overshadowed. in a way, the assumptions were right. however, she was satisfied with not being in the limelight. unremarkable in the eyes of others, she found it hard to understand the high strung nature of her siblings.
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✿ jin jaeha 1 month ago
the runaway/wang dojeon
- preferences: male. 40-45 years old. sangmin or cheonmin
- note: the character is missing either a couple of fingers or his dominant hand. your choice

wang dojeon accepted at a young age that his status would hold him back, but there was little that he could do about it. instead, he joined the military in hopes that it could elevate his family up slightly. just a bowl of sticky white rice was a major improvement from the mixed grain mush they had for dinner. class did not matter as much to him until he fell for a yangban/jungin woman. they were young and in love, but that did not matter. as a poor solider, they had no future together. instead, she was arranged to marry jin jaeha, a wealthy official and rising name in the political sphere. while they broke things off, they kept in touch for some time until she cut ties completely.

years would pass before he befriended song jinye, a fellow soldier and close friend of the wife. sympathetic for the man that was like an older brother to her and his heartbreak, jinye reconnected the former couple. it was this reunion and eventual affair that would lead to the jins and wangs to be lost in a poisonous web for life. after being discovered and ratted out by the youngest jin child, jaeha would set off on a mission to drag the couple down to the same hell as him.

after surviving a near death mission, dojeon would get bitten in the from a mistake made many years ago, getting involved with espionage more specifically. with his golden piece of information, jaeha used this to put dojeon on trial for treason, spearheading the case himself personally. death would had been his calling, close to it with a loss of a finger or two and/or a hand. luckily duke song and his former lover intervened, leading to the soldier’s exile. it would be this punishment that caused one of the wang family members to place a curse on the jin family, revenge for what jaeha and his ex-wife did to them.

despite his brush from death, dojeon did not find exile easy. with the loss of his fingers/hand, it seemed difficult to do what he loved. away from his family, it only deepened the pain and regret he had. eventually he made his grand escape, now stuck as a runaway with the government and jin family on his back. for now, he hides and moves with a travelling circus. however, the group is stuck in hanseong for the next few months.

potential connections:
- jin jaeha: mortal enemies. jaeha swears he will ruin and destroy dojeon ten times over for the hurt caused to him and his family. he won’t be stuck in his personal hell alone.
- the song family: close friends of jaeha's ex wife, they stepped in when she asked for their help. it is also song jinye who helped reconnect the two lovers.
- jin jaeyong: jaeha and jihye’s first child. while it is pure paranoia and untrue, there are times when jaeha suspects dojeon of being his son’s father.
- jin onhui: jaeha and jihye’s youngest child. she was the one who discovered and reported the affair to her father.
- the former duchess of ganghwa (npc for now): dojeon’s former lover and jaeha’s ex wife, the link between the two men and source of their rivalry.

fc suggestions: jo jungseok, jung jihoon, park haesoo, lee sangyoon, kim namgil, jo insung, hyun bin, shin sungrok, kim mooyeol, jung sungil, jung kyungho, um kijoon, yoo jitae, kang dongwon, jisung (actor), song joongki, and lee minki
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✿ seol taejoon 1 month ago
two faced
- formerly sangmin or cheonmin, now jungin
- occupation: face reader and acupuncturist
- age: late 20s to early 40s
- inspired by the king’s face’s kim dochi

muse a is regarded as joseon’s best face reader, being able to read anyone’s personality and fate based on one’s physical traits, even down to the individual’s voice. they are even capable of tweaking one’s features through acupuncture, bringing a new balance to people’s faces, somehow influencing demeanor and fate over time. however, not much is known about the mysterious face reader and their rise.

muse a came from humble roots, whose fate met a terrible turn when their parents were unjustly imprisoned and murdered. miraculously able to escape, they made their way to a village where the king’s former face reader resided. it was there, they were told their face was almost impossible to read because they had two images, two fates. the first route was a life of peace and simplicity, one without greed and resentment. second was that of power, but being that of a poisoned sword because of the anger they hold and need to seek revenge for their parents’ deaths. despite the face reader teaching muse a the skills of face reading, he poisoned the latter in hopes of having muse a reborn and pick a better path. with this rebirth from many years ago, did it spur muse a to choose a life of peace or that of revenge?

potential connections/skeletons
- the betrayer: there are two faces that muse a cannot read. the first is that of the love of their life. they are unable to read their face and see that their lover will/did betray them because of their love for them.
- the sword: the second face that muse a cannot read because person is destined to kill them. could even add in that the person is related to their parents’ murders.

fc suggestions: shin sungrok, jeon jihyun, lee jiah, go kyungpyo, kim soyeon, lee elijah, cha jooyoung, park haesoo, lee sangyoon, han yeseul, jo insung, lee honey, park seojun, seohyun, seo inguk, park jiyeon, lee minki, lee wongeun, na inwoo, gong seungyeon, lee seyoung, jung sungil, shin hyesun, um kijoon, seo hyunjin, yoo inna, kim heejung, lee joon, lee yubi, kang dongwon, han boreum, kim taeri, jo yoonhee, jisung (actor), song hyekyo, kim jihoon, lee chaerin, kim jaewook, jang nara
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❀ yoo hyunsik 2 months ago
↣ possible fiancee。
⠀⠀↪︎ gender︙female
⠀⠀↪︎ age︙(preferably) 24+
⠀⠀↪︎ rank︙preferably jungin
⠀⠀↪︎ occupation︙up to you
⠀⠀↪︎ possible personality︙possible nosiness, but not gossipy? most of this is up to you <3
⠀⠀↪︎ notes︙
⠀⠀⠀.ᐟ pm hyunsik and read his profile to get some background information on him (reading his other connections will help with a small idea of him as well)
⠀⠀⠀.ᐟ you and hyunsik have known each other for a while, whether it be actually familiar with each other or have just known each others names. you're families were close at least once upon a time and the talks of betrothal between the two of you are being tossed around. when the two of you catch wind of this, you decide to reach out to each other (can be discussed who reaches out first.) the two of you are both against this betrothal for your own reasons, however, a bit of you knows that there is more behind the reason why hyunsik doesn't wish to marry you, and you're determined to figure out what for.
⠀⠀⠀.ᐟ i don't plan out end games with my characters unless it makes sense! depending on how writing and characters connect then decides whether i would want to discuss further plans.


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polaroidmem 13 hours ago
thank you for the warm chats and beautiful memories in ilhwa. may your stories never end. and all of you lovely people, please stay healthy as always. again, my infinite gratitude for having me. signing off, jinyoung.
yellowmoonz 2 days ago
hello! just wondering, is han hyojoo available as a faceclaim?
ilhwamun [A] 1 week ago
* ・゚   happy one year, ilhwazens! * ❁ 。

✦ don’t forget to favorite before commenting! all reservations will last for 48 hours!
✦ not sure who to be and how it works? you can find more information about our lore in the < guidebook > and some character ideas in < skeletons >. scroll down for our unofficial wishlist!
✦ make sure to read the < season's court > and < family seals > rooms before brainstorming your character! additional lore can be found in < the ton directory >.
✦ any questions you need answered? comment and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!

  ♡ 일화。

* ・゚ population stats: 61 men & 54 women; 115 esteemed members of the ton.

⚘ ilhwa's (un)official wishlist, compiled by our dearest ilhwazens.

(men) WOMEN IN ILHWA ARE BEGGING TO BE BAREFOOT IN THE KITCHEN MAKING A SANDWICH FOR: lee jehoon, mark lee, lee junyoung, yoo insoo, ju jihoon, go kyungpyo, park haesoo, jung ilwoo, lee seunghyub, yoo yeonseok, kim youngkyun, lee sangyi, lee taesun, choi wooshik, kim jaewook, im jaebeom, ahn bohyun, jo insung, lee hongki, lee joon, hwang inyeop, kim woobin, song mingi, lee chan, choi beomgyu, kim jongdae, jung jinyoung, namgoong min, lee hoseok, kim jaejoong, seo inguk, sf9, mx, svt

(women) MEN IN ILHWA WILLING TO FIGHT A RABID BEAR WITH THEIR BARE HANDS AND BUILD A HOUSE FROM SCRATCH FOR: kim jaekyung, cha jooyoung, yoo shiah, lee elijah, nam yujeong, jang heejin, han yeseul, shin minah, song hyekyo, seo hyunjin, kim ahyoung, kim hyuna, lee jooyoung, jeon somin (kard), kim jiho, lee chaerin, kang mina, im nayeon, lee saerom, cheetah, honey lee, eugene, bada, shin hyesun, lee seyoung, han boreum, seol inah, kim taehee, seo yeji, lee mijoo, kim jiyeon, oh yeonseo, fromis_9, wjsn, snsd, t-ara, kara, rv, bbgirls, dreamcatcher, lovelyz
babygirlwonwoo 1 week ago
hello, i would like to reserve jeon wonwoo! i have an old account that can used for verification! ^^
inertialsunflower 1 week ago
hi i was wondering if i could get Choi Yeonjun as Moon Minsu again? i apologize for not being here ;;;;
vinnivece 2 weeks ago
hello, hi. i would perhaps like to come back now that i'm free! ^^ can i please reserve kang hanna under the name jeong hyebin?
pragmatic 3 weeks ago
Hello. I was hoping kim hyang-gi is available as a faceclaim?
grumps 3 weeks ago
hey, how do i request for an old character? requesting for go miro btw
frecklycheeks 1 month ago
*slides smoothly* heyyyy….. can i pls have han jisung <3
kurokawa 1 month ago
Hi <3 I was wondering, if Felix was available?
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